The Progress on the new rifle which Axel has named the MPCR-1(Multi-Purpose Combat Rifle) was progressing well. His knowledge and understanding of the Forerunners Technology and ancient data enabled him to create a more powerful weapon than the MA5C.
"Sir what is this" Asked Taylor
Axel picked up the weapon which was slightly smaller than the MA5C and it's weight was less as well. But the amount of damage it could do was much greater than the MA5C. It still uses the 7.62x51mm Armor Piercing rounds but the increase in rate of fire is what makes it more powerful.
The standard use MA5C has a fire rate of 750-900 while the MPCR-1 has a fire rate of 900-1100 making it deal more damage because of the speed at which the bullet travelled.
A single clip for the MPCR-1 could hold 50 rounds at once compacted into a lightweight clip which shouldn't put too much weight on the Robotic Units which would be carrying them.
"This is the new standard use rifle which I have designed for use by the MCU's" Said Axel as he then went on to explain the new features of the new rifle and how it compare with the MA5C.
Taylor was fully engrossed as Axel described the functionalities of the MPCR-1. With each passing day working alongside Axel, Taylor gained valuable knowledge and became increasingly grateful for the opportunity to work with someone who seemed almost superhuman in their abilities, like Axel.
"This is the finish product and I want you to take it down to Chief Engineer Jackson" Said Axel.
Chief Engineer Jackson was the Chief Engineer under Owens who is the in charge of the building of the MCU's and any other project that is sent his way.
Axel had placed the weapon in a case and handed it to Taylor "Take it to him and tell him that we need enough for all the MCU's and enough as reserves" Ordered Axel.
"Aye, Sir I'll make sure it get's to him" Responded Taylor as he left the room and went towards the Engineering section of the base.
Axel was now alone in his laboratory, or so he thought until a call came through on his computer. He crossed the lab and pressed the button to answer, transferring the call onto the large screen in front of him.
On the screen appeared a face that Axel hadn't seen since his graduation from Officer School. It was his adopted father Captain Cole who had been promoted from Commander to Captain in the past few months.
"Commander," Captain Cole said with a stern expression. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important."
Axel straightened up and stood at ease "No, Captain. Not at all. It's good to see you."
Captain Cole nodded, his eyes studying Axel intently. "Likewise, Commander. I've been keeping an eye on your progress, and I must say, I'm impressed with what you've accomplished so early in your career. Though that is to be expected since someone of your dedication and intelligence shouldn't have had a hard time surpassing their peers at all."
Axel showed a fake smile to Captain Cole just to show his respect to the man who will use him to advance his career.
"Thank you Captain, It has been quite easy so far" Axel was not lying since he has just been given ranks like it was nothing.
"Easy, you say? It may seem that way for you, now that you've caught up to me in rank. But don't expect any more promotions coming your way anytime soon. I had to fight for you to get those ranks, along with a few other officers who recognized your brilliance. And if it weren't for getting assigned as the head of ONI section three, you wouldn't have even become a Commander." Captain Cole wanted to keep Axel grounded and not let him become too confident in his future success.
The reason was simple although Captain Cole wasn't his biological father he was still his adopted father and he didn't want to see Axel pass him in rank when he has to fight tooth and nail just to get Captain.
In truth if Axel kept getting more success then he might be promoted again in the coming years and given more responsibility.
"Of course Captain I will not let my quick success get to my head" Said Axel but he didn't really mean what he said. Axel was never going to let the success get to his head instead it was all just a step in his plan to use the UNSC to get valuable resources and Ancient Artifacts which he could use to develop better technology.
"Alright, I won't keep you any longer. Have a good day, Commander," Captain Cole said as he hung up the call.
Now that he was free Axel looked at the time "12:21, It's time for lunch" Said Axel as he walked towards the chow hall to get something for Lunch.
Usually he preferred to have meals brought to his lab, but today he decided to dine with the rest of the base's staff. He wanted to learn more about them and get a sense of the people working under him.
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