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Chapter 3: Six friends I

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A month before the kidnapping of the young Achi and her meeting with the small crew of the Hysterics, things were quite different, but they were about to change. Indeed, the 6 people had not yet set sail a month ago and were all living on a small island not far from Achi's. It was smaller with different biomes and only had a village of less than 1000 people called "Coven Island".

However, this village was special because each family that lived there were not simple families of farmers, shepherds, blacksmiths or butchers, far from it. This small village, hidden from view and almost unknown, was none other than a village of pirates, one generation after another. Seemingly normal and harmless, "Coven Village" hid families of pirates whose ancestors were feared in their time.

But year after year, although still very attached to their traditions and history, the men and women traveled on the sea less and less. Still hardened warriors by custom, some had turned instead to working the land or wood. Thus, this seemingly normal and harmless village hid trained warriors who had mostly abandoned the sea for a simpler life.

Traditions were still well anchored in daily life because the pirate mentality was in the mind of everyone, even the youngest. Thus, a natural hierarchy had been made across generations, each family passing on to their descendants the role that their ancestor held on a ship. All this in a simple, joyful atmosphere, full of life on a daily basis, accompanied by the usual tumult of a pirate village.

Even though the village had a harbor that could accommodate two or three ships, foreigners would sometimes stop at Coven Village, although very rarely. The presence of pirate families was therefore hidden to ensure the safety of all and although slightly barbaric in appearance, the village seemed normal. As a result, days, weeks, months and years passed keeping this small place safe and off the world's radar.

Not everyone knew each other and everything functioned as a normal, independent town on this small island. However, only the names of a few families were known to almost everyone, who owned or had owned a pirate with a big bounty on their head. Thus, everyone had the possibility to choose, at a certain age, to follow the path of the seas or the quiet life that represented the land.

It was the middle of the afternoon and the wind was blowing very little while the sun was shining high in the sky dazzling the whole island with its rays. The village was located at the front of a beach forming a small cove that served as a harbor for all ships. Behind it, there was a forest and to the right some dangerous dark mountains called "The Wastelands" that could serve as a training place for warriors eager for adventure and combat.

On the left, slightly overlooking the beach and its harbor, there was a small cliff filled with grass and flowers where a large tree stood proudly at the edge. It was huge, imposing but at the same time beautiful, facing the sea as if it was welcoming the sailors who were finally back. Its leaves were bright green, its branches were big, strong and on the highest of them, someone was sitting and looking at the horizon.

She was a young woman of 25 with long, slightly wavy, golden blonde hair, shining, flying in the wind, and beautiful eyes of a hypnotizing green-gray that were at once charming, powerful and determined. Her left eye had a vertical scar running from the eyebrow to just below the eye, and all along her right ear, four silver hoop earrings glinted in the sun.

The young woman was dressed in a red shirt burgundy with half-opened, letting appear some hickeys at the level of the collarbones and the neck. She had on a black trouser attached by a brown leather belt where two big hunting knives were hanging on each side. Her boots were masculine, simple and black but had small heels reminiscent of those worn by all pirates.

The sleeves of her shirt were rolled up and tattoos resembling symbols covered here and there her arms, not filling the whole area but almost. Both hands of the beautiful young woman were covered with gold and silver rings, holding an apple on the right and a beautiful white snake with green eyes on the left. It had beautiful shiny scales, was medium-sized but large enough to run the length of her left arm and right arm through her collar.

This young woman's name was Hestia Hellfire, she was born into a pirate family and had been living in this village since her birth. Her name was one of the few known by almost everyone and for good reason, her mother Diana Hellfire was a renowned pirate who left the village ten years ago. She had left promising only one thing, that upon her return her daughter would be able to join her crew and travel the seas with her.

For ten years, Hestia had been waiting for her mother's return, coming to stand on the tree every day when she had the time to observe the horizon, always hoping to see her ship. However, the young woman was not the only one to wait because this promise did not concern only her and her mother but other people. Indeed, the few children of Diana's crew were waiting with the same goal as Hestia, to join them.

"Not today either it seems.."

The young blonde woman threw away the apple she held in her right hand before grabbing one of the knives to make a cut on the trunk of the tree. On top were hundreds of other similar marks made over the years, representing her days of waiting. Putting her knife away, she leaned against the wood, swinging one of her legs into the void with a small smile on her face.

"I bet you're looking forward to the adventure too, aren't you Seth ?"

Turning to her snake, she gently stroked his white head as he hissed happily, closing his eyes to enjoy the moment. Hestia giggled slightly at Seth's behavior not feeling the least bit sad for waiting in vain. Suddenly, her vibrant green-gray eyes turned towards the small path that led to the tree as a person appeared climbing the small hill.

"Ah, Hestia ! So this is where you were... sigh, I should have known better so I wouldn't have had to search the whole village for you. Nobody saw you all night, did you sleep here ?"

