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Chapter 14: Episode 12. Symphony of Evening

After school, I bring Hakam to the teacher's room to talk in private with Xander. We're talking about moving Hakam's house and discussing the job that Xander will give.

Hakam is actually a student with great potential, but his potential is blocked by the situation.

"Why was I brought here?" Said Hakam who was confused looking at the two of us.

"I heard from Mr. Rasyid about your situation. When I heard the story of yours, I was sure of one thing...You really are the right person for this, kid." Xander explained with serious eyes.

"Right about what?!" Hakam was getting confused.

"I'm sorry for being too to the point... You need a new place to live, right? I can give you but with one condition"

"Is that true?!" Hakam was surprised and happy.

"But what are the conditions? If it's something strange like I must do a dirty job, then I will refuse it." Hakam is firm.

"Every Sunday... You come to the House of Xander. I need a servant to help with the house job. That's the condition..., what do you think?" Xander let out a sly smile.

"That's all? Aren't my pay(the house) and efforts not comparable?"

"It's comparable...Because you'll be working all day. You'll also get a normal salary. Let's just say the house I gave you was a down payment." He made a satisfied smile.

Sasuga... The prince's name isn't just a title. I thought he was only dignified but from what I see right now, he is also very cunning. Xander really knew when he must give off a dignified or sly image.

"That is a piece of cake, I often work late into the night so this job might be easier. I... accept this agreement." Hakam accepted it with hesitation.

"Thanks to Mr. Rasyid. He recommended you to me. Hahahaha..." Xander pointed at me with all his right fingers.

I bow while holding my chest with my right hand as a reply.

"Mr. Rasyid, Thank you so much!" Hakam was very happy and immediately kissed my right hand.

TL NOTE: Kissing on the right hand is a normal greeting for the student to their teacher.

He came out happy.

"Hahahaha...Look at his happy face, Syid. You're really a good teacher." Xander couldn't help but laugh with joy.

"But is it okay to not tell about Stevent?" I am worried.

"Relax. Stevent always listens to what I say."

"Xander... Thank you." I have to say it while I can.

"It's nothing. After all, I really need him and half of this is your plan, right?" He reminded me.

Xander really loves his brother. That's what I want to say.

He did a lot of things for his little brother, which makes me remember my brother. I have to respect him.

I came out of the teacher's room and walked on the classroom terraces while looking at the fighting arena from a distance. The arena that is usually used by students to practice is now filled with teachers who are practicing.

I saw Tasya and Erika talking without a will to want to know what they were talking about, just looking at them.

Tasya's clumsy crying face describes that she is desperate and asks Erika for help to train her. Erika looks hopeless while holding back her emotions when she saw Tasya's clumsiness.

My eyes and Erika's accidentally met. Her mouth curved into a smile. I feel something bad is coming. I quickened my footsteps to avoid it, but I failed.

"Mr. Rasyid, Hello!"

Erika called my name. Tasya who heard it immediately looked at me and waved at me.

Another problem is coming. I hold my forehead.

I walked to meet them both because got forced. 'Erika...I'll avenge you!'

"What?" I looked at Erika wryly.

"Hehe..." Tasya greeted me with a forced smile.

"You remember, don't you? You have beat me in the fight, back then." Erika raised her voice so Tasya could hear what she says.

"Hwaa(surprised)!!! Mr. Rasyid has beat Sis Erika in a fight?! When?! Where?!" Tasya's eyes shone in admiration.

"During the entrance test..." I lowered my voice.

I can't just say 'On the first day of teaching.'

"Hwaa!!! Your tests are different from the other applicant?! As expected from the vice mayor's recommendation. Even the tests are different!" Tasya complimented me with her eyes still shining.

"Ah ha ha ha ha" I just forced my smile.

"Hey, Tasya why don't we just ask Rasyid to train us. Wouldn't that be better than me?" Erika smiled while nudging me.

Seriously, Why did her character suddenly change? The Erika I know gives off a tsundere or formal vibe. But this time she became a teasing master. How much personality does she have?

"But didn't Mr. Rasyid lose against Samuel?" Tasya held her chin in thinking.

"At that time I forgot to bring my Pageblug and borrowed Xander's. So my ability is not optimal." I lie as naturally as breathing.

"Then it has been agreed that Rasyid will train us both!" Erika concluded it without my agreement.

"How could-" Erika drags me to the arena.

