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27.27% Gotham knight

Oppurtunity Is What You Need ,Oppurtunity Is What You'll Get

-POV Marvin-

We finally managed to get the crowd to fuck out of our asses, but half the work was already done for us by a crazy son of a bitch in uniform.

Right now he is in Gordon's office and i don't know what they are gonna talk about, if it was me i would be have given that kid my seat right then and there, but gordon is different, he didn't even trust himself with that position.

If the kid earns gordans trust enough he will be the commissioner of Gotham PD in no time, but that is for gordon to decide and what i have to decide is what the public needs to know from this incident.

If every time joker is captured and these kind of situations happen we might loose half of our recruits, because we know joker will escape and we know bat will bring him back here.

This is the problem with batman, he knows he is outside the jurisdiction, we are already being forced by the mayor to put almost all the murders in this city on batman's head.

I still wonder the amount of bribe he got for that, but at the end we had to put a couple of murders on batman but we never even tried to arrest him.

On the contrary we consider him a part of Gotham PD and would be happy to let him murder a few big bads because he is untouchable by both justice and evil.

Alas it was never meant to be and we are not allowed to put the joker down for some reason, now that i think about it i have the perfect guy in mind to investigate this if he isn't killed or fired before that.

-POV James Gordon-

I am sitting in my office and i can see why Marvin called him a stuck up "You can sit down son, you deserve that much for following an order to that degree." he looks at me, no change on his face, nods and sits down.

"What happened to the guy, i arrested commissioner?" straight to the point i see.

I am almost afraid to say it but i am not afraid of young blood anymore so i say "We let him go" his face doesn't change but his eyes do, i can see that he is angry.

"why?" A simple enough question from him which i don't have the answer to "What did you want me to do arrest him and put him in jail, that'll only cause his son to turn to the bad side and then, we have a father son duo of joker followers what would you have done, tell me." half of the criminals in gotham are just father's of hungry children, that is why we only try for the bigger fish and leave these guys alone.

He looks at me with again no change in his face and stands up and asks "Is that all sir?" i think to myself that i won because he couldn't give me an answer and is too much of a stuck up to admit defeat. "your dismissed".

He turns and leaves but before closing the door he says "If the son goes to the bad side during his father's absence you arrest him, it is as simple as that." and with those words he leaves me in my office.

-POV Batman-

After listening to the entire conversation by hanging near the window, i side with gordon but the last parting words made me reconsider that but it isn't important.

I enter through the window making no sound in the process, and stand behind gordon. "I heard there was a strike" gordon flinches and goes for the gun but realised it's me.

"I chances of dying because of you are much more than the criminals, if you don't stop doing that.

"The strike" not wanting to make the conversation any longer i say.

"ah yeah the strike as the newspapers called it, we managed to handle the situation or more like one guy did" he sighs while saying so.

"Was it a metahuman?" there hasn't been any news about a new superhero in gotham.

"No it was one of us, a new recruit the guy jumped into the middle of the crowd and started hitting left and right just to catch one guy, i saw people flying,dogpiles..."

"Do you have the footage?" I interrupt because i am running out of time already.

"yes it's in the archive, i can send someone to get it fo...."

"I'll take it when i leave" I see him nod.

"Any information on who instigated this strike" I ask the question of the hour.

"We think it's black mask, i heard he's been pretty calm lately, never thought he would be calm, now that you caught joker and we decided to increase the security someone needs to fill the power vaccum and black mask is using joker as a religious figure to gather followers."

Seeing that i was still silent he continues "I believe his next target is you, using his followers who are mostly civilians, he will try to pass a bill which forces vigilantes to s...."

"His next target is joker" seeing that he didn't understand i explain "Religion works better if the god is not readily available"

"your an atheist huh"

"Don't want to put my faith in someone else"

"well sometimes in life you need god, not because he makes you powerfull, not because he'll come down to help you, but because he gives you faith that as long as what you doing is righ..."

I leave as he continues his preaching.

I reach the batcave before 11:00 the designated time alfred asks me to be during Saturdays to make sure i get rest.

I am watching the tapes i took from the archive when alfred comes in with a cup of coffee. "Thank you alfred" My pleasure master wayne" he looks at the screen while giving me my coffee.

"He fights a lot like you when you were just starting out" alfred comments after a while "He got the technique but his emotions blind him, it's not a problem if you fight with emotions except for one" "Anger?" alfred tries to guess while i pause the bodycam footage of an officer showing Alexander Albon coming inside the fence with his injuries.

