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12.5% Wolf Faunus: RWBY / Chapter 2: Ch. 2 Hard Decision

Chapter 2: Ch. 2 Hard Decision


A massive swirling vortex of Darkness in a void.

That's all there was in between Alabast's nightmares of his mother being murdered and himself being tortured in various ways.


After being rescued, from what was deemed the Bloody Hours Protest, Alabast was taken back to Kuo Kuana. This place is the largest city and main safe have of the continent Menagerie that consists mostly of harsh deserts.

Kuo Kuana is a safe place for all Faunus, home of the Chieftan of Menagerie, and current base for the White Fang.

Along those lines, the man who saved Alabast was Ghira Belladonna, the High Leader of the White Fang.

The White Fang is a peaceful activist organization that was created after the Faunus Right Revolution. Their goal since being founded is to improve relations between Humans and Faunus and improve the civil rights of the latter since they have been heavily discriminated throughout history.

Ghira, being the High Leader of the White Fang, has a lot of pressure coming down on him after the previous disaster of a protest. But he makes sure that his people get taken care of before he worries about any politics.

Some people already tried to start something, and they did it blatantly to his face. They tried to use this unfortunate event to get him to leave his position. They claimed things like his daughter barely came back alive and he still won't raise his fist against those who attacked.

Would he attack those who threaten his family? Of course, but in this case it's not the right way to go about it. Luckily his daughter came out unscathed, if not a little traumatized.

Ghira already has plans to talk with some important people that will answer for what happened during the protests. But for now he needs to make sure those injured and the family of those who passed away are taken care of. Especially the boy who protected his daughter when he himself could not be there for her when she needed him the most.

He makes his way through the town towards a tent that has been temporarily set up for those that have been relocated here due to their intensive injuries. Not many are here, unfortunately.

Knowing that their resources are running thin as it is, Ghira would gladly have used 10 times the resources without batting an eye if it meant that more Faunus would have survived the… massacre.

Entering the tent, he sees the unfortunate men, women, and children that have been harmed. Most are unconscious while others look to him with hope in their eyes, like him just being here will save them or magically heal them.

Ghira gets to the back of the tent and enters a curtained off section. This is where the worst conditioned patients are. And currently the only one still alive is the boy who saved his daughter. The others that were in similar conditions have already passed, but this boy might have it the worst. He's still clinging to life, even while others significantly less injured are passing away.

The boy laying down on the bed before Ghira is practically a mummy. Splotches of blood soaking through the bandages in some parts such as the left side of his face.

"How can someone do something like this to a child… He looks to be around the same age as Blake…" Ghira mutters to himself and hangs his head down against the palm of his right hand.

The reason he took the position of High Leader is to try and change the world. To help the Faunus be equal to Humans. But he can't even save the life of a child? Maybe the others are right… perhaps his ways of going about things is too soft for the modern times. But he just can't seem to go against his true nature.

His wife, Kali Belladonna, knows his situation the best. His big and scary frame does wonders to intimidate others. And he's used that to his advantage on many occasions. But in his heart he despises violent and brutal acts. He understands that some situations are unavoidable, but if things can happen peacefully… he will happily bend over backwards to make way for that peace.

Shaking the self doubt from his mind he goes to sit next to the boy. He can hear the labored breathing of the child and remembers the reports updating him on the boy's condition.

The wounds were numerous and deep, but they missed the lethal spots around the boy's body. The only problem currently is the blood loss and risk of infection. That, and the constant pain the boy must endure. They currently have him on various powerful medications to try and keep him asleep and the pain meds help when he does wake up.

Ghira looks down at his palms as he considers the boy's options. If the blood loss doesn't kill him then an infection in one wound would spell the end for the child. The medications they have are unfortunately limited due to various reasons. There is an easy way out of this mess but Ghira considers it a last resort. That is, unlocking the child's aura.

Unlocking aura is relatively easy if you know what you're doing. But the implications it causes could ruin or flat out end lives.

Aura is the manifestation of one's soul. Every living creature has it, but it stays locked away inside the body until someone else unlocks it or certain strenuous conditions are met. The second way of unlocking aura is nigh impossible though.

Due to aura being tied to the soul of a person it varies greatly person to person. Aura also gives people a way to fight back against the monsters that lurk in the darkness. The creatures of Grimm.

Grimm are soulless creatures, so they do not have aura. Many scientists have tried to figure out if this is why the Grimm hunt because Grimm don't need to eat to survive. Grimm are also attracted to those with aura along with strong negative emotions.

This is a big reason why anyone is hesitant to unlock someone's aura. It will be like a beacon to draw danger to that person and those close to them. And once it is unlocked it cannot be locked. This decision cannot be made lightly.

However, unlocking the boy's aura will heal his wounds and give the child the option to train to become stronger.

This also causes Ghira to worry. Because the boy COULD become a protector of Faunus and shield them from the many dangers life throws their way, or he COULD become a ruthless killer that wants to wipe out humanity for what they have done to him. He's so young and Ghira has no information on who this child is. At this point it's a coin flip, and the time to pull this trigger is rapidly passing by.

