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Chapter 14: A Red haired and a green skinned collides

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"Let the game begin!!!" Announced Leroro before a huge yellow cube appeared before him as he entered it. After he entered it, the cube then floated in the air as it goes upwards near the ceiling of the arena.

He then continued talking from the cube as his voice became amplified.

"I will count to five. Teams who wants to advance to the first round should press the buzzer before the count ends!!"



[At the main trio room]

"You idiot!! I said stop before I knock you out!!" Yelled Khun to Kai as he tries to stop Kai from pressing the buzzer.

"C'mon, man! Don't you want to fight everyone here!? It's gonna be really fun!!" Said Kai as he tries to press the button while Khun is stopping him.

The moment Leroro started counting, Khun immediately guarded the buzzer because he knew that a certain battle maniac will immediately want to enter the game. Something that he will stop with his everything because it's just too dumb to enter at the first round.

They will only waste their energy fighting opponents which is something that he wants to preserve for the late rounds. Kai might be strong but even he has limits. Khun knew that that's why he is stopping this idiot from pressing the buzzer.

"Atleast wait for the 3rd round, you fighting maniac!!" Khun said as he slapped Kai's hand from getting near the buzzer.

"Are you really saying that I should only watch them fight for 20 minutes!? Huh!? I will really punch you if you actually mean that, you know!?" Yelled Kai as he tries again and again.

This bastard vampire should already know that he would probably destroy the gate and enter the game forcibly if he has to wait while watching the other regulars have 'fun' without him.

"Just warm up or something!! You can't be saying that we can fend all those team off for 50 minutes, right!?"

Khun of course knows his thoughts but he will still not budge from his decision. The opportunity to go to the next floor is something that should not be taken lightly even a little.

"Damn right, we can!!! Right, Rak!?" Kai said as he looked at Rak who is only watching them. Looks like even he won't just recklessly go into battle and is actually considering wether they should go or not.

'Hmm...there's really no loss if we lost...and I really want to see this red turtle fight too...he only either took my attacks head on or dodged it when we fought... Alright.' he thought before he stood up.

At the sight of him standing, Khun's eyes widened as he tsk'd. Looks like the gator will side with Kai.

"Alright, my two underlings!! By this great one's decision, we shall enter the game!!!" Rak announced while raising his spear.

Hearing him, Kai's eyes twinkled as he cheered.

"Yahoo!!! That's the Rak-sama I know!!" Said Kai with Joy. He will finally be able to fight after that sh#tty previous test! He hates those kinds of complicated tests very much.

"This two idioooooooottsssss!!!" Was Khun's last words as he was forced away from the button by the two before Kai pressed it enthusiastically.

Kai left the black march on their room because he doesn't want anyone to see it since it would endanger Yuri. He would only take this test with his own strength. It's different in that battle royale test since he could just kill everyone who recognized the needle.


They then left the room while dragging Khun whose soul left his body. Looks like the ticket to easily go to the next floor is gone...


[Leesoo's team room]

Like other regulars, Leesoo also have the same thoughts to the game.

'Going out in the first round is too risky...I'll have to watch a bit longer.'

'But this game itself is very advantageous for us. If we're able to get out by atleast the fourth round, this game is as good as won!!' he thought before two shadows covered him as he sighs with a little smile.

"Let's go." Said a green skinned girl who is holding a green needle and has a tail on her back.

'Of course...I knew you would do this...' thought Leesoo as he stood up with a sigh.

'I knew you wouldn't care about details or consequences...' he said as he followed the girl and his other team mate.

"Against this guys, 50 minutes is a piece of cake." The green skinned girl said with confidence.

"I agree." Agreed his other team mate.

'After all...we're the strongest trio here.'

He thought as they got out from their room.


Kai then got on Rak's back as he observed the regulars who got out of their rooms. There's only 2 other teams who got out from their room as Kai sensed 2 specific people from the group ahead of them.

"Oh~ I smell two beasts~" he said to Khun and Rak as he looked at the green skinned girl and a boy with 2 katanas.

"That lizard huh...I also thought that her weapon is strong." Rak said as Kai and him looked at the needle the girl is holding. Rak first sensed that dangerous weapon when he was looking for a prey in the battle royale test.

'It also has those creepy eyes as symbols...' thought Kai before he grinned. If that girl is also able to ignite it...

"Heh...looks like this will be a bit troublesome since I didn't bring my needle with me." Said Kai as it caught Khun's attention.

"Does your weapon have a power or something?" Asked Khun.

He still didn't know about black march because Kai wrapped it in a white cloth so his reaction is normal. He is also not like Rak who has good senses for all kinds of energy so he was not able to sense the black march who is hiding her aura.

"Oh. I never told you two about it, didn't I?" Said Kai as he remembered that he actually didn't tell them before he gestured Khun to go near him. He trusts them even if they get into petty fights almost every minute that's why he will not hide anything important to them.

And if they somehow betray him...he will just deal with it if that time even comes.

He then whispers to Khun as Khun's eyes widened. Before he could even speak, Kai immediately covered his mouth as he shush him.

Khun calmed his self as he cleared his throat.

Rak also heard what he whispered since he is near them but he doesn't really care. He would only care about it if Kai is his enemy to which he is not. Which is something that Kai knew so he did not bother whispering it directly to Rak.

