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Chapter 12: Eye of the Storm.

Calixta hugged herself as Greta fixed her with a glare she usually reserved for Aella, making her look to the floor in fear. "How dare you," there was so much disgust dripping from her tongue that Calixta dared not look her in the eye. Greta roughly grasped Calixta's hair and forced her to look at her. Calixta screamed in pain as Greta dragged her to a tub of water, in its reflection Calixta saw the day she gave Rowan the documents. She watched all the way to when he pulled her into a kiss. Greta wrenched Calixta's head by her hair once again and pushed her into the water. Calixta struggled to break free. She did not have a chance to breathe before she was submerged. Greta held her there before pulling her back forcefully.

"You could have ruined everything! Fortunately, I already took the required steps to keep Aella safe."

Calixta glared at the old woman and pushed her hair out of her face, "Don't pretend like this is all for Aella's benefit! You lied about her mother her whole life! You didn't even have to lie about her father! She never would have met him anyways!"

Greta did not appreciate being challenged like this and she pushed Calixta back under the water. She held her down so long, that Calixta feared she might actually drown this time. Greta pulled her back up just at the last second.

"What are you doing to do to me?" Calixta demanded, the challenge playing in her eyes. "Put me in the room of reflection and starve me for a week?"

Greta gave a nasty sneer as she shook her head, "You won't be let off that easily. Not this time. I am afraid you have betrayed not just Aella and me, but the Order itself." Greta retrieved an ordinary dagger and slowly walked to her student. "I have already received permission from the council, your fate is sealed, my dear." Calixta tried to get away, but there was nowhere she could go.

Greta snatched Calixta's hand and began to chant as she cut Calixta's tender flesh, carving out a strange design. This was ancient magic, the same type of magic they reserved only for making RuneStones. With each word, Greta chanted Calixta felt as if bits of her soul were being sucked out of her. The lights began to flicker and a searing pain overcame her whole body. She screamed in agony as she felt her magic become cut off from her. When it was done Greta let Calixta go.

Calixta screams echoed off the walls as she wailed about the loss of her magic. She hit the ground and cried harder.

"Kalina I strip you of any rights you once had under the Order. You are to leave and never come back to our sacred halls. You will never be a sister. Now get out of my sight." She ordered coldly.

Kalina did not say a word as she stood up. She looked defeated as she went to retrieve what little things she had. She had nowhere to go if the order would not take her in, her mother would surely never look at her again after this disgrace she brought on her family. As she prepared to leave the only place she knew as her home she formulated a plan. There was one person who would take her in she hoped. She prayed Rowan would not be turned away now that she no longer had the beauty her magic had gifted her. But she needed to get to him before the night was over, she had to warn Aella of what Greta had done and get her friends as far from the Order as she could. Slowly she looked at her reflection, it no longer appeared like the girl she knew. She was not hideous but she was not the stunning beauty Rowan had fallen in love with.

She took a deep breath and ignored it, she had a task to complete.

"Celest, Celest, Celest." She repeated three times just as Celest had told her to do if she ever needed her. It took a moment but Celest finally answered back, she was outside but there was no one around her. She must have found a secluded water source somewhere.

Celest rubbed her eyes as she took in Kalina's state, "Calixta what happened to you?! Where are you? Something is very odd about this dance..." Celest rambled.

"I know. I can explain everything, but I need you to try and summon me there."

"I...I have never done that before! Greta says I won't be ready till I take my vows."

"You can't take your vows Celest. The Order is dangerous. Please I need you to try as hard as you can to summon me there!"

Celest slowly nodded and closed her eyes as she summoned as much magic as she could. The mirror began to warp, but it was not enough. Celest's breath began to labor, and her face was losing color. She was using more magic than she ever had before. "Come on Celest, I believe in you," Kalina whispered. The Mirror began to warp more, and Calixta could see the garden Celest was in. Celest had successfully turned the water into a portal. Kalina took a deep breath and with a leap of faith, she walked into the mirror to hopefully meet her friend on the other side, before Greta caught wind of what the two were up to.

Aella's heartbeat echoed in her ears, ticking off the seconds. She knew she would need to turn and face whatever truth awaited her, and he was waiting so patiently. But how could she face him? Who told him her name was Ariel? Had Greta informed him all the details of what she knew about Aella's delusion? Was this some kind of sick joke? Or was there a small possibility that she was not crazy? Her head began to spin any time she entertained the thought that Greta could have been wrong this whole time. No, Aella was the one who was wrong. He must have planned all of this to confuse her more. She had to set the record straight and let him know he was not going to fool her.

