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Chapter 2: 2. Where am I?

In the forest that is full of huge ancient trees which tightly grow that almost overshadow all the light, there is a man walking through the forest while looking around vigilantly. The man looks like he's around 17 to 18 years old.

This is the mortal soul that was pulled from his world by the titan, no, not the mortal soul. Now his name is Eskalios now. Although using the fictional character's name was a bit lame, his memory of his previous life was almost wiped clean and he need to use this body to the day he die. So he didn't see any problem using his name.

As for the reason that he choose this name...please, look at the setting, Azeroth is full of European names, If he uses a Korean name like Sang Mandeok or Manjin, doesn't it sound weird?

Anyway, Eskalios has to say that the power of this body is very cool. After he comes to Azeroth he had tried to use this power and roughly understands the word about the restriction that the titan said to him.

In his head, he can feel that he can use only one-hundredth of Sang Mandeok's full power and only one ability. He needs to kill a threat to the planet, which is mainly composed of demons, to unlock his power.

And the word unlock did not mean that he will have additional status points like a game online, but it means he will gain another one-hundredth power of this body. The one-hundredth 0f stamina, the one-hundredth of strength, etc. And every ten unlock, he will gain one of this body's abilities like teleportation or creation.

Now, he can only use his ability to create and control the flying swords that have the normal size while other abilities are being sealed. And after he tried it a couple of times, he also has a good grasp of his current power.

The sword is creat and controlled by consuming his stamina. The more he uses, the faster he gets tired. He can create around one hundred and fifty words before running out of his power and need to take a rest of about one hour to use them again like normal exercise.

If calculate it dumbly by increasing it a hundred times, he can roughly imply that he can create more than one hundred thousand words in one time, and can continue to use this power after recovering his stamina again and again if he unlocks all this body's power.

This seems to be a bit overpowered, but if you think that this is a character from GOH then it makes sense. In the story, Kim Dooshik who was one of the six once being slabbed by Zeus from Korea to America before ran back across the ocean. If there is a pervert like this then what's strange about a guy who could create countless swords from thin air.

But no matter how much the future looks promising, now his body isn't stronger than a normal human, and a normal sword may not help in the face of an enemy like demon or the scourge. So he also has to develop the power system of this world too.

However, the power issue wasn't something he needs to be concerned about, the most important thing now is...

"Where the hell is this place!!"

Yes, that's right, he lost. Eskalios has come to Azeroth for almost two weeks but he can't even find a way to go out from this forest. In these two weeks, he found no human, no settlement, no landmark, not even an enemy. He did not even know where he is now.

The past two weeks almost make him curse Khaz'goroth. That damn titan, why can't just send him to some kingdom instead of the deep forest like this and without any helping tool except brown leather clothes like a ranger. Thanks to that, he waste these two weeks in vain, or else he could directly start to develop his ability in arcane and holy light. If this continues, not to mention saving the world, maybe he cannot even save himself.

"More importantly, when exactly is it now?" He mutters to himself. Before he come, the titan didn't tell him the specific time in Azeroth, and this may be very dangerous. Azeroth has many dangerous events like the dark portal war, the scourge, cataclysm, the war of the ancients, and even the dark empire. If it was the last one then he can directly click GG because he knew nothing about that time period except it was a time when old gods rule the world, and it wasn't anything he can fight with.

No matter where or when he is, now he can only brace himself and move forward. Eskalios use the sun as a compass and walk toward the east, trying to find any Inhabitant before deciding what to do next.

And look like he is still somewhat lucky(or unlucky) because finally, he found the trace of a human after spending time lost in the forest for almost two weeks. The traces are several cartwheel tracks and several and several footprints, including some broken accessories that sparsely fall on the ground.

"Looks like there was some large scale of people travel through this place, maybe an evacuation." Eskalios thought to himself. The fact that there was a trace of evacuation means the rise of the possibility that there is some disaster occurring. But that isn't important now, what he cares about is that if he follows these traces, then he should be able to find another human.

No, it doesn't have to be a human, as long as it is anything that can speak then it is OK. During these two weeks he feels very lonely, all day he can only fight with monsters such as giant spiders and wolf that has been occasionally encountered. Only god knows how lonely he is for not being able to communicate with humans this long.

And here comes the problem, when facing the cartwheel tracks there have two directions to choose from, and he doesn't have any knowledge about tracking so he did not know which way he needs to go in order to follow this caravan.

At last, he did not have any choice but to choose the most spiritual(stupidest) way. Guessing.

Eskalios picked up a stick from the woods and set it upright on the ground. Then he said some cliche word of a paladin that he did not have any trace of faith in it such as "Light, please guide me." and let go of the stick. Look at which direction did the tip of the stick falling to.

"To the east, is it?" He looks at its falling direction compared to the sun and then starts walking along with the road immediately.

