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Chapter 3 The First Strange Thing (Part 2)

  This shape is very neat and definitely does not form naturally. But how is it possible to ask someone to do this kind of thing and let the crops wither into this shape overnight? "There is a huge thing buried under the ground in this area," said the child. "What you see is its 'shadow' on the ground." Ma Pingchuan got down from the tree and mounted his horse again, his face already ugly . At first, he was a little regretful that he had neglected to discover the mystery of this shape earlier. Second, the child's statement still made him a little skeptical.

  What's the meaning? There was a huge thing buried in the ground, and its shadow was a scorpion. Why did the "shadow" make the crops in the fields wither? What is the huge thing in the ground, is it a huge scorpion monster?

  How is this possible? But if there is such a huge scorpion buried in the ground, there is nothing that I can do except run away.

  The child rode his horse forward, walked all the way down the mountain, and said to Ma Pingchuan: "Your cemetery is built above an ancient tomb, and the area you see withered is the area of ​​that ancient tomb. At a depth of more than 40 meters, the underground palace was built into a very strange shape of a scorpion, and I don't know what the purpose is." The child paused, then continued, "The reason why the crops here withered is because of the people who built the ancient tomb. At that time, a kind of machine was laid inside. Recently, tomb robbers entered this ancient tomb and touched the machine. The poisonous gas inside evaporated in large quantities, poisoning the crops on the ground overnight."

  "Little devil, How did you know these things?" Ma Pingchuan said, "Could it be that you have a see-through eye?" The child glanced at him and said lightly, "Because I am the tomb robber."

  Ma Pingchuan frowned and stopped. The horses, his subordinates also stopped their horses one after another, and the horse the child was riding saw that the horses around him stopped, and also stopped. The child turned to look at Ma Pingchuan, Ma Pingchuan asked: "What did you say? Kid, do you know the consequences of your nonsense? This is the ancestral grave of my Ma family, you are telling me that you digging up my family ancestral grave touched the organ , not only disturbed my ancestors, but also poisoned my crops to death?"

  "I won't talk nonsense." The child said, "Besides, I haven't finished speaking, I will tell you next, the people in your ancestral tombs. Where did the coffins go?"

  Ma Pingchuan nodded, his hand was already on the pistol on his waist: "Yes, then, where did you go? Has something to do with this scorpion?"

  "It was eaten." The ancient tombs 'eat' all the coffins in your ancestral tombs."

  "Eat?" Ma Pingchuan thought it was very strange that he had such a serious conversation with a teenage child, and he was also impressed by the child's aura. Pressed hard. The most bizarre thing is that he found that everything the child said, he actually believed a little. He squeezed the gun in his hand tightly, wanting to take back the initiative: "How do you call it eaten, this ancient tomb is alive?" The

  child shook his head: "I don't know." "I don't know?"

  "I I know where you can find those coffins, but I don't know why the coffins are eaten by the biggest tomb underground." The child said, "If you dig this place now, you will find all the coffins are all stuck underneath. Outside the wall of this scorpion-shaped ancient tomb, it seems to be attracted by something." The

  child was very calm, and this kind of calmness beyond ordinary people made Ma Pingchuan more and more uncomfortable.

  If you see someone who looks weak but isn't afraid of you at all, you better be careful, because "not afraid" can't be faked. The real fearlessness must come from the incomparably powerful inner strength. People like Ma Pingchuan are accustomed to using power to oppress people, but they don't have much confidence in their hearts.

  After the child finished speaking, he looked at Ma Pingchuan and said, "I have one thing that I feel I need to inform you about. The area here is dozens of miles away. In a few months, nothing will grow, and it will not be able to recover for decades. Everyone will not have a good death. The population is dense here. As the leader of the party, you can still do something. Maybe things will not be as I said."

  "How?" Ma Pingchuan asked, "Little devil, you come to me There must be a purpose for saying this, let's just explain it." The

  child said: "I have a few friends who are still trapped in the underground tomb. I have seen your coffin in the tomb, I know Your Ma family is a prominent family here, and you are disturbed by the whereabouts of the coffin, so I will let you know. At the same time, I also hope that you can help me with two things.

  First, prepare me dry food for seven days, a short knife weighing six pounds, a bag of wind lamp oil star and charcoal powder, I will go down to save my friend, and try to seal several holes in the ancient tomb. Second, please dig up the edge of this dead crop, take a bamboo pole about 50 feet long on the wet mud and pour it into the lime, and knock it into the mud, leaving only one finger, the denser the better. "

  "Why do that?" "It's like a prison, the thing below is too fierce, it must be trapped, and it is solved here." "The child said, "I came out of it and told you this. It's not easy. My friend is trapped below, and his life and death are uncertain, but the matter is up to us, and I will definitely solve it." If I do not come back to you in seven days, please send this letter back to my hometown. "The

  child took out a letter from his arms, handed it to Ma Pingchuan, and said, "If I don't come out after seven days, please keep your children and grandchildren away from this place as much as possible." Ma Pingchuan looked at the

  cover of the letter, the recipient of the letter was the Zhang family in the northeast, and he frowned: "Little devil, whose tomb is under here? Why so fierce? If it is my ancestor's tomb, it seems inappropriate for me to help outsiders move my ancestor's tomb, right? "The

  child said:" Your family is so prosperous, and it has nothing to do with this evil cave. It is probably just a coincidence that you are building a grave here. The owner of the ancient tomb below is still unclear, but the people in this shape of the tomb must not be ordinary people. "

  Ma Pingchuan thought about it, he was thinking of other things. If it wasn't for his family's ancestral tomb, the size of the tomb must be huge, and there must be a lot of treasures in it. Seeing that it was taken away by this kid, wouldn't he be the third pig head? "I 've

  said too much today, don't ask any more. said the boy, "could you help me with a letter. "

  Ma Pingchuan prepared what the child wanted that night. The child took the steamed buns and disappeared into the night. The next day, according to what the child said, he organized the villagers to go to the surrounding area to buy long bamboo and lime, and put the whole piece of The area was surrounded all over.

  Ma Pingchuan's idea was to wait for the child to finish the following things, then capture him and force him to take his own people into the ancient tomb, or simply eat the black and let them take the thieves He handed over all the property he got, since the ancient tomb was on his territory anyway.

  However, Ma Pingchuan never saw the child again. The strange things did not end here, whether it was Ma Pingchuan's greed, or his curiosity about the underground tomb, after half a month, he ordered the entire cemetery to be excavated, to lift the top of the underground tomb, and see to the end. what is it like.

  However, a huge deep pit was dug in the ground, but no so-called ancient tomb was found, only a black iron scorpion more than 20 feet long was dug up. Digging under the scorpion, the soil frequently collapsed, and this move alerted all forces to spy on it. Seeing that there was nothing else to do, Ma Pingchuan had to backfill the soil.

  Years later, when Ma Pingchuan remembered the letter, he still sent someone to deliver the letter to the address on the letter sent to him by the child. Local people said that the Zhang family used to be a well-known local family and kept a low profile, but for some unknown reason, it suddenly fell and disappeared.

  No one knows where the child is going. Is there really a scorpion-shaped underground palace under Ma Jiazu's tomb?

  Ma Pingchuan just speculated that the child should be surnamed Zhang, and if he survived, he must be a remarkable person.

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