[Kaede POV]
"Have you prepared for everything Kaede?" Mom asked with concern.
"Yep, I have checked three times!" I responded and brought my luggage to the front door.
Today's the day of the start of my training camp, I wore my standard UA uniform and we will meet at the school. A bus will then take us to the location of the camp. Class-1B will also join the camp, I was excited about that, I mean, the more people the merrier!
"Ah wait before you go!" Itachi-onii-chan suddenly called out.
He took out a small leather satchel with straps and handed it to me.
"There are some storage scrolls in there that can help you in the camp," Onii-chan said.
I nodded and happily slung the little bag over my shoulder. It wasn't until recently I discovered that there were sealing scrolls here. To make one, a special tree that was a very good conductor with Charka was needed to make the paper. Once made, we infuse our own chakra into the paper while placing the item we want to store on top.
The process was draining and needed a high amount of chakra for the job. Just by looking at the number of scrolls in the bag, Onii-chan must have spent a lot of his time on this and I felt extremely grateful.
I happily slung the little bag over my shoulder. I gave my family a final farewell before walking out of the house and making my way toward UA, once there I greeted my classmates and liked the good class representative that I was. I did a roll call while they were getting on the bus.
The journey was pretty normal and we all just talk about what we would expect in the camp. After an hour of driving, we finally stopped at a cliff area. Everyone was pretty confused at the random stop. Suddenly a black car parked next to us. The car door opened, and two women jumped out.
One of the ladies has dark red hair, a red skirt, and boots while the other one has blonde hair wearing the same matching outfit but it's colored light blue. Both of them were wearing large white gloves that looked like the paws of a cat.
"These two are the pro-heroes that will work with us during the training camp, the Pussycats. The blonde one here was Pixie-Bob and the one with red hair was Mandalay." Aizawa-sensei introduced them.
Midoriya got very excited and told us about their feat, he then explained that this year will be their twelve years of working as a pro-hero. However, before he can finish, Pixie-Bob grabbed him by the head and said in a threatening voice: "We're eighteen at heart...."
She turned her attention to the rest of us and we all quickly nodded. Mandalay then went to the railing at the edge of the cliff and pointed at the far distance.
"That's where the camp will be and you will run there starting from now!"
"Ehhhhhhh?!" We all yelled in shock.
"Uchiha....." Iida called out, knowing what he meant, I activated my Sharingan and looked at where Mandalay was pointing.
"I can just see the campsite but it's really far," I answered.
Hearing this, my friends gulped and they were all aware of what my eyes can do, if I say that it was far, I really meant it. Immediately, all of us ran toward the bus.
However, Pixie-bob got between us and summoned a huge wave made of mud. Out of reflex and habit, I leaped high into the air to dodge the tsunami of mud and safely landed back on the ground.
I saw the rest of my friends get swept off the cliff by the mud wave and my face paled.
"Ah Pixie-bob, you missed one," Mandalay said and pointed at me.
Both of them have evil smiles, I looked at Aizawa-sensei with puppy dog eyes but he just turned around and walked back to the bus.
"Please spare me....." I pleaded and I direct my puppy eyes onto the two heroes.
Sadly, Mandalay didn't say anything and just gestured for me to get down there as well. My shoulders slumped, and I slowly walked to the edge and leaped.
I took out my secretly stored kunai and used it to slide down the cliff. Once on the ground, in front of me was a giant forest. I entered and heard the sound of battling, I saw my class working together taking out a group of monsters made of mud and rocks.
I only have my kunai on me while the rest of my gear was on the bus and my kunai probably won't do much damage.
But wait, before I left, Itachi-onii-chan handed me a few scrolls, I opened my satchel and look through all of the scrolls.
On the scroll it said the word "Kanabou", I laid the scroll on the ground and spread it open. I did a few hand signs and slammed my hand onto the center of the scroll as I inject my chakra into it. A weapon appeared at the center of the scroll.
The weapon was a wooden mace with a long handle, there were metal studs protruding out of the head of the mace. It looked like a very heavy weapon, but thanks to my chakra manipulation I can easily carry it and even use it with one hand.
I picked it up and did some test swings. I thanked my onii-chan in my heart. I looked towards the sound of battling and a wide smile appeared on my face.