The one who had just arrived was a young man of 23 years old, imposing, of a great size since he was not less than two meters high. He had long brown hair, as well as beautiful brown bright eyes that stared at Hestia perched in the tree. His name was Lucas Deadrose and he was one of the closest childhood friends of the young woman who considered him like a little brother for years.

To his question, Hestia turned on the branch in his direction before taking support on her knees, putting her hands under her chin, the legs hanging in the air. She did not answer and was satisfied to fix him intensely with a provocative smile on her face making him shiver. Lucas finally broke the silence, sighing and answering his own question after observing the young blonde woman with more attention.

"Sigh, I see... you had a hot night it seems... as usual"

Hestia did indeed have hickeys appearing between the opening of her shirt and multitudes of lipstick marks on her neck. It did not need more for the young man to understand what had happened this night, especially knowing very well her personality. At his words, the eyes of the young woman began to shine while she jumped from the branch to land on the ground with a seductive and perverse smile.

"A night like I love them fufu~"

"How many women were you with this time ?"

"Mmmh~ it seems like there were five, but I'm not really sure since I was completely drunk hahahaha~"

Hestia laughed with a glint of lust in her gray-green eyes as Lucas smiled slightly both amused and overwhelmed. Indeed, in the village, the young blonde woman was known for her incredible beauty and her legendary and irresistible hunting skills. Yes, Hestia did not have a girlfriend, but she was a seductress who loved women and perhaps a little too much.

She never failed to seduce all the women in the village, younger, older, single, married, one by one, much to the chagrin of the men who were also not insensitive to her charms. It was now natural for almost everyone to learn that she had spent the night with one or several women and she did not hide it because Hestia was not the type to worry about people's opinions and possessed a strong charismatic presence that made her unforgettable.

"Whatever. Hestia, we have to meet today with the others, I came to get you as you asked. It's almost time so let's hurry !"

"Aye aye~ no need to be in such a hurry Lucas. Or maybe...

She hadn't finished her sentence but was already approaching Lucas with a mischievous look and a worrying smile that didn't bode well. The young man moved back slowly, the wrinkled eyes dreading more than ever the continuation of the events. Arriving at his height, Hestia, slightly smaller, swept his legs in a sharp gesture to oblige him to bend down, wrapping her arm around the neck of Lucas before blocking it in a key of arm.

"Would my dear little brother have a date ? Tell me everything~ fufu~"

"N-No, stop ! I... get off me you're hurting me !"

"I hope so~ pffhahaha~!"

He struggled as best he could but despite his imposing appearance, could not get out of the grip used against him. Indeed, for a very special reason, Hestia possessed a strength much more incredible than the average human of this world. Thus, she could easily immobilize a giant, destroy a wall with a powerful punch or stun an average man without difficulties.

"Good ! Let's go get this lazy bunch !"

Suddenly letting go of Lucas, she stretched as if nothing had happened while he straightened up, dusting off his clothes with a disgruntled look. He was dressed in white pants, a white shirt and a small black sleeveless jacket. While Hestia was petting her snake Seth and stretching, satisfied with her little prank, Lucas was fixing his hair while muttering an answer.

"I don't have a date and then if I did you'd probably be the last person I'd tell"

"Oooh~? Why is that ?"

"Don't play innocent with me you shameless huntress ! You're not the nightmare of every man in this village for nothing Hestia.."

"Hahaha~ come on, I'm not so heartless as to take the one you love from you ! At least I think so... pffhahaha~!"

The two walked away from the cliff where the tree stood proudly heading towards the village that was only a few miles away jokingly. A little later was to meet Hestia and all her childhood friends who, like her and Lucas, were among the children whose parents were no longer in the village. Indeed, each of the parents was part of the crew of Diana Hellfire and had left on the seas ten years ago for adventures.

They had all grown up for years helping each other and waiting patiently each day to be able to sail with their parents. The young blonde woman, daughter of Captain Diana, had naturally become the leader of the group thanks to her charisma, her dominant air, and her strength despite her madness.

Since the departure of their parents, they had all agreed to live together, abandoning their respective homes to support each other. In their own way, each of them brought food and money to live, all united under one leader: Hestia. So it was time for Lucas and Hestia to go and meet them before returning to their lair, not knowing at all what was waiting for them later.

Very quickly, the two arrived in the village and crossed the paved streets to go to seek the first two of their friends knowing perfectly where they went. The young blonde woman walked beside the young man and as they passed, people turned around, especially the women. Hestia was of a staggering beauty but Lucas was also very handsome and did not fail to attract the glances even if he did not care.

In a few minutes, the two friends with fraternal bonds arrived on the only beach of the island where stood the small harbor that had no boats moored. In the distance, they could see two figures keeping company near the fine sand, doing two completely different things. They were two young women, one sitting in the sand and the other perched upside down on the branch of a nearby tree.

