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4.25% Build A Technological Civilization / Chapter 19: The First Generation of Technology of The New Wisdom Civilization

Chapter 19: The First Generation of Technology of The New Wisdom Civilization

The Royal Tombs Mountains

There is still a garrison, The Great Wilderness Army.

From the era to the present.

The inheritance of the Great Wilderness Army has been passed down from generation to generation.

But after all, a hundred years have passed.

Today's Great Wilderness Army is not what it used to be.

There are only 3,000 people.

Some of them are descendants of the Boss of the Wild Army.

Part of it is newcomers from out there.

The current Great Wilderness Army is not the first army of the Xia Kingdom.

Like a silent guardian.

Few people in the world know about it.

Even when there was no shortage of troops, he never thought that there was such an army.

In the eyes of the world.

The so-called Shouling Army.

I am afraid it is a group of old and weak soldiers who are impatient and mess around.

When Yan came here.

She found out that The Great Wilderness Army that she saw had no spirit at all.

For most people here.

Guarding the mausoleum is a job that eats and waits to die.

"I have seen Her Royal Highness.''

The Chief's general.

A black-faced man pointed at Yan and said a little respectfully.

But on his face, there is a hint of impatience.

You, a princess, don't stay in a good palace.

What are you doing here?

Yan glanced at the small token on the black-faced man's neck and asked.

"Are you a descendant of the Great Wilderness Army?"


The black-faced man pulled out the token on his neck and sneered.

"When my grandfather and father handed this thing to me, they said that it was my ancestors fighting with the gods."

"A reward from the gods!


"If it's really a gift from the gods."

"Will our descendants be so miserable now?''

Legends about tokens.

The black-faced man didn't believe it at all.

"How many of the soldiers have this kind of token?"

Yan asked.


The black-faced man pondered for a moment and said.

"There are about two thousand people, it's ridiculous,

"All victims of this token."

"Princess, don't blame me for being disrespectful.''

"This token...''

With a sneer on the face of the black-faced man, he said.

"It should have been something that Emperor Kai rewarded the Great Wilderness Army."

"I don't know who was passed on to be like that, what else to say...''

"The reason why the royal mausoleum is set up here is because...''

"There is a gate to the heaven of the gods, and..."

"The souls of the Great Wilderness Army and the ancestors guard this gate here."

"I was stupid back then.''

"I actually believed that."

"It's fine now."

"More than thirty years have passed."

"It's still in this hellish place, it doesn't matter if you're old, you can't adjust it."

Talking and talking.

Then, he was surprised to find out.

On Yan's neck, there is a token also.

Only, this token and his token seem to be a little different.

Blackface's own token.

Include all tokens seen.

All are black.

But in Yan's hand, it's white.

"Princess, why do you have..."

The black-faced man was a little surprised and puzzled.

"That legend is not false.''

Then she walked towards the royal tomb.

Leaving a black-faced man with a surprised look on his face.

Yan's white token was naturally given by Jiang Fan.

After the competition is over.

Jiang Fan uses the deduction system and deduced that one hundred years later.

Blue Star will give birth to a scientific research genius. A once in a thousand years genius.

But if Jiang Fan is involved, this possibility will decrease.

So Jiang Fan stopped interfering.

But leaving behind the general, Yan walks towards the left of the tomb of the king.

The black-faced man was stunned.

Immediately following up, he said.

"Princess, do you want to...''

"I want to go in and have a look."

Yan said.

The black-faced man did not stop her but said.

"Princess, this gate cannot be opened.''

The royal tomb is divided into two parts: left and right.

On the left is the mausoleum of Huang, Kai, and Han.

There is a huge stone gate outside.

Above the stone gate, there's a keyhole.

The previous emperor and various approaches have tried to open the stone door but there is no way to open it.

Yan picked up the white token in her hand.


The black-faced man persuaded again.

"We have tried all the tokens here, and none of them can be opened!"

"That's your token, not the key.''

Yan walked to the front of the huge stone gate.

There is a hint of curiosity and eagerness in her eyes.

She push the white token into the keyhole.

Only a slight "click" was heard.

The huge stone gate suddenly moved slowly.

This keyhole.

Naturally, Jiang Fan asked Han to set it up.

For this day.

Seeing the huge stone gate that five people have been close for hundreds of years, it actually opened.

The black-faced man was stunned.

The whole person is completely stupid.

When the huge stone gate is fully opened.

Take a good look at the inside of the black hole.

But did not go in.

She is smart.

