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44.73% Mystic Hands - (MHA) / Chapter 15: Quirk Apprehension Test

Chapter 15: Quirk Apprehension Test

"What about the ceremony? And the guidance counselor meeting?"

Uraraka asks him as they step outside.

Aizawa stumbles forward and says,

"If you want to be heroes, we don't have time for frilly niceties. You all understand the school's reputation for freedom on campus, right? Well, that 'freedom' goes for the teachers, too."

Everybody just stares at him with a look of "huh, didn't think of that."

"Softball pitch, standing long jump, 50 meter dash, endurance running, grip strength test, sustained sideways jumps, upper body exercise, seated toe touch. These are all activities you know from middle school, naturally. Physical tests where you were barred from using quirks. The government still hasn't gotten around to standardizing those sorts of records or keeping track of average performance levels. Well, that's negligence on the part of the Ministry of Education."

He then looks over the crowd of students and singles out the blonde volcano.

"Bakugo, how far could you pitch a softball in middle school?"

"67 meters."

He answers with his abrasive voice.

"Try using your quirk this time around. As long as you don't exit the circle, anything you do is fine. Don't hold back."

"You got it."

Bakugo reaches back as his hand is nearly drowned in sweat. He takes the ball in his hand and grips it tightly, then shoots his arm forward, releasing an explosion,


Everyone blinks at the explosion, then quickly thinks to themselves, 'die?'

Aizawa just stares at the machine in his hand and speaks up,

"Before anything else, one must know what they're capable of. This is a rational metric that will form the basis of your hero foundation. Of course, level reading bracelets like the ones Yaoyoruzu-san and Kasumi-san have on are helpful as well, though they're a little more subjective."

He then shows the distance Bakugo got.





Kasumi listens to all the talk around her thinking that she may be a little over-leveled for her surroundings. 705 meters sounds like nothing with her new silver hands. Especially if she makes a shockwave happen with her energy.

"It looks fun.. You say? So, you were planning to spend your three years here having a good ol' time? What happened to becoming heroes?"

Kasumi looks at him.

'Uup, guess that having fun while using a quirk is unacceptable to the hero NapTime, huh?'

"All right then. In that case, new rule: the student who ranks last in total points will be judged 'hopeless' and will be instantly EXPELLED!"

Deku starts looking around wildly and freaking out as he has absolutely no control over his quirks power. Kasumi looks at Mineta and smirks.

'Hope the little grape is as weak as he looks.'

"Our 'freedom' means we can expel at our leisure! Welcome to the department of heroics, kids!"

Uraraka looks like she's about to yell at Aizawa, but Kasumi puts her hand in front of her mouth, then points at Mineta.

"If anyone here is gonna get expelled for being weak, it's the perv."

Uraraka gets a complicated look on her full, but eventually just sighs out.

"You all may think I'm being unreasonable, but think of this: Natural disasters, massive accidents, mad villains, all kinds of different calamities can happen when we least expect them. Japan is positively drenched in 'unreasonable' now. And it's the job of us heroes to reverse it and restore reason. If you were looking for a friendly chat after school, that is just too bad. For the next three years expect nothing but hardship. This is Plus Ultra. I expect you to overcome these trials and rise to the top. Now then, that was the demonstration. Step up to the plate."

Aizawa claps after giving that rousing speech that would feel more inspiring had it not come from a guy who's half asleep.

"Alright, trial 1: 50 meter dash!"

During the first trial, Ida easily came in first with second being Bakugo and third being Kasumi. Ida's quirk is literally just engines in his legs. Bakugo used his explosions to push himself over the finish line. While Kasumi used her energy to just casually push herself over the finish line. It's just barely slower than Bakugo, but it uses almost no energy at all.

"1st place: Tenya Ida with 3.04 seconds. 2nd: Bakugo Katsuki with 4.13 seconds. 3rd: Kaneda Kasumi with 4.27 seconds."

In second to last place was Deku with 7.02 seconds because he didn't use his quirk. He was just barely faster than Mineta who got 7.32 seconds.

