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45.45% Naruto of the kumo / Chapter 5: chapter 5 chunin exams part 4

Chapter 5: chapter 5 chunin exams part 4

Naruto had just finished his early morning training with his sister and teammates and was getting ready to spend time with the third hokage's grandson like he promised. He walked out of his hotel and noticed someone trying to hide behind a camouflage cloak that was being held the wrong way.

"Is that you Konohamaru?"

The boy dropped the cloak and smiled. "As expected of my new rival. Even a master of stealth like myself can't hide from you."

"Uh, Konohamaru you were holding the cloak the wrong way. It wasn't hard to see you."

Konohamaru started blushing and rubbing the back of his head. "What are we going to do today boss?" The embarrassed boy said, trying to change the subject.

Naruto got a devilish grin on his face. "Today we are gonna pull some pranks."

"Oh what kind of pranks!" Konohamaru was visibly excited at the mention of pulling pranks.

"Some awesome pranks! I haven't been able to get much pranking done because my big sis is always catching me, but today I set her up on a date so we should be able to get some serious pranking done while she focuses on that."

In the hotels shared bath house Yugito was currently soaking in a bath with karui beside her after the morning training.

"ACHOO! Looks like someones talking about me."

"Maybe it's that guy Naruto set you up on a date with."

"I told you it's not a date."

"You're letting him treat you to ice cream how is that not a date?"

"Shut up Karui." Yugito was blushing wildly.

"Whatever, be in denial for all I care. You know that idiots probably gonna go try and pull a bunch of pranks right?"

"I know. I figure I'll let him loose just for today. I trust him not to pull anything that leads to an international incident."

"You trust that dumbass way more than I do."

Karui got a firm slap upside her head for that comment. "Don't cuss so much."

"OW! You didn't have to hit me that hard."

Back with the boys they were strolling through some back alleys as Naruto was explaining his game plan to Konohamaru."Okay Konohamaru I figure we'll pull a couple of smaller pranks as a warm up then we'll move on to the big one I have planned today."

"Sure thing boss what kind of prank do you want to pull first?"

"Teehee, I'll show you one of my favorite pranks first. Follow me."

The two jumped on the roofs and started jumping around town till they found a good mark. "Those two are perfect." Naruto pointed out a couple on the street walking hand in hand.

"How are we gonna prank them boss?"

"Watch and learn young grasshopper." Naruto put his hands into a seal in preparation for a jutsu.

"Transform." Naruto suddenly turned into a beautiful women with large "assets" and long flowing blonde hair tied into pig tails. She was wearing an orange shirt that hugged her figure tightly and black shorts that showed off practically every inch of her legs.

"Woah" Was all Konohamaru could say as he looked at the beautiful woman in front of him with a blush.

"Teehee, like what you see Konohamaru? I call this my sexy jutsu."

"Boss you have GOT to teach me that one!"

"Maybe later, for now just watch and learn."

Naruto jumped down from the roof around a corner in front of where the couple were heading. He turned the corner and started walking the opposite direction as them while whistling a happy melody. As he walked he made sure to sway his hips side to side in an alluring way. He passed the couple and the man turned his head to stare at Naruto's rather plump behind. The woman of course saw this and immediately slapped the man in the back of the head and called him a pervert. She broke her hand free from the mans and stormed off with the man offering apology after apology while chasing after her.

"Works every time!" Naruto yelled excitedly after the couple were out of earshot.

Konohamaru jumped down from the roof and had a look of pure admiration on his face. "Boss that was amazing! You have to teach me that technique sometime!"

"Later, I got a few more pranks to show you before I let you in on the details for the big prank."

As the two started jumping around the roofs looking for more marks Naruto couldn't help but wonder about his sister and Iruka.

"They should be meeting up right about now. I hope those two hook up so I don't have to hear sis complaining about "not getting laid" again."

Not long after Naruto and Konohamaru had left, Iruka picked up Yugito from the hotel and took her to the same ice cream shop she took her team the day before. Yugito was currently devouring the ice cream at a speed that would rival Naruto when he eats ramen.

"My... you certainly have a strong appetite today."

Yugito stopped eating and blushed. "I really like ice cream... Anything with milk or cream in it really."

"Oh I see. Well at least milk is healthy. Naruto's obsession with ramen has to be one of the most unhealthy habits I've ever seen."

"Don't worry about that. I make sure that he gets proper nutrition. Even if I have to force the fruits and vegetables down his throat."

"Haha, that's good. That boy needs a firm hand to keep him in line. I hear he hasn't been doing as many pranks because of you."

"I can usually catch him before he gets the big ones off. He still likes to harass people who piss him off though."

All of a sudden the two hear a woman just outside the store yelling at a man for being a "nasty pervert who likes underage girls".

"That was probably Naruto's handiwork." Yugito said with a small smile.

"What do you mean?" Iruka asked curiously.

"He likes to transform into an attractive teenage girl and walk around in front of couples to expose the unfaithful guys."

