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Chapter 166: CHAPTER - CXLVI

After I won my rewards and I haven't been able to see the roll of the onigami arts.

I spent another two days with saya who apparently became attached to me so I devised a way to keep in touch and that way was with fury she stayed with fury.

John was upset that I gave a warmongering machine to a girl, but I don't think Saya would cause destruction.

But leaving that aside, we returned to the ship by plane to avoid having to go through the same places.

The trip was calmer, although I discovered that John is afraid of planes, I have no idea, but it's funny to see him tear his own seat to pieces because he clings to it so tightly.

We get off the plane to see John who is almost kissing the ground.

John: "I hate fucking planes, I hope I never get on one of them again."

Richard: "How are you okay with a spaceship and not a plane?"- I asked incredulously.

Chamuel: "Richard, it's normal for people to be afraid of flying."

Richard: "I really don't know, I just know that there are some special cases like John."- I said calmly.

Then we got ready to go on foot as most people don't like to carry more than three passengers and that hurts a bit the shy mitsuri who tends to be very attached to me.

After a nice walk and some boys making unseemly overtures to Chamuel which she didn't understand at all I just beat them up and sent them away.

Alarm: "alert dimensional rift opening all civilians to the bunkers this is not a drill I repeat this is not a drill."

John: "Shit we have to go."- He said worried.

A being in white with blue came out of a dimensional rift of about 10 meters with an appearance of a statue of a woman while it has an alloy of the same material has a mouth that has a female appearance.

'See her condition.'- I thought it was serious.

Name: Nova

Title: destroyer, sin, thirsty for revenge, seeker of justice.

Level: 50

Threat level: E+

Quirk: none.

Ability: contamination, unification.

Passive Abilities: great strength, great endurance, charm, instinctive mind, survival instinct, pain resistance, insomnia, gluttony, regeneration (low), mana control.


'Holy shit that thing is on my level.'- I thought to myself in surprise.

I saw mitsuri and john nervous about the size and shigure is ready to draw her katana.

"There's no escape, it's just a fight."- I said it so they could see me.

John just stood there watching my other arms come out as my body slightly increased in size.

He stared at me in surprise when I said just one sentence.

"World of Rage."- I said it to shoot out at the thing.

In the distance you can see how a blond haired gentleman with a big musculature and a size of two meters wearing a green dressing gown that covers his body has a big smile and a big beard, with his hand he holds a little girl who has blond hair with pretty green eyes that look with emotion to the nova in front of them.

"Miu just stand there and watch you will see how your grandfather beats that thing."- He said it with a smile.

Mui: "ok grandfather."- She said it with excitement.

But everything went quiet when they heard a scream.

Richard: "Onigami style: Wārudoburēkā (world breaker)."

They only watched as the nova deployed its field to immobilise.

?? : "So there's one onigami left."- He said it with a smile.

While with Richard.

I felt like some kind of spider web wanted to stop me.

I just pushed my body harder to hear the barrier break.

[his threat level -D]

I just moved with speed.

"Onigami style: Wārudoburēkākikku (world shattering kick)."- I shouted it to throw an axe-like kick for the creature's head I felt my foot touch the thing so it was sent to the ground I jumped back and took a heavy breath.

'My body is withstanding the force of the blows, but it is consuming a lot of Ps just to maintain this physical form I will soon lose this advantage.'- I thought seriously.

"Onigami style: Wārudoburēkāsupia (world-breaking spear)."- I said it to put my fingers as a spearhead to tense the muscles in my hand so that the veins in my body began to show.

I propelled myself in one swift movement so that my own speed broke the barrier that protected it so that my fingers pierced the head of that thing I only hear the noise of as if it was breaking rock.

I watch as it starts to fade away so I relax I deactivate my rage world and my quirk to start walking towards where they are looking at me in awe.

John: "That was amazing."- He said it looking at what I just did.

"John, can you carry me because I don't think my body can take any more."- I said nervously as my legs were shaking like jelly.

He came over to carry me.

I watch as military helicopters approach to see three attractive women with assorted weapons and a suit of some high class school they only saw the empty place to then look at us their gazes stopped on me.

Woman: "What happened to the nova who showed up."- They stopped looking at me when they saw Chamuel standing next to one of them.

Chamuel: "It's interesting how they made magic have a physical form if they don't have creation magic for their meridians."- She ask curious.

Woman1: "what magic is this technology that we...."

