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Chapter 2: ᴏɴᴇ


You grabbed you (f/c) suitcase and nearly ran sown the entire flight of stairs in a single leap.

"Woah! You gotta slow down or you'll hurt yourself honey!" your father stood in your path at the bottom of the stairs with his hands raised.

"I can't slow down! This is my first time going out to space so i don't wanna be late!" you quickly replied, attempting to duck under his arms towards the doorway.

"Alright fine," He looked down and gave a soft smile, "Only if you give me a hug and a kiss before you go."

you pouted slightly and looked up at him. "Alright...." you slid into his embrace and hugged him tightly. "I'm gonna miss you.." you felt tears start to gather in the corner of your eyes. <i>Oh God Don't cry, It's not like I'm leaving forever! </i>You thought, forcing yourself to hold back the small tears.

your father wrapped his arms around you, "I'm going to miss you too.."

The sudden loud noise from the TV in the living room made you both nearly jump. Your father pointed a thumb towards the living room and tilted his head slightly to the right. "Also before you go- lets check the news."

You sighed and rolled your eyes. "Alright." you followed him into the living room and slumped into the couch next to him.

The news was showing regular everyday stuff: The weather, an odd man who decided to sell a truck for 1 dollar, etc.

You sighed and looked at the time, then glanced back at your father. "Can I go now? There's nothing important happening." you waved a hand towards the TV.

"Yeah i guess there's nothing interesting..." He rubbed his chin before standing up to give you one last hug, "Please stay safe... I don't want what happened to your mother to happen-"

You quickly cut him off, "I know dad... I'll stay safe. And i doubt there will be an Imposter on the ship. Remember what the government said."

You sighed and found your mind slowly drifting off towards the topic.


The reason why your beautiful mother was dead. She and your father both went to space like this once. Only they were older than the age that you are right now. They went to space when they just turned 24. The only reason why they decided it was more safe to allow people to go to space when they were at the age 17-18 was because there was a smaller chance of an imposter being on board. The government agreed that 18 would be far too young for someone to be skilled enough to kill an entire crew without getting caught...

You didnt exactly believe them.

You snapped back into reality and quickly gave your father a kiss on the cheek. You looked over my shoulder and waved bye as you dashed out the door. You jogged along the sidewalk with your suitcase dragging behind you, thinking about the journey ahead. <i>It's only a few months, right? Nothing to be worried about y/n.</i> You thought confidently.


You reached the entrance of the ship and stared at the small structure.

<i>What- this thing looks like it can barely fit 20 people inside without them squishing against each other! Is this really the ship that were staying in for 2 months? </i> Your shoulders sank a bit with disappointment. "I guess i cant complain..." You muttered to yourself.

You forced a small shrugged and slowly walked towards the entrance of the ship, clutching the handle of your suitcase tightly. "Maybe I'm the first one he-" You immediately stopped yourself from finishing the sentence once you heard the loud yell of a boy saying, "Leave me alone, shitty-hair!"

You groaned and felt your shoulders sag lower. <i>Time to meet my crewmates...</i> You forced a smile and straightened your back as you walked through the entrance.

It seemed normal- everyone was chatting and laughing. Like normal people would.

You slowly walked towards a seat in the far corner and put your suitcase in a large locker. A girl with pink cheeks smiled and waved hello to you. you smiled and awkwardly waved back. <i>Everyone seems nice so far i guess...</i>

You looked around and your eyes fell onto a boy with red and white hair. You could of sworn he was staring at you, but when you turned towards him his eyes were faced to the floor. You started to get up but you stopped myself. <i>Maybe he wants to be alone... He's standing away from everyone else... </i>you hesitated, <i>I should at least ask why he's all alone I suppose... He looks a little lonely. </i>you continued to rise from your seat and slowly walked towards the boy.

"Um... Hi." you waved a awkwardly at him, "Why are you standing alone? Everyone else is chatting with each other.."

He continued to stare at the floor- clearly uninterested in making eye contact, "You weren't talking with them." He replied blankly.