"Wow, that's a dick move."

Yugito was taken aback by the brash and vulgar way Iruka described Naruto's favorite prank and started laughing hysterically. Iruka started blushing wildly.

"I don't know why I said that. It just sort of slipped out. I'm very sorry, that was incredibly inappropriate."

"Hahahaha, its okay. I like guys who tell it like it is." After she realized what she said she started blushing just like Iruka. They sat in an uncomfortable silence for awhile until Iruka decided to speak.

"So uh... tell me about how you and Naruto became family."

"Back when Naruto came to my village he was still just an innocent child. I was amazed that someone who could have experienced such painful experiments at the hands of that monster could still have such a positive outlook on life. I decided that I would adopt him and treat him like the little brother I always wanted."

"That's not all, right? You wanted to help him because you know the kind of life people like you tend to have."

"Yes... I didn't want him to have the same lonely childhood I had. People with our condition have to stay together."

"Don't talk about it like it's a sickness. There is nothing wrong with you two."

"... Thank you. I can tell you are a kind understanding man. I'm glad he had a friend like you while he was here."

"I wasn't always this understanding. I didn't like Naruto at first but something he did changed my opinion of him."

Iruka began reminiscing about the time he and Naruto first met. Iruka was taking a casual stroll through the parks of the village when he noticed three boys pushing around a small girl with white eyes and blue hair. Iruka immediately ran toward them to stop them but before he could get close enough an orange and yellow flash knocked one of the boys down.

"Stop picking on people you big dumb bully!"

"Who the heck are you!?" The bully yelled out from under Naruto.

"I'm the guy who's gonna be the hokage one day! I won't let bad guys like you hurt anybody in this village!"

"Get him off me you morons!" The boy yelled to his underlings who quickly grabbed Naruto and started to punch and kick him.

"ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH!" Iruka finally yelled out and the three boys turned and ran from the sight of the angry man in front of them.

Iruka ran up and saw that the girl was crying over the boys chest. "I-I'm sorry. I-If I wasn't s-so w-weak you w-wouldn't need to s-save me."

"Lady Hinata?"


Suddenly an older hyuga man showed up and asked Hinata what just happened. She explained that she was getting bullied and that she was saved by the boy and older man. The hyuga thanked Iruka for helping Hinata and quickly took her away.

"W-Wait Ko! Wh-what about th-that boy?"

"Lady Hinata it's in your best interest to ignore that child. He is not the kind of boy you should associate with."

"B-But he saved m-me."

"That man saved you, not the boy. Now please be quiet and don't mention that boy again. Especially in front of your father." Hinata hung her head in defeat and was silent all the way home. Iruka on the other hand stood by Naruto.

"Hey are you okay?"

"Y-yeah. Is that girl okay?"

"Yes, her caretaker just took her home."

"Good. I hate it when bad guys hurt pretty girls."

"That was really brave of you to jump in and help her like that."

"Well if I'm going to be the hokage one day I'm gonna have to get used to helping people."

"I have an idea. Do you want me to take you to eat something as a reward for your bravery?"

"Yes sir!" Naruto's face lit up with a huge smile at the prospect of food.

"Have you ever had Ramen before? There's a really good ramen stand nearby."

"Ramen? Never heard of it. Is it good?"

"Why don't you be the judge of that?"

"Okay I will!"

Iruka took Naruto by his tiny hand and walked him to Ichiraku ramen where Naruto ate his first and definitely not last bowl of ramen.

"And that's the day Naruto discovered ramen and also the day he became like a brother to me."

Yugito was silent as she processed what she just heard. "A young hyuga girl? It must have been the same one we saw yesterday."

Yugito was snapped back to reality when she heard Iruka clear his throat. "That's certainly an interesting story. Even now Naruto will jump into a fight to protect someone weaker than him."

"Yeah, I've heard rumors about what happened in the wave country. Would you mind telling me the whole story of what happened there?"

"Wave country huh? That's an interesting one for sure. The mission was supposed to be a simple assassination. Get in and kill the shipping tycoon Gato and then get out. Naruto didn't want to kill him though."

"Why? Gato is a notorious criminal. I would think Naruto of all people would jump at a chance to get rid of such a man."

"Naruto is very idealistic. He wanted to make Gato stand trial for his crimes. He rounded up some civilians and gave a rousing speech about standing up for yourself. He inspired the people to take up arms and with me and the other two members of our team we were able to storm his hideout and wipe out his entire army of thugs."

"It was that easy? But Gato is known for hiring rogue ninja. They didn't try and stop you?"

"One of the perks of being like me and Naruto is that some ninja know better than to mess with you. The rogue ninja he hired cut their losses and got out of their the second they realized who I was. Anyway, we took Gato prisoner and he was put on trial by the people. They found him guilty and he was publicly executed."

"What about the bridge? I heard they named it after Naruto."

