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33.74% MHA: GAMER PATH / Chapter 55: Chapter 55: Hosu Incident (3)

Chapter 55: Chapter 55: Hosu Incident (3)

Chapter 55: Hosu Incident (3)

~Ren Y. POV~

[Nighttime, Hosu City, Japan]


Exiting out from my portal [Wormhole], our eyes landed towards the black-colored Nomu's as I glared while where standing on top of the multi-story building. I quickly used [Observe] to give info to Mirko in the process.

[High-End Nomu Lv.? High-Tier

Description: With the lack of data, All for One allowed Tomura to use the 6 Nomus they had in spare to gather data on their effectiveness against Heroes due to the USJ Nomu didn't produce any data to upgrade their Nomu Project. Its quirks are [Muscle Augmentation], [Super Regeneration], and [Radio Waves].]

Exclaiming them of the situation, her eyes narrowed as she gave me the command in a stern tone, "Kid, you have full permission to use your Quirks in combat or self-defense. For now, leave this to the Pros and help the citizens evacuate."


Curtly nodding my head she soon bounced from the top going straight into combat. I frowned at this, but I'll leave this to her.

But she can't handle them alone… I smiled as I opened 2 more portals using [Wormhole] to bring two more heroes to the scene. The more the merrier right?


Coming out from the first portal was Lady Nagant, followed by my clone, already having her combat gear at the ready, asking in a serious tone, "Ren, thanks for calling us in to deal with this. Now, where's the Nomu you mentioned…"

Ryukyu, followed by Nejire and Ochaco, soon came as she spoke in a serious tone, seeing the situation below with a light glare, "I see when you said you needed help immediately. I can see a few Pros are having a hard time. And is that Mirko…?"

Ryukyu looked a bit surprised, seeing Mirko already combating the Nomu's as I explained to the 2 of them the situation with Ochaco and Nejire listening in. Lady Nagant's eyes narrowed, followed by a stern glare from Ryukyu as she barked orders at us in a serious tone, "I see. Nejire, you're with me. Ochaco and Ren both are on rescue duty."

Lady Nagant, on the other hand, prepares her form, already activating her [Rifle], taking shape, demanding from my clone in a cold tone, "Ren, take to my side sniping the Nomu's appendages with your [Attract and Repulsion] and [Negation]. If you can take out 2 of their Quirks, it will be easier to deal with."

One of my clones agreed with Ryukyu soon transforming into her Dragon form. I was in awe seeing her form for the first time up close as she lowered down beginning combat with Nejire already providing her support.

Having been given my orders my clone went with Ochaco to begin rescue protocol of the civilians as I began to drop down doing the same. But my eyes landed towards Aizawa-Sensei dodging the Nomu's till Mirko came to support him.

Seeing the pros get it handled my attention drifts Manual speaking looking around in a concerned tone, "How could he run off at a time like this?!"

Seeing the Normal Hero Manual looking for Ida, I frowned, realizing it was happening. I was about to book it when Shinso saw me and asked in a surprised tone, "R – Power Ranger! What the hell are you doing here in Hosu City? Never mind you – "

Before he could finish, I spoke to him in a serious tone, catching him off guard his eyes shifted in concern, "Sh – I mean, Mindjack Ida went to find the Hero Killer. I'll try to find him before his dumbass gets himself killed with the heroes too busy I'm gonna need a hand."

He didn't need any words as he nodded, following my words. With a nod, I grabbed ahold of him as I began to check the alleyways to find this knucklehead using [Attract and Repel], summoning Halo Rings to find his dumbass.

At times like these, it makes me regret not having [Overclock] Quirk for this type of situation. Gotta make do with what I have. I just gotta hurry on time, activate [Full Cowl] in the process, discuss a plan with Shinso, and gain attention to what he needs to follow...


~Third POV~

[Nighttime, Hosu City, Japan]



Defiant Ida attempted to kick Stain, but he easily dodged Ida's attack effortlessly as he mockingly got into the kicking position, "Ingenium's brother? Hahh… I used him to get the rumors going. But you. You're…"



Ida screamed in pain as Stain's spiked shoes pierced through Ida's Hero Costume. Using the pierced limb as a placeholder he proceeded to slam his free foot over Ida's head slamming him to the ground followed by a twirl of his Kanata piercing his shoulder.