"Oh... Well.. I guess I'm just not used to meeting new people.." you muttered quietly. Maybe talking with him was a bad idea. "Do you want me to leave you alone? I just came over to say hi cause you seemed like you needed company." You were about to turn around to walk away since he only responded with silence, but he quickly lifted his head and made eye-contact with you.

You almost choked on the air-

His eyes were different <i>colors</i>. Almost like his hair, except one eye was teel and one was light grey. You found yourself staring at them for a while. <i>Stop it y/n- you'll look like a pervert if you keep staring like that…</i>

"No, you don't have to go. It's nice having a normal conversation for once. I'm Todoroki." !

"I'm y/n." You said with a smile. You sat down next to each other and you decided to start an actual conversation. "Is this your first time going to space?" You asked, curious.

"No." He replied simply, "My family is rich so I've been able to go more than once."

Your eyes brightened and you leaned closer to him with new-found excitement, "Ohhhh!. So is it cool out there? How does it feel like with no gravity? Are there millions of stars everywhere?? OH I always wondered how big Jupiter-" Your voice was cut off by a hand being placed over your mouth.

"Calm down- one question at a time." His hand started to shake slightly as he covered your mouth. He quickly moved his hand back to his lap.

"Whats wrong?"

"Oh, nothing.."

"I know what it is!" You said with a smirk.

"Wait- what- you do?" He looked pale for a second as you nodded your head.

"Your n e r v o u s to go to space." You grinned at him teasingly.

He seemed to relax at my reply. "I am not nervous."

"MmHm. Sureee."

"What- I'm not!" He rolled his eyes, "I've been to space before dummy- did you already forget."

"Nah i totally remembered."


I sighed as I saw everyone chatting and having a good time while i sat in the corner thinking.... Thinking about the quickest way possible to kill every living human on this ship without getting caught.

My thoughts were interrupted when a girl walked through the entrance of the transport. The girl was very attractive and i found myself staring. She smiled slightly and walked to the other corner of the ship, waving to another girl that said hello. I felt my heart beating faster than usual and i quickly forced my vision away from her as her e/c eyes landed onto me.

I sensed her walk towards me and I stiffened, not wanting anyone to find out I was one of the treacherous imposters.

"Um... Hi." Her voice echoed in my ears and I somehow calmed down. "Why are you standing alone? Everyone else is chatting with each other.."

I kept my eye sight to the floor, "You weren't talking with them."

She paused then muttered something about not being good at meeting new people. "Do you want me to leave you alone?" She asked, and i sensed her turning to the other direction to walk away.

i lifted my head. What are you doing Todoroki... But something was telling me to talk to her, to get to know her. I saw her stare into my eyes and my heart skipped a beat. <i>What is wrong with me today... I think I'm getting sick.</i>

I quickly blurted, "No, you don't have to go. It's nice having a normal conversation for once. I'm Todoroki."

She smiled.

She smiled at me out of all the people in this Earth. "I'm y/n."

We ended up sitting next to each other and having a small conversation. Her eyes widened once I told her I've been to space more than once. She started to ask millions of questions at the same time and I quickly covered her mouth to stop her from asking anymore. "Calm down- one question at a time."

My hand is so close to her neck... I could easily kill her right now... All I need to do is snap her neck. My hand started to shake as I remembered my training, but something told me to not kill her. <i>I can't kill someone in front of the entire team you dumbass... Keep it together. </i>I wasn't so sure that this was the reason I stopped.

"What's wrong?" She asked, looking down at my hands with concern.

She was concerned for ME.

"Oh, nothing..." I looked back at her and found myself staring again. Why am I staring... I'm seriously getting sick. We talked for a while longer after that, until she decided to meet the rest of the group. She invited me to join her of course- but I declined. I felt my blood boil a bit as I saw her chatting with the other boys and girls.

Why did she have to go and talk to THEM.

Why not stay here with me?

After that thought I had to keep asking myself the same question over and over again.

<i><b>Why do I suddenly feel this way.</b></i>

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