Walking home a feeling a little defeated I wonder around a bit to clear my head. Trying my best to remember anything about the old man that stood out.
I quickly gave that up, figuring out that I wouldn't have much luck since even Michael wasn't really able to find out anything about the old man. "Trust me, Jake... I looked around for any clue about him, but it seems like he just disappeared into thin air." Michael said to me. I let out a sigh and tried my best to not let it bother me.
I look up at the sky and see that the sun is already racing towards the horizon. I look around trying to find where I ended up from all the running around I did.
I see an entrance to the train station and without coming up with a better idea I decided to say screw it and enter. No way was I going to find my way back before night time.
It gets quite dark as I walk down the steps then then the light in my eyes brightens up from all the lights that are illuminating the train station.
I cover my eyes with my hands and let them get adjusted for a few moments and continue towards the tracks waiting for the next train to bring me back home to the morgue.
I start whistling to pass the time, humming a melody that's been playing on speakers in the train station. I look around and see the times for the train. I walk over and look at the board and see when the next train is coming. It seems like I have around ten minutes or so.
I walk over to a bench and sit down while I continue to hum a tune pass the time.
I let my body relax on the train bench and let my mind wonder to the past week. And I as keep thinking about it I slowly understand how crazy it's been. From finishing training to seeing my family.
All the way to killing a narcissistic model who cut peoples hands off. All in the name of an Archangel... It's truly been crazy.
I let out a bit of a laugh and relax my shoulders. I pull out my phone and hear that the train is arriving in a few seconds. I put my phone away and get up a little bit excited to what's next.
I enter the common space where I see Aki sitting on a couch by herself drinking a cup of tea looking quite elegant. And Charles and Scarlett right across from her sitting on a loveseat holding hands.
They all look up towards me and give me a welcoming smile. I let out a little of a laugh as I can see how concerned they were of me. "What the hell Jake you were gone all day, at least a phone call would have been helpful." Charles said with a pout.
I give him a dry look, not liking how he worded it. "It's not like I'm a child, Charles geez." I said indignantly.
Charles looked at me a little surprised, and showed me a big smile. "Well since Mr. Grownup over here thinks he's to good for a phone call, he doesn't need dinner either."
Now it's my turn to look at him with a look of shock. Then suddenly everyone heard a grumbling sound. I look down and watch where the sound is coming from. My face becomes red a little and everyone is now looking at me like they are trying their best to hold back laughter.
I turn and and start laughing and everyone joins in, especially Charles he almost fell off his seat. And it made me laugh harder, I drop to my knees like I heard the greatest joke in the world.
After a bit of time I get up and collect myself, and sit between Aki and the couple. Charles wipes his eyes. "I was mostly kidding but if you want I can quickly grab something for you." I glance at Charles and nod my head.
As he walks by I thank him for everything. He smiles knowingly at what I meant and leaves the room for the kitchen.
It suddenly goes quiet, but it wasn't a uncomfortable kind of silence.
I look towards Aki and break the silence. "Aki it's been a bit of a weird day for me." She put down her tea and gives me her full attention understanding that's there's something I want to say. "A weird man came up to me as I was walking through that park around here, you know the one with the big gates." Aki was still looking at me seemly not understanding why I was talking about my day. "See after walking though this park I sat down on a bench and that weird thing happened. A older gentlemen came up to me with a newspaper, it had next weeks date on it."
I watch her closely to see her reactions as I talked and there were a few times which Aki had a slight look of panic. I guess training with her help me understand her a bit.
As I was thinking useless thoughts Aki's mind was in chaos. "An old man?? Is he serious. That old bastard better not be in this city it would be to much of a coincidence."
I finish my thoughts and look at Aki who's now in deep contemplation. I sigh a little knowing that she now completely in her own world. I look at Scarlett and ask for her opinion.
"To be one hundred percent honest with you it's not really that surprising." I look into her scarlett eyes and let her continue what she meant. "Don't give me that look. I mean you can create bloodlust like a war veteran who's been battling for twenty years straight. Even fricking angels are real. That's why this kind of magic bullshit doesn't surprise me."
As she said it out loud it made a crazy amount of sense. I guess there's no point in over thinking it. I rub the bridge of my nose for the slight headache I was feeling.
Charles comes back in with a plate of food. "Did I miss anything?"
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