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96.55% Amphibia : A journey through fairy-tale worlds / Chapter 56: 55. Past and Present

Chapter 56: 55. Past and Present

All day they drove around the city, in places where their parents are not.

Adam specifically avoided the areas where their parents work. After all, he knew for sure that they would not get along on their heads for absenteeism. But on the neck they can.

So basically they skated in crowded places, closer to the city center. Adam drove the car forward and felt the wind on his face, which made him involuntarily smile.

Sasha was sitting next to him and with her hand on the door, sunglasses on her face, she was enjoying the ride with a smile. Her friends, her car, and Adam were here. Everything she dreamed about last weekend, when her parents bought a car.

Marcie and Ann, with stars in their eyes, sat in the backseat and behaved as cool as possible. They pretended to be queens, because they drove a car. On the way, they also met their classmates and naturally they could not pass by.

As Adam drove slowly past them, Marcie and Ann looked at the stunned faces, then winked and Adam pressed the gas.

They did this several times and each time their laughter only got louder.

They drove around the city for several hours, after which they left it. They calmly drove through the city limits, after which there was only a road in front of them.

A long and endless road, with landscapes on the sides.

It was already lunch and they were hungry. Then they stopped near the forest and decided to have a picnic. True, he was terrible.

They had no food and all that was in Sasha's trunk was gasoline and fuel, with which they built a fire. There was an apple tree nearby and after picking a couple of apples, they decided to bake them.

Oh, that was terrible. At the first bite, they almost vomited. Especially Sasha, she had such a funny expression on her face that they just couldn't help themselves. And my stomach was almost bursting with laughter.

And that's how they spent the day. The rest of the day until evening, they sat on the edge of the forest, listened to forest sounds, ate disgusting baked apples and just talked, lying on the grass and enjoying the shade of the trees.

That day was great, one of his best days. But who knew that on the way back, everyone apologize.


"Okay, okay, listen. One guy from the parallel decided to approach me somehow...."

It was almost night when they decided to return. After putting out the fire and collecting all the garbage, they loaded up and headed home. There was not enough gasoline, but enough to return.

And while Adam was driving with a smile on his face, Sasha turned to her friends and started telling stories.

"And? What did you say?". - Ann asked, yawning slightly

"Of course i refused! He was so ridiculously angry afterwards. A couple of times he even tried to try again, hmph!". - Sasha snorted and inadvertently looked at Adam

"And let me guess...". - Adam turned to her, not following the road

"... you were naturally rude to him, went through his personality, disgraced him in front of everyone....".

"Adam...." – Marcie called

"....and then I came up with some funny nickname for him, say...."Duck legs"?".

"Hey! How do you know! ". – Sasha hit him in the arm

"Of course I know, because he came up to me a couple of times. for advice". - he grinned at her

"Adam...!" – Marcie tried again

"No, way. So it was you who told him that I like carnations? ". – Sasha looked at him with her mouth open


"Damn it! Adam. I'm allergic to them! ".

"I know, but then he didn't approach you, did he? You owe me a thank you...."

"ADAM! " – Marcie screamed


"MAN! "

Adam immediately switched to the road. Ahead, he could see a slightly staggering man holding a bottle in his hand. He was dressed in rags and crossing the road did not notice the car tormenting him, sucking on the bottle.



Adam immediately started to put on the brake, trying to steer the car. But Antoinette has already gained enough speed, so it will not be possible to stop quickly. The car continued to approach the man while he was drinking strong alcohol.

"GO AWAY! " – Adam shouted, taxiing the car

"Mmm? " – the man finally paid attention to the place around him

He saw bright headlights approaching him. His body shook, but he couldn't move. Fear enveloped him.


"ADAM! What should we do?! " Ann screamed

"Damn it! I don't want to go to jail! I'm still too young! " – Sasha grabbed her hair

"Adam, pull out! Go sideways! Adam, fuck the car! The main thing is that we remain safe and sound!" – Marcie screamed in her brother 's ear


Adam immediately began to steer sideways. He turned the steering wheel with all his strength and the car slowly began to shift. But it wasn't enough! They were getting closer and closer.



Adam slammed on the brake, then into the gas. He began to turn the steering wheel quickly. The car began to shift rapidly. Literally a few inches were not enough for the car and the man to meet.


