3rd POV
Gabriel is half naked with only her loose black bra and white panties covering her body. Kenta could see the dripping liquid inside Gabriel's lower region.
"We should make sure to make the rooms soundproof so that no one could interrupt the main thing," Kenta said making the rooms soundproof. Well not that someone could interrupt him but better be careful than regret. He is moving to the main thing after all.
"How do you feel Gabriel, " Kenta asks curiously about Gabriel's experience. He wondered how the innocent angel considers pleasure.
"I feel so hot in my vagina. I feel like some liquid is dropping out. I think I am sick, father " Gabriel responded panicked about her situation.
"Don't worry your father will cure your sick condition. " Kenta said with an elegant smile on his face. Showing his charm
"But to do that we have to undergo a ritual," Kenta said with a smile on his face
"What ritual, father, " Gabriel asked confused.
"It's beyond your understanding. I think a demonstration will make you understand it better. " Kenta said
Kenta said and he pulled Gabriel by her ass. He looked at her for some time while groping her ass.
Kent kissed Gabriel consequently with a barrage of kisses giving a 25-sec gap for each one. He used his free hand to grope Gabriel's sensitive ass. While rubbing his lower region with Gabriel's lower region.
Gabriel could feel Kenta's erect dick rubbing against her vagina. She liked the feeling of the pleasure she got from the penetration. It felt warm and soft. She loved when her father rubs her body with his body. Especially the feeling of bonding with her father.
"Ahh *kiss* Father. *Moan* I w-want morrre therapy " Gabriel said panting.
Kenta kisses Gabriel and his tongue explores Gabriel's mouth and he clearly explores through Gabriel's mouth while his hand is groping and copping off every feeling of her ass. He is squeezed it roughly and it bounced back. It felt like a bouncy ball.
"Now do you understand it right? Now it's your turn. Satisfy me while I enjoy your body. Follow your instincts " Kenta commanded Gabriel.
Gabriel nodded and she held Kenta by his shoulders. She had taken several breaths for some time to compose herself. And finally, she had kissed Kenta after the gap planting her soft wet lips on Kenta, giving him a barrage of kisses gently.
Gabriel pushes her tongue inside Kenta tasting his insides. She licked him inside his mouth with her tongue while feeding him with sweet and hot kisses.
"mhph *kiss* Father *kiss* Enjoy ~ *kiss* I hope you like this *Kiss* *kiss*, " Gabriel said while giving him lots of kisses filled with love.
Kenta pushed his erect penis against Gabriel rubbing it with her vagina. While using his hand to slap her ass and bounce it every time. Gabriel's ass is red with all the squeezing and slapping.
They both rubbed their bodies against each other and are making out like two animals in heat. They both are very hot and are rough with each other.
Kenta grabbed Gabriel and removed her bra making her breasts bounce from the force. He removed her white panties while his hands are unfortunately wet from her vaginal wastes.
Gabriel's sensitive and plump breasts are hanging in front of Kenta and Kenta can see Gabriel's vagina which felt so attractive to Kenta
"My hand is so dirty and this smell is making me feel uncomfortable. What is the this Gabriel "
"My apologies Father. My vaginal wastes are meant to make a male crazy and lust over me mindlessly. It has the seduction effect but you have resisted it. You are an amazing, father."
Maybe Kenta being a god and being a prude made him have some composure. That happens when you had sex with many females. Female angles are very tempting and so good compared to the human women he had bed with.
"Gabriel treat me. I don't think I have to explain to you " Kenta told Gabriel stripping off his pants and revealing his huge boner which is very long and thick compared to normal people.
"What is the hanging there. And why do I feel the need to eat it, father " Gabriel has asked Kenta innocently while having a nosebleed looking at her Father's lower region. Her subconscious mind enjoyed the view making her lust-crazy while the conscious mind is thinking it as a tasty lollipop. That's the feeling Gabriel had towards it. That's why she is drooling over the penis like a dog without her knowledge and consciousness.
"Treat it like a tasty lollipop but don't bite it. Or I will die " Kenta told Gabriel. Kenta won't die from an angel's bite on his penis as he is a god. He had enhanced durability that protects his penis from breaking and losing its function. This means he has an iron nut that won't break no matter what. Kenta wanted to check whether Gabriel will obey him or not.
