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Chapter 48

The restaurant was just as busy as it had been on their first 'date'. That was before they'd confessed their love for each other. It had been a pretend date but it was a special memory for both of them.

Tonight Grace was wearing the earrings he'd bought for her that night and she looked ravishing. She'd been losing weight slowly but steadily as she watched her diet and kept her idle hands busy with her classwork. She had little time to snack as she was completely absorbed with her classes. Rachel had taken her out shopping and found some lovely clothes that fit her less abundant form. She would never be as svelte as Rachel was as it just wasn't in her genes but Ed loved her as she was and she gained an enormous amount of satisfaction from that fact.

Once more they were almost undone by the variety on the menu. Ed ordered the burrito once more and Grace tried something new. They sipped at their waters as they waited.

"Are you all packed?" she asked.

"Yes, Rachel did that for me."

"Is your passport up to date?"

"I still have almost nine years to go on it. Mr. Drakos insisted I get it but I'm not sure why. I have no stamps in it yet."

"Well your first one will be Barbados!" Grace smiled.

"I wish you were coming with us," Ed said sadly.

"You know I can't take the time now. Rachel promised me she'd take good care of you." Grace said taking his hand.

He smiled and nodded then lifted her hand to his lips. Her face got a little flushed at the feel of his soft caress.

Their orders arrived and talk took a back seat to eating the delicious food. Grace did tell him about her classes, her teachers, and some of the other students.

Ed told her that Mr. Drakos told him that he'd realized he'd been pushing Ed too hard all week so Ed got to stick around the office today just finishing up his paperwork. He'd only had to work an extra thirty minutes.

Then he told her about the work he'd done at Stephanie's the night before. He told her that he'd determined that he loved Stephanie and did his best to explain it. She watched him struggle, trying to put into words something that could only be felt. She gripped his hand once more and smiled at him.

"It's ok Ed. I get it. I know what you're trying to say."

The relief on his face was enormous. He stuttered from the anxiety of trying to express something he barely understood.

"I- I love you Grace. I don't know where I'd be without you!" he said as he leaned forward to hold her palm against his cheek. He kissed the inside of her wrist sending tingles through her body.

She pulled her hand back reluctantly. If she hadn't she might have jumped him there in the restaurant.

They were too full for dessert so they missed out once more. Feeling pleasantly stuffed they headed home.

When they went upstairs Grace pulled him into a hug in the hall. "You should head off to bed right now. You have an early start in the morning."

"Could you sleep with me?" Ed asked.

She smiled up at him and nodded. "Just let me get ready for bed."

Rachel had left them a note indicating that she had gone to bed early as well so Ed retired to his bedroom and undressed. He pulled on some boxers to sleep in, brushed his teeth and got into bed.

He was beginning to doze off when his bedroom door opened and closed as Grace entered. He felt the mattress shift then her wonderful softness was pressing up against his side.

"Mmmmm!" he rumbled deep in his chest as he rolled onto his side to wrap his arm around her.

"God Ed! You make me feel so safe and loved when you hold me!" she purred against his chest.

He rolled back onto his back and suddenly she was lying on his chest. He enjoyed the feel of her breasts pressing against him and moved his hands down to her ass.

"Ohhhh!" she moaned as he kneaded her flesh there. He pulled her up his body until he could kiss her and wasted no time in doing so. Her lips were still the softest he'd ever kissed and his head spun every time he did. He couldn't believe she was in his arms kissing him in return. His kiss turned demanding and she whimpered with need as she returned his passion.

His hands went under her silky pj bottoms and he relished the feel of her skin. He dipped a hand between the full orbs and slid his fingers along the softest skin causing Grace to pull back from the kiss and gasp.

"Oh Ed! Oh my god!"

Then he slipped his fingers inside.

She clung to his shoulders and tucked her head into his neck as she sucked in her breath. She suddenly pushed back from Ed causing him to extract his fingers. She crawled backwards down his body until her face was above his waist. She pulled down his boxers and his thick cock slapped up against his stomach.

Grace moaned as she looked at the beast. She leaned down and ran her tongue along it from the base to the sensitive tip and this time it was Ed who sucked in his breath. He was so hard and hot under her tongue. She lifted it up and pressed her lips to the tip enjoying how Ed twitched and shook under her control. She loved giving him pleasure and loved his reaction to it. She knew she could take him deeper than the others so she opened her mouth and guided his cock between her lips. She bobbed over the head, dragging her lips over the sensitive ridge and she felt his cock swell even more. Before he could prepare she pushed forward taking him deep into her mouth until the head bumped into the back of her throat. A gentle push and it continued down her throat.

"Oh fuck! Grace! Geezus!" Ed gasped gripping the sheets

She slowly pumped him in her throat until she had to pull back to catch a breath. She looked up at him with hungry eyes and saw the fire in his.

Ed reached down and pulled her up onto his chest once more and tugged her pj bottoms off. Instead of kissing her he rolled over on top of her pressing her to the bed. She cried out feeling the heat of his cock against her pussy. He reached down and positioned himself at her wet opening. Pushing forward the first three inches drove inside. She cried out and clung to him. He was so fucking thick!

He pulled back and drove forward again, his passion taking control. Grace bit down on her cries as there was some pain involved but there was so much pleasure she'd endure this. He seemed to come to his senses then Grace kissed his neck and he pulled back and drove forward again. He was almost fully inside and Grace's eyes began to roll back from the flood of sensations rushing through her body. He began to pump in earnest and soon the sound of their bodies slapping together filled the room.

Grace was in heaven. The pain faded to a background ache as wave after wave of bliss crashed against her mind. He was a force of nature, undeniable, untiring, wild and passionate. She clawed at his back and his thrusting became more aggressive until he was pounding her into the mattress. Grace lost track of the number of orgasms she'd had as it seemed like one continuous rollercoaster ride through endless peaks.

Ed ground his teeth together as his body clenched and shuddered through a colossal release. He clung to Grace and kissed her neck, his cock buried to its base feeling the ripple of her inner walls massaging him. He held himself above her body, not resting his entire weight on her but enjoying the touch of their skin on skin. Finally he softened inside her and he pulled back and rested next to her.

"Oh my god, Ed! That was intense and wonderful!" she exclaimed softly. They relaxed for a bit then Grace made a brief visit to his washroom before snuggling back into bed with him. Any thought of continuing the conversation was lost as she heard Ed's gentle snoring. Grace smiled and settled in for a few hours of sleep until he had to get up.

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