Slowly she turned to face him as she gathered her resolve. She would not let him scare her away. But as her eyes rose to meet him she felt her thoughts become more muddied as she tried to register every detail around her. Something was keeping her from fully grasping her surroundings. Was this somehow a trick of the Lycan? She knew so little of his abilities, perhaps she was getting sick, but she had never been sick a day in her life. She blinked hard trying to force her eyes to focus as she took in what she could of him.

He was tall

He was clean-shaven

And his black hair was a little long for a man.

Those were the only details she could gather. He appeared to look at her with concern, but there was nothing he needed to be worried about. She would be fine, 'I just need to get away from him,' As soon as the thought entered her mind she knew it was true. He was the cause of her headache and it would go away if she escaped him.

Slowly he bent to one knee to be closer to eye level. "Trust me," He whispered as if he knew the source of her turmoil. She was too dazed to stop him as he gently reached for her arm. His big hand, which easily dwarfed hers, reached for the bracelet that Greta had given her. Her eyes widened in panic as she realized what he was going to do. She quickly reached to try and pry him off her.

"No!" She screamed, as she attempted to claw his hand away. "You have no right!! Get your hands off of me!!"

Nearby guards began to respond, but the king waved them to stand down. Why was no one doing anything?!

"Sire please stop him! He is hurting her!" She heard Lucus shout, but the king fixed the Whitelock heir with a look that silenced him.

Jarek winced as fought some invisible force, but with one good tug, the bracelet broke off. Her eyes widened as he closed the palm of his hand and crushed the bracelet into pieces and threw them out of his sight.

It was as if the world had come to life all at once, the colors were brighter, different sounds filled her ears, and the terrible headache she had suffered was gone. For so many days it felt as if she never left that dark room, and Jarek had finally opened the door for her. She could feel her magic at its full glory like a long-lost friend. She took another look at him and this time she truly saw him.

He was indeed very tall, taller than any man she had ever met. His black hair was just long enough to have half of it in a ponytail and the other half falling just at the end of his neck. His shoulders were very broad and he had a body that could have only been carved by the Goddess herself. Everything was perfect about him even the little scar under his grey eyes was perfect. Oh, his eyes! She thought they would terrify her but no. When she looked into them she saw not a monster but a man she had grown up with, even though they had never seen each other. She began to cry as all her emotions welled up inside her, to the point she could no longer contain them. Before any sane part about her could hold her back, she jumped at him and wrapt her arms around his thick neck. She noted his neck also had a mark that matched hers, it was more proof that it was all real, all along, this realization made her cry harder.

His powerful arms embraced her as he stood up, making her feet dangle beneath her.

"That's better," he whispered into her hair.

She couldn't speak she was still taking him in even now. He smelt faintly of cinnamon which reminded her of a gingerbread cookie. Just the thought of this giant man reminding her of a cookie made her laugh. So now she was a crying laughing mess, but he didn't seem to mind. Slowly she pulled back but he would not let her go. She wiped her eyes and stared at him for another minute. "I'm not crazy?" She asked, there was still some doubt and she feared that this was all in her head and everyone would soon start laughing.

"You are not crazy. I have waited so many years to meet you. I am so sorry it took so long," he said gently.

She sniffled and nodded, "I'm sorry I have been so stubborn."

He laughed and finally placed her back on the ground, "I have a feeling it won't be the last time you will be stubborn about something." Aella was not sure when the music began to play again or when the dancing continued, Jarek had stolen all her attention. She was almost sure he had cast an enchantment spell on her. She could hardly bring herself to care when he smiled in that way that made her heart thump madly within her.

He offered his arm and his look became serious, "We have a lot to talk about, but for now how about a dance?"

"Oh no. I am sure Rowan will be needing a cane after dancing with me."

"Rowan isn't the best dancer either, the talent doesn't really run in his family it would appear. Don't worry I'll lead and if you step on me I don't think I will feel it." True to his word he expertly led her to the next dance. Her cheeks heated when she recognized the melody. It was the song he had sung to her that day she was desperately trying to learn to keep time.

"You know, I never pegged wolves to be such romantics," she said sheepishly.

"Oh it's one of our greatest flaws, we feel with all we have. If not trained correctly we would run on passion alone."

"Interesting," she said as he spun her around, easily lifting her off her feet and back to the ground again. She began thumbing through all the little facts about wolves she knew when she remembered something that had always bothered her. "Is that why you make hybrids wear those terrible collars?"

He sighed, it was clear this was not something he was ready to speak on, but it would need to come up at some point. "They aren't collars they are seals. They allow the parents or the Alpha to control how much magic the hybrid has at a time. And it helps train them to channel their power in a way that works with their wolf side. It's to teach more control."

"I don't see how that is any different from what the Order does."

Something dark clouded over Jarek's eyes but he pushed it away, "What they did to you is nothing like what we do for our wolves. They try and kill the parts of you they hate, we train you to learn how to channel both sides in a way they can coexist. There is a delicate balance to everything."

