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Chapter 71: Second Sublimation.

After they woke up she luckily let him go. They both got dressed and now he was sitting on the couch as she cuddled with him. His body was still in extreme pain that no longer felt good. The good thing was that being in contact with her made the pain reduce.

As for Ophis, she had her ear to his chest just so she could listen to the beats of his heart.

"Hey Ophis, now that you got your fun can you explain why you just had your way with me?"

She perked up as she looked up at his face. She reached out and ran her hand on his cheek.

"My mate."

He sighed as that was the only thing she was saying.

"Well, that is fine. Now, can you help me? My body is in agony."

She looked at him with squinted eyes and saw what the issue was. His two bloodlines were not fusing as they should as neither one was something simple. For one his Fallen Angel bloodline was mutated as a result of his soul, and she was a Dragon God.

Neither one wanted to submit to the other, but she decided to help. She touched his forehead and transferred a small bit of her energy to him. That small bit was more than triple the amount that Kurayami could store at any one moment.

That energy was forcefully absorbed by the Dragon God and Fallen Angel bloodlines and forced them to fuse. He felt the unruly bloodlines forcefully combine together, but she gave him far too much.

This increased the agony as his magic pathways were super stressed. Some of them even began to burst which would be death sentence to anyone else. Magic pathways were like nerves that went from the soul and into every part of the body.

Having even one damaged was known to take an ungodly amount of time to heal, but this feast was just what his soul needed. It had been awoken by the insane amount of pure Infinity Energy she was sending into his body.

She felt she was just giving him a little bit of energy, but what she gave him was enough to create another Heavenly Dragon. His soul absorbed as much as it could handle and used that energy to enhance his magic pathways.

Kurayami felt how they filled with Infinity Energy and refined them to near perfection. They were thicker and could handle far bigger strains than before. If Michael was having a headache caused by the damage he was causing to the Heaven System, he was going to have a stroke.

Kurayami's entire body began to glow like a Christmas tree as his mana pathways glowed bright violet. His soul grew larger and increased the size of his soundscape. Finally his soul was satisfied with the meal and gave the leftovers over to everyone else.

Shin, Incinerate Anthem, Rebellion, and Submission were tied directly to his soul, so it;s growth made them stronger. All 4 began to absorb the pure energy she had given to Kurayami. After they took another large chunk the left over's were given to his familiars.

While this was going on, Death was watching from her throne with a smile. She had already seen this was going to happen in the future as it was one of the possibilities that nearly always occurred.

Even for her, time was ever-changing. It was why she did not believe in Ominience as she herself had killed millions of such beings that claimed to be all-knowing. if even she could not claim to know everything neither did they.

"Now that his soul has grown I should meet him soon."

"I don't recommend that sister."

She turned around and saw that one of her siblings was there to see her. She was the first being to exist, but she was followed by the rest of them. They were all formless, but they all took the forms they liked.

This time her brother took the form of a strange alien species. its skin was like stars, but she only saw a pest in front of her.

"What do you want Carterion? I thought I said no one was to enter my realm. The last time it happened, I killed all of them."

He squinted his eyes all over his body and informed her of something he thought would make her angry.

"The others know about him and will send their followers to claim his soul shard. I wanted you to know."

From the Abyss that made her home millions of eyes opened up and stared at Carterion with unrestrained furry. In her furry, a shockwave of pure death destroyed several multiverses. All those souls were drawn to her as she used them to create a black sword.

An untold number of souls went into this thing for a simple show. It was powerful sure, but when it came to beings like them that could do the same on a whim was not much.

"They won't get my son. I will just kill them all before they can try."

Carterion knew she could kill him with only a thought, but he did not care. She might be the strongest, but she was one and they were legion.

"I am just the messenger. They are still angry that you killed our brothers and sisters. You proved they could be killed and now they want to take your son's power. Keep him safe or his end will be a grizzly one.:

He turned around to leave, which she allowed. She kept the frown on her face for only a few seconds as she broke out laughing.

"Damn fools took the bait. My son will put these idiots in their place. Why do you think I left them alive. My son needs food after all and all of you will be the perfect kindling."

She looked at the sword in her hands as she had a reason to make this.


From the Abyss emerged a large titan-like creature. Eyes, arms, mouths, and tentacles were flowing along with his form. He kneeled at her feet and raised his head. He was incapable of speaking any mortal language and spoke in the primordial language.

'How may I be of service?'

"Forge this Soul Equipment for him. My son is going to be busy soon."

(Soon in her terms. It is still far off.)

She threw the sword at him which landed in his giant hand. It was tiny in his hands as it looked like a grain of black rice.

'Your words are my will.'

He retreated into the embrace of the Abyss to begin working. He sighed as the souls were lacking.

