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62.5% Here's Buu in MCU / Chapter 4: A Pirates Paranoia

Chapter 4: A Pirates Paranoia

Flying through the air a certain aircraft carrier comes into view on the 'North Atlantic' Ocean, we begin to slow down as the Quinjet prepares to land.

Standing in front of the dropping door is a certain black one-eyed pirate with a fully armed squad standing behind him, 'Yea no, I'm not gonna be chained up mate'.

I teleport behind and hide Agent Barton, surprising everyone, they knew about some of my abilities but never saw it. "Your going to need to come with us" says Fury.

"No! Buu not like you" I say poking my tongue at fury and the squadron.

"Sir we might need to lose the detail if we want him to trust us" whispers Coulson "Apparently he's still a child in his species".

Fury appears reluctant to do so, "We don't know enough about him, he's a threat Coulson" said Fury. "He either comes willingly or in cuffs" (Do they think they can stop him teleporting?)

Barton sees things are going to escalate "Wait boss let me take him in" says Barton before looking to me "Wanna come with me? we can see if we can get you something to eat".

Looking into his eyes I slowly nod, following him. Fury watches and sighs before signaling the armed detail to leave.

Following Barton I'm lead to an interrogation room, I find all the stares I get a bit annoying. 'Yes I'm an aliens geez get over it'.

Sitting down with Barton next to me, Agent Coulson and Fury infront of me and Natasha standing in the corner of the room.

Using my ki sense I can still feel that squadron in the room over, 'Wow paranoid'. "So Buu, I'm going to ask you a few questions" says Fury "First what are you?".

"Buu a Majin" I say as a enjoy some chocolates, I want more. "What brought you here?" fury replies.

----- 20 minutes later -----

"What do you think boss?" asks Coulson.

Fury gazes into the interrogation room at Buu. "He's telling the truth but he's not revealing everything" said Fury "We'll keep monitoring him for now before I decide anything".

"Want me to keep an eye on him boss?" said Coulson. "Me and Barton might be able to isolate him at 'The Retreat' ".

"No I want you to continue work on Project PEGASUS with Dr. Erik Selvig" said Fury, "It's a bit earlier than I planned but I want you to start work on 'Phase 2' ".

'Do they think I can't hear them through the glass?', Not that I care, I'll just leave if they try anything funny. "Chocolate" I say as I gaze at Barton.

He stares at me in disbelief after the amount of chocolate I've already eaten, "No, you've had enough" said Barton. Behind us Natasha smirks at Barton treating me like a child.

(A/N - You gotta understand that Bartons eldest is roughly eight at this time and Buu is acting is similar to his son.)

I smirk as I point my antenna at the deck infront of us *bzzzm* the table suddenly goes from a silver-grey to a brown.

"Mmmm hehehe, chocolate" I say as I rip a chunk of the desk and start eating, both agents frozen, confused what had just occurred in front of them. In the end Barton gave up, making the chocolate taste all the sweeter.


"I want you to show me all your abilities" Fury says as he walks back into the interrogation room, "Afterwards I have a place for you that you can call home where no one will bother you, do we have a deal?"

'Thinking about it its not bad of a deal, least it will make them realize it's better to not make an enemy of me', "Ok, but Buu wants candy" I reply.

"Fine, I can wo-" before Fury can react I immediately grab Barton, Natasha and himself before teleporting onto the top of the Heli-carrier.

'Wow, I didn't even realize this was in the air?!' I think to myself, after letting go of them they look around bewildered. Except Fury he tries to keep a stern face.

"Try that again and I put a bullet in your head" states Fury.

*Pokes tongue* "Hehe, play games" I say as I start running off the edge, before they could stop me I was already off the Heli-carrier.

"Woooohoooooo" I shout, as I burst through the air, 'I'm never gonna get sick of flying'. I decide to give them a scare *smirking*.

In my hand I start generating 'Big vanishing balls' and releasing them, watching them explode in the sky painting it with pinkish-purple bursts of energy.

Landing back on the Helicarrier, the two agents and Fury couldn't move. Still trying to process what they saw. 'Let's give them another surprise, hehe'.

Slowly I use my Telekinesis to lift not only them but all the jets and cargo tied down, only one to freak out a bit was Natasha. Though she was quite close to the edge.

"Put us down now, I've seen enough" states Fury, 'Awh party-killer, all well I had my fun'. Making sure everything was strapped down properly I teleport us back to the Interrogation room.

I love seeing their faces right now, unable to keep quiet I start laughing and pointing at them. Suddenly Coulson bursts through the door "Your back?!" he exclaims loudly, "What happened?".

Not caring to listen I continue to eat the chocolate table, when I turn back around their gone. 'Eh I'll just keep eating.


In another room.

"He's too dangerous, he must be monitored, those energy bombs he created just one would destroy the entire helicarrier" states Fury. "Not counting his other abilities he could a whole continent if he wanted, easily".

All three agents listened and agreed with his testimony, "But boss if we do that we might end up on his badside" say Barton "We need to think this through carefully".

"What about 'The Retreat'? we should be able keep him there" said Natasha, "It's in an isolated location and we will be able to monitor him there till we have a better plan".

"But what's going to make him stay there?" rebukes Barton.

"You are" Natasha replies looking at Barton, they all look at her confused. "Did you not notice that so far he's only listened to Barton?" She adds.

"You think it will work?" asks Coulson, "though he appears child-like if we make a mistake and antagonise him who knows what he'll do.

"If he is able to work with us, I want to put him down as an Avengers initiative candidate" said Fury. "Let see what our little pink friend has to say about it".

Walking back to the Interrogation room they find it empty, "Where'd he go?" said Barton.

"Sound the alarm, search the ship just in case" said Fury as he moves to check the camera footage.

'He teleported? where are you going?' Fury asks himself.


'Haha I wonder what's happening at the Helicarrier', Fury was being super paranoid. If I'm gonna be monitored 24/7 I rather do my own thing. I'll just remember to help when Loki comes.

Currently I'm flying to Kamar-Taj, I'd rather spend my time learning magic. It's better I do it now than later when Strange is Sorcerer Surpeme, because he will definitely try send my to the 'Hell dimension' no questions asked.

So far I've made it too 'Turkey', just stopping for a snack. Hopefully this bakery doesn't mind me sampling some of their food.

'Ahh God this is amazing, something called a 'Baklava'. it's like a layered pastry with nuts, covered in syrup and ground pistachios.'

I'm definitely visiting again, all well let's keep going.


That's the end of this chapter

I'll be back to work starting tomorrow so I'll be delivering chapters alot slower.

Please leave a comment or some advise on how you think I can improve my writing. Thanks.

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