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20.71% One Piece: Overlord Buggy / Chapter 29: Branson & Rosalina

Chapter 29: Branson & Rosalina

The girl who walked in simply passed by and decided to go and stand in front of the desk, with a kinda domineering presence, also waiting for, I assumed, Branson.

'Okay, why did I not pay any attention to the actual person? There is a person attached to the.. soul thing. Besides, I don't even know if Big Mom is the reason behind her existence anyways. But, my gosh. I am an idiot for not thinking that.'

The girl standing in front of me was surprisingly beautiful, with platinum blonde hair in a ponytail, and part of her bangs covering one eye. And surprisingly tall at, what I assumed was like, definitely over six feet tall. What she was wearing was black leather pants, high heel boots, a light blue shirt and black leather jacket to match, and then I saw some things hanging on her waist off of some straps going all over her body and under the leather jacket.

She had two weird sheaths for weapons that were surprisingly thick, I closed my eyes and had to use Observation sneakily to even figure what the weapon was or what it did. And once I had seen the meachics, I was surprised.

'So, there are like, what is that? Seven spools that all have one really long piece of rope connecting to the last, in a third of the total space of that sheath-thing. Another third of the space is dedicated to.. a harpoon launcher? This looks like those gear-things from Attack on Titan, that people use to basically swing around and throw themselves at high speeds. I think it was called like.. the high mobility gear or something. But the other third is dedicated to an actual sheath that holds.. a long sword? She uses two? That's both crazy and awesome.'

I then thought for a second 'Wait. Attack on Titan? That's not something someone from this world would know of. Is that why that soul thing is replacing the heart and brain? Because they were put into this world too? Ooooooooh. I never checked my own body before. If it does match, then I can assume she's from my own world! That.. would be.. one of the greatest things to ever happen!'

I then fully focused my observation on my own body to check for the soul thing. And I just looked at my brain and heart for a minute, doing nothing else. And after that minute passed, I found.... Nothing. I looked at my, basically, own soul, just to see if it was a person from my own world, and it wasn't that.

'Dear Director, I can't believe I got my hopes that high up. I really had hoped I found someone, out of total coincidence, that I could talk to, but no. That's.. that sucks. I guess I'll have to go back to my Big Mom theory, and just hope nothing bad happens.'

I then opened my eyes, to find her staring at me while leaning on the desk.

I felt sweat going down my back thanks to nervousness, and tilted my head a little, asking her directly "Yes? Is there a reason you're staring at me?"

'I hope I'm not causing any suspicion to arise here, especially if someone like Big Mom is really watching.'

"No, there is no reason. I was just wondering if you were waiting on something, that's all." She said in a soft, calm voice, with a hint of what sounded to me like, a posh, fancy way of speaking.

"Ehm, I mean, I'm just waiting for Branson to come back with some money. That's really all."

'I assume since she's here, she probably knows what goes on here, unless she's new here too, but I doubt that.'

"Then, I assume that you are waiting on that money from Branson because you sold him a ship, right?"

"Yes. You're right about that." And I started to think again 'I can't tell any intention at all, it's just, nothing. No.. intention of basically anything. What is this lady in front of me? It's like she exists but doesn't at the same time. I REALLY need to make sure to watch her carefully.'

It felt like she was boreing into my soul with her very dark blue, and almost.. empty eyes.

And then Branson came back in the room, holding briefcase.

'Oh, thank Director! Someone who is actually something is here!'

"Well, sir, here ya go, I got ya money, seven million berri, all packed into this case." And then he noticed the lady standing at the desk, and immediately lit up a lot, walking over to her.

"Ah! Rosalina! You're back! How's it been goin? I hope nothin went wrong while you did what you do best!"

She turned to look at Branson, and also lit up, smiling for the first time a very soft smile.

"Branson, I am back, I hope you haven't had any issues while I was gone, it would be tra-"

And the rest of the conversation faded into nothing while I started to think and freak out. 'Her name is Rosalina? I don't remember that name ever coming up, like, ever! And wait, they know each other! Does he know that she's probably being controlled somehow by Big Mom!? If he does, is he a part of her scheme too!? Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, ohmygosh, ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh. What the freaking hell is going on here?' I put a hand on my face, and slid my hand all the way back, over my black beanie, as if I was combing my hair.

And then I was brought back to reality by Branson saying "Oh yeah! You're names Buggy, right? Here's that seven million I owe ya. Sorry for the wait though, my business partner here, Rosalina, kinda just shows up out tha blue, with no warning, so I always do this."

And I looked to find both Branson and Rosalina looking at me, and he had set the suitcase down on the desk, so I decided to walk up to the desk, and check how much was sitting there.

And he continued talking "Yeah, Rosalina here is one of the best people to find ships to sell, especially if I ever need quality ships. If a country orders some ships from me, the best person to get those ships for the order is Rosalina here."

That piqued my interest a little. And while checking the money, I had some thoughts running through my head 'So, she does what I just did about a week ago, and these ships get reused a lot of the time? Wait. If I team up with her, can I get a freaking lot of money quicker? No, I have a better plan. But that now includes doing exactly what I just thought of doing.

"Well, Branson, I have an idea. I could help you both out if I go with Rosalina here to get more ships, that way, you get more inventory, and I get money out of it! Besides, you can get more money, especially for people who'll buy a ship here anyways. You wouldn't have to pay me an actual wage or anything, since I'd be getting some ships too, and money from that, and the bounties. It would be fine for like one or two ships worth of money and the bounty money for me, and you get more ships out of it. It's just an idea though."

I closed the suitcase of money. I think both were shocked about what I just said, but I continued to speak while walking away with the money "Well, Branson, Rosalina, nice to meet both of you, hope to work with you again in the future, if you do actually think anything of my idea, you'll be able to find me around. Also, you can take thime ship whenever, it wasn't mine anymore as soon as I closed this case here." I hit the case with my hand. "So, see ya, whenever." And I walked away, and to the hideout.

"So, Rosalina, what's your take on that proposal he just gave?" Branson asked. It had been an hour since Buggy was at Forwilth Shipyard, and both had thought about it.

Rosalina was sitting in one of the chairs while Branson was in the other. "My personal take on his proposal? I think it is quite a stupid idea. From what I could tell, he was simply a child with ambition and no power. Even if I did bring him along, I have some doubt in my mind that he would be of any help."

Branson smirked a little. "Well, I had Daven do a check on em."

Rosalina's eyes widened a little. "Oh? What did you mayhaps find about this.." her eyes narrowed a little "..Buggy character? If I may ask, of course."

"Well, ya very much able ta ask for that, bein part ah this business. Anyway, turns out, he appeared a while ago, Daven asked around and found out that the ship I bought from him today, he was the only one who could have taken down all the pirates on that ship. Witnesses said he was tha only one to do it, sayin 'Well, he snuck on, and when he came off, he was dragging some pirates, all of them tied up, and the captain was dead.' and they also said it was only like a couple minutes for em to do it. I doubt he is a bad person, but with the strength to do that, I have no doubt about he'd be good on his idea of helping. So, if you decide to do that, I have no problem."

Rosalina just sat there, thinking about it.

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