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The Asia's strongest villain

(Author's Note: My health is not good currently, bruh, I hate my weak body)


Akash pov

' What kind of stupidity is this? ', I thought speechless, a group of villains have attacked here, a place where there are top-pro heroes of the country have gathered, including one of the most powerful Pro-Hero in this world, All Might. Since he is injured it will be wrong to consider him to be the strongest Pro-Hero but he still is one of the strongest and some villains who aren't even supported by a top villain have attacked here.

" Do not fear everyone! Because I am Here!!", I heard the cliche line of the All Might who quickly sprang into action, his words made the common citizens relax and they started cheering him and other Pro-Heroes, some of them attacked the Villains, some of them protected common people from the collateral damage created by fight and from stray people.

It could be said that they were really capable and well-trained, after all which hero will focus on protecting people from stray villains? Who will fight with such efficiency and precision doing minimum collateral damage, unlike Marvel or DC heroes the fight between the two parties clearly showed the excellence of the Pro-Heroes. Even if they didn't work with each other regularly they quickly assumed their roles and started co-operating with each other.

In less than a few minutes almost all the villains had been neutralized by the present pro-heroes, I could see Ryuko turning into her dragon form and destroying the villains like they were some small pebbles that you would find on the roadside. Captain Celebrity flew at a quick speed and kept the villains at bay making sure no one can come near normal citizens.

He beat them and throw them away from the people like a ball, Endeavour and All Might be the most impressive, both of them just defeated every villain they encountered so easily, as if they were sons of Gods. Though compared to All Might Endeavour did more collateral damage and an angry look could be seen on his face, as he burned a villain till he nearly died.

"Todoroki!! What are you doing?!", All Might said sternly seeing Endeavour almost kill a villain, in fact, it was allowed for a Pro-Hero to kill a villain but on two conditions, either the villain must be highly dangerous or it should be done in private, and not in public. Thus, there were often times that Pro-Heroes killed villains, sometimes in front of cameras.

" Don't disturb me All Might", he said with a grunt, All Might's eyes narrowed as he helplessly could only sigh," Fine, but do remember that every one of these villains deserves a second chance", he said, Endevaour nodded and ignored him afterward. The battle was already won with every villain losing, it was too easy, that it was suspicious.

' Why they attacked us? ', I thought with a suspicious glint in my eyes, ' It is simply a rouse to cause distraction ', I continued and activated all my sense-related skills to their maximum output,' Great Sage spread out my senses and observe for anything suspicious also get ready to activate battle mode in a moment's notice ', I said getting on my guard.

[Affirmative], Great Sage replied to me.

Suddenly I heard a noise, " It would seem the party is here ", while it can be said loud enough for everyone to hear, due to the crowd's cheer, it was very difficult to hear it. I quickly got on my guard and looked in the direction from where the voice came, to see a man covered in tight black clothes, wearing a gas mask, holding a person my neck tightly, the person was clearly suffocated and tried his best to break from his grasp but failed as the man lightly broke his neck.

"Ahhhh!!!", a woman screamed seeing that man near him, who had killed a civilian, soon screams around the place echoed, as one after another people died, the Pro-Heroes got on their guard and quickly tried to find the source of this disturbance and found many people dressed in normal clothes killing people near them, only the black-clothed man was the exception wearing a different cloth.

The Skycrawler, aka the Protagonist of Mha Viliginate, swiftly glid through the crowd toward the Black-clothed Man, holding a woman by her neck, he maneuvered in such a way not hitting a single person in his way, and he did that in an impressive speed, then jumping on the sky in middle he glided through in the mid-air towards the villain.

He shouted," Shooty-Go-Blam!!!", and shot a number of repulsive force blasts at the villain's weak points such as his joints, and at his neck while impressively managing them to aim in such a way that they would definitely avoid the woman and at a speed that left no room for the villain to quickly use the woman as a meatshield.

' He is dangerous!! Great Sage who he is? ', I said as I instinctively felt that man to be only slightly weaker than the current All-Might. My instincts as slime were screaming at me about the danger possessed by that black-clothed man, who seemed to teleport appearing next to the Skycrawler in mid-air surprising him, and grabbing his head at a speed faster than he can dodge, he smacked him on the ground.


The ground below them cracked several meters deep and by tens of meters in length. A huge shockwave was created as a result which threw many people off the ground. "Koichi!!!!", shouted Makoto in distress seeing her love being thrown like a ragdoll. The Man in question lay in the crater bleeding profusely from his forehead. ' Great Sage is he still alive? ', I asked.

[Report! Koichi Haimawari is alive, still, his condition is serious and the only reason he is alive as he managed to defend himself in time by creating a forcefield around his body otherwise he would have died], the Great Sage reported to me.

' Well, this isn't good at all ', I thought glancing at the villain, his quirk was definitely powerful, he was able to take out Koichi easily, someone who has extremely powerful evasive and maneuvering abilities, and coupled with good defensive and offensive techniques, he was an extremely tricky opponent to deal with, even for the likes of Endeavour.

The next moment the man shouted," Well, I guess it calls for an introduction right?!", all the people froze in fear surrounded by disguised villains, while Pro-heroes got serious. The man started laughing like a maniac and asked," Hahaha, Blood and flesh splattering everywhere what's a nice view isn't it? All Might?."