Naturally clear that this closed mausoleum.

Can't get in easily.

"General Chang.''

Yan turned her head to look at the black-faced man and said.

"Please help me call all the soldiers together."

Only then did the black-faced man wake up from his astonishment, and quickly replied.


Turn around and walk away immediately.

His heart is still unbelievable, and there is still a hint of subtle excitement.

He is capable of serving as a general.

The Black-faced men are not stupid.

Seeing this amazing scene.

Those legends and stories revolved in his mind again.

Wait until he has gathered all the soldiers.

With that scene before, the Black-faced man is no longer condescending.

Instead, the order that Yan gave, he follow it very obediently.

Jiang Fan couldn't help but nod slightly.

Now is not time to reveal the truth.

Even if it was the beginning of the year.

Also before the battle.

Only then did he inform the Great Wilderness Army of the specific actions.

Too many people know is not a good thing.

Not to mention, now is the time for Jiang Fan to restart the channel.

After a while, the black-faced man returned.

At Yan's request.

Some equipment of the Great Wilderness Army began to be taken out and used again.

In the past, this is the temporary base for the planetary expedition.

There are a large variety of instruments and equipment.

Subsequent generations decreased.

To now, it can only stay in the warehouse to eat ashes.

Black-faced man after reading several books all night.

At this time, he is not suspicious of Yan anymore.

There is also a hint of respect, and fear.

Yan's order.

Naturally, he didn't dare to resist at all.

With the help of many soldiers.

They simply set up a laboratory.

This laboratory is not for doing math or physics research.

Instead, it is used to make firearms and gunpowder.

Before Yan came to the Royal Mausoleum Mountains.

No suggestion came from Jiang Fan.

It was very clear in her heart.

It is impossible for Taiwei Dong to fall within a few years.

If you really want to get out of this marriage and gain total freedom.

You have to control a certain amount of force.

"But I don't know much about firearms."

Looking at the rusted equipment, a trace of distress flashed in her eyes.

Unlike Kai, Yan is not an all-rounder.

She is not bad at chemistry.

In the biological field, she is completely ignorant.

"Go find a scholar who understands this.''

She thought about it for a long time and she has an idea.

Everything that happened in the Royal Tombs Mountains.

No one noticed.

The current forces mainly focus on the newly rising heroes such as Cao Meng and Xia De.

Of course, in today's world, the one with the biggest force is Captain Dong who has mastered the capital!

Great Desolate City.

Under the calm surface, there seems that the undercurrent is surging.

Cao Meng, Xia De, and others attached great importance to scholars.

Naturally, it was impossible not to be known by Captain Dong.

If we say that in the world now, where are there the most scholars?

Not the Southwest of Shade.

Nor is it Sun Quan's Jiangdong area.

Not even Zhu Chongba's lakeside area.

In the Heavenly Prison of the Capital Punishment Department.

The three colleges were convicted of treason.

Almost all academics were jailed.

Although some escaped from the back.

But most of them were still captured.

The Apocalypse of its heyday.

There are tens of thousands of scholars.

Even if it doesn't get much attention later on.

But before the three colleges were blocked.

The number of scholars is also more than 10,000 people!

Inside the prison.

Thousands of people are lock up.

Of course.

After several years.

Some of them also died.

To this day.

A team of soldiers came to the prison.

Holds the token of Captain Ping in his hand.

Said to come to mention people.

Where is the guarding jailer at?

Captain Dong is now covering the sky with one hand in the capital.

It is recognized as the most powerful party in the whole world.

The jailer hurriedly invited the soldiers in with a flattering smile.

"Take me to the place where the scholars of the three academies are imprisoned.''

The tall general led coldly.

"This way, this way."

The jailer hunched over and hurriedly led the way.

In his heart, he couldn't help but complain.

Is Taiwei Dong also interested in scholars?

It is well known.

Although Cao Meng, Xia De, Sun Quan, and other forces…

They are all competing for scholar resources.

But Taiwei Dong did not take it seriously.

Also claims that only bows and arrows are the way to go.

All firearms and artillery are useless.

The only scholar team formed by Taiwei Dong.

The research stuff is sound-absorbing arrows.

That's right.

Rumors of Kai and Han Ages.

Once a very powerful bow and arrow.

Sound-absorbing arrows need Vibranium.

There are rumors outside that Vibranium is stored in the palace treasury.

But Taiwei Dong was in charge of the capital.

They immediately sent people to search the palace treasury.

There is no Vibranium.

