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75% Sex = Power [RWBY] / Chapter 2: [Hippity Hoppity - 2]

Chapter 2: [Hippity Hoppity - 2]

//I'm not going to put 18+ chapter warnings, every chapter might as well be NSFW at any point considering the nature of this book.

Ya'll horny af.


We're all horny af!//


[3rd POV]

What does one do when they reach puberty? Go out drinking? Have sex? Smoke crack? Some people do this even before then, don't be like those people. Be like Evans Brimir, a virgin! Well, not for long at least but it's the thought that counts. He's a 3rd-year student at Signal Academy, a sort of secondary school for aspiring hunters and huntresses. Naturally, Evans was planning to go to an academy as that was the only way for him to get a huntsman license.

And yes, Signal Academy has the word "academy" in its name but it's not an actual final destination for huntsmen and huntresses in training. They need to rename that shit to something like... Signal Secondary School or something. It's a combat school, not an academy, get your shit together!

The young man in question was... wait for it... right outside a club! Junior's club to be exact! For your information, Evans lives in Vale, which means he has to either walk quite a bit or take a taxi/bullhead just to get to Signal Academy. But this is beyond this paragraph's point. No, you see, Evans is not just going out on a walk in the dead of the night. He's going to Juniors. A bar run by some gangster, which coincidentally was the case with 90% of all bars in Vale.

Evans was going there because he suddenly got this vibe, this vibe... that he must get some alcohol into his system. Exams were over so there was no stress to be had, but all the stress to be relieved. He just hopes he finds a chick to meddle with tonight, otherwise he might just get drunk, throw all over himself and drag his sorry ass back home!

...Weren't they supposed to be figuring out their semblances in a week or some shit? For some god forbidden reason, semblance classes don't exist until the 3rd year and you can all imagine how annoying that is for just about everyone involved that takes combat classes... which is everyone... hm.

Dressed in his most drippy outfit he could find, Evans was ready to chew pussy and eat ass! Iconic, 100%. Evans is a big fan of button-up shirts and hoodies, but for tonight he chose to go with a black button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, putting an emphasis on his biceps, some black pants and expensive Jordans. His outfit was very clusterfucky but it somehow managed to look good on him. His black hair was cut around the sides, his bangs being just long enough on the top and front to just nearly reach his eyebrows. Evans has purple eyes and slightly tanned skin, he's also pretty tall!

...He... He looks like Sung Jin-Woo... Kinda. He's lacking in the sheer alpha male department that male excreted from his mere presence, but he was on the right path!

"Zuckmahdik said they have killer sundae here... I'll be the judge of that."

The male happily strode into the establishment with a swagger in his step, he wasn't even stopped by the bouncers waiting at the front door! What a good place to wash away the pain of day to day life and make your wallet lighter! Hell, you could lose the latter very quickly in a crowded place like this! That's why Evans' wallet had a small, non-lethal electric charge coursing through it whenever his hand wasn't in his pocket! Pretty cool what a proximity sensor and a pair of AAA batteries can do when used right.

Cool dubstep music immediately blasted his ears upon walking into the club, a plethora of flashing lights assaulting Evans' eyes as people danced wildly on the dance floor. He wasn't much of a danger, so instead, he made a b-line towards the bar.

He took a seat on one of the bar chairs, surprisingly comfortable, he remarked in his mind before ordering a... what could only be described as a "name". It was too long to be pronounced properly so most people just referred to it as "Order 66". It was a sundae, but a special kind of one. Now, Evans didn't know if they jacked off a unicorn into that thing or a leprechaun took a piss in it, but goddamn the thing was downright glistening with colours! It was like someone shat a rainbow into a glass cup, threw in some sparkles and a tiny umbrella and called it a day.

"...This better not make me see actual rainbows..."

And so, Evans took a small sip before his tongue exploded with colours, metaphorically speaking of course. The drink had a strange taste, but the aftertaste was quite addicting. Like trying a cigarette for the first time, Evans came back looking for more.

"With how much LGBT energy this drink has... it's not bad."

It sure wasn't cheap though, costing way too much Lien for what it was. Still, he liked it, but Evans sure as hell wasn't going to buy it all the time. Now, if they cheapen it a bit, that might be a different story.

"Hm? Oh hey, there!" now THERE'S a person Evans should have been expecting to see here but wasn't.


It was a blonde girl with lilac-coloured eyes, decent height and an utterly massive, huge, colossal pair of tits. Her thighs were also that of a goddess, especially so considering that she flaunted them in her incredibly tight black booty shorts. Not to mention that ass, god that ass! You could see it from the front with how big it was! This girl was literally sex on legs with how dummy thicc her figure was.

Her name?

Yang Xiao Long, a classmate of Evans Brimir and an older sister of a girl that he had yet to meet. The girl was dressed in her semi-casual attire consisting of the aforementioned booty shorts, god not looking at her curves was hard, a yellow tank top and a leather jacket over that. Yang also had this thing with her hair, anyone who touched it barely lived to tell the tale. It was frilly and very curly, not to mention long and soft-looking... just like her boobs. Yeah, Yang is the best girl, how could you tell?

"You actually bought that thing?!" Yang couldn't help from surprisingly yelping upon seeing the drink in Evans' hand.

Now, of course, the legal drinking age in a world with fucking monsters and scientifically advanced weaponry would have different laws than whatever hellhole the real people crawled out of, henceforth, the age of consent, as well as the drinking age, was... 15! Still, seeing someone jug down a fucking rainbow is not something you see on a daily basis. Not to mention that the aforementioned rainbow was not cheap.

"Yep..." Evans didn't know if it was the alcohol or his boner talking, but this could be his chance, "...You want some?"

"Like you even had to ask!"

"Okay... Barkeep! Another one!"

Oh, how Evans didn't know what awaited him at the end of this night. This was the night that would set in motion one if not the most important series of events this world would bear witness to. A journey to transcendence... through sexual intercourse and debouchery!




"...Why is the world spinning...?"

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