It's already been a week and Ghira's wishful thinking that the boy will pull through on his own has proven true this far, however, now it's looking like something must be done or the boy will die.

Even with the possibility of death so close, Ghira still finds making this decision difficult. That proves just how serious this is.

Ghira puts a hand on the child's shoulder. "I will do what is necessary, but what happens afterwards is up to you. I only hope I don't regret this decision later…"

After these brief words Ghira gets up and exits the tent. He needs to make an announcement to not only the public, but also the High Members of the White Fang. Some members already grow increasingly more resentful about how Ghira is handling this, but Ghira knows he cannot appease everyone.

So he makes his way to his home which is connected to the Main Street of Kuo Kuana. He stands at the top of the steps and looks down at the many Faunus.

"I am meeting with the representatives of Atlas, the Schnee Dust Company, Vale, and some others I will not name. What has happened just a week ago still weighs down on all of us. Many people died, both Faunus and Human. This matter will not be taken lightly nor will it be swept under the rug. We will get justice for what has happened. And things will change from here onwards. We will be implementing some precautions to help protect those of us which wish to continue attending the peaceful protests. The boycotts will continue as usual, but the protests will have people attending that will defend those who cannot defend themselves. These people will be defenders, NOT attackers. I do not wish to see more of us hurt, so these people will be specifically chosen and trained to carry the burden of paving the path of peace. I know you all have questions and worries, but I request that wait until after the upcoming meeting to ask those. But if you believe you cannot wait then you may bring up those questions and concerns with the High Members of the White Fang. There will be a time soon when we are seen as equals, and it won't involve bloodshed and a war. Thank you for your time" Ghira lowers his head slightly at the end of his speech and then heads towards his home.

He needs to make the decision on the boy before he leaves for the meeting. If he doesn't, the boy will pass by the time he returns. Traveling between continents is not fast, especially when considering the limited resources of Menagerie.


6 hours later:

Ghira is sitting next to Alabast. He's been here for 4 hours praying to the Gods that the boy will pull through on his own.

Unfortunately, no miracle was seen in these long hours.

Ghira sits up and puts his hand on the child's shoulder. A purple aura surrounds Ghira as his yellow eyes shine slightly golden. Ghira's aura slowly reaches out to the boy's souls, his aura, while he begins his aura chant.

"For it is in deliverance that we achieve change. Through this, we become a paragon of justice and equality to share with all. Infinite in truth and unbound by the past, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, redeem thee"

Ghira watches as his purple aura is repelled out of the boy's body violently. At first he thought he had failed in this endeavor, but then a dark black aura begins to emerge from the child.

The black aura surrounds Alabast and Ghira immediately notices its affects.

The black and white hair becomes almost fully black with the tips being a full gray. Ghira watches as the bandages that were tightly wrapped on the injured body begin to stretch and some even tear apart. The body under the bandages goes through some not so minor changes. The child grows a few inches in height as his muscles begin to grow.

It was unlike anything Ghira had seen before. He hadn't seen anyone have this type of reaction to having their aura being unlocked. It was like the child's soul, and subsequently his aura, was bigger than his body so his aura is changing the body to adapt to the difference. The change was astounding, Ghira wasn't sure if it happened instantaneously or over the span of minutes.

Ghira witnessed the wounds around the child's body heal themselves, but leave behind horrendous scars. And the left ear did not grow back, but that was expected. What wasn't expected was the tail to grow.

As the black aura surrounding the boy begins to recede back into the body, Ghira looks at the unrecognizable kid on the bed. The boy before and after looked nothing alike. Before, the child likely looked to be nice and innocent. But the current child looks rough and delinquent like.

Ghira knows that this kid will grow up into a warrior, he just hopes that the kid will become a protector instead of a destroyer.

Looking at the peaceful sleeping face of the child, Ghira is affirmed that he made the correct decision. Now he has to prepare some things for this child's training. Perhaps this child is the next High Leader that will bring about the peace he has been looking for.

Unfortunately, Ghira has taken too much time to make the decision and now must leave. However, he has things set in place for when the child wakes up.

Along with physical training, he plans to have the child educated at least to a basic degree. Hopefully this will help in making sure the child stays on the straight and narrow.


One hour later:

Alabast awakens to find that his body feels different. Beyond being in a 6 year olds body that is. It's different from when he last passed out.

He looks down at his hands that have scars across the backs and palms.

"If these are scars…" He puts together that a lot of time has passed. He's actually glad that he didn't need to be awake for the healing process. It would have taken weeks of agony. He probably wouldn't have even been able to wipe his own-

The curtains move and a female nurse walks in. "You're awake already? That was faster than anticipated"

Alabast looks at the woman and can't help but be reminded of the mother he lost. "How much time?"

The woman walks over to him and begins checking his vitals. "Since the protest or since you've been here?"

Alabast doesn't respond. Talking isn't the easiest and it doesn't sound very pleasant to his own ears.