However, look like the light did not guide him at all, or its guide, it's not the guide he wants because instead of a town or refugee camp, what he found is an abandoned village than did not have any single person. He didn't have to guess to know that this was the village that was abandoned by those cartwheel track owners. And looked like it was very thoroughly abandoned, Eskailos cannot find anything that useful to him whether it is food or clothes.

"Great, so now I have to walk all the way back, isn't it?" He sighed helplessly before turning back and intending to leave this village. But then, he heard a loud roar from the other side of the village.

From his two weeks' experience in the forest, Eskalios can roughly identify the sound of the animal, and he clearly knows that this sound definitely didn't come from an animal like a bear or a wolf.

"What is it. Is it the monster, undead, or..." He gulped down nervously, creating a sword to hold in his hand before nervously working to the source of that sound.

Slowly but quietly, he moves closer and closer to the owner of that sound which changes from a loud roar to murmuring a word that he didn't understand and a cracking sound like someone destroying the wooden house.

When he can clearly hear the sound of the footstep, Eskalios hid and attach his body to the house before slowly poking his head out, looking at the thing which make that roar.

Then, Eskalios took his breath deep because of fear.

What is present in his eyes are green creatures that have resembles the shape of humans except that the size was much bigger. From what he saw, he believes that it must be at least two and a half meters tall. The only cloth on its body is crude pants made from animal hide which reveals limbs and upper body that are full of bulging muscles that look like they are about to burst. And this creature wields a large battle axe in one of its hands, chopping and destroying the house like venting its emotion.

If he has to say what this creature looks like, Eskalios will answer without hesitation that it looks like Hulk from the Avenger with a slightly smaller body. But this is not Marvel but Azeroth, so there is only one answer which is an orc.

Speaking with the orc, as the Warcraft 3 player, it's impossible that Eskalios did not know this name. The orc is the main antagonist in Warcraft 1&2, a playable race in Warcraft 3, and has many important roles in World of warcraft as the horde. It can be said that it is one of the symbols of this franchise.

But let's not mention those things for now. At present, Eskalios did not in the mood to recall the information in the game. The moment when he saw that green figure, his heart is full of shock because seeing something fantasy for the first time that he subconsciously took a step back and kicked a random object on the ground. His action of making some noise results in revealing his presence to the orc.

The green skin abruptly turn its head back and roared when it saw Eskalios, revealing its ugly face with hideous fangs. Then rush toward him like some wild beast.

"Lok'tar ogar!"

"Lok'ta your ass!" Eskalios swear. I am just a little human. Why does Hulk like you need to use that kind of war cry to me?!

Looking at the figure that charged at him like a tank, Eskalios took a deep breath to calm his head before mobilizing the power in his body and starting creating the sword out of thin air. Stabbing the orc's back, chest, and other parts of its body.

It's true that he also held a sword in his hand, but come on. He had just arrived in this world for just two weeks, and when he was alive he didn't remember has he had ever use any weapon before. Let a newbie like him play melee with that orc, didn't this equal to seeking death? As for the sword in his hand< He just wielding it to increase his confidence

Moreover, this is one of the major fighting styles of Sang Mandeok. In the story, this guy often creates several swords near his enemy before stabbing them in a close range that the enemy couldn't react or directly crush them with his giant god's blade, it's a very few time that Sang Mandeok really wield the sword and use it in his hand.

And the result doesn't seem to be that bad. After being stabbed to the end by four swords, the orc staggered and stopped because of pain, although it can quickly stabilize itself, Eskalios didn't give it any time to react. He makes another five swords and lets them pierce through the body of the orc.

"This ability looks really broken." He thought while looking at the orc that almost become the porcupine. He can construct the sword not just near his body but anywhere he saw as long as he has enough energy, in other words, he can directly send the sword to the body of the enemy that he senses, and except those bigwigs in Azeroth, there are not many people who can dodge the sword that appear out of thin air in zero distancing.

"Lok'tar!" The roaring of the orc awakens him, and when looking at it, he saw that the orc is still grabbing its weapon and looking at him maliciously, although the body is full of wounds, it's still full of vitality.

"Are you not dead yet?!" He exclaimed when saw that the orc are still trying to charge forward. He's sure that at least two or three blades pierce through its heart and guts, how could this guy still look like nothing happened.

But this did not make him flustered. He creat another sword and send it to the orc's throat, a deep wound making its blood gush out before it falls down to the ground.

"This time is really dead, right?" He thinks while looking at its corpse, but for the sake of safety, he still cuts it head off.

Come to think of it, he think he knew why this orc is so tenacious. Its large part came from its body that is full of muscle that might protect or alter his attack angle, moreover, the orc has a vitality with the same level as the wild beast, or maybe even higher than that so he cannot use human criteria to judge (Not that he know how much damage to use in order to kill human thou).

"Well, let's not think about this anymore, it's time to go back and..." Eskalios intend to go back to the starting point, but before he can do that, he heard a similar roar again, and when he looks back, what he saw is another two orcs that step out of the wood...

"Are you kidding me?!"

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