Deku gets lost in his thoughts of how to control his quirk as Aizawa yells out,

"Trial 2: Grip strength test."

They were all given measurers to squeeze. A guy named Mezo Shoji garners attention when its shown that his grip strength is 540 kg or 1190 lbs.

"540 kilos?! What are you a gorilla? No, you're more of an octopus!"

Hearing a giggle from grape juice, Kasumi feels a tick happen in her head as she squeezes with all her strength.


The measuring device starts emitting cracking noises, making everyone around her look at her including Shoji who nearly vomits after reading her number,

"1905 KILOS?!"


Everyone looks at the silver armed girl with amazement in their eyes. Then, Momo looks at the watch on her wrist and lets out another shocked gasp,


"1240?! Isn't she already pro-level?!"

Momo looks back down at her own quirk calculator and sighs in defeat as hers reads a "measly" 350. Measly compared to Kasumi. Momo herself is already as strong as a weak pro hero. As is most of class 1-A.

Shoji looks at her and says,

"Where did you get that number from? The grip machine says 1905."

Momo shakes her head,

"Her watch is a quirk calculator! Her quirk level is 1240! That's the same as a D-class hero!"

The orange haired guy, Denki Kaminari jumps at the mention of D-class, like he's thinking of an online universe of eldritch horrors and prisoners.

The whole class's eyes go wide, and Deku's jaw nearly falls to the floor.

'D-class… That's nearly as strong as Garandeer, the World War Hero!'

Kasumi notices all the looks on her as she gets out of her mineta-hate fueled gaze. She blushes at the attention and hands the machine back to Aizawa. He notices that it now makes a rattling noise that it didn't used to. He sighs out and says,

"Well, you broke it, but we're not exactly strapped for funds so it's fine. I wasn't made aware of your quirk level before so I'll have to have a talk with management about this. Anyways next trial: the standing long jump."

The standing long jump and sustained sideways jumps went the same way, with Mineta coming in a close last behind Deku. Mineta kept whining about how the "tests weren't fit for his quirk" "the competition is too hard" "the girls are too covered" which earned him a flick in the berries from Kasumi. Then came the final and most showy test: the pitch.

First up for this was Uraraka. Kasumi cheers her on from the sidelines,


Aizawa covers his ears and yells out at her,


Kasumi quickly puts her hand down and nods,

"I'm sorry, sir!"

Uraraka winds back and sends the ball flying as her quirk makes it entirely weightless. The ball keeps going until it can't be seen by anyone. Beeping sounds come from the machine in Aizawa's hand as he reads out,

"Ochaco Uraraka: Infinity. Not too surprising based on your quirk. Next, Mineta."

Mineta got 23 meters.

A few people went after, but none really lived up to Bakugo and Uraraka. Then came Kasumi's turn.

As she steps up, the class goes silent. Everyone watches her with bated breath. I mean, It's not often you meet a student as strong as a pro hero, and even stronger than some. As she steps up, though, she turns to Momo and asks,

"Yaoyorozu-san, if you don't mind me asking, do you know how to make iron or silver with your quirk?"

Momo jumps a little but quickly answers,

"Yes I can make both, but the government won't allow me to make silver because of its cost."

"Do you mind making me about five ingots of silver? I may need it because of my quirk, so it won't be sold or anything."

Momo looks at Aizawa who just nods at her. She quickly makes five silver ingots and holds them. Kasumi gives her a smile and says, "Thanks!"

Kasumi turns back around and takes off her jacket, revealing her muscled and toned body. Her arms looking like a statue meticulously carved out of silver. Uraraka lets out an "Ooo!" which gets her a few looks from some of the students while Tsu just blushes at the wonderful sight in front of her.

Kasumi takes the ball and asks,

"Go all out, right?"

Aizawa nods his head at her.

"Yup. Give it your all."

Kasumi smiles at this and stretches her arms.

"Alright then, here goes nothing!"