The Blond Haired Pro-Hero aka the Almighty Symbol of Justice stared at the man with unconcealed anger in his eyes, tens of people had died at the hands of the disguised villains and such a thing was definitely crossing his bottom line, from his face, I could see he was even ready to kill the black-clothed guy.

" Listen to me, Villain! Now even if you were to surrender don't think you would have any good fate, the moment you spilled the blood of the innocents, should be the moment you will face the consequences of doing such a heinous act!", said Endeavour, and All Might remained silent as if agreeing with him.

The man again spoke not even a bit bothered or scared by the glare of Japan's second strongest Hero and the World's most famous and strongest Hero," Well, well, I was ready to face your judgment the moment I stepped here, but here's the thing, you should be stronger than me to judge me, so let's test it out if you are really something All Might and not some glorified pedestal made my people", his voice contained scorn.

The flames surrounding Endeavour's body started flaring up realizing that the villain didn't even consider him an enemy," How dare you!!!", he shouted and destroyed the ground below him with a blast of flames from his legs, piercing the air through a missile he approached the black-clothed man at an impressive speed, and punched with his full might, supported by the force of the flames increasing it's lethality by hundreds of times.

Everyone thought Endeavour will defeat the enemy, he was the second strongest hero in Japan after all, even the people who were scared from all the chaos had a glint of hope in their eyes, only for their dreams to be shattered the next moment as the man blitzed out of the radius of Endeavour's attack and smashed him in the ground like his predecessor.


Again a shockwave followed by the attack threw everyone off their balance when the shockwave subsidized the scene of a defeated Endeavour bleeding profusely from his head came into view. " Wh-What?", gasped Ryuko horrified, the man who was the culprit behind this lightly cracked his fists and said," Now, what all are you standing there like idiots for? Come and defeat me, show the world of your might, the dazzling victory of a Hero, otherwise, I will crush their hopes, slowly, but surely and let them see what hides behind the cover of this dazzling world of Pro-Heroes".

Everyone was silent except All Might who made a move," Save all the people and handle those other guys, I will take care of this one", he said spreading a wave of confidence among the Pro-Heroes who quickly became collected and calmly got ready to meet the villains head-on.

" Before we start though, let me finish my introductions, I am Glitch, a Glitch threatening to break the cover of the dazzling world of Valiant Heroes, who always wins", he said like a sage, and the battle began. The fight between him and All Might was bound to be catastrophic so I quickly made some distance.

' Should I fight? ', I thought, I was definitely not Hero Material, and thus I had no plans to help the pro-heroes and the civilians. Not to mention I was also limited in using my abilities, and my ultimate card, Predator which was sure to finish off that Glitch or whatever villain was something I had no intention to reveal it.

Firstly, All Might and others will know I have a third quirk and they will naturally recognize its ability as unlike Gluttony, I will need to envelop the opponent inside me and devour them, anyone with a little brain will understand its ability, and even if they don't know about ability stealing or copying factor of my ability, what waits will me lost the trust of the All Might, and me becoming a target for the Pro-Heroes and Hero Association due to my dangerous or morally unacceptable ability.

That will lead to only chaos in my life and foil all my plans that could have been completed in peace and not under the real threat of death or being captured as lab rats or prisoners. Again, I had enough other abilities to participate in this battle to gain the DNA of villains without exposing Predator, I was quite tempted by that Glitch guy's quirk, but on second thought the aftermath of the battle should leave enough DNA samples for me to use.

' Then I won't take part in it ', I thought, and quickly after creating a safe distance between me and the battle, while avoiding the villains like a pro, I breathed in relief.

[Report! Master, that man is Glitch, or Glitch Supreme, a villain working in Asia, his quirk is said to cause spatial distortions, which he uses in various ways making him a very tricky and difficult enemy to deal with. According to my calculations, he is the strongest villain in the Asian continent, and even in Europe, the only few villains capable of defeating him include All For One and a few other villains.], the Great Sage replied.

' Well your reply was late, but thanks for the info, and, hmm, a Space Related quirk? It will be best if I get it ', I thought, and then quickly jumped, twisting my body and avoiding a barrage of pins, I glanced at the man who attacked me with a click of the tongue." Oh? You managed to dodge that? Impressive for a kid, I bet you have a quite a good quirk", he said, licking his lips as he looked at me in an unsettling way.

" Well, you look quite beautiful young Lady, I will make sure to thoroughly enjoy you!", he said a debauched line sealing his fate,' Great Sage is everything clear?' I asked her.

[Report! Everything is clear even the satellite range], she said.

Hearing her the next moment I used Predator and devoured him, he couldn't even make out what happened before a blue slimy substance enveloped his body and devoured him.

{You have acquired Skill, Pin Missile}

I made sure that no camera or person saw me doing this, even though satellite range was far away from my place, the only reason he managed to approach me without me noticing is that I was fucking careless, I was deep in thought disregarding my surrounding due to a subconscious sense of safety from being away from the battle and lessening the supply of Magicules in my sense related skills.

' Thankfully, Great Sage reacted in time, and made me perform a reflex-like action ', I thought, then taking a deep breathe I heightened my senses,' Well I need to be careful ', I thought warily. This battle between All Might and Glitch was bound to be a catastrophe.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: My health is clearly not good, I feel bad being unable to update any new chapter in my Poseidon fic, but I can do nothing.

P.S.: Anyway, this guy is an OC, and there will be quite a few OC in this fic though not possibly in UA)

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