[3rd POV]
Currently, class-1A was working as a team taking out the mud golems. Mina used her acid to melt their legs, Shoto froze them with his ice, Izuku and Eijiro punched the monsters to pieces and Katsuki shattered the beasts with explosions.
But there were too many of them and the class was getting pushed back. Suddenly a gigantic mud beast bigger than the rest appeared before them. It roared and they looked at it with panicked expressions.
Fortunately, a slim figure was seen jumping toward the huge creature.
"It's Kaede-chan!" Ochako yelled with relief.
At the start, they can't find her and they all got worried, but they don't have the time to search for her as they were immediately attacked by the monsters.
She swung her Kanabou, aiming at the thing's head. The head of the beast exploded into pieces and fell to the ground. Kaede stood on top of the monstrosity and said with a cheerful tone.
"Sorry for being late guys! Let's show them the power of class 1-A." Kaede yelled as she raised the mace into the air.
The class was motivated by her words. With the help of Kaede, they managed to travel at a faster pace and reach the campsite by the late afternoon. The class looked like they have just gone through hell, Pixie-Bob and Mandalay laughed seeing their condition.
[Kaede POV]
We finally reached the campsite. I saw Mandalay and Pixie-bob standing in front of us and laughing. All my friends were exhausted I however was the opposite. I quickly arrived at the two heroes:
"Again!" I yelled with excitement.
It's so much fun! I was able to smash things with a giant hammer, who would consider that boring? Both of them gave me weird looks and said that I can do it again next time...
Anyway, there was one weird thing I found among the scrolls. It wrote: "For Shoto Todoroki."
So I should give this to Todoroki? I shrugged, since it's my onii-chan, it won't be anything bad right?
We went inside the camp building and have a massive dinner to refill our energies. When we finished stuffing our stomachs, I went to find Todoroki.
"Todoroki-kun, wait!" I said and approached him.
"What is it?" He asked.
"My onii-chan wanted to give you something!" I said and pulled out my scroll and do the standard summoning jutsu.
A box appeared and I handed it to him: "Alright see ya!" I said and went with the girls to our own room.
[3rd POV]
A few hours later, In the boy's lounge room...
"Hey, Todoroki-san, what's that?" Izuku asked.
"Uchiha-chan's brother wanted to hand this to me," Shoto responded.
This caught the attention of the rest of the boys as they gathered around him.
"Wow, the infamous Red Crow gave you something! That's awesome, quickly shows us what's inside." Denki said with excitement, the rest of the guys also nodded.
"Okay...." Shoto said as he sat on the ground and his friends sat in a circle around him.
He set the box on the floor and slowly opened it. He quickly leaned backward as a single kunai shot out of the box. The kunai embedded itself in the wall right behind Shoto, if he hesitated for a second, that kunai would've hit him in the face.
They looked at Shoto with a shocked expressions, Hanta shakily stood up and took the kunai off the wall.
"Todoroki-Kun, what did you do to piss off Red Crow????" All the boys shouted with confusion and fear.
Meanwhile in the Uchiha Residence.
"Tsk missed," Itachi clicked his teeth. He sent his crow to watch if the trap worked but unfortunately, it didn't.
"Nice try my son, we just have to work harder to succeed," Fugaku said as he patted Itachi's shoulder
Hearing this Mikoto looked at the two suspiciously...
I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!
[Kaede POV]
I woke up feeling refreshed! The bed was more comfortable than you would expect from a camp. It was still pretty early as everyone was still in bed. I quietly got up, brush my teeth, changed my clothes, and went outside. I took a deep breath of the fresh air, seeing that there was still some time before breakfast, I decided to practice with my weapons.
I walked to a random cliffside and took out all the weapon scrolls I have and summoned them all. I looked at all the weapons on the floor before finally picking up a katana. It just looks like a normal sword with a black handle and circular guard. I'm starting to like the katana more and more, I planned to wield both a katana and a tanto to give me more flexibility.
I held it with my two hands and got into a stance, I raised my katana and swung my blade. After getting comfortable with swinging the blade, I then changed my stance and sliced the air with a different motion from before.
I continued this routine for a while before switching to a different weapon and repeating the same thing. Some time has gone by and I felt a presence watching me. I turned my head and noticed a small boy with black spiking hair, wearing a red cap with two spike horns coming out of it. He was staring at me with a cold look.