Adam started to pull out and stop the car. Antoinette finally calmed down and stopped.


Adam breathed slowly, squeezing himself into the chair. His hands were white because of the strength with which he held the steering wheel. The girls were not in the best condition.

Sasha was breathing heavily, clutching her chest.

Ann wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, looking at the sky.

Marcie exhaled and rested her forehead on Adam's chair in front of her. While she was calming down, a thought occurred to her.

"We need to check it out. We can't just leave."

Adam exhaled slowly and unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car. He started looking around for a man. And I found him... lying on the ground.

"Nonsense! I didn't even touch you! ".

Adam quickly ran up to the body and put his finger on its neck. But there was no pulse. No matter how frantically Adam searched for a pulse, it was not there.


Adam looked back and saw the girls standing behind him. He shook his head with a heavy heart. The man was dead.

"Damn, damn, damn, damn! ". – Sasha started walking in circles

"We need to get out. We need to leave urgently while there are no cops." – she stopped and dared to Adam

"You can't do that. You can't just leave him here..."– Adam looked at the body with regret

"As much as possible! Come on, start the car! I don't want to...."


Before Sasha could finish her sentence, a police car jumped out from around the corner. She drove up to them and two cops ran out of her, who immediately ran up to them and pulled out their weapons.

"Everyone stay in your seats! I'm Officer Morgan, what happened here? "

A female cop came up to them and seeing Adam near the body, looked around them with a serious look.

"Officer, something happened here...."– Adam wanted to say about the misunderstanding, but he was interrupted by a scream

"He hit him! It's him! "

Adam turned around, he couldn't believe his ears. Sasha was shouting, pointing at him with her finger.

"He hit him! This man suddenly jumped out onto the road and...he didn't have time to slow down" – under Adam's gaze, Sasha continued to invent a story

"Sasha, what are you talking about?! "

Adam got up and tried to approach her, but was stopped by Officer Morgan's hand.

"I didn't shoot him down! "

"But you were driving! "

Sasha swallowed and pointed at him.

"You were driving and didn't have time to slow down! "

"This is nonsense!". - Adam covered his face and sighed

"I managed to leave! I didn't even scratch it! Marcie and Ann can confirm this. " – he pointed to his two friends

Ann and Marcie flinched under his gaze. They both looked at each other. Sasha pushed them imperceptibly.

"Well, you know... it was dark and I didn't see....". - Ann stuttered a little and began to speak

"Plus I was sitting in the backseat...."– she turned away from him, just not to look into his eyes

"Ann! And you too?! Marcy, why are you silent?! You yourself told me how to leave! " – he looked at his sister

Marcie didn't say anything. Her whole body was shaking and she was looking ahead while her gaze was empty. At his cry, Na shuddered, then bit her lip and turned away from him, straight into Sasha's arms.

"Marcy...." his hands slowly lowered

He looked at his sister with a dejected look. His eyes lost their emotions while his body slowly became heavy.

"Sir, were you driving? " – the officer asked him

Adam didn't say anything, just looked at his three friends. Sasha held Marcie in her arms and stroked her, trying not to look into his eyes. Ann turned half sideways to him, avoiding his gaze in every possible way and trembling slightly.

Marcie was lying in Sasha's arms and crying quietly, buried in her chest.

He looked at them as emotions disappeared from his eyes. The colors began to fade, everything turned dark white.

"Sir, can you hear me? Were you driving? " the officer made her one attempt

"...." – Adam just silently looked ahead

"Eh." – Officer Morgan sighed and took out the handcuffs

"You are detained until all the circumstances are clarified. You have the right to a lawyer and to..."

While his rights were being read out and handcuffs were being put on his hands, he didn't say anything. He stared into the void, trying to digest what was happening.

He no longer remembered how they put him in the car and brought him to the police station. He will not remember how he was interrogated and his parents were brought in. He won't remember the conversation with the lawyer.

Later it turned out that he was not involved in the murder. The man had a heart attack from fright, plus the alcohol he had drunk and the leaks found in his body. He was found not guilty and released home.

He doesn't remember it.

The only thing he remembered was their looks. They looked at him with fear in their eyes. But it wasn't him they were afraid of. They were afraid of what might happen to them.

Their fear and their betrayal, that's what he remembered.