"If...IF I were to go with you, would I have to wear one?"

"When you come with me, yes."

This conversation was as delicate as a house of cards, "I still have my vows-"

"No. You don't."

She halted in her steps as fury lit in her eyes, "I may be a hybrid but I was born and raised here, I am an Autherian you are not my king. His majesty is."

He did not match her temper, he kept his words steady and even, "You were born in Daimos. You were always mine."

"What are you talking about?! I was born in the tower! Greta helped-"

"You still trust anything that witch tells you?" he asked his voice only raising slightly before evening out again.

"Aella!" Celest rushed to the dance floor and reached for Aella's arm, ignoring the tense atmosphere that surrounded the pair. "Calixta is here..." There was something in the look of Celest's eyes that frightened Aella.

"What's wrong? Is she ok?"

Celest looked from Aella to Jarek and then back to Aella again. Her quivering voice lowered as she held onto Aella's hand tightly, "I... I don't know. Come with me," she begged.

Aella looked to Jarek with a pleading look in her eye. She was not sure why she was asking for his permission but she would not leave till he nodded his head. Aella then allowed Celest to lead her away, she could feel Jarek's eyes watching her every step protectively.

Celest lead her to a more private area, away from the ball. Celest artfully avoided Greta who was scanning the party-goers. Aella wondered if she was looking for her. she did not bother to stop or say a word as she silently watched them disappear.

Celest took her to a small area that had flowers blooming along the pathway. They were far enough to not be disturbed by any of the party-goers but faint music could still be heard playing in the distance. Nearby was a fountain that had water flowing from the statue of a woman holding a vase. There was very little light, but it was just enough to see the disheveled figure that Celest claimed was Calixta. Aella hesitantly walked closer as her eyes adjusted to the dark, but the more she saw the more befuddled she found herself. This was her friend, but it did not look like Calixta she grew up with. The once always smiling face was now drowning with tears, and her bright youthful eyes were bloodshot. Her usually perfect hair had lost its usual sheen and luster, it was also more brown than black. Her once clear skin now had freckles and her nose seemed slightly bigger. Under her lips rested a scar Aella had never seen before, when did she get that? These were not big changes, Calixta was still very lovely, but it was not the same enchanting beauty that could steal the heart of any man. She looked like an average girl, just like the rest of them.

Slowly it became clear, that if Calixta was no longer heartbreakingly beautiful, then that meant she had lost her magic. "What happened? Calli are you ok?" She tried to keep panic out of her voice and sound brave for her friend, but there was something terribly wrong here.

Calixta sniffled before answering, "it's no Calli or Calixta anymore. I have been excommunicated. The order blocked off all my magic as punishment for betrayal."

"Betrayal?! Why would they possibly think you would betray anyone?!"

"Calli what is this all about?" Celest asked as she sat at Calixta's side. "What did you do?"

"I admitted to tricking you into summoning documents from Grethis."

"You mean the public documents?" Aella asked. "Those are open for anyone in Autheria to access."

"They are saying I betrayed Autheria because I gave the documents to the wolves."

Celest and Aella stared at Calixta as if waiting for her to reveal this was some kind of prank. But she averted her eyes and pulled out a handkerchief that had unfamiliar initials stitched in it. She blew her nose and sobbed more.

"Callie, why would you do that? I know you wouldn't do this without reason," Celest stated as she gently tried to take Calixta's hand.

"She did it for me," All three girls turned as Rowan invaded their secret moment. He rushed to Calixta's side and held her hands in his. "I am so sorry. I did not mean for this to happen to you." His eyes were welling with love and concern. Calixta gazed into his blue orbs and allowed him to sweep her into his arms. She sobbed more openly into his chest as he held her.

"I will find a way to fix this for you. I promise," he whispered into her hair.

"YOU!" Celest shouted as she stood to her feet. "I knew you were trouble! You tricked Callie to do your dirty work!"

"NO he didn't! I offered to help!" Calixta yelled as she blocked Celest from Rowan. Aella had never seen her friend so full of fire before. "I didn't do it just for Rowan, I did it for Aella too!"

"For me? What are you talking about?" Aella stood to her feet, it was suddenly becoming hard to breathe. Was this all somehow Aella's fault?"

Calixta looked to Rowan and took a step away, "It isn't my place to say."

Rowan slowly walked to Aella and pulled out the alleged documents. "You said your mother died giving birth to you, and so did mine. My mother's name was Priscella and yours was Vetra. Your birthday is October first and mine is April Thirtieth."

Aella peered at him perplexed as she tried to figure out where all this was leading up. Slowly he handed her documents that had certain parts circled. As she read them her eyes became wide. She slowly reached for the fountain and took a seat as she processed what she was reading.

