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11.76% Can we start over? [GL] / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Chapter 2


"It's almost three o'clock love.." Julia replied while checking the dainty gold watch on her wrist. Just then the buzzer for the perimeter gate chimed gaining all of their attention.. each one glanced at the others.. Shiloh was the first to jump up out of her seat and run to the door.

"Lucille!!" Shiloh shouted.. Everyone followed her down the hallway.. Knowing she is not allowed to open the door Shiloh began bouncing up and down infront of it impatiently..

Chris walked past her and opened the door.. As each person stepped out from the house with their own idea of what Lucille would be like, none were even close. The polished car approached and they could just about see the figure of someone sitting in the back, due to the dark tinted windows you couldn't see anything more. Alberto nodded to the family as he stepped out from the car. Just as he was about to walk around and open Lucilles door she beat him to it.

Lucille calmly planted her feet on the ground and stood up out of the vehicle.. Before she left she had looked and dressed much like her fraternal twin sister, in trendy colourful clothes.. Now she stood infront of them in a button up grey shirt with a long black coat and a pair of black fitted jeans. A dark red ribbon tied neatly around her neck, mostly hidden by the long flowing white hair that rested over her shoulders and down her back. She removed her black sunglasses. All of her families eyes were wide with shock. Except Shiloh who ran and jumped up on Lucille before anyone else was able to get a word out. A surprised Lucille just stood and held her sister close for a long squeeze.. With how much time has past Lucille wasn't sure her little sister would be so happy to see her.. especially since she never replied to any of her wonderful drawings.

"I missed you so much Lu" Shiloh cried, overwhelmed with emotion..

"I missed you too Lolo" Lucille slowly let her sister down to get a look at everyone else, the sunlight glared into her eyes now beginning to burn.. she hoped to get inside soon. If her eyes adapt to the sunlight it will be even more clear she's not like them.

"What did you do to your hair Lucille?" Her father criticised her while pulling her into an awkward one sided hug..

"Uh.. haha.. I like it" She tried to play it cool.. in reality she had no choice in the matter. It had changed on its own. Lucille had anticipated everyone's reactions to her appearance.. but she was not expecting her mothers..

"You look even more beautiful than I remember" Julia grabbed a hold of her daughters face gently.. Lu closed her eyes as her mother faced her up to the sun.. "We are all so happy you're home.." as Julia pulled Lucille into a hug Lu looked to her twin sister who stood awkwardly, watching her own foot fidget on the pavement. Lucille heard Phoebes pocket vibrate then she pulled out her phone to type something. 'It seems not all of you are..' .."Well you must be exhausted.. Phoebe can you show Lucille to her room?"

"I can do that for you mum!!" Shiloh chirped excitedly. But it seems Julia didn't even look her way.. only continuing to talk as if Shiloh wasn't there.

"We weren't sure how you would like it so feel free to move things around, and if you don't like the colour we can always paint over it.." It was weird for Lucille to see her mother making such a fuss over her.. "Phoebe!"

"Huh? yeah?" Phoebe quickly put her phone back into her pocket, realising she had missed her que. Her eyes flew between her mother and sister until Lucille looked away to Shiloh.. Phoebe watched her twin wink and heard Shi giggle..

"Could you show a little more respect?" Chris glared daggers at Phoebe..

"Yes, sorry dad.. I was just replying to a friend, it was about a project.. for school."

"Don't you dare lie to me Phoebe.. school doesn't start for another two weeks!.. maybe you could take Lucilles spot at Miss Humphreys Academy for Gifted Girls?.."

"No, please don't send send me away" Phoebe replied with eyes full of fear.. This isn't the first time she's been threatened with being sent away. But she still feels just as scared as the first time, knowing that it could be a reality. Alberto came walking around the car with two rucksacks and a large burgundy suitcase.

"If it's okay with you I'm just going to follow Alberto" Lucille spoke and everyone stopped to look at her.. this is taking far too long. It would look strange if she put her sunglasses on just to walk the short distance into the house.

Chris nodded acceptingly, Julia replied.. "Of course dear, this is 'our' home" Julia smiled warmly but Lucille didn't feel it's warmth.. She only covertly gestured to her small sister to follow.. which Shiloh did gladly..

"Did you know that an octopus has three hearts?" Shiloh spoke as she skipped alongside her big sister, following Alberto through the front door..

"Yes.. did you know that they also have nine brains?"

"What?! No way!" Shiloh exclaimed causing a chuckle to fall from Lucilles lips..