The cheerful laughter, warm hugs and colors disappeared. He felt cold and lonely.

Everything turned into black and white.

And so did he.


It all started with the reproaches of parents. When they visited the police station, they began to reprimand him and tried to encourage him to take the blame. They wanted him to take the blame for something he didn't do. At that moment, the image of kind and happy parents disappeared from his head.

All he saw in front of him was a couple of adults worried about their reputation.

And even when he was released, they never stopped. They didn't tell him that directly, but he saw it. Sharp looks, quick and sharp movements, the attempt is not nearby. Maybe they were ashamed of their behavior, or maybe they just didn't want to admit their mistakes.

Next, there was a school. Because of the whole story, he was gently hinted to "rest for an indefinite time" or "disappear so that it doesn't hurt us." And he did it.

He calmly took his documents from school, let his things out of the locker and proudly left the school. He felt like Moses, because everyone in his path stepped aside, giving him a passage like the sea.

Whispering behind his back, pointing at him, the nickname "Killer", he didn't care. Why would he pay attention to a crowd that didn't bother him.

Moving towards the exit, he saw Ann. She was unlocking the drawer and didn't notice his presence. Adam wanted to say something, but decided not to.

She wasn't worth wasting time on. But who was worth it, so it's Sasha.

He saw her on the way out. She stood there and looked at him, with a complicated look. He restrained himself from attacking her, clutching a box of things. He could partially understand her, because she was trying to save herself.

"I hope you got what you wanted" – he walked up to her and stood in front of her

Sasha clasped her hands on the strap of her briefcase. Maybe she wanted to tell him something, wanted to. But those words never came out of her mouth.

He walked past her and headed into the crowd. At the very end he stopped and turned to her. He smiled at her like an old friend.

"After all, this is the last time we see each other."

Then he turned away and headed home. He didn 't turn around and that 's why he didn 't notice the guilt in her eyes .as well as the hand that reached out to him. Sasha wanted to rush to him, but something inside stopped her.

That was the last time he saw her. And it was the turn of the last thing that made him disappear.

His sister.

In order not to feel the eyes on him, not to hear the whispers and reproaches, Adam hid in his room. He doesn't know how long he was there, maybe days, maybe months. All he did was stare at the ceiling.

He looked and thought, why is it all for him. And it wasn't enough for him to self-flagellate, so his former younger sister was bothering him every day now. Marcie came to his door every day and talked to him.

At first, she tried to talk to him. After, she started to apologize. And the last thing he remembered, she tearfully begged him for forgiveness.

Words, just words. Adam listened, but didn't get into it. Was he thinking what to do next? He was thrown out of school, his friends betrayed him, his parents and sister too. He no longer has anyone for whom he would stay here.

His only entertainment was the Internet, into which he plunged headlong. But even funny videos with kittens did not help him, although they were really funny and cute.

And then, an idea came to him. She just appeared out of nowhere in his head.

(Maybe I...disappear)

Adam at first thought it was nonsense, but the more he thought about it, the more this idea ceased to be nonsense. This thought was eating him up from the inside, moving towards the brain.

Adam no longer had anyone to stay for. There was nothing he stopped for. And one day, he finally decided.

He stood in front of the mirror and looked at his face, tired from lack of sleep, with huge bags under his eyes and said:

"Today I will disappear."

He sat down at the table and taking a piece of paper began to write a farewell letter. He hovered over her for hours, writing out everything he had accumulated over the last months of loneliness. And when he finished, when he put down his pen and looked at the words....he ate it.

He took the note, rolled it up and stuffed it down his throat. All his feelings, innermost secrets, thoughts over the past months, everything was here. He relieved his soul, talked himself out so that later he would not have a desire to return.

Swallowing the paper and washing it down with water. He started packing. He decided not to take much, because he didn't want things to remind him of home.

He took a bottle of water, some cash, as well as his clothes. Before leaving, he slept, ate, took a shower and waited until everyone left the house.

In a quiet and lonely house, he was saying goodbye to himself. He was saying goodbye to his former self, gently stroking the walls of this house. He looked at the happy photos and decided to take one of them as a reminder. The one where they're all together. So, he will never forget.

He left the house and closed the door, threw the key on the lawn. Standing in front of his former home, he was smiling. For the first time in months, emotions showed on his face. He examined the house carefully before turning away and leaving.