Ida screamed in pain as Stain toyed with the spot in a mocking tone of his determination and foolishness, "Both you… and your brother are weak. It's because you're posers!"

However, his words angered Ida as he had flashbacks of his older brother defiantly defending his honor in a determined tone, "Shut up, Evildoer! The damage you did to his spinal cord means he's probably going to be crippled for the rest of his life! He'll never be a hero again!! My brother… he's saved so many people… he's a leader. He's a great Hero!! There's no good reason you could have for crippling him…! He's a great hero who inspired my dreams!! I'll kill you for what you did – "

But Stain spoke in a neutral tone stunning Ida as tears trickled down his face, "Save him first."

Ida momentarily paused as Stain continued taking the katana out of his shoulder in a cold tone, "Forget about yourself for a second and try saving others. Don't wield your power for your own sake. Because getting trapped by your own hate and acting out of pure self-interest… makes you the furthest thing from a hero. Hahh… that's why you have to die."



Licking the blood of Ida he groaned suddenly paralyzed and shocked as he thought, 'My body… it won't move…?!'

Stain slowly raises his bloodied weapon as he speaks in a delusional tone looking down on Ida crying and shouting in anger, "Consider yourself a humble offering to the betterment of society – "



Slamming directly straight to the face causing a spark of light to be seen in the desolate alleyway Ren rushed ahead slamming Stain with a [Thunder Punch] catching him by surprise and causing the Hero Killer to skid back.

Ida's eyes widen in shock as Ren emerges between him, and Stain responds in a neutral tone with his arm crossed, "Have no fear, for everything is going to be okay!"

Standing in front of him, Stain gazed at the appearance of Ren with a scowl on his face as Ida spoke venomously to his friend, "Yuki… don't… interfere. This has nothing to do with you!!"

Ren simply raised an eyebrow and turned his attention to Stain in a neutral tone, pointing his finger at him, "Yeah… fuck no. Last I checked, Ida, you're on the ground, kind of paralyzed by this guy Quirk [Bloodcurdle]. Although this is probably the first time we met Stain, Stendhal, or do you prefer Chizome Akaguro?"

Stain, for the first time, momentarily paused when someone mentioned his vigilante name, eyeing Ren, asking in genuine curiosity, "Stendhal… that's a mask I once wore and not many people know… I recognize that name. You're the 1st place winner of the Sports Festival Ren Yuki. How did you know my name…"

Ren revealed his face as he 'opened' his mouth as if he were answering Stain's question with a fierce gaze in his direction and spoke in a determined tone, "Easy. I'm friends with the Naruhata vigilante and a student of Knuckleduster. The guy that knocked your sorry mask off your face."

Stain's eyes widened upon hearing the name Knuckleduster. He soon glared, raising his katana to his face, and spoke in a determined tone, "You are his – "

It was at that moment Stain momentarily paused, freezing in place, his eyes turning blank as if he was controlled. Revealing around the corner, Shinso appeared with sweat over his face and sighed a breath of relief, "Fucking hell, that was scary, man… Next time warn me when you charge straight ahead, dumbass."

But Ren didn't respond as Stain began to twitch as he spoke in a serious tone, putting his Power Ranger helmet on, seeing the plan failing, "Mindjack… take them and go. He won't stay still for long…"



Ren punches with a [Thunder Punch] to Stain in the face as his eyes widen, coming out of Shinso's [Brainwashing]. Stain tanked the attack as he slid across, feeling the punch, but glared at Ren.

But Stain shrugs it off, blocking and dodging Ren's punch and high kick as he speaks in an annoyed tone, "Tch. Just like master and student not keeping to your words!"


Stain lands a punch on Ren's face, stunning him before grappling him in a Judo hold and tossing him across the alleyway into nearby trash cans, muttering in an angry tone, "Time to take out the trash! You fake heroes!!"

Out came his worn katana, ready for battle. Ren gets on his feet as he responds in a determined tone, "Heh. Don't count me out yet! Mindjack, rescue them I'll keep the Hero Killer busy!"

Leaping down in front to face Stain, he retaliated, spinning his blade in a tornado-like fashion as Ren leaps over him. Stain tries striking the Power Ranger with his worn katana multiple times, but Ren successfully dodges and counters the blades.


