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25% To change a fate(TVD) / Chapter 3: control

Chapter 3: control

September 7, 2009, Mystic Falls

"Okay, now I can see that this energy inside me can be controlled," Said Victor sitting cross-legged on his bed calmly meditating "all I have to do now is rotate the energy and control it"

He sighed, keeping his legs crossed. He began to control his breathing slowly to the point where his body was already at the height of relaxation, his mind began to focus more and more until his surroundings changed.

Furthermore, he can feel the dense yet invigorating air touching his skin and invisible energy being breathed in by him with the air. He opened his eyes

"Well, I didn't expect that!" Commented Victor surprised by the change of environment "I didn't expect that I would appear in the middle of a forest"

Victor marveled at the surrounding forest. He touched the floor and felt the fluff of his pillow and immediately deduced that he hadn't changed his surroundings, he was just in some kind of dream.


The sound of a growl caught his attention and Victor looked in the direction of the sound. He saw a little dog, no, it wasn't a dog. It was a wolf pup, with its glossy black coat and bright yellow eyes that was baring its teeth at him. The difference between this wolf pup was that he was injured and limping

"Calm down boy! Come here" Victor patted his legs twice calling the puppy who took a few steps forward suspiciously. "I won't hurt you"

It didn't take long for the puppy to get in front of Victor suspiciously looking at him as if he were some threat. Victor laughed at the wolf's suspicion and looked him in the eyes with pride.

"That's a right little dog, never trust anyone, everyone is a possible enemy, but instead of talking about enemies, how about we make a deal?" Victor licked his lip as he looked at the wolf and extended his hand to the wolf"As you can see, I am very weak on normal days which is dangerous for me! But on the other hand, I can control myself during the full moon. What hurts you isn't it? It's the full moon is when you get out of the cage, but with me, in control, the cage continues to hold you and hurt you"

The wolf pup didn't respond and just looked at Victor as if he wasn't believing anything Victor said, it was basically like the wolf was stuck in a relationship where the partner beat him, but he always said he was going to change. And the wolf didn't believe in Victor

"Does your silence mean a yes?" asked Victor with an amused tone and his hand still extended to the wolf "How about we do this, You give me access to your powers during normal days and I release you during full moons, what do you think?"

The wolf looked at Victor and cried for a second with tears in his eyes and took his paw in Victor's hand. The wolf was truly happy not to have to get hurt anymore. That was the victory sign for Victor who licked his lip as he felt strange energy enter his being and a sense of power settle in him.

"Thank you, Boy" Victor thanked him from the bottom of his heart and placed his hand on the head of the wolf who bowed to receive the affection "Now die"

Without warning, Victor grabbed the wolf's neck and twisted it, the wolf cried and writhed and went limp as the neck snapped." Sorry, little friend, but, I can't let you have my body for a second, you know, I'm a big fan of private property, but I'm not cruel enough to make you suffer" Victor dropped the wolf to the ground and watched him disappear in specks of yellow light

When the wolf completely transformed into particles of light, the particles flew toward Victor and entered his body making Victor's body glow.

He took a deep breath feeling the feeling of power coming into him and took another deep breath trying to pull more energy into him and the energy continued to enter his body. He could feel something different in the world, it was as if he could just make the energy in the air and absorb it.

Without wasting time Victor continued to absorb the energy in the air until there came a moment when his body started to ache, at first it was a small pain that escalated until it became a big but tolerable pain throughout his body.

"I think this is a warning for me to stop absorbing the energy," said Victor as he opened his eyes and saw in the mirror in front of his bed that his eyes shone a bright blue different from the usual yellow glow" ok what happened with my eyes?" Victor wondered worriedly touching around his eyes and looking at the rest of his body in the mirror.

Victor was the kind of guy who slept without a shirt, he didn't have a very athletic physique, in this life, as the old Victor was not an athletic guy, and gaining muscle takes time, even more so when you regenerate. But against all odds, Victor had gained the muscle of a professional gymnast.


"Well I didn't think it would be that strong" Victor scoffed as he looked at the doorknob to his room in his hand "I sure wasn't that strong in human form before"

He put the doorknob on the bed and looked at his hand "Alright, remember what it's like to control energy" He closed his eyes and felt the strange energy inside him move. He focused and took the energy in his hand"Ahhh damn it hurts"

Victor groaned as his right hand snapped and grew furry and his nails became much longer and sharper.

"I was right!" Victor celebrated by clenching his hand tightly, "Aft, damn it"

Inadvertently he injured his hand with his huge, sharp nails and looked at the wound. It wasn't a huge wound and it quickly began to close. Victor saw the wound begin to fade in slow motion.