For a while, everyone doubts whether this magical metal exists.

For sound-absorbing arrows.

Everyone didn't question it.

There are very detailed records in the history books.

In the writings of various scholars.

It is also mentioned.

This powerful and amazing bow and arrow.

It's not just Captain Ge's heart.

Even Sun Quan, Cao Meng, etc. are very excited.

After the tall general walked around the sky prison.

Five hundred people were taken away.

The jailer naturally did not dare to stop him.

The tall general led the five hundred scholars and swaggered out of the prison.

After leaving.

A strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't expect that this time the plan went so smoothly."

There is a tea house nearby.

Three floors.

A handsome, dashing young man looked over here.

He said with a smile.

''Taiwei Dong has never paid much attention to scholars."

Beside, there was another fair-skinned young man sitting there.

Look carefully.

But can be found.

This young man has no Adam's apple in his throat!

It's a woman disguised as a man!

"It's a pity...''

The heroic young man sighed.

"This time only 500 people can be transported back, and the next time it will be difficult."

"These five hundred people are all carefully selected scholars, and these five hundred people are enough.''

The woman disguised as a man smiled slightly.

On the street, the tall general escorted five hundred scholars.

Walk for a while.

Suddenly, he turned into a small alley with no people.

A dozen spacious carriages have been parked in advance.

"Everyone is patient and patient, squeeze and squeeze."

The tall general said.

Let five hundred scholars squeeze into these wagons.

Soon the carriage drove out of the alley onto the street to the city gate.

The defense of the city gate is still relatively tight.

But today the generals guarding the goal seem to know the tall generals.

There are more tokens in the hands of tall generals.

So the carriage was not inspected.

All the way through smoothly.

Leave the city gate.

The tall general was relieved.

But do not dare to be careless.

Let the carriage start quickly.

Go to the north of Guanzhong!

Suddenly in the woods ahead a squad of soldiers appeared.

There are about 500 soldiers in this team!

All have weapons in their hands.

It seems to have been waiting here, waiting for them.

The tall general was shocked.

The soldiers under his command were less than a hundred.

The gallant young men and women disguised as men followed on horseback.

Hastily followed up.

"Where are the soldiers ahead?"

The spirited young man asked.

"I don't know, it doesn't seem to be from Taiwei Dong, but which force in the vicinity can dispatch so many troops?"

The tall general was puzzled.

This team of five hundred people is already pushing towards them.

"Run separately, can run one more is one."

The heroic young man gritted his teeth.

But still calmly made the best choice.

Dozens of carriages.


But still ten cars were stopped.

It was forcibly taken away by 500 soldiers!

The young and vigorous hands clenched tightly.

But I didn't dare to chase.

"Brother Xuan, can you figure out what these people are?"

The heroic young man turned to the woman disguised as a man next to him.

Naturally, he had already seen that the other party was disguised as a man.

But it wasn't revealed either.

The woman's surname is "Master".

A single name with a mysterious character.

It is a descendant of an ancient school.

Good at inferring secrets.

Like this prison robbery.

It was planned by Shi Xuan.

All was well.

Who would have guessed that on the way, a group of 500 soldiers appeared.

This almost completely ruined the plan.

A woman named "Shi Xuan" who disguised herself as a man patted her finger lightly.

After a while, her brows suddenly furrowed tightly.

A look of shock flashed in his eyes, and he said.

"I can't predict the origins of these people at all?!"

"How can this be?"

The heroic young man was also shocked.

Shi Xuan has real materials.

Even if it's something more complicated than that can be easily deduced.

These five hundred soldiers.

But completely unpredictable?

"This is quite strange, maybe there is something I don't know about.''

Shi Xuan said with a solemn expression.

"Young Master Li, don't worry, think of a way to rescue other scholars first."

"That's all it is.''

The spirited young man sighed.


After the gallant young man is gone.

Shi Xuan muttered to himself with a puzzled look on his face.

"This matter is the key to helping Young Master Li compete in the world. I calculated it for a year in advance, and the result unexpectedly happened?"

Shi Xuan thought to himself.

The more you think about it, the worse it gets.

The spirited young man is from a big family in Guanzhong.

The second direct descendant of the Li family.

Named Li Er.

In this era.

These two words are very honorable.

It is not easy to take it as a name.

Li dared to give this name to his descendants.

It is also because of the guidance of an expert.

Compared with the rising Cao Meng, Xia De and others.

Li Er is now just an unremarkable son of a big family.

But the master behind Shi Xuan thinks.