"Vetra's name before she joined the order was Priscella. She died April Thirtieth in Daimos. That makes you my twin sister and a citizen of Daimos."

"No..there has to be...Greta said that mom was there. She gave birth to me in the tower after she was ..." She could not bring herself to say it.

"Father loved Mom. He went feral years after he lost her and you, he would never hurt her."

Aella fell silent as the world began to spin. So many things were falling into her lap, things she should have realized years ago. She knew there were holes in what Greta told her. She knew there were too many coincidences between her and Rowan. But she refused to see it till she was finally forced to open her eyes. She felt another wave of emotions begin to erupt like a volcano. She wanted to scream, she wanted to hug Rowan close. she wanted to beg for Calixta's forgiveness. If it were for her Calixta never would have lost her magic trying to help Aella do something she should have done herself. She wanted to cry for her mom. But above all else, there was one thing she wanted to do most, and that was to find Greta.

She felt the clouds begin to heed her call, and the gales rose to match her growing rage.

"Aella you need to calm down," Celest urged as Aella's eyes began to turn to that dangerous shade of red. Aella would not hear it, she could not be stopped. Greta would pay for every day she kept her locked in that room, for every lie she ever told, and for the pain she caused her family and friends. Aella finally knew what she wanted most, and that was revenge.

She did not need to go far, Greta met them in their hiding spot. "That is quite enough Aella. I know you think you know-"

"Shut. Up." Aella did not recognize the voice that escaped her. It was deep and had a raspy growl to it. Making her sound more predator than a girl.

Greta gasped, she had never heard Aella take such a tone with her, she was quickly losing control of the one initiate she was never supposed to lose. "Aella calm down now! This is not how-"

The winds began to circulate around the two, pushing everyone harshly away from them. Thunder began to rumble, threatening rain not too far away.

"I said shut up! You lying bitch!" the more Aella spoke the more the winds picked up. Aella was losing all control of her magic as she locked her and Greta in the eye of her storm. Greta tried to chant a spell that would paralyze Aella, just as she had when she was little. But Aella was older and faster now. She summoned lighting to strike just close enough to nock Greta off her feet. Greta screamed as she fell to the ground. Her pupils became dilated with horror, reflecting Aella's fury back at her. Greta knew as the cyclone rose to greater heights, that she was going to die by Aella's hand.

Rowan helped Celest and Calixta get somewhere safe. "Hold on and don't let go!" He shouted over the rain that began to fall like a waterfall. The girls held onto a nearby tree as hard as they could, praying the cyclone would not get worse. Rowan began trying to brave the winds, but it was just too powerful and he was almost swept away. Calixta caught him before he could go too far. "There's no way we can get to them! I have never seen Aella so angry!" She cried.

"I have seen this before, not with a tempest but I know where this is leading. And it's not good!" Rowan shouted.

"What is it?" Celest asked.

"She is going Feral and her magic with it! Jarek where are you!"

"I loved you!" Aella screamed as tears fell down her cheeks. "I trusted you! You made me think there was something wrong with me all these years!"

"Look around you Aella!" Greta shouted as she motioned to the cyclone. "There is something wrong with you! I did what I needed to protect you-"

"NO! You did what you needed for yourself! I won't turn a blind eye to any of it anymore! You hurt Calixta!!!! I will never forgive you for that!"

Aella was too distracted to notice Jarek slowly making his way to her. Branches flew past him, and the rain pounded the earth, but he ignored it all and kept making his way closer to Aella. He shifted only a little, he did not want to hurt Aella but he knew he needed to stop her. If he didn't then the damage would be irreversible. Aella lifted her arms ready to summon another bolt of lightning, but she felt two strong arms wrap around her and stop her. Jarek held Aella close to him, pinning her arms to her side, and lifted her off the ground.

"What are you doing?!" She screamed. "Let me go! I'm going to kill her!"

"No, you are not," he ordered. She felt this strange pressure begin to push her neck down in a submissive stance. But she was so angry she wouldn't obey. "I'm sorry Aella, this is going to hurt," Jarek warned as he grabbed her roughly by her hair and pulled her head to one side, exposing her neck. It was the side that had her mark hidden beneath makeup. The rain was quickly washing away the foundation, allowing Jarek to see what he needed. He extracted sharp white canines and without hesitation dug them into the tender flesh of her neck.

It was like a pain she had never felt before. Her skin was on fire while her blood became ice. Blood dripped from his teeth but he would not let go of her till her body began to loosen. All at once, the pain went away and everything became numb. She could not feel anything, not the pain, the bite, her anger, or her magic. It was as if she was cut off from all parts of her, and everything began to dissolve before her. She fought to keep consciousness but there was no more fight left, and as quickly as her rage came, it was gone. Everything became calm as the tempest lost consciousness in the Lycan's arms.

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