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25% Wolf Faunus: RWBY / Chapter 4: Ch. 4 New Leaf Turning

Chapter 4: Ch. 4 New Leaf Turning

Alabast hardly spent time mingling with his fellow Faunus in the White Fang and kept to himself. The only people he willingly talked to were the Albain brothers, Sienna, and Blake. The latter being the only one he wanted to talk with, but he almost never got the chance.

Members of the High Council forced him to attend some of their meetings. But Alabast barely listened to them and only gave brief responses if any.

With this in mind, he hardly knew what the White Fang was doing beyond what he was involved with. He heard some things here and there from passerby while he was at the White Fang's base or out on a mission. But he hadn't heard the full extent of what they were doing. Especially not the part where they were harming innocents.

This was enough for Alabast to turn his back on the White Fang. But it gets worse. He found that some of the people he was told to take care of may not have been what he thought they were. He found that he had been misinformed over these past 5 years. And to put the cherry on top, Blake had left. Now there was no reason for him to stay whatsoever.

Nobody could stop Alabast when he dragged Fennec and Corsac before Sienna. Adam would have had the best chance at stopping him, but the guy was returning from his joint mission with Blake in the Forver Fall Forest.

Alabast forced the Albain brothers to admit what they had done and got them to spill the beans. The brothers weren't able to fight back as Alabast twisted their limbs almost to the point of breaking, although some fractures might have occurred.

Sienna was left stunned at what the brothers admitted to. The first to talk was Fennec, apparently the guy was having doubts but hadn't stopped himself or his brother in the past. And once Fennec talked Corsac wasn't far behind. They had manipulated not only Alabast but Sienna herself at points.

Once Alabast felt that the brothers had nothing left to say he ended them right there, beneath Sienna's throne. He took his mask off and renounced the White Fang directly to Sienna herself. Mostly because the brothers weren't the only corrupt members. Alabast wasn't sure when it happened but he believes after Ghira left the White Fang became something completely different.

Alabast walked out the door unimpeded, even as Sienna called out to him to get him to stop. When she had gotten to the door Alabast was already gone, having used his semblance to travel through the darkness and appear in his room. He packed his things, which wasn't much, and left the White Fang.

There was plenty of time for Alabast to reflect on his actions in this world, he had to travel all the way to Beacon after all. He even had time to plan out what he will do in the future, although he didn't get very far in that regard. In this world, your future can change in an instant. All it takes is one bad day and everything can change.

Back to his plans for the future, he plans on going to Vale and attending Beacon alongside Blake, but not on the same team. He isn't worried about joining a random team, following orders is easy and it's not like he can't carry his own weight.

He had actually forgotten that things would change. After 11 years of training and fighting he had gotten used to his life in this world and being alone. But now he remembers that Blake will end up attending Beacon Academy in Vale as long as he hasn't messed anything up. He wonders how attending Beacon will spice up his life.

Another reason he wants to put himself through the tortures of school is that he wants to make sure Blake is alright. After these recent years he may have grown some feelings for the cat Faunus. She may not have actually dated Adam, but they may as well have been dating. And with how devoted she was to the guy Alabast is sure Blake might take this 'breakup' a little rough.

He had confronted Adam on numerous occasions, with Blake being present sometimes and other times not. Most of their confrontations were either about Blake, and every time Adam always had to try and one up or make himself feel superior to Alabast.

Blake followed Adam until the very end it seems, she just couldn't accept that Adam had changed and become someone different. Alabast can't say he blames her, love changes people. Sometimes for the better, and other times for the worst.


Arriving in Vale he gets reminded of his previous world. The city of Vale is beautiful and relatively similar to his hometown in his past life.

Walking down one of the main streets he looks for the place where Bullheads, an aircraft used for transportation, go to and from Beacon Academy. The Academy is up on a high cliff relatively far away but also relatively close to the city.

He was able to find the right location for the Bullheads, however, it turns out that those wanting to be enrolled into the Academy needed to pass a written and physical tests if they didn't graduate from a Primary Huntsman Academy. So he was pointed in the right direction and told that he better hurry since today is the last day people are able to take the tests.

