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100% A terrifying shift of fate / Chapter 2: A learning experience for us both

Chapter 2: A learning experience for us both

As I slowly woke up from the worst dream I ever had I saw a blinding light far in the distance and the nice warmth of the sun 'weird' I thought 'didn't I close the blinds last night?'. Suddenly the memories came flooding back I remembered what happened yesterday i shot up and frantically looked around to figure out where I was. As I looked around the area I saw a giant patch of pale blue flowers,jagged rock walls all around me, some muddy pebbles here and there and my hasty footprints running towards where i was straight into a wall. I was panicking 'of course I fall into a pit in a mountain in the middle of nowhere the police are never going to find me I will starve to death in a pit.' As I was thinking of all the ways this could end and scaring myself with the possibility's of death a 3 foot tall flower with a silver eye popped up behind me and watched me. "Okay okay" I slapped myself "stay calm you can get out of here don't scare yourself you can climb rocks yeah I can do this" I pumped my self up and got ready to climb out of here "oh I don't think you can make the climb…'s impossible there's a barrier." I replied to the voice out of instinct "nothings imposibahhhh! Who the fuck said that!?" I frantically looked around myself only to see mud, my bag, and flowers like a lot of flowers that were partially crushed by me. "Who's there show yourself"I tried to stand up and immediately face planted again 'seriously how is my nose not broken yet?!' I thought but more importantly something was wrong with my leg I checked it out and saw blood staining my skirt! "Shit the knife?!" I hurriedly pulled down my skirt and saw the bent and dented silver knife logged into my thigh! 'Fuck fuck fuck fuck how the hell do get this out of me!' I hurriedly grabbed my bag from the ground and searched for my first aid kit and grabbed my wad of bandages and fumbled with them for a few seconds that felt like hours 'come on I don't want to bleed to death!' After I got it untangled I tied it above my wound real tight 'is this tight enough!?' I then grabbed the knife with a shaky hand and slowly started to pull it out "argh! Fuck! Come on you can do it! Shit!" I stopped for a second but continued to pull it out "Argggh! Come on! come on!" I finally got the knife out and threw it away I slowly grabbed some water and gauze pads and quickly disinfected it and wrapped it up. "Shit why is this happening I just want to go home" I started complaining to myself and started sniffling ready to cry my eyes out. I then heard a small bored voice talking seemingly to itself I looked up with my teary eyes and saw a big pale blue flower with a grotesque silver eye that seemed to be pulsing looking right at me! "Ahhh! What the fu-mmpht!" I was almost immediately shut up by this flower by my mouth getting covered in vines. "Shh!" The flower shushed me somehow speaking? "I am boogie and you are in the underground" 'is this flower serious the place filled with monsters' I thought "yes there are monsters here but I will guide you" he said like he could read my mind he then slowly uncovered my mouth letting me speak I proceeded to ask "how can I trust you for all I know I'm dreaming" it somehow smirked I don't know how I could tell that "oh if this is a dream then this won't hurt" the flower then summoned white pellets that where spinning really fast "m-m-magic?" The flower rolled his eye "yeah magic now if this is a dream when this hits you'll wake up right?" I started crawling backward in fear "w-w-wait I was joking I think this is real" he didn't seem to care anymore and shot them at me they flew through my belly and initiated a FIGHT. I was sent flying back into the wall and left with 3hp I got in the fetal position crying from the intense pain that went through me at the time. "Ahhh! Fuck! Please stop I'm not dreaming I know!" He seemed pleased that I acknowledged that this was real he then summoned some slow green pellets "stay still these will help you." I was still shivering from the pain when he said this I looked up and almost fainted "what? No please stop don't shoot me!" I closed my eyes and started crying waiting to get hit. After a few millisecond's the green bullets hit the wounds and healed all the ones boogie caused. "Huh?" I asked feeling the pain slowly disappear from my body is slowly looked up when nothing else happened there i saw the flower closer to me and just watching me. "Are you done being a crybaby let me explain your situation" he stated talking while i stared in disbelief 'how could he act so calm after nearly killing me?' "First off you are in the underground a place full of horrific monsters that want to tear you to bloody pieces." He said with a deadpan sounding voice I then asked him this "h-h-how do I get out of here cant I just climb out?" I said shakily not wanting to make him angry hoping for the best "get out there is almost zero chance of that but I will try to help and secondly the exits are blocked by barriers you will need to absorb a boss monsters soul to leave there are plenty to choose from!" He said rather loudly I decided for some reason to challenge him "are you a boss monster?" He responded somewhat amused "yeah I am what do you think you can take me?" I remember reading in the not so fictional books about monsters being very physically weak so I gave it a shot. I lunged at him surprising him "aaah!" I grabbed him by the stem and punched him straight in the eye I saw above him his health go down by a large margin I chuckled "so your only strong in magic nothing else. you only could harm me because you surprised me!" I yelled at him very angry he seemed so terrifying earlier but 'he was just a useless weed' I was suddenly shocked by my random aggressive thought and put my attention on the flower "p-p-please don't kill me I was just helping you out if you didn't meet me you would have been eaten alive by the other monsters and killed I was helping you out in the long run! And I can still help you I can guide you through the underground please don't kill me i promise I am useful!" He begged I considered it for a second then let him go he shrunk away from me I felt an odd satisfaction from him fearing me but putting that aside I asked him a question "how can I exit the catacombs flower" he seemed upset but responded "y-you need to go through the main rooms they are set up in a way to be easily navigated by they are still dangerous there will be a tall skeleton guarding the exit you most likely need to kill him to leave I will explain more when we reach Snowden the next zone" he seemed easily forced into submission but I wasn't complaining with his help I can leave this place and maybe bring the flower with me. "Come on over here" I motioned him over and pulled out a big coffee cup with yellow flowers on it from my bag it was a gift for my mom but as you can see I'm in a mountain. The flower seemed taken aback "no way am I going in there" i abut shocked asked "why not you would be safer with me then in the ground right?" He seemed to think it over for a sec "ugh I guess your right can you at least fill it with soil first?" He complained a lot but I obliged. After getting boogie ready and grabbing my pack I was ready to explore the underground with my new buddy!

A_Desert_Guy A_Desert_Guy

Hope you enjoy this one as well I see I’ve got 16 people reading my book or at least seeing it but I’m still happy about it

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