"To think that you're even connected to a princess. What's more is she actually let you borrow 'that'. You 'its' really are a different breed." Said Khun as he looked at the needle the green skinned girl is holding.

Kai said that it's also the same so he started thinking on how to deal with it. It would be really troublesome to face a 13th month series no matter how weak the enemy is since they are still in early stages. Even an untrained adult will have trouble dealing with a child that is holding a knife. What's more is the 13th month series can even be compared to a gun in this case. The child only needs to aim at the adult's head and pull the trigger for the adult to die.

Back to Kai.

"Heh. I'm definitely more awesome than them but whatever..."

He then got off from Rak's shoulders as he cracked his knuckles while jumping consecutively with a grin on his face.

Rak and Khun also got ready as they both stretched a little.

Meanwhile, Leesoo who saw that Kai and his team are one of their enemies sweated a little as he spoke with shaky voice.

"L-looks like we're actually gonna fight Kai's team...this might not be as easy as we thought." He said as he caught both of his team mate's attention.

Their team mate might be weak but they both knew that he is smart. He is even the one who made them pass the previous test that's why they will actually pay attention if he said something important.

"Kai? That team over there you mean?" Said the girl while looking at Kai's team. Even she sensed that those team might actually be a challenge for her who is a princess(?). Especially the red haired boy. She can sense something in him although she can't describe it with words.

"Looks like it. The other team are full of weaklings so they are the only threat to us." Said the boy with two katana as he observes Kai's team. He also sensed that all three of them are strong. The strong senses each other after all.

They did not even bother to look at the other team who is comprised of a boy with a red needle, one wearing a large shirt with a cross in the center, and a boy wearing a brown shirt with two swords on his back.

They are too weak to the point that they would even probably die if they as much as get caught on their team's fight.


After some seconds of staring at each other, their team and all the regulars got shocked as they saw the red haired boy grin and raised his right hand as a red flaming orb floated underneath it.


All the regulars in the huge arena thought as they saw the boy able to produce shinsu which is something very rare. There are specific requirements to be able to use it after all.

They then wondered what the red head is gonna do next before they saw him shot multiple shinsu attacks towards the team to his right which is the team of the boy who is holding a red needle.

They were not even able to dodge as the attack was just too sudden and too fast as all three of them got hit in the stomach before they flew and crashed to the arena's walls.



Them crashing to the walls broke a part of the wall as some debris crashed on them and created a smoke.

After a few seconds, the regulars who is watching was snapped from their daze as Kai spoke. Everything being quiet made them able to clearly hear what he is saying.

"Now that the nuisance is taken care of..."

He then grinned as he sprinted towards the team all by himself much to his and the other team's shock.

"Let's fight already, you side characters!!!"

At Leesoo's group.

"Shi-shit!! Anak!! Hatsu!! I'm counting on you both to stop that dragon that is coming after us!!!" Leesoo said with nervousness as he hid at the back of the green skinned girl. He can actually imagine a huge red dragon that is flying towards them as Kai gets closer.

The boy with two katana, Hatsu, spoke to him with calm voice.

"Hm? What are you saying? Shouldn't all three of us fight? Where are you killer arts?" He asked Leesoo. When they first met, Leesoo told them that he is actually quite strong with his killer arts. He doubted what he said a little before eventually trusting him since he is his team mate. Team mates should have trust to each other after all.

"Wha? You actually believed that, Hatsu? I'm gonna cry!" Said Leesoo with tears of appreciation while still hiding behind anak. Looks like one of his team mate actually believed in him. Although he felt a little guilty since it's just a bluff from him.

Anak then stepped forward as she readied her needle and looked towards the crazy red head that is running towards them with a battle lust grin on his face.

"I will fight him. Alone. You both deal with his other team mates." Said anak with seriousness.

They both actually got shocked from what she said as they both know that she has a huge pride to her strength. Her telling them to deal with his other team mate means that she's actually saying that Kai alone will be a challenge even for her who is possibly the strongest regular in these arena.

Hearing him, Hatsu nodded.

"Alright. I'll face that boy carrying a briefcase. He irritates me for some reason." Said Hatsu as he puts his hand to one of his sword. He doesn't know how or why but something about the aura of the

light blue haired boy in the opposing team is irritating him.

Hearing him, Leesoo felt like all the energy on his knees left.

"A-are you both telling me to fight that huge guy- I mean, Rak!?" Yelled Leesoo as he points at Rak. It doesn't really matter who he face since he knows that he will lose no matter who he fights in that trio but it's still much scarier that he will face someone huge.

"Yeah, what's the problem with that? Don't worry, he is the weakest among them so you should be able to last against him a little." Said Hatsu as he saw anak getting ready to intercept that red haired guy.

'So you actually never expected me to defeat even one of them from the beginning...' thought Leesoo as he comically cried.

If he is saying that he will only last a little against the weakest in the enemy, isn't he saying that he never believed that his killer arts were able to defeat even one of them to begin with!?


Kia then arrived at their location as he bolted much faster as he got into a punching motion before his fist collided with Anak's green needle.


His fist and the needle colliding created shock waves as it flew in different directions creating wind.

Seeing his fist getting blocked, Kai only grinned as he spoke.

"Nice to meet you, Gamora. Looks like you got isekai'd after dying too."

"Shut up."


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