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33.33% Shigenori Sarutobi, Father of Konohamaru / Chapter 1: 1: Shigenori Sarutobi, Son of Hiruzen Sarutobi
Shigenori Sarutobi, Father of Konohamaru Shigenori Sarutobi, Father of Konohamaru original

Shigenori Sarutobi, Father of Konohamaru

Author: Reinhardt001Z

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: 1: Shigenori Sarutobi, Son of Hiruzen Sarutobi



Before we Begin know that I'm not stopping Pokémon temporarily. I'm just writing this and that in between. Also, this Story will run parallel to another. But I'm still working on that ones info.

Also at the time of this Writing, my Pokémon Story has stalled somewhat because of the small details of walking through the tall grass that is apparently much harder to translate into a story from the games. Also next Chapter for that I'd on my Pa-treon. When I get three subscribers I'll release it here. My Profile is Reinhardt001Z.

Now then, this story will combine elements of Naruto and The Ghost of Tsushima Video Game. But mostly just Naruto. Now there will be heavy Time-skips In this chapter. Mostly because I don't want to get stuck in a grind detailing Academy life, did that once in the past and it was a fucking nightmare.




Shigenori Sarutobi, that was his name now, the Elder Son of Hiruzen Sarutobi and Brother of Asuma, and as he had no other siblings it was safe to say he would be Konohamaru's father.


Still as annoying as the kid was, Shigenori would make the best of it. Starting with an attitude not the Wrestling Move popularized by John Cena, though that would be cool to do on the Fourth Raikage Unruly Ay, no doubt the Tsuchikage would love to see that too.

Anyways, Shigenori already knew what he wanted, the Seat of Hokage. And luckily, he had a lot of Meta-Knowledge in that brain of his. So he knew a lot in regards to How to succeed in this life, even if there were bits and pieces of it missing.

''Shigenori, let Uncle Enma get a better look at you.''

Father's Summon took an especially big liking to him, such that he insisted on being called Uncle Enma.

''Yes, Uncle.'' Says Shigenori dutifully, though he can't help but crack a small and barely noticeable smile at the absurdity of the relationship.

Enma grins knowingly, as nothing escapes his eyes.

''Your strong for your age, I know many a Little Chimp who would envy your spiritual fortitude, and that's not even mentioning your Chakra. Your no Jinchūriki, but your certainly no young stripling either. In a few years, after arduous training and rigorous exercising you would be strong enough to pound that angry Fur ball into submission easily.'' Says Enma with a mighty laugh.

''Uncle? What's the Fur balls name? Has anyone even bothered to ask?'' Shigenori asked despite knowing the answer.

''Huh, now that I think about it, I don't believe anybody has. Lord Son would know, but would view it as impolite to ask or answer.'' Says Enma thoughtfully.

''Lord Son?'' Shigenori asks curiously.

''Son Goku, the Mighty Four-Tails. He's the Great Heavenly Sage Monkey, and the Master of the Lava-Style. From his Power, the First Sage Monkeys were born. And it is my honor to be his King. I am the Daimyo of Monkey Mountain.'' The ridiculous name plus the pride in Enma's voice, and the theatrics cause Shigenori to Giggle.


(Time-skip: Two Years later)


Shigenori was a year into the Academy, today was Asuma's first day, and Shigenori had a set of Chakra Knives forged specifically for his Brother. He watched with his Mother.

''Little Brother's got a girlfriend.'' Shigenori says bemused at his brother's proximity to Kurenai.

In his old life, Shigenori had no less than a decade on his younger siblings, so his brotherly instincts for teasing were more prominent.

''Be nice Shi.'' Biwako scolds, though there's mirth in her eyes as well.

''I'll have you know, I had a graduation gift made for him. It might just need to be an engagement gift too.'' Says Shigenori.

''Enough Shi, how is your training going?'' His mother says, changing the topic to something that Shigenori has gained a reputation for.

''My Kenjutsu and Ninjutsu is going Great. My Shurikenjutsu, Taijutsu, and Genjutsu is getting better, but I'm still struggling a little with my Fuinjutsu. It's dificult getting the Angles just right so I don't end up a puddle of blood.'' Says Shigenori.

''Still trying to produce a Gravity Seal?'' Asks Biwako.

''Of Course! If I can make it work, imagine the training value it would have! Taijutsu training that would take years could done in months! Genin would have bodies better conditioned for training and missions, increasing survival rates!'' Shigenori says as his mother smiles at him, ruffling his hair.


(Time-skip: One Year Later)


Shigenori was practicing his Swordmanship, he wanted to perfectly Replicate Ghost of Tsushima's Heavenly Strike Ability.

He remembered Bits of the Dance of Wrath, but it was jumbled with The Way of The Flame.

Shigenori wanted to make it the fastest Sword Technique in the leaf, thus he was attempting to channel Lightning Chakra into his arms and Brain. Trying to increase his reactions, both mentally and muscular.