I pause and point a finger towards his eyes "Rage alfred, he fights with rage" "Well you can recruit him and beat the rage out of him if you want to, might make a great successor of your bat business" alfred suggests.

"He's too old, he has a definite set of idiologies already hardwired into him." "Well atleast he is younger than you, when you started." alfred replies with helplessness.

"Are you saying that i am too old for this alfred?" I ask with a little bit of heat in my voice.

"I am saying that you are too tired for this master Wayne, i know you don't want to do this anymore, you can help Gotham, without the batsuit by being Bruce wayne." He leaves after saying his piece.

-POV Alex-

5 years.


5 years of service.


800 criminals apprehended.


400 Civilians saved.


500 criminals bailed out.


15 lives lost.

"AARGH"*TUHNSH* i start to control my breathing as i see the punching bag fly throught the air.

I followed the rules to the T to experiment if it is possible to live a righteous life in gotham, i soon realised that you can survive but you can't live if you do so.

I start to leave the gym after a shower.

So i turned a new leaf tried to curb my rule following mentality a little to get back a normal life but the city kept on testing my patience.

I reached my apartment and heard someone call me "hello Alex, could you help me with my AC it stopped working all of a sudden" "yes mrs. Avery" I turn around and enter my home.

Gotham doesn't bow to you, you bow to it. that's a saying i came up with after my five years of service at GPD, but i made a challenge to myself to stand straight infront of it, but the city keeps on breaking my spine.

I take my tool kit and go inside mrs avery's home and start repairing the AC.

I never took a bribe, maybe that's why i didn't get a promotion even with all my achievements, my achievements don't reach higher than my boss because they are scattered for the vultures of GPD to take credit for unless it is too dangerous.

The AC didn't have any problem it just needed a little cleaning "Do you want any help Alex dear?" she places her hand on my thigh while asking me. "No my work is done i am leaving Mrs Avery"

"Why the hurrry Alex? my husband is going to work overnight today why don't you stay and make me feel safe" she says with a seductive smile while holding my arm.

"The overnight work your husband talks about is his mistress at the third Avenue who left for metropolis three days ago, he wanted to surprise you by coming home early today do you wanna give him a surprise by making me stay" she back's off and lets me leave.

All i need is a promotion, i am working my ass off taking the most dangerous jobs, just to get noticed and given an oppurtunity to prove myself, the crowd didn't scare me, nor did the consequences of being righteous in gotham, the most they can do is kill me, and i forgot how to be afraid of death a long time ago, now all i need is an oppurtunity.

An opportunity.

"Gotham needs you"


"you need to change it"


"so that the next time i see it i can see...."


"COMING!" I open the door to see commissioner Gordon's partner Marvin McCabe. "Good evening sir" "good evening Alex, may i come in" "yes sir" we sit at the table and he says.

"I can see your fire for recognition, i can see that you did all of that to get noticed am i right." I nod knowing that he caught on.

"Well i am here to give you a chance or aptly put an oppurtunity"

'Take it what are you waiting for this is what you worked for take it no matter what it is'

"What is it?" I ask while trying to keep my turbulent emotions in check.

"Well i got two missions one from gordon and one from me, the first mission is simple, you have to protect joker...." "I refuse" He looks at me because of my refusal and continues "Or you can take my mission which is to investigate why we are not allowed to kill joker"

"Because he is mentally ill and there is a chance of redemption?" I try to guess but he scoffs "Tell that to the retarded psychos i have been ordered to kill, you don't get it kid, with the amount of kill count joker has the logical thing would be to put him out of his misery even if takes an army to do that task."

"he only people who can avoid a death sentence with that kind of kill count in Bruce Wayne and lex Luthor, so i want you to investigate this, you won't get any benifits from my mission except my recognition so choose wisely"

I think for a while about everything he said and it is a lot to take in, why isn't he already dead? that's a good question.

"I choose.....Gordon's mission"

He sighs and gets up to leave.

"But i can do your mission too" I say before he leaves.

"It won't work you have to protect the joker inside Arkham for atleast 2 months, you can't investigate while you are in there."

"I'll ask from the source" He looks at me in shock as if i have gone crazy and need to be taken to the asylum. "you heard me right, If required i will beat the fucking truth out of the clown prince of Gotham on why he can't be killed".

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