She rears back, flexing her muscles as she does so. The energy from the mystic hands grows to cover her hand and arm up to the shoulder like a partial suit of armor. Then, she shoots her hand forward like a shotput and the energy and color from her hand shoots out with the ball, after it reaches as far as she can get it, the energy explodes out with a great enough force to send blasts of wind into the faces of those present. Everyone looks at the ball as it flies out into the distance, unable to be tracked. The explosion she caused had nearly quintuple the force behind it that Bakugos did, and her scores show that.

"Kaneda Kasumi: 10834 m. It seems your ball hit a tree further down, which caused the ball to stop prematurely. Nonetheless, you still get second place i-"

He looks at her and sees her viciously eating the silver ingots Momo was making. He freezes for a second before he remembers something,

"Oh right, you have to eat certain metals to regain your strength… Anyways. Next, Izuku Midoriya."

Midoriya eventually picks his jaw up and walks to the center of the circle.

Kasumi kind of looks at him apologetically.

'Poor guy. I don't know how he got into UA without a quirk, but I hope he at least gets stronger than he was before starting."

Deku rears back with the ball in his hand as his veins start to glow with a red energy. Kasumi's eyes go wide as anger starts to fill her. Then, he shoots his hand forward…

"Izuku Midoriya: 46 meters."

Then Deku looks at his hands confused before Aizawa speaks up,

"I erased your quirk. It defies reason. How did somebody like you manage to enter this academy?"

His bandage scarf starts floating around him with its own mind as he speaks up once again,

"From what I observed… You can't rein in your quirks full power. Meaning you can't use it efficiently at all. Did you believe someone would come save you after you crippled yourself again?"

As Deku starts stammering, Tsu speaks up to the students,

"Ah, He's the Erasing Hero, Eraserhead!"

Aizawa continues his scolding of Izuku before telling him,

"I gave you your quirk back. Try the pitch one more time. Let's get this over with."

Izuku once again takes the stance, taking a few seconds to calm himself down before shooting his arm forward and sending the ball flying through the air with seeming ease. Kasumi's eyes go wide as anger floods her emotions.

'That little shit could've told me he had a quirk now!'

Deku faces back towards Aizawa and clenches his fist with his now broken finger. Kasumi looks at him angrily, and Bakugo straight up charges him. Aizawa uses his bandages to subdue Bakugo easily.

Bakugo lets it go for now, then Aizawa says what everyone has been waiting for,

"Time to present your results. If I said everyones individually it'd take years, so I'll say them all at once."

Almost everyone braces themselves before he says,

"That whole expulsion thing was a lie. It was a ruse to pull out your best performances."

Uraraka, Ida, and Deku all freak out and yell "WHAT?!" as Momo says

"C'mon guys, use your brains! Of course it was a lie!"

With that, he posts the ranking and gives Deku a slip to go see recovery girl.

1. Kaneda Kasumi

2. Yaoyorozu Momo


11. Uraraka Ochako


14. Asui Tsuyu


20. Midoriya Izuku

21. Mineta Minoru


AN: this is officially the longest chapter i've written. i didn't realize until about halfway through that i didn't need to make the dialogue follow canon exactly. im dumb. may rewrite this chapter eventually and declutter it.

lemme know what you think.

also, if it wasn't already obvious, MC is polyamorous. this story is not a harem story.

Polyamory: (Noun) the practice of engaging in multiple romantic (and typically sexual) relationships, with the consent of all the people involved.

Sorrest Sorrest

Ladies and gentlemen, this is Mambo Number Five

One, two, three, four, five

Everybody in the car, so come on, let's ride

To the liquor store around the corner

The boys say they want some gin and juice

But I really don't wanna

Beer bust like I had last week

I must stay deep because talk is cheap

I like Angela, Pamela, Sandra and Rita

And as I continue you know they getting sweeter

So what can I do? I really beg you, my Lord

To me is flirting it's just like sport, anything fly

It's all good, let me dump it, please set in the trumpet

A little bit of Monica in my life

A little bit of Erica by my side

A little bit of Rita is all I need

A little bit of Tina is what I see

A little bit of Sandra in the sun

A little bit of Mary all night long

A little bit of Jessica, here I am

A little bit of you makes me your man

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