Chamuel: "no young man in my 12 thousand years of life I can recognize that this is magic and not technology maybe I am not very smart for technology but I know when it is magic maybe it is artificial but it is still magic..."

Woman: "You have to join us right now."

Chamuel: "Why do I have to."- She asked curious.

They prepared themselves.

Richard: "I wouldn't attack her if I were you, she can wipe out a whole city if she wants to, so it's not good to bother her."- I said it calmly on John's sword.

They looked at me seriously.

One of them disappeared in a flash of speed to try to attack chamuel she just caught the weapon with her hand to break it like glass.

Chamuel: "Why did you attack me?"- She asked curious.

Another tremor was felt so that another portal opened and out came a woman with light blue hair with an attractive body with a D cup chest with wide hips with red eyes that have no expression her arms are mechanical while she has like a kind of skin that covers her parts while some steel plates cover her breasts from her back came out two huge arms so that an allo mechanic is behind her.

I look at the two three women.

"Low threat level."- I said it in a flat tone.

She saw me.

?? : "Target identified, come if you want none of the lower creatures to be eliminated."

Chamuel just appeared to the side of her to slam her fist into the face of the female machine hybrid.

She went flying and before she hit a building she was caught by the neck by Chamuel.

Chamuel appeared in front of me to place the hybrid in front of me.

Chamuel: "You should have chosen who to threaten, little one."- She said smiling.

Richard: "John, put me down."- I said seriously.

He just watched in surprise what happened in a second.

I myself got down so that I could walk tiredly towards the hybrid that could not move.

I approached to see it in its entirety and saw that it had an abnormal part for its perfect construction, a small machine attached to its back.

I ripped it off so that she screamed in pain and was knocked out for a moment.

"Resetting systems, systems recovered, emotional parameters reset, memory error, error, error, error impossible to recover, motor system 80% functions completed."- She said it and then looked at me.

"are you my master."- She asked looking at me.

Richard: "Well I..."

John: "Yes he is your master."- He said it in a hurry.

Richard: "John, why did you say that?"

John: "boy in front of you is a cyborg and you say you're not interested in the advances it can make in saving lives."- He said it with a smile.

Richard: "You have a point."- I said it calmly stroking my hair.

I felt a monstrous presence in a corner I just looked over to where the presence was to see him he gave me a big smile.

Woman: "You have to come with us."

?? : "Sorry ladies, but I don't think you can take my acquaintance."- He said it coming with a smile.

The women turned to look at him.

Woman1: "the super human furinji hayato."- She said looking at him with surprise.

Woman: "so hayato sama knows him."

Hayato: "yes the little one is a very old acquaintance I knew his grandfather a very violent man, but with a lot of honor."- He said it smiling.

Woman2: "I see sir, it is a pleasure to have you in our presence."- She said it to return to the helicopter with the others.

Richard: "Why did you help me?"- I asked seriously.

Hayato: "It's not right to help the grandson of an old friend."

Richard: "Who is that old friend."

Hayato: "onigami asura."- He said it smiling.

Richard: "how do you know my name."- I said it seriously.

He just widened his smile.

Hayato: "I knew it miu come over here you will love to meet him."- He said it so that the girl would come.

Hayato: "miu he is possibly the last onigami I have seen on this planet because most of them were killed or banished like the main family that was banished from the planet."

Richard: "what do you want from me?"

Hayato: "when you are 16 years old you will fight me and if you beat me you will fulfill the contract I made with onigami asura."- He said it to caress miu's hair looking at me with emotion.

Richard: "What was the contract.?"

Hayato: "a very special one that is to form an alliance with the onigami with the furinji."- He said it to carry miu on his shoulders to start walking away.

Miu: "Goodbye asura-kun."- She said it smiling.

"Bye miu."- I said it in farewell.

John: "You will really fight the super man!!"

Richard: "Well he just stopped us from getting sucked into some hole."- I said seriously.

cyborg : "My master what's my name."

Richard: "Your name, your name is doll."- I said it confidently.

Doll: "I understand my name is doll where are we going."

Richard: "Home."- I said it calmly.

She just nodded so we got ready to head to the ship.

Richard: 'At least it won't be boring.'- I thought it was fun.

A year later.

I'm just opening my eyes with heavy to feel two arms hugging my chest.

I just look at mitsuri and shigure sleeping on my chest while mitsuri mumbles something incoherent.