Alabast made his way to the testing site and had to fill out a list of questions. Things like his name, education level, age, family, where he lived, why he wants to be a Huntsman, what the name of his Semblance is if he has one, and other questions. Then he was taken to a different room and sat down to take a test about various subjects, and he was surprised that he struggled on it. It turns out that over the years he either forgot a lot of things or the base line of education for Huntsman Academies was higher than some of his university classes. Whatever the case is, he goes to yet another room.

This time he was told to fight the instructor. It was the last test and it was to gauge his level of combat and was ultimately the deciding factor for most walk-ons.

Alabast walks out into the large and spacious arena-like room. Looking around he can tell that spectators were watching him from a one way tinted window as an instructor walks over to him.

"I wouldn't recommend holding back, this is where you want to show off and make an impression to the rest of the staff at Beacon… Alabast" The instructor was looking down at his Scroll, a holographic phone, as he walks up to yet another hopeful teen. He gets a surprise when he looks up from the device in his hands and sees the 6'6" muscular figure of the potential student before him.

Alabast grabs Nights Fall's hilt with his right hand and takes it off his back as it shifts out of its compressed form into the giant greatsword. "Didn't plan on it"

The instructor nervously sweats as he looks at the giant hunk of metal that is almost as big as Alabast himself. "To be able to wield such a weapon with only one hand…"

Obviously the instructor has seen a variety of weapons and just as many people wielding said weapons, but this is his first time seeing such a weapon. He quickly shakes the possibility of Alabast being able to use the weapon quickly, figuring Alabast is slow and goes for overpowering attack instead of overwhelming speed.

It takes a moment before the instructor puts his Scroll away and takes out his own weapon. It's a twin sai combined with pistols. "This spar will begin when you attack and will end when either of our Aura reaches the red"

Alabast doesn't respond and simply points Nights Fall at the instructor. He then walks slowly towards the man and flicks his left wrist as Bestia Fang shifts into its first knuckleduster form with it covering his knuckles.

The instructor gets ready, annoyed that Alabast isn't taking this seriously. In his mind, he could have attacked Alabast's openings countless times. So he bides his time until Alabast attacks so he can retaliate and show this Faunus that attending Beacon is a privilege and needs to be taken seriously as an honor.

When Alabast gets 10 feet away from the instructor he pauses.

The instructor decides to give some encouraging words. "Do not be afraid of hurting me, I am an instructor. Just try not to be defeated too soon-"

Alabast disappears from the instructor's vision in a blur. The man frantically looks around, not knowing that Alabast had used his Semblance to enter the observation room overlooking the arena.

There were two people inside the room, one male and one female. When the female felt someone behind her she quickly turned around as a purple glyph formed in the air in front of her. But the room was still empty beyond herself and her boss. When she turns back around she sees the wolf Faunus standing over the instructor who is unconcious and at the opposite end of the arena. She narrows her eyes and moves some of her blond hair behind her ear before turning to the man next to her who is replaying the brief fight on his Scroll which is in its tablet mode.

With the fight ending in an instant, Alabast puts Nights Fall on his back and walks out the doors he entered through as he gets handed a packet telling him what he needs if he passes initiation in a few days. Basically, he was accepted into Beacon. The process was probably expedited by the man who was just watching him. Was he expecting to see Ozpin so soon? Not particularly, but it certainly made things more interesting.


With a small fortune, accumulated from his numerous successful missions, Alabast looks for a place to stay in Vale. Just because he will live on Beacon's campus, it doesn't mean he can't own an apartment in Vale. He also purchases a new Scroll since his previous one is about 5 years old now. Along with his new scroll he purchased a pair of wireless headphones that come with an attachment for Faunus with animal ears on their head.

Listening to the music of this world was refreshing, mostly because it's the same as his previous world. It had been a long time since he had been able to enjoy listening to music that he wants to listen to. He hadn't bought anything in the past because he needed to be alert at all times, but now he can afford to slightly let his guard down… but only slightly.