"Would I lie to you?" The white haired girl answered simply.

"I don't know.. Phoebe lies all the time" Even Shiloh seems to be tired of her..

"I promise to always tell you truth.. but that doesn't mean I can tell you everything. Okay?" Lucille offered and Shiloh was more than happy to accept..

"I can live with that.." Shiloh nodded to herself, forcing another chuckle to come from Lu..

"When did you get so grown up?"

"It was while you was away.." Shiloh answered factually.

"Oh, of course it was.." Lucille smiled, hiding the ache in her heart.. "I'm sorry I missed it.."

"It's okay, you're here now.." Shiloh smiled simply, Lucille gently stroked her sisters head as Alberto passed them on the landing..

"Thank you Alberto" Lucille bowed..

The tall dark, suited man quickly put his head down to bow back.. "You're welcome Miss Lucille. I hope you settle in quickly.. we all missed you very much" He smiled warmly, Lucille smiled back as she remembered how sweet the staff always were..

"I missed you aswell, is Gina still around?" She wasn't sure since they had moved and everything..

"Gina made me brownies yesterday!" Shiloh exclaimed at the mention of everyone's favourite chef..

Alberto chuckled before replying "She's still trying to find a better way to keep the moisture in a chicken.."

"She still hasn't figured out that I was joking?" At some point while experiencing boredom as a child, Lucille had figured out that teasing people was fun.. Her cheeky attitude just made the things she was owning up to all the more believable. How could it have possibly been sweet little Phoebe?

"No.." Alberto replied still unable to stop his laughter.

"Alberto! Hurry up!.. the car needs moving!." Christopher shouted from down stairs..

"Yes of course sir!" Alberto replied, Lucille and Alberto nodded to each other while Shiloh ran off into the room ahead.

"Do you like it? I picked the colours and helped Arthur paint" Shiloh spoke proudly.

"It's exactly what I would have picked" Lucille smiled.. It really is close to what she would have chosen for herself.. All the furniture white and pristine looking.. except the carpet that was a light grey with a round fluffy purple rug in the middle of the room. "Who picked that?" Lu pointed at the hideous purple mass..

"I didn't want it anymore.. mum said you can have it because it goes with the blanket.. or you can throw it away if you don't want it either.. it's not very pretty is it" Shiloh added, still looking down at the rug.. "-and you can put your things wherever you want.."

"Thank you Lolo.." Lucille smiled as she sat on the end of her new bed..

"Why do you still call her that?" Julia asked intrigued as she stood in the doorway. Lucille jumped slightly as she had not heard her mother approaching..

"Hm? I don't know, I guess it just makes me smile.." That was the truth.. but also that Lucille could picture her little sisters face as it contorted when she tried to say her own name..

("Say Shi.."

"Si.." The toddler repeated..

"Loh.." A young Lucille spoke again.

"Loh.." She nodded..

"Shi.. Loh.."

"Si.. Loh.."

"Shiloh!" Lucille spoke excitedly..

"Lolo!!" Shiloh spoke back with even more enthusiasm.. This had been going on for twenty minutes already but both Lucille and Shiloh couldn't have been happier.)

"She was a sweet child.." Julia spoke as if Shiloh wasn't there again.. Lucille felt a twinge of anger spread through her.. From what she's seen so far it seems Shiloh is still as sweet as she ever was.. "-well come on Shiloh, leave your sister to unpack.. I'm sure she doesn't want you bothering her.."

Only one thing was bothering Lucille right now.. "It's okay Ma, she's not bothering me.." Lucille answered simply..

Julia looked between the two girls before replying.. "Okay, if you're not too tired after unpacking we could eat out?.. would you like that?.." Her nerves were clearly on show.

The hopefulness in her mothers eyes urged Lucille into her reply.. "Yeah sure.." She made a small smile to go with her casual answer..

"Good! I'll make sure they have a table available. Shiloh make sure you get changed before we go.. and Lucille, you look ready for anything.." Julia smiled proudly..

"Thanks.." Lucille nodded.. "You're as beautiful as I remember.."

"You're only saying that because I'm your mother.." Julia blushed at the compliment.. She's in her mid forties but looks and dresses like she just turned thirty.

"I'm not.." Lucille spoke plainly, looking directly at her mother..

"Haha, ha.. yes, well, thank you.." Julia now became even more out of place.. not really knowing how to respond.. Lucille surely would have made a joke before. "So I will leave you to it then.. I love you both.."

"You too.." Lucille replied as she turned to open her suitcase..