The speed at which he can unleash his sword as he draws it out is critical to the Techniques success. Shigenori snaps his fingers and a current of Lightning Arcs up his arm, passes his neck and into his other arm. From his neck it transfers to his back and chest. ''Strikes of Heaven: The Fall!'' Shigenori says as he draws his Katana free and slashes a Tree as he does, spinning around in order to increase his speed via rotation. As he spins he bends for what would be a Stomach slash maneuver.

As he sheaths his Katana. The Tree groans as it splits from the strikes.

The Tree isn't completely cut, bit the two slashes cause it's trunk to rupture.

'Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap.' Immediately on guard, Shigenori spins around and grips his Sword. Eyes Darting around as he seeks the source of the claps, but doesn't dare speak.

''What an inspired technique, tell me child who is your Sensei?'' The chill up his spine means that voice could only belong to one person.

''Nobody, Lord Orochimaru, I am only in my third year at the academy. Thus my only one-on-one instruction is with either my mother or my father.'' Says Shigenori.

''Your Sarutobi-Sensei's boy no? Shigenori?'' Asks Orochimaru.

''Yes, Lord Orochimaru. Specifically his eldest.'' Says Shigenori.

''Hmm, tell me about your technique?'' Though phrased as a question, Shigenori knows it's anything but.

''It's unrefined, and only the first of Seven Stages, but I'm attempting to replicate the Jutsu of Kumogakure's Raikage's, albeit only partially.'' Says Shigenori.

''Oh?'' Though Orochimaru tries to play it off, his natural Curiosity and interest is piqued.

''As you are undoubtedly aware, the Raikage's use Lightning-Style as a Chakra Cloak to stimulate their nervous system to the absolute limit. What I'm trying to do is replicate that, but in my upper body only, and without the Cloak. My goal is to maximize my draw speed, thus allowing me to strike before an enemy can react. I could use the Body Flicker Jutsu I suppose, but My Sealing Jutsu prevents that from being a Viable substitute.'' Says Shigenori.

''I was not aware you were a Jinchūriki.'' Says Orochimaru.

''I'm not.'' Orochimaru doesn't even bother to hide his interest at this point.

''Please do explain.'' Says Orochimaru.

''I created a Sealing Formula in order to constantly weigh me down by a minimum gravity increase of an extra 1.5 times higher than normal. This does slow me down, but it also increases my physical gains during training. Currently, I am attempting to create a Sealing Formula that allows me to create a Vast Reservoir of Chakra.'' Says Shigenori.

''I do believe we have much to talk about Young one.'' Orochimaru says after several heartbeats of silence.


(POV Change: Orochimaru)


Orochimaru was captivated by this boys ideas. The boy was a kindred spirit, he wanted to push the bounds of theory into reality. It was absurd no one saw fit to attempt what the boy was doing sooner. No it was actually appalling.

In the minutes he had been speaking to the boy, Orochimaru had gained insight and made breakthroughs to longstanding problems in many of his past theories for advancement. This child would be the perfect disciple someday.

He had found his Second Pupil, and the first to have his passion for Theoretical Ninjutsu. This child opened up so many knew possibilities for him....


(POV Change: Hiruzen Sarutobi)


Shigenori was something else, The kid was a Kenjutsu genius. But his biggest success was the Gravity Seal. Hiruzen, no, Hiruzen and Biwako had been gobsmacked at his success. He created a Sealing Jutsu specifically for physical training.

When Hiruzen gave the Seal to Danzo, as Danzo was the foremost expert since Lady Mito's death, Danzo pushed for it to be implemented as mandatory at the Academy. The Results were successful enough that Hiruzen entrusted Danzo and Jiraiya the Job of furthering his boys Fuinjutsu training.

Asuma tried to hide it, but they all knew he resented Shigenori's success. Shigenori though filled in for him, training Asuma when it should be Hiruzen as their father. Though he still mercilessly teased Asuma about his crush on Kurenai Yuhi, calling it his right as a big brother.

It's a shame Tobirama-Sensei couldn't live to see what his boy was doing so young and yet not even a Genin. He'd be stiff, but Hiruzen looking back could recognize those unknown glints in his old Master's eyes now that they were of a similar age.


(POV Change: Shigenori Sarutobi)


Orochimaru as weird as he was, was actually kind of neat in his own way. Just leave it at that and it won't become dificult to explain in detail.

He helped him identify where on the Human body was the best place to concentrate his Lightning Chakra.

Still, Shigenori felt that Tsunade would have been more helpful in that regard than Orochimaru. Beautiful busty babe that she was.

If he was going to lose his virginity to someone it was gonna be Tsunade. She'd have to be flat drunk of course, and it would be more than a little shameful to take advantage of her like that and in that state, but who better to steal his virginity?

Okay, anymore thoughts like that and he'll have a very early Puberty.....

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