And from that moment, his life, free from everyone, began. There were both happy and sad moments in it. But Adam didn't want to think about them anymore.

After all, this is a completely different story.....


Adam opened his eyes and exhaled. He wiped small tears from the corner of his eyes and looked ahead at Andreas.

"Are you done? ". - Andreas was looking at him, holding the box

"Yes, thanks for waiting. I needed it."

Adam smiled at him and stood up. The three bodies under his feet were mumbling and moaning desperately, he did not spare them. Still, he taught them that you have to be merciless in battle, but they apparently did not learn this lesson, trying to "talk" with him.

He grinned. Naive, talking to him is useless. Especially if they will speak.

"I'm done with them....."

Adam turned around and saw three girls looking at him. Adam beat them with great pleasure, pressing their heads into the floor of the castle. He broke Sasha's arm and Marcie's leg with great pleasure.

Oh, how long he waited. But the expectation was justified.

Revenge is really sweet, especially after all these years.

"..adam..." – Marcie whispered, reaching out her hand to him

"...don't leave..." – Sasha looked at him with tears in her eyes

Anne was silent, for she could not speak. Adam knocked out her jaw for talking too much during the battle. But she was looking at him, looking at him with a pitiful look.

They were powerless, their regeneration was much slower than Adam's. It will take them a couple of minutes to recover. A couple of precious minutes for him.

".....and now it's time to finish with you" – he turned to Andreas

"What?! That's not what we agreed! "

Adam chuckled. He sat on the window and looked down. Andreas has already launched factories and they have begun to create new robots, but apparently he did not expect that they were ready.

Below, he could see two huge dark spots fighting with each other. It was an army of Olivia and Yunan, against an army of robots. It will also give him some time.

"Do you seriously think I'll believe you? " – he turned to him

"You didn't think I was such a moron that I would agree to a deal with the mad king, did you? "

"You gave your word! "

"The word is not a sparrow, you will not catch it. You thought that because of my hatred for them....". - he pointed his finger at the three bodies

"....I'll join you. But you were wrong about something. I really hate them, honestly. I'm just bursting with anger, I just have to look them in the face, brrr! ". - he shook himself

"But I'm not a moron, Andreas."

Adam's hand began to be covered with a golden aura, while thin lines began to stretch out of it, all over the castle.

"Do you think I don't know about your little secret? About what is hidden under lock and key? "

Andreas' eyes instantly filled with murderous intent and coldness.

"About the thing you're doing all this for."

"Fool! You can't compete with him! No one can! Andreas 's eyes flashed

"Yes? And who said that I would fight him directly? "

Adam's eyes flashed gold while the lines on his hands began to vibrate.

"I don't need to fight when I can BLOW THE HELL OUT OF HERE! "

Adam screamed and a grin appeared on his face. He squeezed his hand and smiled, looking straight into Andreas' eyes.


Andreas pulled out a sword from his bosom and ran at him.

"I AM! "

He squeezed his hand and looked back at the girls for a second. They stared at him with their eyes wide open when he smiled fiercely at them and finally squeezed his hand.



The whole castle was immediately enveloped in golden light and explosions began everywhere. The castle began to shake violently until it was torn apart from the inside by explosions.

"What have you done?! ". - Andreas shouted

"That's what you need! You would have invaded my world anyway! And to other worlds! And from that moment on, your empire has fallen! "

Adam started running. She quickly ran up to the girl and picked them up in her arms, jumped out the window.

"Say bye, you bastard! "



Adam was flying in free fall, enjoying watching the explosions tear the castle apart. He didn't know if Andreas and that thing would survive, but he knew one thing for sure. The command center was destroyed, which means that all the other factories are no longer working.

And the box is also destroyed, so this is the end!

"Hahahahahahahahaha! "

Adam fell with the girls on his body and laughed from the bottom of his heart. He laughed from the bottom of his heart that he started crying. A smile appeared on his face, and he spread his arms in the air.


Adam happily fell down, watching as the fragments of the castle fell after him.

Now, the final touch remains.

(The last stage and the end....) – he felt the stones in his pocket

The final was coming soon and he knew it. He did everything he could, the last one remained.

End it all, once and for all. To end everything and disappear with a calm soul.

This time forever.

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