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8.33% Twilight Aftermath: Kingdom / Chapter 1: Twilight
Twilight Aftermath: Kingdom Twilight Aftermath: Kingdom original

Twilight Aftermath: Kingdom

Author: ZSonata

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Twilight

A woman falling off a cliff, siblings getting impaled by a light beam, bodies being burned as a result of getting slashed by black swords, entities flying from the sky, exchanging blows with swords and magic. Tears, blood, destruction, and hope— all sacrificed in one single war that doesn't have an apparent reason. 

All of these played like a movie in my dreams.

[ Chiaro! Leave for the Avatar Realm! ]

Various voice echoes—

[ What are you doing here Chiaro!? Join your sister— ] — Blood gushed through her mouth — [ You guys… are… our only— ] 

While the scenes are constantly changing—

[ Chiaro, please promise me that you'll live a normal life out there.. ]

And showing no signs of stopping.

[ I'm your— s-sister— Lunox— Crepuscule… ]

But, before I could see what happened after the woman introduced herself as my sister, my eyes came back to reality, opening as wide as they could. I am breathing as if I am running out of oxygen; my hands are grabbing the grass as hard as they can, and my eyes are dropping tears.

[ What… was th—... at? ]

I close my eyes and take a deep breath—

[ Ok first…, examine the surroundings. ]

My hands are starting to follow my will. I can now breathe properly but my eyes, aren't stopping from dropping tears.

I begin to look around and— 

I find myself on a plain grassland, where the stars and the moon are looking down on me.

[ Good thing ] — I release a sudden breath — [ There's no one in sight. ]

I put my right hand on my face, covering my right eye—

[ That dream, felt like it lasted 16 years but happened instantly… ]

At that time, I realized—

[ Huh? Why am I crying? I am calm right now, yet why? ]

[ What is this place? ]

[ Where am I? According to that dream— what dream? ]

My head is being bombarded with questions until I ask myself—

[ Who am I? ]

As I am being rained with answerless questions, a mysterious breeze blows away all the grass around me, and suddenly, my surroundings change into an empty place with two sides. I'm on the side with white surroundings while the silhouette infront of me is on the other surrounded by black.

[ Chiaro-kun, welcome to the Avatar Realm. ]

Said the silhouette that was on the other side. Whenever he speaks, my skin crawls, but my instinct is saying that I can trust him.

[ Who are you? And where am I? ]

[ You'll know the answer soon enough, Chiaro-kun. For now, I want you to prioritize your survival ahead, or else you won't be making him pay and this universe won't move forward. ]

[ Making him pay? Survive? Universe? You're not making any sense. ]

The silhouette starts walking toward me as his black surroundings are following him. Each step is making my heart skip a beat and I can't move a muscle or blink.

[ Chiaro-kun— ]

As soon as our distance shortened, I saw his appearance. He has black hair, eyes with black four-pointed star pupils, and black clothes with the same pattern as mine.

He raises my chin and looks at my face with little to no distance.

[ You're powerless. ]

[ You're weak. ]

[ You're incompetent. ]

His voice gives a very cold sensation, causing my muscles to shiver. But for some reason, I didn't feel any fear, hate, or anger, instead, I felt courage.

[ We have the same appearance, same identity. ]

[ We don't, and I don't know who you are. ]

[ Your white hair, your white four-pointed star pupil, and your white clothes. We are the same Chiaro and you know who I am. ]

He starts walking back to where he was while saying—

[ I have power, and you don't. I know everything, and you don't. I am strength and you're speed. I am dark and you're light. ]

[ What are you saying? ]

[ We are the same— ]

[ Stop saying we are the same. We are completely the total opposite, anyone can see that. ]

The entity laughs as he says—

[ Very well. Talking to you right now is like telling a toddler to memorize his ABC. ]

He sits on a black chair, puts his left foot on top of his other foot, and rests his face using his right hand. While I am standing.

[ You're Chiaro Crepuscule and I am— ]

[ You are? ]

The entity looks away and gave me a short pause.

[ Let's continue our little chatter Chiaro-kun. For now, show me how powerful we are. ]

[ What do you—? ]

My surroundings change back to normal. Before I entered that weird place, there was no one in sight but me, but now… someone is pointing their silver dagger at my throat.

[ Say little stranger in weird clothes. Are you an enemy? Or an ally? ]

I slowly pull my legs and—

[ Don't do anything funny, answer me. ]

[ I'm neither. ]

[ Neither? ]

He takes away the silver dagger aimed at me, and I immediately use that as an opportunity to stand up.

[ Neither huh? In this case, it sounds like you're an enemy. ]

[ I am not— ]

[ Silver Attribute: Daggers ]

A silver magical circle appears below him, and silver daggers rise from it.

[ What's he gonna do, and what is happening here? ]

The guy looks at me with unusual eyes. His eyes have the letter "S" and "\" striking through them.

[ Now show me your attribute, little stranger. ]

[ Wait, I told you I am— ]

[ Silver Dagger Attribute: Pursuit ]

The silver daggers floating around him suddenly looks at me…, and start following me. My legs started moving as fast as they could like my life depended on it. 

A tree is in sight, I rush to it while the silver daggers are following me and are nearly touching my cape. I put both of my hands on the branch of the tree and did a spin, the silver daggers behind me continue to go in one direction. 

While in a vertical position, I pick up two of the silver daggers following me and come back to the grass.

[ Impressive little stranger, then how about— ]

[ Stop this! ]

[ Huh!? ]

The guy who aimed his silver dagger at my throat gives me a confused face, a face that shows—

[ Why should I listen to someone who's about to die? ]

[ About to die? ]

His words give me a wave of anger. My blood is boiling, and my eyes aren't visible. I point the two silver daggers in my right hand to him.

[ I still don't know anything. There's no way I will allow you to kill me. ]

[ Very well, then show me if you're worth sparing. ]

I slant my body but the silver daggers that once were floating around are once again behind me.

[ Huh? ]

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