Realizing she wasn't going to get an answer she sighs. "It's been a little over a week or so since the protest and you've been here for almost exactly a week"

"A week?" This news boggles Alabast's mind. How can he be fine after only a week?

The nurse shakes her head. "I can't explain more than the basics. But can you tell me your name and where you're from? We have yet to find any parents or guardians looking for you"

Alabast looks blankly at the curtains. He feels like crying but the tears just aren't there. "My name is… Alabast Noir. I… I don't know where I'm from… but I doubt anyone else would be looking for me… My mom- she d-"

The nurse closes her eyes and cuts him off. "That's alright, I get the gist of it. I'll bring some food in and then you should head towards the training grounds. High Leader Ghira has pulled some strings for you. You should be thankful, he's also the one that unlocked your aura"

"Aura?!" Alabast finally has the confirmation to his suspicions. He was actually in that weird 3D anime? Shit. Not good. Not good at all. He doesn't remember much beyond the first season and a few clips he watched years ago. The show came out in 2013 and he never was able to get fully into it. So he can't even use any knowledge of the show to truly help him. It was basically a school slice of life about 4 girls and their friends fighting monsters and discrimination.


"Yes, aura. You've heard of it I assume?" The nurse turns around near the curtain.

Realizing he randomly shouted he just nods, not giving more of an answer.

"Then you should know what it means to have it unlocked" Mrs. Nurse leaves to get the food.

As Alabast is lost in his thoughts the nurse comes back with a small wooden bowl of food. It wasn't great, but apparently it's all they currently had. There wasn't much of a choice since he was starving, and he could always go and forage for food or something later.

"Outside the tent there is a man who will be training you. He will answer your questions. Now if you'll excuse me I must attend to the others" Mrs. Nurse leaves the curtains open.

Looking out of the curtains Alabast can see the other injured Faunus.

After a few moments he gets off the bed and realizes he's only wearing shorts. And that his body is absolutely shredded. He was only 6, yet he's got the muscles of someone training their entire life. The muscles are big, but they don't hinder his flexibility at all. Actually, he feels more flexible than before. Getting used to the tail will take a while, but he can move it with a simple thought.

When he touches his wolf ears he remembers what was done to him. Not that he forgot it, he just got sidetracked by finding himself in RWBY. The desire for revenge was intense, and the desire to never have to go through it again was just as strong if not stronger.


As he left the tent he felt the gazes on him. He is a spectacle, but he doesn't like being stared at. He's young, but has scars worse than someone who went to war. Then there's his multiple Faunus traits that stick out like a sore thumb.

He makes it out of the tent and looks around. It looks like he's behind a residential district packed with small houses. Off in the distance he can hear the crashing of waves and the talk in the town. There is also a giant house that is noticeable even if you were miles away.

"A sight for sore eyes, ain't she? That's the Chieftain's house, High Leader Ghira also lives there with his wife and daughter" A man says from behind Alabast.

Alabast quickly turns around and prepares to jump at the man. His claws extend from his fingertips.

"Now isn't that just cute" The man is almost as big as Ghira but has scales here and there along his body, likely being a snake. "I'm not here to hurt you young one"

Alabast doesn't let his guard down, but he is surprised at how much it bothers him to have someone behind him. It reminds him of how he was held down to the ground and tortured. "You're going to train me?"

The man nods. "More or less. The names Koa"

Silence sits in the air as Koa waits for Alabast to introduce himself but he doesn't.

"Not much of a talker? Fine, that might make things easier. Now follow me" Koa shrugs and begins walking.

Alabast gives the tent and the giant house one last look before cautiously following Koa.


*Clank!* *Ting~* *Swish~* *Thump* *Clank*

"Hmmm" Koa looks at the tired wolf pup trying to swing the longsword around, but it's more like the pup is flailing a sharp stick around. "Strength will come to you as you grow older. So you should focus more on technique for now"

Alabast grips the sword in both hands and squats into a stance he's making up in his head. "I know"

It's frustrating how small and weak he is now. At least the last time he was this small he didn't have the mind of an adult. He's not dumb, there is no way he can fight an adult with the strength he has right now. He felt that gap first hand when he tried to attack that bastard named Dixon. But maybe his aura can help him, something he also needs to train.

"Do you now? Interesting, then I guess we can start with this" Koa just knocks Alabast's next strike away with the longsword he is holding in one hand and quickly steps next to Alabast and kicks the kid in his stomach.

Alabast's eyes widen as he gets sent through the air. He feels the air get driven out of his body and rolls along the ground a few feet until he gets his feet behind him to stop his momentum.

Without wasting a second he immediately charges towards Koa. His instincts helping him to survive this Spartan like training.

Koa knocks the child's sword to the side again but gets a small surprise. When Alabast's sword gets brushed aside he takes his right hand off the sword and swipes at Koa with his sharp claws.

It was child's play for Koa to dodge, but it shows that Alabast has at least some talent for fighting. It's enough for Koa to decide to continue training the kid. He would have done it since Ghira was the one to ask him, but now he genuinely want to see what this wolf pup can do.

Quade_The_Unknown Quade_The_Unknown

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