Who knows when these higher-ups would respond?
If she was marked like this, didn't this mean that her family would be put in danger?
This wasn't how she envisioned her future at all.
She just wanted to bring joy and happiness to everyone. Be happy and be surrounded by a loving family.
And now, her life was going to be destroyed by this lunatic. There was no way this person or spirit was a good one. Good spirits and people always ask politely first and they don't force others.
This lunatic had been peeping at her, and now he did something like this. Who knows if one day she was going to wake up pregnant and be forced to carry that lunatic's lineage?
She feared something like that happening.
She didn't want to even think about it.
She wanted this getting rid of as soon as possible. And it didn't matter what kind of price she needed to pay to get it done.
She was willing to go all in if it meant getting her freedom back.