"I love you too ma!"

"Shiloh, don't you start calling me that.." Each time she heard it come from Lucilles mouth it stung a little more. The only reason it gets said is because Lucille can't bring herself to call Julia 'mum'.. To Lucille her parents were Sir and Ma or mam. Julia knew exactly what the reason was but she never brought it up to Lucille.

It had become clear to Julia which one of her children was really causing the problems soon after Lucille had been sent away. This time there was no one left to take the blame for Phoebe and she started having to own up to her mistakes, but by then it was too late. Lucille was banished, their parents tried to get her to come home when the year finished but she refused.. Julia vouched for her.. insisting to Christopher that Lucille was getting on better at the new school so she was allowed to stay in a banishment for two more years.

After Pheobe started making a bad name for the family in their old school her parents decided to move to the other side of the city.. a kind of fresh start, since then they have kept their deceitful daughter on a tight leash because how would it look if she too was banished?. Every now and then she still slips up but what teenager doesn't.

This year was different from the two before for one reason.. Everyone had gossiped about why Lu was sent away. Chris still gets asked what ever happened to his problematic daughter. He knew that if she finished the city's top Academy with the best marks people would never question his parenting skills again.. It also might be the media coverage he needs to begin his campaign to run for mayor..

"Sorry mum" Shiloh mumbled..

"Good.." Julia nodded before strolling off.

After a seemingly long conversation about Shilohs time at school, Lucille was almost completely unpacked.. Though one bag would have to wait until she is alone. Lucilles phone starting ringing.. it's Jennifer.. "Lolo can you go and get changed now while I talk on the phone?" Lucille answered the call but waited for Shi to reply..

"Yeah okay.. but make sure you stay right here.."

"I'm not going anywhere.." Lucille smiled wide as she watched her kid sister walk backwards out of the room to keep her eyes on Lu for as long as possible.. Her little footsteps went scurrying across the landing.. "Hey Jen, sorry about that.." Lucille walked to the door and closed it before returning to the bed.

"Was that Shiloh? She sounds adorable!"

"She's so grown up. It's like one minute I'm teaching her how to hold a pen and the next she is telling me everything she knows about the ocean.."

"Lucille it hasn't been one minute.."

"I know.." ... "Anyway how are things going for you?"

"What? you barely even told me anything! What are your parents like? and Phoebe?"

"Everything is exactly how I thought it would be.. except Shiloh.. and Ma I guess"

"You're not really giving me much.." It was clear Jen had not anticipated her friends usual over simplication of everything.

"I know what you're thinking but there really is nothing to tell. So.. how are you?"

"I'm good actually.. Jenna came to ask what was going on after you left.. well actually she saw me crying. But anyway we talked and ended up going for a coffee at Benny's. She was nice.." Lucilles mouth began watering at the mention of her favourite coffee shop.. How she is going to miss that place.

"See.. you are already making friends without me" Lucille smiled.. "You're a natural" She held in a laugh at the thought that she was probably what had been scaring everyone away.

"Why thank you Lucille.."

"Shut up you moron.."

"Whatever, I'm gonna call you tomorrow okay?"

"Yeah fine.."

"Love you Lu"

"Love you bye" Lucille hung up the phone. Her mind suddenly wandered to the plastic storage containers that were in the walk in wardrobe. But first.. she pulled a flask out of the third bag and had a long drink. Before she managed to stop herself almost half of it's contents were depleted. 'Make it last'.. 'Just in case' She repeated over and over in her mind as she brought the bottle away from her lips..

Just as she was putting on the lid, someone quietly knocked at the door. Lucille quickly sped up the process and shoved the large flask back into her bag. "Come in" She called.

The door handle slowly turned, the door was pushed open but the person didn't enter.. The mousey brown haired girl stood just outside, Lucille could hear the fast pace of her heart.. "Uh.. mum told me to come and get you" Phoebe spoke barely holding eyecontact.

"Okay.." Lucille nodded.. "I'll be down in a minute.." Phoebe looked up to her sister for a moment gaining her bearings, she nodded and closed the door.

Lucille slung her coat on and laced up her black timberlands.. She picked up her brush quickly brushing it through her hair. Then straightening out her ribbon to make sure it was doing it's job of hiding her scars. A quick sprits of perfume and she was off out the door to greet her family once again. Arthur couldn't make it as he had already agreed to have dinner with his girlfriends parents.