Ren leaps back and lands a powerful [Thunder Punch] on Stain, sending him flying back into the sky. But he manages to use his glider as he manages to catch himself before jumping off a nearby wall to successfully land a somersault slash on the Power Ranger, yelling, "Die, fake hero!!!"

Stain twirls his blade as he jumps forward. Feeling cornered, Ren summons his customized support item from his [Sub-Space] in a confident tone, "It's a sword fight huh? Been meaning to test this support item out. Power Sword!"

Bringing out from his [Sub-Space], Ren brought out the support item he created. The Power Sword is coming out as he checked his item using [Observe].


Item: Power Sword

Rarity Item: C-

Type: Sword Support Item

Description: This is the Hero Support Item created by The Gamer Ren Yuki using the Support Course Studio. This was made from extremely valuable metal to make sure it stayed durable with a built-in flash attack to blind the enemies.



The Power Ranger clashes his sword with Stain's worn-out katana. Mindjack in the background was getting Ida and Native out but Stain soon shot out a throwing knife thwarting any attempt to rescue them.

Ren seeing this spoke up jokingly, getting Stain's attention directed to him so that Mindjack could rescue the heroes in a mocking tone, "Don't 'blade' me for not being impressed."

Stain narrows his eyes at the bad pun being made. Stain dodges Ren's swords as the two clash their blades while flipping forward.


He lands next to a trash can and kicks one near his opponent. The Power Ranger narrowly avoids the trash with his [Instinct] skill. Gazing at Stain, he began to use the flash function of his sword as he unleashed a devastating charge that touched Stain's twirling blade as he dashed forward.


As Stain lands, Ren turns his head around confidently as his helmet shines. Stain is shocked to see his blade shatter into pieces. And in a flash of light blinded Stain as Ren thrust forward.


Stain's eyes are blinded as Ren goes in for a stab. But thanks to Stain's own instincts, he managed to avoid the attack and instead grabbed his sword handle easily using the momentum, forcing Ren to let go of his weapon now in Stain's hands.


Using the momentum, Stain kicked Ren over the head with his toe-spiked boots. Fortunately for the Power Ranger, his head was protected, and the [Bio-Electric Aura] took the hit.


Ren is sent careening back as Stain lunges forward at him in a disorientated state. When danger was nearing him Ren activated his Quirk [Wormhole] to sink into the ground avoiding the lethal sword strike downward.


With the sound of the Power Sword hitting the ground, Stain glared as he yelled out loud, trying to goad Ren out, "Come out and defeat me, hero! Unless you're one of those fake heroes or else – "


A portal appears near the alleyway as Stain's attention drifts to Ren coming out immediately. Stain, not wasting time, threw his throwing knives in an attempt to pierce through the Power Ranger.


Stain takes out his throwing knives next and tries firing at his opponent, but Ren overwhelms him by using his [Wormhole] Quirk to teleport all over the area in a mocking tone, "Come on, man! I'm over here – wait, now I'm over?! Come get me, big bad Hero Killer, you can't miss little old me?"


Ren then proceeds to perform combos on Stain, unleashing his [Thunder Punch] or [Knuckle Style] into the air and sending him back into the alleyway before teleporting again to avoid Stain's attacks. Yet despite the attacks, Stain remains determined and tanks the attacks in an attempt to kill the Power Ranger.


A portal appears in front of Stain; he throws his throwing knives only to end up hitting Ren's [Bio-Electric Aura], which deflects the projectile as he sends the Hero Killer backward with a [Knuckle Style].


Ren jumps into one more portal that appears high in the air to unleash a devastating strike, readying his [Electro-Shotgun], getting Stain's attention, "It's time to end this hero killer! This is game over for you! [Electro Shotgun]!!"


Stain's eyes widened as his attention was looking up above. But at the moment Ren used [Wormhole] to create a portal, one spawned in front of Stain as his eyes were drawn from above, leaving him defenseless at that moment of a powerful punch.


Stain was launched to the end of the alleyway and knocked out as Ren landed down to the ground in a pose, grabbing his Power Sword that flew to the sky by his [Attract and Repel] Quirk. In typical Power Ranger fashion, Stain's body explodes after his defeat by the [Electro Shotgun] going off from the electric energy projectiles behind him burst.