"Yes, well the bridge was the reason Gato was in the wave. The people were trying to build it as a way to break free of Gato's control. He was staying in the wave until he could find and assassinate the bridge builder. Luckily the bridge builder went into hiding right before the contract came in on Gato's life. He came back after he heard of Gato's death and with Naruto and my teams help finished the bridge."

"...To think that goofy little kid I used to take out for ramen would grow into such a hero."

"If you think it's weird for you imagine how it is for me. I used to sit him down and help him with his homework. That boy couldn't even read or write before he met me, and forget about him doing math."

"Hahaha I remember how angry he would get when he would see numbers. He would always start yelling"

"Numbers are stupid and whoever thought of them is a jerk!" Both of the adults said at the same time.

The two started a light hearted laugh. "You know miss Yugito, I'm glad you and Naruto found each other. He deserves to have a family as great as you."

"I'm not that great of a family." Yugito was once again blushing. "Every month I have a get together with a bunch of my girlfriends and we like to drink and talk about girl stuff. Naruto hates it. We can get pretty loud and raunchy sometimes and its part of the reason he became such a pervert."

"Come on you can't be that bad when you get together with your friends."

Yugito bent over the table and whispered something into Irukas ear. Iruka instantly blushed at a level that would rival Hinata. "That's the kind of stuff we talk about."

"Well... that's interesting."

"Naruto overheard that conversation and I caught him the next day looking in an anatomy textbook trying to understand what we were talking about."

"Of all the things he would be interested in studying it had to be that."

Both adults were blushing in yet another uncomfortable silence. "Well I should probably get going now. I'm an academy teacher and I have to get my lesson plan for tomorrow done."

As Iruka got up his hand was suddenly grabbed by Yugito. "Will I see you again?"

"Well we could always have dinner or something together."


"Yeah. Here's my address."

Iruka wrote his address on a piece of paper and handed it to Yugito. "Come over at around eight tonight and I'll make something for us."

"I'll be there."

Iruka walked off and Yugito was in the shop alone. "Why am I feeling like this? He's a foreigner. But he makes me so happy and no one back home even thinks about touching me. I have to get a hold of myself... I'm not about to give it up to a man after only one date."

"Wouldn't it technically be two dates if you go tonight?"

"You don't talk to me for two days and this is what you butt in with?"

"I don't see the problem with this. You're both attracted to each other so there should be no reason you two can't mate."

"You wouldn't understand. Humans can't just go around mating whenever we want without consequences."

"Your species invented birth control. You're the only animals in the world that can."



"I'm done talking to you."

Elsewhere in the village Naruto and Konohamaru were preparing for their final prank of the day. "Okay Konohamaru, I've shown you all of my favorite pranks, now it's time for us to pull the ultimate prank."

"What are we gonna do boss?"

"You and I are going to challenge the hokage to a duel."

"Are you crazy? How is that a prank? We're gonna get our butts kicked."

"It's a prank because we aren't going to fight. We'll challenge him and then I'll bust out my ultimate anti pervert technique."

"Ooooohhhhh what kind of technique is it boss?"

"It puts my sexy jutsu to shame! Come on and I'll show you."

The two bolted toward the hokage tower to challenge the hokage. It was getting late into the afternoon so the hokage should have been finished with his paperwork. When the two arrived they opened the door to find the third reading a small orange book.



Both boys yelled at the hokage causing him to drop his book in shock. "Naruto, Konohamaru, what are you two doing here?"

"We're here to challenge you to an honorable duel!"

"Yeah, an honorable duel grandpa!"

Naruto suddenly put his hands into a strange seal Konohamaru had never seen before. "My ultimate anti pervert Jutsu! First I start off with this. Shadow clone jutsu!"

About ten Naruto's suddenly appeared in the room. Konohamaru and the hokage were both shocked but the hokage was even more so because he knew how dangerous this jutsu was.

"He learned the shadow clone jutsu?! The raikage let him learn a forbidden technique!?"

"Now for the second part! Transform!"

Suddenly the Naruto's were all changed into naked teenage girls identical to the one earlier in the day.

"Oh lord Hokage! You're such a handsome man! let me give you a big wet kiss!" The clones all said in unison. Suddenly a geyser of blood shot out of the hokage's nose and he fell over unconscious.

"Success!" Both the boys said in unison before they ran out the door high fiving each other along the way.

The third hokage regained consciousness quickly and sat back in his chair.

"My, what an interesting jutsu."

"Lord Hokage?"

The third turned around in his chair and saw a silver haired jonin wearing a mask. "Yes Kakashi?"

"That was awesome."

"Indeed. What brings you around here at this time Kakashi?"

"I've received word from Jiraiya. He's found a promising lead on Orochimaru but he'll be here as soon as he can."

"Keep me updated. Knowing Jiraiya he'll just show up one day at a hot spring. He was never one for protocol."

"Understood" With that Kakashi bowed to the Hokage and jumped out the open window he used to get in.

"Now where was I?" The hokage picked up his orange book and kept reading.

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