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51.92% One Laugh Man / Chapter 27: Battle of Dominica: Part 3

Chapter 27: Battle of Dominica: Part 3

Time seemed to stand still for a moment as the 4 members of the Justice League charged at Saitama all at once. His painted-on grin being made even wider by a huge smile, the bald clown clenched his bare fists as he prepared to face the first attack. Clutching his trident, Aquaman threw the 3-pronged weapon at the villain with the force a javelin missile, where it sailed through the air for only an instant before being caught by Saitama's outstretched hand.

Spinning the trident around, the caped baldy sped towards the Atlantean before an explosion of blood suddenly doused the area in red. Coughing as blood pooled in his throat, Arthur Curry looked down to realize that Saitama had rammed his own trident through his chest, where his vision quickly went blurry from the irreparable damage to his internal organs.

"Arthur!!" Wonder Woman cried in horror as the Atlantean king fell to the ground, dying.

Clutching her retrieved lasso of truth, the Amazon warrior attempted to ensnare the dark magenta-caped villain with the glowing rope as she threw it over his head. Saitama again vanished as his extreme speed took him out of sight, where Wonder Woman let out a nervous gulp before a bare fist suddenly smashed and protruded from out her stomach.

"Don't worry, pretty lady, I've got your BACK! AHAHAH" Saitama laughed sadistically as he'd punched a hole right through the Amazon warrior from behind. Coughing as much of her insides had been destroyed, the demi-goddess fell to her knees as blood appeared at the corners of her mouth, before falling face-first to the dirt.

"You despicable villain!" Martian Manhunter yelled as his eyes glowed red for a moment, before he shot a glaring beam from them with his Martian vision. Shazam joined in the attack and shot a bolt of lightning from each of his hands, where together, the two heroes hit Saitama directly as an explosion ripped through the area where their two attacks hit.

"D-did we get him?" Billy asked as he hovered towards the empty crater now in place of where the villain had stood.

"Nope, try harder," Saitama replied bluntly in midair from behind Shazam, where he chopped his hand against the muscular man's back to send him careening into the ground at the speed of sound.

As he fell back down, the villain launched a punch at Martian Manhunter, where to his surprise, the green alien tanked the blow as he was sent flying off into the jungle. Despite not having to exert himself at all, the caped baldy was impressed by the strength of the two heroes, where he wondered if one of them would be able to actually pose a challenge to him.

"You murderer, I'll send you flying off into space!" Shazam yelled as he shot back up into the air and grabbed Saitama by the throat. Ascending into the heavens at tens of thousands of feet per second, the bald clown merely grinned down at the hulking hero who had him by the neck.

"Serious Series: A serious punch!" Saitama yelled with no difficulty as he delivered another enhanced blow to Shazam's chest. Clouds parted thousands of miles away as the force sent the wizard careening back to Earth like a meteorite, where he crashed into Dominica's jungles with enough force to vaporize hundreds of trees.

Landing on his feet just behind the smoldering crater that the red and yellow suited hero had generated, Saitama casually strolled up to Shazam after retrieving a certain Amazonian's lasso, and wrapped the glowing rope around the hulking figure's neck.

"Your physical durability is impressive!" Saitama exclaimed as Billy Batson rubbed his chin while standing back up. "Even Superman was feeling the pain from my blows!"

"Yeah, well my immortality doesn't make those hits hurt any less," Shazam groaned, before realizing that he had the lasso around his neck.

"Before we continue this fight, please, tell me the name of the hero who is withstanding blow after blow from me!" the caped baldy asked, tugging hard on the rope.

"Oh shi- no, no, no!" Shazam yelled to himself as he was forced to comply with the power of the lasso. "M-my name is...Shazam!"

Upon uttering the name of his superhero alter ego, the spell was broken as a lightning bolt from above transformed Billy Batson back into a young teenager, where he stood trembling before the grey-suited villain.

"Ah, so that's it," Saitama chuckled with a toothy smile. "Hahaha, awe, you were just a little boy this whole time? What an interesting power. Don't worry, buddy, I won't go all out on you. Serious Series: Temple Tap!"

Bringing his hand to the young teen's face, the caped baldy flicked his finger at Billy's forehead. His body convulsing as if he'd just had a seizure, the simple finger flick from the overpowered man had liquefied the teen's brain, where the depowered Shazam fell to the jungle floor, dead.

"Well, that's 3 down, and 1 to go," Saitama said as he dusted off his bare hands, where he smirked while the ground shook behind him as Martian Manhunter returned.

"You're indeed very powerful, although you lack technique and ingenuity," the Martian explained as he gripped the villain's magenta cape. "I think Shazam had the right idea. A trip to space ought to be just the thing to rid this planet of your murderous existence!"

With a mighty tug of his powerful arms, the alien threw Saitama high into the sky, where the tumbling man broke the sound barrier as he soared off into the distance.

"Geez, what am I, a Frisbee?" the fallen hero laughed to himself as he used midair punch to halt his velocity, causing him to fall down towards the Atlantic Ocean below.

Meanwhile, Harley and Dabi curiously began to poke around the mansion grounds, where from the hilly vantage point, they were able to see the large amount of damage that the island had sustained from the battle. Smoldering craters, forest fires in the jungles, and blood and guts were strewn all around the once-popular vacation destination.

"Hmm? Harley Quinn, is that you?" Martian Manhunter asked as he glided over to the jester girl.

"Eek! Ugh, no, you've mistaken me for someone else!" Harley squeaked in reply, where she looked to her side to realize that Dabi had vanished.

"What's a Gotham crook like you doing all the way over here?" the Martian asked. "Unless…are you affiliated with the bald clown?"

Before anyone could say another word, Dabi leapt up from behind the patch of tall grass that he'd slinked off to upon spotting the hero.

"Prominence burn!" the villain yelled as a gargantuan blast of blue flames exploded from his arm, immediately dousing the Justice League member in the super-hot blaze.

Although blue, the searing fire immediately evoked the Martian's traumatic memory of witnessing his species burning alive as they were wiped out by all-consuming flames. His mental fortitude collapsing, the super powered hero lost control of his normally-solid molecular structure, where he actually began to burn in the sea of blue fire.

Dabi was merciless, where he continued an unending assault of flames even as his own body began to blister from the extreme heat. Eventually, nearly 30 seconds after the attack began, the villain ceased his quirk, leaving the entire area charred and burnt to a crisp, including the Martian Manhunter.

"Heh, why let the boss have the all fun? We should pull our weight around here, shouldn't we?" Dabi asked the jester girl.

"Hmph, Showoff." Harley replied in a huff as she crossed her arms.

"Whoa, Dabi, did you just take that green dude down?"

Turning, the pair watched as Saitama casually emerged from the direction of the shoreline, where he tapped his head as some residual water squirted out of his ear.

"So his weakness was fire eh? That's so lame!" the caped baldy continued as he stopped to look at the alien's charred body, before turning back to his two accomplices with a deadpan expression. "Well, I guess that takes care of that."

As the bodies of thousands of servicemen and women continued to wash up on shore from the obliterated NATO fleet, the special operation to take down Saitama had resulted in utter failure. Green Lantern, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Shazam, and Martian Manhunter, some of the most prominent members of the Justice League, had been killed, while Batman's status was still unknown.

Still, Mankind's trump card loomed in the skies high above, offering one of Earth's last chances at freedom from the tyrannical, destructive power of the one punch man.

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