'The young master will be disappointed in me. So few souls.'

As for Kurayami, things were much simpler. The mana pathways entered his eyes and even his mouth and made a glow emerge from his body. Every part of his body was starting to absorb the energy and grow even stronger.

The moment that happened he felt his DNA forcefully add even more to it. The new bloodline entered his Bone marrow and just like before began to produce the new blood.

The new one was the perfect fusion of two of them and contained massive amounts of energy in it. Soon his old blood was expelled from his body and absorbed by his outfit once again. Nothing was wasted and once all of it was replaced the sublimation began.

His DNA once again went through a giant change in the short term so it was time for a total overall.

'OH SHIT! Here comes the pain.'

He did not expect to go through a second sublimation already and it was going to be violent. The first time it was rather easy as it was the first time he went through the sought-after process of sublimation.

It was the process of when a being ascended into a higher state of living and was greatly sought after. Azrael went through one, when he became a Semi Super Fallen, but not a Super Fallen.

Kurayami was going through two of them in a short period of time because of Ophis. A shock wave of power erupted from his body that started to tear the walls of the room.

That was already impressive as Ophis herself had created the room to be her home. The early Chaos Brigade was going to go up in smoke if he went through his Sublimation here.

That just made Ophis like him more as the stronger he was the better. He grit his teeth as he felt that his body started to change. As his body was flesh and Dragons were super condensed energy in physical form, he took on some of those traits.

His mana pathways started to leak energy into his body as every part of him began to take on those qualities. The biggest change was his heart which began to take the traits of a Dragon becoming a Dragon's Heart.

A Dragon Heart was a Magic Reactor and acted like a Fusion engine. That was why Dragons never quit as they just did not tire. Their energy was replenished many times over while their foes had to reserve their energy.

His heart began to burn as it was completely reworked. Ophis realized what he was going through and while she would be fine, everything in the surrounding area was going to be vaporized. Not just a small area either, the entire eastern hemisphere was going to vanish.

Even her favorite sweet store which she did not want to lose. She teleported the both of them to the edges of the Dimensional gap. It was the closest place to the Void of the Dimensional Gap so time moved oddly here.

It was distorted time and made it many times slower than the outside. Gravity was many times the Earth's, along with the temperature fluctuation. A true danger zone, but she liked this place.

There was no life that lived here so she brought him here so he could go through his Sublimation in peace. He fell to his knees in total agony this was totally different from anything else he went through before. The first time was just using his own genes and power, but this time he received the blood of a Dragon God.

His canines elongated and his wings erupt from his back, but they felt painful. His blood began to fill them with the new blood. He felt like they were going to fall off, but only his feathers did. Soon all the feathers were gone leaving the bones and skin behind.

That looked terrible, but it was only a temporary loss. New flesh began to grow over them as they began to grow larger into proper dragon wings. They kept the metallic properties, as mana veins filled them out completely.

16 giant wings flapped behind him while energy erupted from him in waves. Shin was suffering through the same thing as he tore any connection he still had to the Heaven system.

Michael was having a panic attack as each connection lost caused severe damage to the System. It was barely holding together and if it continued it would be destroyed. As for Kurayami, his nails turned black while a flickering symbol appeared in his pupil.

(His new Eyes.)

He stood up and roared to the sky while a violet nuclear-like explosion erupted from his body in waves. Ophis did not even bother to defend herself from those as they would not hurt her anyway.

A total of 12 explosions each in growing size erupted from him until he fell limp. He passed out from the pain, but he did not fall onto the ground. He fell into the soft embrace of Ophis.

She rubbed his hair while he was asleep and saw he got bigger again. He was a proper 6'10 and his eyes had her mark on them. She considered that a good thing as the size of male dragons matters.

She sat down and kept hugging his head while he slept. Rebellion and Submission were launched out as the energy they received was more than enough to do this. Rebellion shook her head as the Energy they received from Ophis was crazy.

"Physical form at last."

Submission moved her long white hair from her eyes as she looked at Kurayami in Ophis'embrace.

"Can you let him go?"

The Dragon God looked at her and saw the connection to Kurayami's soul. She ignored them and still held him closer.

"He is mine."

Submission stopped caring because as soon as her master woke up, he would teach this Dragon God a lesson. As for Rebellion, she got mas seeing her master being held any someone else.

She drew the massive battle-ax on her back, but Submission smacked her hard enough to crack her chest armor.


Submission ignored her sister and sat down with Shin who was also getting up from his painful evolution.

"She won't hurt him so don't bother."

Rebellion's cracked armor sealed up completely as she sat down with her sister as well. They both knew just how tired their master was as they could feel he would be asleep for quite a while. Ophis smiled as she could hear his heart.

As long he woke up, he would be on a different level of power than before.

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