He sat on the bed and took the watch"Let's see, now it's 07:10" He started counting with the clock as he watched the wound close and when it closed completely, Victor broke into a smile"10 minutes and 20 seconds, 4 hours, 90 minutes and 20 seconds faster than old regeneration"

He was fascinated by his new Regeneration power "If I keep absorbing energy, I'll eventually reach less than a minute to regenerate from such an injury"


He almost got scared when he looked at the clock that had just woken up in his hand, He almost threw the clock on the wall in fright, luck was that he reacted quickly to recognize the possible threat

"ohh time to go to school" Victor huffed and grabbed a bag from his bed "first day of school here I come"


The school's hell on earth full of hormone-ridden teenagers all in one place. A bad place for Victor who was now with a super sharp sense of smell made him feel the youngsters sound excited hormones which made him nauseous.

He entered the building passing everyone, being discreetly careful not to bump into anyone and not attract attention. When he got close to the secretary, a strong smell of corpse reached his nose.

Victor screwed up his face at the stench and looked at the fountain and saw Stefan Salvatore, one of the protagonists of the story talking to the girl at the secretary. He could hear the conversation, but he didn't pay attention. Unlike the first time, Victor smelled a corpse, this time the only thing that made him uncomfortable was the smell and not the urge to kill Stefan.

Having killed the wolf did benefit him. Without much interest, he turned his back on Stefan heading towards his classroom when he felt something strange as if he was being watched. But, he ignored the feeling and went in search of his friends, Jeremy and Vicki


"Be hot, be hot" Bonnie Bennett was eating Stefan with her eyes wishing he would turn to her, so Bonnie could see her face "Victor?"

Bonnie gasped when her eyes rolled to the side and saw a Victor going the other way and ignoring her, maybe he didn't even see her. The strange thing was that Victor was different, more, handsome, and with a stronger presence than Bonnie didn't know, she opened her mouth to call out to him by pure instinct when a hand touched her shoulder

"Is Bonnie okay?" it was Elena who asked worriedly

"Nothing, just someone I know passed by" Bonnie turned away looking at her friend "So, did you find anyone nice at school?"

"I'm not into it right now Bonnie" Elena broke the conversation and looked over Bonnie's shoulder seeing a blond boy "Hey Matt"

The boy looked at her and grimaced, turning away and leaving. Elena withered lowering her head "He hates me"

"He doesn't hate you, he's just hurt" Bonnie commented looking sideways "they are like that, they are magical, but then they come back as if nothing had happened"

"Do you speak from experience?" Elena joked curiously "Are you dating someone?"

"It's not like that... You saw the new boy, he looks really hot" Bonnie joked, avoiding the subject without letting Elena notice and took her hand pulling her "Come on, let's find out more about him"

Elena just followed her friend without questioning too much, as she was also interested in the new guy.


"Dude you look awful Vicki, what the hell did you give him?" asked Victor as he looked into Jeremy's eyes that were red, and the boy was even dizzy. He looked at Vicki lying on his lap with an annoyed face.

"Leave me" Jeremy growled huffing "I didn't use anything"

"I didn't give him anything" Vicki protested lazily raising her arms emphasizing innocence "I stopped using drugs other than marijuana"

"okay just don't overdo it ok boy," Victor said putting his hand on Jeremy's shoulder "I don't want to have to go kill a drug dealer because my friend died from an overdose of his drug"

Jeremy laughed and patted Victor's hand "Relax, it was just a few pills"

Vicki looked at Victor's face and bit her lip "it can't be"

"What happened?... have you finally decided to declare your undying love for me?" Victor laughed at Vicki who rolled her eyes in response.

"Shut up" she patted his chest and narrowed her eyes rubbing his chest and widening her eyes in surprise "Have you gotten muscular?"

"Seriously, then I'm the one who takes drugs!" Jeremy jokingly patted Victor on the shoulder.

"This is sudden accelerated growth" Victor joked and ran his hand over Vicki's bare belly tickling her and making her cringe "Maybe I'll get some muscle someday too"

"Stop hahahahha" Vicki started laughing and squirming in Victor's lap and he looked at Jeremy "want to be tickled too"

"No, I have to go, I have extra class" Jeremy yelled bemusedly getting up and walking away from the two "she's all hers... preferably take her to a motel far from school"

"You traitor" Screamed Vicki raising her arms to Jeremy for help

"You won't run away" Victor laughed and began to intensify the tickling in Vicki who started to squirm more and more as her laughs turned into screams getting everyone's attention.

"Hahahahaha" Vicki crying with laughter and squirming had already forgotten what she was thinking before "stop we have to go to class"

"Class doesn't matter, tickles are more important" Victor growled amused continuing the tickle section and making the girl cry with laughter

So, Victor spent his first day of school...avoiding the main plot and ensuring that those he considers he doesn't get hurt, be they friends, lovers, or even enemies.

Anyone he takes to the proverb of belonging to him... He would make sure they were safe... in the end, the only one who can harm Victor's belongings is Victor himself, if anyone tries to touch what Victor considers to be his, he will pay expensive

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