After Julia notifying Chris of Arthur's absence everyone made their way to the car and were quickly off to the restaurant that Julia had chosen for them.. Knowing their mother they all knew it would be somewhere fancy. Each of them were wearing their best clothes.. except Lucille and her parents who pretty much wore what they usually would.

As they sat at the table like a seemingly normal family and ordered their food immedietly something was off.. "I actually ate earlier so can I just get a side?" Lucille asked as they were all discussing the menu..

"Oh.. okay, what would you like?" Julia looked up from the menu..

"Uh.. the sweet potato fries please.." She smiled.. Shiloh had already picked a meal that had fries so it would be easy for her to slide them onto the little ones plate.

After the waiter came around and took everyone's orders Christopher took his chance to speak to Lu. "So.. your mother tells me you got student of the year again.."

"Yes sir.." She nodded simply..

"That's great, you should be very proud.." He smiled while straightening out the collar of his shirt.. 'You should be proud?.. Not I am proud?' If only Lucille could speak her mind.

"Thank you.. I am" Lu nodded politely as she spoke. Thinking about how she would have much preferred to finish studying at her old school.. it would even look better on her record if she wanted to apply for a job or college.. she hadn't actually decided which it will be.

"Phoebe.. you would do well to learn from your sister.." Lu was surprised.. this phrase had been said hundreds of times but always the other way around.. Phoebe looked as though she'd heard it aimed at her before. She just nodded in acceptance.

"Do you mind if I go outside to get some air? They said it would be another ten minutes before our meal is ready.." Lucille asked respectfully.. Mostly looking to her father..

"Just make sure you're back when the food arrives" Christopher ordered simply.

"I will" She nodded before getting up out of her seat.. Shiloh soon ran to get the crayons and colouring books from the kids section.. Phoebe pulled out her phone. Julia and Chris began talking about something but Lucille couldn't hear much over the other voices. Something about a televised event?

Phoebe texted her friend.. 'It's so awkward. I just don't know what to say to her..'

Ellie replied 'She's your sister, I'm sure you can think of something. Where are you anyway?'

'We're at some fancy restaurant in town.'

'No way! I'm in town right now, do you want to meet after?'

'Sorry I can't.. mum and dad want us to spend some family time together.'

'That's a bummer.'

'Yeah.' Phoebe slouched in her seat as she pressed send.

Meanwhile outside..

Lucille stepped out of the door, putting on her black shades before walking around the corner of the street, pulling a packet of cigarettes out of her inside coat pocket.. Flipping the packet open she took out her lighter and a cigarette placing it between her lips.. As soon as she inhaled the smoke her nerves settled down. This comfort she had gotten used to from being around Jen for too long, it also helped with her cravings a little which was pretty much why she kept doing it. Jennifer wasn't a very good influence on Lucille a lot of the time.

Taking another puff she pulled the cigarette from her lips, closed her eyes and blew out the smoke into the cold breeze.. A second later someone crashed into her, their heads smashed together. Lucille reacted just in time to stop the girl from hitting the ground but her phone did not have the same fate. Not one bit her her screen was left untouched.

"Get off me you baboon!" The girl pushed Lucille away, hollering like Lu had intended for them to collide. Lucille picked up her glasses and put them back on.

"I wasn't even moving.. you should look where you are going.." Lucille spoke, proudly straightening out her shirt and coat. She made sure to check her ribbon was in place while waiting for the girl to reply.

"Well.. who just stands in the middle of a sidewalk?!" The blonde girls face grew red with embarrassment.

Lucille looked around, noting that she is stood far to one side, in order for people to pass.. "We are both standing here and people are passing us perfectly fine.." The girl looked around but was too embarrassed to admit that she was wrong.

"But you, you broke my phone!" Lucille picked the girls phone up off the ground, after a second of inspecting it she handed it back to her..

"Look it's just the screen.. And for the record dropping the phone was your fault. If it makes you feel better I'll pay for it.. how much do you need?" The fact that Lucille carried around dead peoples money would probably not sit well with most, but Lucille figured they were monsters who no longer needed it, why leave it with them?

"Uh.. I.. I don't know.." The girl stuttered..



Well, this is chapter two.. I hope you liked it and feel free to let me know what you think good or bad.. I love reading every comment, it let's me know what I'm doing right and in the end could help improve my writing, creating a better quality reading experience for you.

If you don't say anything I'm going to assume you love it.. I'm joking but I would love to know what you think :).. and if you're reading my other stories which would you like to see more of?

Thank you for taking the time to also read my ramblings!.. Peace.

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