There is dignity in this man!

From now on.

It is very likely that it is the fate of the hidden dragon!

Can compete in the world!

They sent Shi Xuan out of the mountain.

Help Li Er.

The first task is to rescue the scholars in the prison.

To this end.

Shi Xuan made careful preparations!

Everything is going smoothly.

But it never occurred to him that on the way.

A mysterious army of unknown origin appeared and robbed most of the scholars.

An army of five hundred men.

Naturally, it is The Great Wilderness Army sent by Yan.

Jiang Fan did not participate in this plan.

It is formulated by the positioning function of the white token.

The white token can not only open the gate of the royal tomb but it can also locate where are those black tokens are.

Relying on this and the black token.

Not just the Great Wilderness Army.

The extraordinary research team has made a lot of credit, and it is also one person!

Among the five hundred scholars.

Many are descendants of those scholars are wearing these tokens.

"Come on and get out of the car.''

Wait until the Royal Tombs Mountains.

The black-faced man spoke.

Let the four hundred scholars in the wagon speak.

Dozens of carriages.

The black-faced man led people to rob ten vehicles.

A few others went too far just give up.

A group of scholars got out of the car.

They saw the Royal Tombs Mountains in front of them.

They were all stunned.

They guess which force hijacked them.

Cao Meng? Xia De? Jiangdong's Sun Quan?

These are heroic figures.

Many scholars can accept it.

But no one thought that they came to such a place.

''Be honest and go in there obediently.''

The black-faced man carried a whip in his hand and sneered.

"If anyone is disobedient, dare to sneak out…"

"Then don't blame me for being rude."

Threats and intimidation!

Frightened the four hundred scholars so much that they dared not complain anymore and walk in obediently.

In a makeshift tent made just for them.

After just a night's rest.

The next day, they were assigned various jobs.

Scholars who were assigned to the firearms laboratory were the most numerous.

These scholars who walked into the research rooms one by one were surprised to find that, although the toom is small here, it has all the equipment.

There are actually research labs for all disciplines!

The related equipment is rudimentary though.

But it's perfect!

It's not like the vulgar defenders can do it.

Gradually, the four hundred scholars found that the black-faced generals here are fierce, he never wipes them.

Every meal is plentiful!

Various experimental research equipment and materials are also slowly increasing.

And no one.

Because the research is slow or has no results scolded them with insults.

Many scholars began to think, if it can be like this for a long time, it doesn't seem like it's unacceptable to stay in this desolate place.

With the participation of a group of scholars.

Yan's research is more like a duck to water.

Although she is not very proficient in the field of chemistry.

But her extraordinary talent allows her to keenly find some problems that are hard to notice.

For example, the flintlock.

Yan found out that this kind of gun has many disadvantages.

Under Yan's guidance.

The results of the firearms laboratory continue to emerge.

It didn't take long.

The percussion gun that was first born on Zhu Zongba's side was also developed here.

The percussion gun uses the firing ignition device of the lightning charge.

Put the flash hat on the market station with the fire door.

Strike the cap to ignite the gunpowder in the chamber.

This is the percussion machine.

A gun with such a firing machine is called a percussion gun.

At the same time that Daxia's new firearm research and development activities are in full swing.

Across the sea.

On the second continent.

The waterdrop people also slowly established their own civilization.

And initially planted their own technology tree.

Their unique way of communication and inheritance make them the first technological civilization.

No mysticism or superstition.

At this time.

The Second Continent is in the midst of a new round of domination battles.

Giant eel ruled the land for decades.

But still can't beat the laws of nature and is getting old gradually.

And other creatures in the status of the Kaiju giant city in the dark.

Slowly start showing off.

Carefully and constantly challenge the majesty of the giant eel.


In a wood.

A huge bear.

It bit off the neck of a saber-toothed tiger in one bite.

This huge bear.

He was also a beneficiary of the safflower incident that year!

Body shape now become terrifying.

The whole appearance is also the same as the original brown bear.

There is a clear difference.

Jiang Fan has named this new giant bear, the tyrannical bear.

Very grumpy giant bear.

This violent bear.

It is one of the challenger of the giant eel.

And in the woods near where the violent energy killed the saber-toothed tiger.

But there are a few waterdrop figures hiding.

They are translucent all over and quietly hidden in the shadows.

Watching this scene calmly.

After a period of hiding inside the pyramid.

Droplet man finally came out.

Step out of the valley.

Come to the great plain where all things compete.

And with their first generation of technology products.

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