Ren turns around to see Stain's unconscious form twitching as he sighs in a tired tone, "Stain… this is a civil arrest. Phew…"

Mindjack soon shows up with his eyes widening as he speaks in a surprised tone, "Dude! Did you beat the Hero Killer in Super Sentai fashion?!"

Ren had a smug grin under his helmet as he replied in a shameless tone, "Yes. Yes, I did. And it felt awesome."

[You gain 55 EXP]



Ren smirked as Shinso sighed, with Ida stunned seeing the whole fight. Ren soon got some EXP from the defeating Stain. He smiled, seeing the Level ups and notification screens popping.

He immediately checked his Status screen, seeing the level-ups boosting his stats. He grinned excitedly, reaching past Lv.25 and gaining another copy slot.


Name: Ren Yuki


Race: Human

Title: Villain Slayer

Level: 26 Exp: 0/30%

HP: 1270/1270

PP: 1200/1200

STR: 50 (+26)

AGI: 50 (+26)

VIT: 40 (+26)

INT: 40 (+26)

SEN: 50 (+26)

LUCK: 55 (+25)

Stat Points: 20-> 30

Money: All Might's Allowance


Having gained two levels from beating Stain, Shinso soon spoke up, helping Native up in a neutral tone, "You do know attacking him like that is illegal, right?"

Ren casually shrugged his shoulders as he made his counterargument with Shinso in a neutral tone, "True. But to be fair, it was I knocked him out without a chance of him waking up while we escorted him from the ongoing chaos. Or two have the chance of fighting him while we take him away? What do you think we can handle here, Mindjack?"

Shinso rolled his eyes as Ren grabbed Ida and Stain, replying stoically, "Yeah, yeah. Do you have something for the Hero Killer Power Ranger?"

Ren nodded as he replied in a cheerful tone, bringing out a rope from his [Sub-Space] and tying the Hero Killer up, "Sure. I keep with me some spare rope for situations like this. Or for rescue missions."

Shinso nodded his head, agreeing with the idea of carrying rope. Native son thanked the two in a thankful tone, "Thank you two for saving me from the Hero Killer… I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't shown up…"

They both nodded, with Shinso notifying Aizawa-Sensei through his phone. Ida, on the other hand, spoke in a conflicted tone, "Why…? Both… of you… I've inherited my brother's name. I had to do this. He's mine to – Ack!"


Slamming a fist to Ida's face, Ren almost snorted as he groaned in pain. Ren bluntly said his mind to Ida as he continued to drag him around, "That was for being an idiot. For a smart guy, you can be an incredible dumbass, you know that? Because the second your dumbass dies, the name Ingenium dies with it."

Ida seemed stunned by his words as Ren continued in a stern tone, grabbing hold of them through the alleyway, "Fucking idiot four eyes. You gotta learn to appreciate life way more than revenge. The second your dumbass dies, everyone will mourn and forget about you moving on. Life isn't fair, and won't give a shit about your bitching. So, make the most you can while you live, dumbass…"

Ida and Native soon regain their motor functions again. Ida contemplates his choices with Native apologizing for his lack of actions in a defeated tone, "Sorry… I'm supposed to be a Pro, but all I did was get in the way."

Shinso responded to Native with Ren grabbing ahold of the Hero Killer in a stoic tone, gazing carefully at Stain, "Don't sweat it… it would've happened to anyone in a one-on-one against the Hero Killer and his Quirk… Ren, how did you guess [Bloodcurdle] to be his Quirk and his info to get the surprise on him for us to capture?"

All eyes landed on him as he responded honestly, where he obtained the information in a neutral tone, "I got this info from a past victim and friend of mine, Soga. When I learned over the news how the Hero Killer gets his victims defenseless, it was a guess. I only figured out by calling him by his vigilante's name, Stendhal, a few years ago and another friend mentioning he was able to paralyze his victims."

All of them nodded as the situation in Hosu City seemed to calm down. Thus, the Pro Heroes would soon be able to save the day, leaving the interns to think about their actions that night.


A/N: Sorry if this took a bit longer, but I wanted to add a fight with Stain against the MC. I want to know your guy's thoughts on the fight. Was it good or bad? Did having the villain's body blow up in the end in Power Ranger fashion good or not in the future?

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