The one who was sitting was drawing the harbor in front of her, not noticing that Lucas and Hestia were approaching them, much too concentrated. This young woman of 23 years old was named Kali Deimos and had brown hair reaching her shoulders and beautiful coffee-colored eyes. She was a bit chubby but that didn't change her beauty and the adorable and tender impression she gave to anyone who looked at her.

Kali drew her tongue unconsciously out of her mouth, a sign that she was totally caught up in what she was doing. Her hair was dancing to the rhythm of the sea air and her hands, set with some rings, were tracing vigorously and without hesitation on the leather notebook she had. Kali was dressed in gray knee-length shorts and a simple white shirt giving her an innocent and captivating look.

The young woman at her side perched on the tree was not as quiet as she was also holding a sheet of paper and a pencil in her hands. She had fiery orange-red hair and bright amber eyes that, like Kali, stared at her piece of paper. Her name was Mysie Kortlein, was a talented singer, was 22 years old and was writing a song while singing way too loudly without even realizing it.

"Mysie~, Kali~!"

Lucas and Hestia observing this scene had come closer and the young blonde woman had called out to them to warn them of their presence. At the sound of her voice, recognizable to both young women, Kali suddenly stood up, coming out of her trance and turning her head instantly. Mysie, on the other hand, looked up with her head turned upside down, alerted by the voice of her friend who was drawing at her side.

"Oh ! H-Hestia !"

"Huh ? H-Hestia, w-where ? Aaaaaah !"


Before any of her three friends could even respond, the fiery-haired young woman had fallen off her branch head first into the sand. Quickly, Mysie stood up embarrassed as she spat sand under the amused but unsurprised gaze of her friends. Without waiting, Hestia rushed towards them to catch them both by the shoulders, passing her arms around them dominating them with her size.

"Hey, my beauties~ sorry I didn't come last night, I was kind of…busy fufu~"

At her words, Mysie and Kali blushed heavily as they lowered their heads quickly knowing full well what the beautiful blonde was referring to. Despite their behavior, neither of them had ever had anything but a friendly relationship with Hestia for their greatest despair, much too shy or ingenuous to talk about feelings. While Lucas raised his eyes to the sky with a big mocking smile, they both answered with a stammer.

"'s okay !"

" didn't even notice that...that you were gone."

Neither Hestia nor Lucas had time to answer that already right away, the two friends were arguing in a touching way. While the white snake with green eyes hissed, Kali immediately reacted to the words Mysie had said looking at her with big eyes.

"Hey you liar ! Who was complaining all night because Hestia wasn't there ? My ears are still ringing just thinking about it !"

"Eeeeeh ! Kaliiii ! You... you also seemed sad that she wasn't there at first ! Don't make me look like the only desperate one when you spent all your time looking at the front door hoping to see her coming !"

"I...That's...Yeah but at least I didn't deny !"

Kali and Mysie were always like cat and dog especially when it came to their friend Hestia whom they argued very often. Despite their somewhat tumultuous relationship, the two young women were very close and loved each other deeply like sisters. However, they both had a soft spot for the young blonde but were too impressed and shy to admit it.

Hestia on her side had never considered anything, not for lack of interest but rather because she did not want to hurt them. Indeed the 25 years-old woman lived only of adventures without tomorrow, preferring to enchain the conquests to satisfy her desires of redoubtable huntress. While Mysie and Kali were arguing, Hestia smiled mischievously before depositing on their cheeks a tender kiss followed by a wink.

"My my~ calm down girls, you are both my favorites and I missed you too"

Blushing more beautifully, the two young women instantly ceased their quarrel, nodding shyly lowering their eyes totally speechless. Of course, this was exactly what Hestia was looking for and she couldn't help but smile more, satisfied with what she was seeing. At that moment, Kali and Mysie looked like two cute preys that had just been caught by a hungry beast, a dangerous predator.

Indeed, Hestia liked to play and prove her dominance over women as well as men, although it manifested itself in different ways depending on the gender. The village huntress was what we call a sadist, a born dominatrix who took pleasure in dominating and controlling. Still smiling and with her eyes shining with satisfaction, Hestia released her hold on her two friends before patting their heads.


After only a few minutes, once Mysie and Kali had gathered all their belongings, the four friends would head back up to the village to get the rest of the gang. There were only two people left who were missing and needed to be present to return to their lair. This time, Hestia walked ahead followed by the other two young women and Lucas, towards a very special place.

[N/A : Original and official map of the island made by me available on discord (link in synopsis)]

LuciferSama LuciferSama

I will say it often in the first chapters but Hestia has a very special personality. You'll find out little by little but don't expect someone sane and cute, nice and heroic or altruistic and generous. That doesn't mean she won't do good deeds but... you'll see. I hope you enjoyed this chapter !

Author-san Lucifer

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