I sigh to try to stand up to see that mitsuri doesn't let go of me I just stroke her head to get her to let go of me because she tries to catch my hand.

Doll: "Master the food is ready."- She said it inside.

"Thank you doll."- I said it standing up as I put on my limited edition all might pajamas.

I clean my teeth and then go out and change.

I walk to the living room to see John flirting with Ariza.

Richard: "If you're going to give me a sister, give it to me while I'm still here."- I said coming in to start cooking.

Ariza: "Richard, don't say that," she said, blushing.

Richard: "Well, you asked me to go to bed early, I want to know why."

John: "You're going to school."- He said it seriously.

They just watched as my waffles fell to the floor.

Richard: "You seriously put me in a school when I think I'm at college level."- I said looking at him blankly.

John: "You need more friends."- I said seriously.

Richard: "I have friends."- I said it offended.

John: "girls don't count one is your fiancée the other doesn't want to let you go and komi, nejire don't count because you don't know them in person."

Richard: "Come on Komi and Nejire are good I know them through social media and we always talk on video calls with the supervision of Komi's mother who is a great person."

John: "Come on, you'll get lots of friends and they won't be online."- He said it seriously.

Richard: "But they are my friends and we get along well and I like nejire and komi."- I said it annoyed

Ariza: "honey what John means is that I know kids that are close and you can hang out with them and you can spend time with them."

Richard: "But mom Ariza you know that no kid wants to spend time with me because I'm a freak."- I said this in annoyance.

Ariza: "You just have to change their minds honey, you are someone who can change anyone's perspective."- She said smiling.

Richard: "Okay, but I'm not promising anything."- I said it seriously.

Ariza: "That's what I want to hear."- she said it so that she starts walking towards the door to start going for the car.

Richard: "Where are you going?"- I asked curious.

John: "To the car."

Richard: "I can ride in the Amarok, I don't think it's very easy to travel by car."- I said calmly looking at him.

John: "You know Ariza wants you to have a good first day and not make an intimidating impression and bring people that you haven't saved or are committed to or have anything to do with me."- He said this calmly as he sipped his coffee.

Ariza: "Richard, hurry up, you have to go to school and we could only sign you up because John was owed a favor."- she said it so that I just sighed and started walking to where Ariza was to take me to school.

I just watched the ride to see the cars as I looked around the city and we arrived at a simple school.

She smiled with excitement.

Ariza: "Richard come down and make me proud knowing that you can make friends."- She said happily.

Richard: "I will, mom."- I said it with a sigh.

Richard: "But I don't have a backpack so I have to go back to the house."

She just pulled out a backpack and threw it at me and kissed my forehead goodbye and then got in the car.

I just sighed to get in front of the school to go inside and look at a map with the address on it.

I started walking towards the main classroom and some of the kids there looked at me with surprise because of my appearance.

I arrived in front of the door to knock.

"You can come in."- He said seriously.

"Excuse me."- I said it to enter I can see the principal a person with grey hair with a calm look.

Principal: "It's good to see my friend's son in front of me tell me Richard do you know why you got into this school."

Richard: "To be able to socialize because John and mom Ariza say that spending time with machines and some people is not making friends, but who needs them if you can create a machine that can freeze your opponent's time."- I said, pulling out a gun.

"I see you are antisocial as they mentioned."- He sighed.

Richard: "I'm not antisocial, I just have a slightly superior mentality."- I said offended.

"I understand you kid, I was classified as a genius, but it wasn't because of my intelligence that I became director, it was because of the friendships I made that I got here, kid."- He said it seriously.

I just nodded.

Richard: "I understand sir, I will do my best, but with my appearance I don't think I will find anyone to please."- I said it to lower my gaze.

"Boy there are so many people that not all of them will try to get away from you like the plague because they are also treated like you, look for those rejected people because people only reject those who are different."- He said this to hand me the papers so that I know which are my classrooms and my teachers.

I just nodded and started walking to where it said the address.

"Class 2-E."- I mumbled to continue on my way to the classroom.

I just knocked on the door to open the door I see a black haired woman looking at me with surprise so I hand her a paper and she starts to read it.

Teacher: "I understand, wait a moment."- She said it quietly, I just nodded.

She closed the door so I could listen for a bit and then I heard murmurs of excitement.

'I hope I don't end up getting screwed by this.'- I thought annoyed.

So long.


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