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4.69% Build A Technological Civilization / Chapter 21: Advances By Leaps And Bounds and Modern Weapons Debut

Chapter 21: Advances By Leaps And Bounds and Modern Weapons Debut

In front of the royal tomb gate.

Yan took out the white token.

The door was opened again.

This time, the preparations were made.

You can go in directly.

Behind her stood two hundred scholars.

All with excitement on their faces!

Why two hundred?

Because these scholars are the first to be screened out, and they are more trustworthy.

And another two hundred.

Loyalty remains to be tested.

Yan stepped in first.

A group of scholars followed cautiously.

Compared to the Great Desolate Army guarding the mausoleum.

What these scholars know is much more.

According to the rumors left by the three colleges.

People from the three colleges that year.

Also used to follow the gods to fight.

Use their own wisdom and technology.

Under the guidance of the gods.

Defeat the aliens one by one!

But this rumor.

As time goes by becoming less and less believed.

As a scholar.

It's easy to convince them of one thing, and that is bring out the evidence.

This rumor.

Except for the few words and less obvious records in some books.

Only passed down from generation to generation.

Where is the evidence?

The aisles are spacious.

Although there are so many people.

But none dared to speak out.

Only the sound of footsteps could be heard clearly in the hallway.

Walk for a while.

Suddenly bright.

A large hall appeared.

Yan and two hundred scholars.

When seeing the scene in this hall.

A look of shock appeared on their face.

Everyone was shocked.

In front of them.

There are transparent crystal coffins.

In the crystal coffin.

It was the corpse of a man.

These people are very burly stature.

Except for people.

There are other unknown creatures.

Some shapes are also very strange and very weird-looking creatures.

A creature that looks like a large dwarf ball.

The whole body is covered with thick hair, and there is a pair of sharp fangs in the mouth, some tall beasts like lions.

This scene.

It can be seen that scholars have completely subverted their own cognition.

They couldn't believe their eyes.

"Is this the alien race that my ancestors followed the Father and killed them?''

Yan is prepared.

After a brief shock.

She vaguely guessed the truth.

A voice sounded.

Yan turned to look.

A very old white-haired scholar is excited and kneel down.

Tears kept flowing from the eye sockets.

Drops down the wrinkle.

The white-haired scholar looked at the creature in the crystal coffin in front of him and said tremblingly.

"Have you seen it? What you guessed is true!"

"Our faction…"

"Really follow the gods to the sky."

"Beheaded many alien races!"

"It's the best evidence!"

Not just the white-haired old man.

Many older scholars are very excited.

Hands are shaking.

The young scholars are also shocked and excited.

Even if some of them don't believe the rumors.

But this scene in front of them is enough to dispel any doubts.

Because none of these creatures exist in this world.

Seeing this a flash of memory flashed in Jiang Fan's eyes.

Although on Blue Star.

The age of departure.

Hundreds of years have passed.

But for Jiang Fan.

It's just been less than a month.

Before the end of the Han year.

After never seeing Jiang Fan.

Han knows, in the short term, there should be no more planetary wars.

He disbanded the Transcendent Research Institute.

All items and information are moved to the royal tomb and stored up.

Except for the corpses of these extraordinary creatures.

In the hall, there are other precious things.

''These are the legendary Vibranium?''

A scholar threw himself in front of a crystal box containing some kind of metallic mineral, and a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

Others also noticed this.

"Vibranium? Is it true?

"It's no wonder that Taiwei Dong has never been able to find it, it turned out to be hidden here.''

The scholars were all surprised and curious.

For Vibranium, this amazing metal.

There are more detailed records in the book.

But all the Vibranium that was left of that year was also sealed here by Han.

There is not much.

Only a small box.

In the Han era, people have been sent to find Vibranium.

They found several Vibranium mines.

He sealed up the information of these mines and placed them here in the royal tomb.

Although Han is not as smart as Kai.

But he vaguely guessed.

Until one day in the future, God the Father will definitely return to the Blue Star.

Lead the people of Xia to fight again.

Only what he didn't expect was.

Just a hundred years.

The Xia Kingdom has gone from its heyday to decline.

If there is no birth of this enchanting genius.

Without Jiang Fan's intervention.

The demise of the Xia Kingdom is too soon.

The opening of the royal mausoleum.

Especially the discovery of all kinds of extraordinary things inside.

The body of the two hundred scholars are excited and trembling.

They all lost enthusiasm for their field.

The whole idea is they want to study these unknown creatures.

But Yan refused.

As early as that era, these extraordinary creatures had been analyzed very clearly by scholars.

The relating documents were also sealed in the royal tomb.

These data, Yan did not make it public.

From this moment on.

The team spirit of the entire scholar has taken a subtle and irreversible change.

There is light in each eye.

There was a tacit understanding that these people did not need to discuss with each other.

But it's clear.

What are they thinking about each other.

And the other two hundred scholars who did not enter.

It felt strange.

What's the matter with you guys?

Entered the royal tomb.

After returning, it seems that is not the same as before,

The excitement passed.

Life has to go on.

Due to insufficient funds.

The research team has formed several key teams.

Overcome the most important projects.

The advent of the percussion gun.

It is only a matter of time before the flintlock can be eliminated.

But the percussion gun isn't perfect either.

Since the invention of firearms, early firearms have always been front-loading muskets.

That is, gunpowder and projectiles are loaded from the front end, and the gun has no rifling inside.

The same goes for the firing gun.

The internal structure is simple.

The projectile and the chamber are poorly sealed.

The projectile and gunpowder must be tightly squeezed with the gun bar before it can be fired.

Under the full force of the firearms team.

Soon some scholars invented the linear rifled gun.

That is to say, the rifling is added inside so that the projectile can be more accurate in the gun chamber and greatly enhanced the thrust of the gunpowder explosion.

This rifled gun is far more accurate than conventional guns.

But the rifle still has major flaws.

The ammo still has to be loaded from the front which is very time-consuming.

At this time.

Someone came up with an idea.

Since loading from the front end takes time.

So its better to load from the back end.

As soon as the idea came up.

Immediately received Yan's approval.

The rear-loading type has thus entered the high-speed research and development.

And at the same time.

The Northwest, Southwest and Jiangdong.

For the development of firearms are still stuck on the further improvement of the flintlock gun.

The development of the rear-loading gun was not so smooth.

Failure is a regular thing.

Yan presided over the overall situation.

Continue to do your own research and study

Although she is very smart.

But she is just a little girl in her teens.

A lot of knowledge is not learned.

There are four hundred scholars here.

Each is something that can be learned.

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye a year passed.

Yan is fourteen years old.

The afterloading gun is still not made but has slowly taken shape.

Let people see more hope.

This year.

A lot of things happened in Beijing.

Taiwei Dong formally proposed to the royal family.

But haven't waited for the royal family to agree.

A piece of bad news came.

That ill son of Taiwei Dong is dead.

Stroke died on the collapse!.

How to see how abnormal.

Taiwei Dong was sad and angry.

Unleash the power of the whole city.

Find the murderer.

But he couldn't find it.

This thing is, the leader of the Great Wilderness Army, Chang Yuchun, a black-faced man, personally led people to do it.

At this time, the traitor was in Chang Yuchun's heart.

It is the walking of gods in the world.

Represents the will of the gods.

How can you be like this by mortals like you?

After the death of the only heir.

Taiwei Dong paid more attention to his adopted son, Lv Xianfeng.

And Captain Hua's temper also became more irritable and moody.

The people under his hands gradually become uneasy.

Something is going on.

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