'That must be Kota.....' I thought to myself, I didn't see him on the first day so I don't get a chance to greet him.
I wiped the sweat off my head and walked toward him with a smile.
"Hi, my name's Kaede Uchiha! What's yours?" I happily introduced myself as I held out my hand.
He looked at my hand before slapping it away. I already know his personality so I wasn't surprised by his action.
"This is my hideout, leave." He said with an angered tone.
"Ah sorry about that little guy!" I said.
"My name is Kota, get it right. Also, breakfast is ready."
"What!" I yelped in surprise, I must have been training longer than I thought, I thanked Kota and patted his head before gathering all my weapons and running back to camp.
Aizawa-sensei was standing at the entrance of the dormitory, he saw me and said: "Uchiha, what are you doing out in the forest?"
"Sorry Sensei, I've been doing some morning training and I wasn't aware of the time!" I answered.
He nodded: "Very well, go change to your sports uniform and have breakfast with the rest of the class."
I speedily went to have a shower and come back in my sports uniform. I went to sit with my friends and ate breakfast in a hurry. My meal disappeared in a blink of an eye, I must have been hungrier than I thought.
During our breakfast, I spotted Todoroki and went toward him.
"Good morning Todoroki-kun! May I ask, what did my onii-chan gave you?" I asked with curiosity.
For some reason, his face paled, "It's nothing interesting...." He replied.
Not wanting to pressure him further, I shrugged my shoulders and returned to my seat. Soon Aizawa-sensei came in and told us to meet him outside. When we got outside, he explained that we will be improving our quirks.
Aizawa-sensei gestured for us to follow him and we went deep into the woods. We reached an open area surrounded by trees. There was a giant piece of rock at the center like a small mountain. He then told each and one of us to train our quirks as Aizawa-sensei and the Pussy Cats set up an area specifically for them.
All my friends went to their designated location and I was the last one.
"Uchiha, unfortunately, I can't help you with your training, but I believe you already got something in mind?"
"Yes, I already planned out what I should achieve in this camp!" I answered.
He nodded: "Follow me." Aizawa-sensei then led me to a secluded area.
It was an open flat land surrounded by trees, just perfect for what I was doing.
I will be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that he doesn't have a method of training for me. However, I have planned out at home what I should try and achieve in this camp. The villains will attack again, I need to get as strong as possible with the time I was given.
I sat in the center of the field and entered a meditative position.
For now, I wanted to recreate a lightning release that will help me greatly: the Lightning Chakra Mode!
[A/N: gonna apologize in advance if I somehow offend any hardcore naruto fans out there.]
My speed, agility, and power were okay for now, but what I'm lacking in defense! If I get hit directly even once...
I shuddered and remembered my battle with the USJ Nomu. Since I don't want to get hurt, I shall max out my defense!
I calmed my breathing and started manipulating my chakra to wrap around my outer body. Even if I mastered chakra control, it still took some time for me to surround the chakra with my entire body. I have never done it before, the most I have ever done was wrapping chakra around my limbs or weapons. Therefore, I need to distribute my chakra evenly to get the best results.
I then apply my lightning element and I felt static electricity on my skin, I opened my eyes and saw that my entire body was covered by a blue aura with faint sounds of electricity crackling.
"Wow!" I exclaimed in excitement but the Lightning Chakra Mode immediately disappeared.
I wasn't saddened by it and attempted to redo the process. When I tried again, the time for me to cover my body with chakra was much shorter and I slowly stood up while concentrating on covering my body with my chakra.
"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Another Kaede appeared in front of me.
Both of us nodded and I handed Kaede#2 a kunai. She then attacks me while I kept my Lightning Chakra Mode activated.
The kunai strikes my body but it bounced off my skin.
My eyes widened, and now my defense was maxed out!
For the rest of the day, Kaede #2 continued to attack me with all sorts of methods. Turns out, that if I sustain too much damage, my Lightning Chakra Mode will be destroyed.
I realized I can't be in Lightning Chakra Mode for long, so I have to be smart about when to use it. I also figured out that by being in that phase, I got naturally faster and stronger, this can probably give me a sudden boost of speed to catch my opponents off-guard! But it still took me a bit of time and concentration to use this new ability so training my activation time will be my main priority!
Hope you enjoy :)
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