In the arena, I stand alone, and in front of me were 2 women who had activated their pageblug. Why is it even like this?

"Why am I fighting against you two?!" I scream at this injustice.

"Calm down with Tasya joining the team with me. She will lower my fighting ability."

"Hey, how can you be so mean!" Tasya objected and burst into tears.

I activated mine while they were fighting.

"New weapon?"

"Mine is broken."

Staring at my Curved Sword I think about something, I wonder if there should be no blood for next week? I really should be able to keep my promise this time even though this time I'm on a mission that was given by Nova.

"Hoy.....What are you daydreaming about?" Erika looks at me suspiciously

"Be careful sir, if you won't focus, you'll get hit by a stray bullet." Tasya started lecturing me.

I'd better nod right away so the practice will start immediately.


"Prepare yourself, Syid! This time I will split your body in two!" Erika put on a scary face.

"I'm coming." Tasya took the initiative to attack first.

She swung her whip at me. She could reach quite a distance with that weapon. However, whips are less effective in injuring their foe.

I have to dodge it backward. The whip will easily rotate its direction if the opponent dodges to the other side.

"I've been practicing! You know!" Tasya added earth element to her whip.

The whip that was plain now had thorns all over it.

Tasya stepped forward and waved her whip at me.

The closer the user is to the enemy, the more difficult the enemy will be to dodge. But the weakness of the weapon is in the length of the weapon.

I used earth magic on my hand. A thick ground covered my hand and became my gloves.

I quickly caught Tasya's whip who was swinging at me. I grabbed her weapon and threw it to the end of the field.

Now Tasya lost her weapon.

"I told you I've been practicing!" Tasya stepped forward and make a replica of the sword from the ground to swing it at me.

I held it in my hand. My gloves shattered instantly. Her swing is quite strong.

I tried to cast my water magic. But an electric radiance emanated from the sword.

I got a strong shock from casting water magic and unable to hold it in the got pushed back.

"How is it, sir? Isn't that great?" A triumphant smile appeared on her face.

I underestimated her too much. Maybe because I never fight against people who play smart in this school. So I didn't see this thing would happen.

There was something odd about Tasya's position who standing there alone. But what is it? There is something strange? I have forgetting something.

"Do you forget about me?" Erika aims at me from above.

She falls from high, The sun's rays got covered by her. Fire magic is fused into her arrows.

"This is my revenge!" Erika shot an arrow.

Suddenly, hundreds of fiery arrows rained down on me.

I will lose.

'No..... I forgot something important.'

I remembered it and threw my sword at her.

The rain came down and extinguished the fire from the arrows.

Do not waste my time, I immediately made a dome from the ground.

At the same time, Tasya who also did not waste this golden opportunity try to attack me with a lightning strike and almost hit me.

I've read her attack. The lightning could not pass through the solid ground.

"I won't let it!" Erika who was still flying down tried to fire high jump kick at me.


The earthen dome shield I made shattered. Erika's satisfied face was written as she crushed it. But her satisfaction turned to disappointment.

"Yo" I was already waiting in that dorm to slash her with the sword I've fused with water magic.


Erika fell with a mark of my slash.

"Sis Erika!" Tasya screamed because now she was alone.

"Your enemy is still there." I took this opportunity and approached Tasya who was still panicking.

I stabbed her small body with a pointed hand from ground. This is the same attack I got when I lost against my brother last night.

They both lost. Erika who had regained consciousness from earlier came and pinched my ear."Ouchh!"

"Why don't you be gentle against me at all. You cut me open without any guilt." She was irritated.

"You're too fat, so you're easy to split," I said forbidden words.

I'm ready to be slapped.


But I was disappointed that she didn't slap me. I even saw her sad face. "I'm fat?!" Tears came out of her eyes.

"Not really. You're slim and pretty." I retract my words out of guilt and praise her.


"Ouch..." I received a punch to the stomach.

"Ha?! Do you compliment me?! You annoyed me!" Erika gets more annoyed.

I got what I wanted but why this is not enjoyable at all.

"Wow, she's so happy right now." Tasya walked up to me.

"Happy from what...I got suffering..." I endured the pain in my stomach.

"Her face becomes red"

"Red? You mean she becoming a demon?!"

"You so dense, Mr. Rasyid." Tasya glared at me with disappointment on her face.

"I don't know what you mean, I will going home now," I said goodbye while holding my stomach.

The blows from my brother's ex usually didn't hurt this much. I felt like my bones were broken.

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