As he walks around Vale aimlessly he can't help but feel lost. Not because he was in one of the biggest cities of the world, but because he had killed so many people and he isn't sure how many of them were undeserving of such a fate.

After a while he just decides to move around Vale via rooftop. It's much easier and people don't get the chance to stare at him this way. Plus it stops the Vale Police from tailing him, prejudice is great. Just because he's a Faunus that looks big and mean he must have done something illegal or he's going to do something illegal. It's just a coincidence that he was part of a terrorist organization until recently.


As the day turns to night Alabast finds himself watching the street below him when he spots an unfortunately familiar redhead wearing a bowler hat walking with some goons from the Xiong family. He watches as they enter a dust shop across the street.

Deciding to just leave them be, Alabast was about to leave when:


One of the goons crashes out the shop's window and doesn't look to be getting up.

Just before Alabast was about to jump down to see what was happening he sees another guy fly out of the shop with a girl following right behind the second guy.

The little girl is wearing a black outfit that is highlighted by red and the most eyecatching thing is her red hooded cloak that blows in the wind. She grabs something behind her back and spins it around herself as it unfolds into a giant scythe bigger than herself.

Alabast smirks as he watches the girl expertly wield the giant scythe before it slams into the ground. "And that instructor was surprised by Nights Fall"

Two other goons exit the shop and attempt to attack the girl. She isn't idle as she moves around the street agilely and easily defeats the goons, even laying out the two previously knocked out the window that got back up.

"Deja vu…" Alabast watches the scene unfold below and sorta remembers seeing it in the past.

The orange haired criminal, Roman Torchwick, exits the shop with a briefcase and his cane in hand as a cigar slowly burns away from his lips. Roman drops his cigar and crushed it beneath his cane before pointing it at the girl and firing an explosive round from the cane and running off towards the roof of a building next to Alabast.

The girl dodges the explosion by leaping into the air but loses sight of the criminal. When she turns around she sees Roman climbing a ladder to the roof of a building a little ways down the street, she asks the old shop owner if it's alright to follow, obviously the shop owner that was just robbed let's her.

Alabast watches the girl leap into the air and use her scythe, that doubles as a gun of some kind, to fire a high-impact-round that propels her up to the roof in an instant.

"Hey!" The girl calls out after landing on the roof.

"Persistent…" Roman stops at the ledge of the roof.


A bullhead rises up from seemingly nowhere and Roman steps into it as it rises into the air. He turns around and pulls out a red dust crystal before throwing it at the girl's feet. "End of the line, Red!"

Alabast narrows his eyes as Roman fires another exploding round from his cane towards the crystallized dust he just threw.

The round connects with the red dust crystal and the explosion is not small.

The girl's eyes widen as she realizes this won't end well. She sees something dark begin to form around her for a second before a woman drops down from the sky in front of her.

Alabast noticed the blond Huntress drop in front of the girl in the last second and conjure a purple glyph to shield herself and the girl from the explosion. So he stops his Darkness from shielding the girl. He didn't want Glynda Goodwitch to know he was there. She was a Huntress, professor at Beacon, and one of the two that watched his tests.

So, seeing a professional Huntsman arrive Alabast decides to dip. She can handle whatever was happening.

Going to his apartment in the sort of shadier side of Vale he goes to sleep and gets ready for Beacon's initiation the following day.

Throughout his sleep he still has nightmares of a white haired woman with wolf ears atop her head get murdered over and over again. Her face nothing but a haze after these 11 years, but the sight of her being pushed to the ground and beaten still plays out as if it's happened on repeat every day these past years. Along with this repeating nightmare he watches the memorable people he's killed as they die before him. There were too many to remember them all, but now he wonders if the ones he does remember deserve to have died.

Obviously a good portion of them do because he caught them in their treacherous acts when he was sucked on them. But there are those he isn't so certain of. How many men and women has he killed that hadn't done anything wrong?

Quade_The_Unknown Quade_The_Unknown

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