A/n: Making it skill is cringy as shit. But it removes weakness. What is a groin attack for a god? A miserable pile of secrets.
Gabriel had a nosebleed while she didn't leave her gaze over Kenta's boner. She quickly took Kenta's boner in her mouth and start sucking it.
"Good girl. Ah~ You are just ~ Getting real good " Kenta said with a happy expression on his face.
"Thank you father~ *kiss*mwah~ *slurp*mph, " Gabriel said while sucking it like it a tasty lollipop while drinking the cum that comes like icecream while kissing off the thing occasionally making her father experience the pleasure.
"I will ...do it for you! *kiss*..Mmn.." Gabriel replied while kissing it
The feeling he is feeling couldn't be described. He never knew an angel could make simple sexual acts so pure and wholesome. It didn't feel like lust to him at all. It felt like pure love to him. Gabriel uses her tongue to make his sensitive balls immense pleasure and treats his ball well, massaging it with her tongue carefully.
"I love *lick* every part of it~ *kiss* mwah~ *slurp*mph *lick* Aah~ " Gabriel said while sucking it like it a tasty lollipop while drinking the cum like a icecream
He understood the reason why he feels it. The pleasure he feels expresses Gabriel's love for him. So she loves him that much.
"No ....*kiss* It's big, I like it.... Mwah,mmn,pwah ....Lemme give you more .....*suck* *sluuurrp*" Gabriel replied licking all over his boner giving him immense pleasure.
Kenta could feel his boner could explode from the pleasure he gets. It felt like Gabriel is fixing and healing his penis. But Kenta tried to compose himself, he can't submit himself to lust. He is the one who should control lust, not the other way around.
"F-Father ...This .. " Gabriel looks like she is about to cry
"it comes about when I feel so good " Kenta replied to her
"...wah , hahhh! " She sighs in admiration and gives it a tight squeeze
The pressure is causing it to leak out more.
After some sucking done Gabriel successfully sucked every part of Kenta's penis and gave him a wholesome blowjob. She used her tongue to clean off his penis.
"There is still something left. I suggest another activity. Drop on the bed " Kenta ordered Gabriel.
Gabriel had dropped herself on the bed. Making her whole body visible to Kenta.
Kenta could see her beautiful lips and innocent eyes which are begging him to ruin her. The soft and bouncy breasts are asking to be squeezed and cope a feel. Finally, the vagina had made Kenta want to drive her.
Without any pause, Kenta has successfully dropped on Gabriel, driving his huge penis inside her vagina making immense pleasure sensation within her body. Kenta is riding his penis inside Gabriel and drilling her vagina like a hole. He never had an intention of going gentle since she can handle it.
"M-More~ F-Father. I want you ~ " Gabriel with desire within her eyes. She has successfully become a masochist.
He break the hymen and unfortunately, he filled her hole with his cum... He had filled his cum inside her. But anyway he used an anti-pregnancy spell beforehand, so no worries.
This is why you should take caution before taking a risk. Be like Kenta and always have a proper backup beforehand. Now coming to the science Gabriel is screaming for her life.
"Aaah~ KYAAAAAYAYA . It hurts, hurrtts,Aaaahh. Ah~ahhah~haa~ " Gabriel screamed with tears crying for some time and after that, she is moaning with pleasure.
Gabriel could feel Kenta's hot liquid
It's the first time for Gabriel which is the most important moment in her life as a woman. But for Kenta, it is another Tuesday in his normal villainous life.
It's not that he doesn't care for Gabriel. He cares for her but he won't risk his life to protect her like other heroic web novels MCS. And he won't let another man steal her, so he applied a bomb that detonates if another man tries to force her. The bomb kills the cheater and the lust-freak killing them both before Kenta could be cucked. Co-sponsored by anti-Ntr sect. No Ntr and happy life.
A/n: I don't know whether that seems arrogant or controlling but it's all more about being ruthless and not allowing someone to hurt you. You call that insecurity, Kenta calls that caution. Not like Gabriel will die anyway.
No suspicious activity here. Father and daughter bonding together wholeheartedly without any ulterior motives. What pure form of love. You should appreciate it and post a review.