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51.89% THE GÀMER : IN THE MULTIVERSE ( AU ) / Chapter 122: CHAPTER - CVI

Chapter 122: CHAPTER - CVI

As we pass the threshold of the door I see that we have arrived at the helipad of the Baxter building.

I just start walking down the stairs to where Susan is nervously waiting for me to arrive.

Richard: "What are you'll doing."- I ask behind them.

They just turn around in surprise.

Susan: "How are you here if you left a few minutes ago."- She said surprised.

"Dimensional time always varies."- I said it calmly, she just looked at me, I was holding Karen in my arms, I had the cherry head on my shoulder and I saw Jeanne looking interested in this place.

Richard: "you are curious aren't you can see whatever you want just don't touch what I say danger yes pretty."- I said it quietly she just looks at Cherry who is poking my cheek to start bothering me I see Jeanne who pulls her quickly so that she can look at her.

Cherry: "I don't want to be separated from Mr. Demon."- She said it looking at me.

Richard: "enjoy this dimension there is everything and when I say everything I mean everything."- I said it quietly so she would look at me annoyed.

I see Reed coming out of his room and he looks at me with surprise.

Reed: "How did you get back?"- He ask interested.

I just show two keys and he tries to touch it so it hits his hand.

Richard: "no these are mine one can take me to any multiverse and the other is my personal dimension that I have to build."- I said it calmly.

Richard: "well since I'm done with my duty."- I said it stretching to walk to the exit when my phone rang I see the number and it was Peter.

Richard: "what's up bro."- I asked a little tired after all it took me ¼ of my mana and demonic energy to open the door.

Peter: "brother help Gwen is hurt I need your help."- He said it a little upset.

Richard: "I'll be right there."- I said it in a hurry to go to where it once belonged to Lex and now belongs to our company.

I get there to see the guards attacking armed people and I see Peter who is covering Gwen with his body and shows a lot of fear.

Richard: "Peter, what happened to Gwen?"- I ask seeing that she has a gunshot wound in the side of her abdomen I place my hand to use my hand to heal and I feel her breathing stabilize.

Richard: "What happened Peter and why are they attacking this place."- I ask seriously.

Peter: "They came out of nowhere and started attacking me and shooting at the company."

Richard: "I'll take care of it and you at night it's your turn."- I said seriously to walk towards it, they only changed to shoot at me, all the bullets that hit me bounced off.

They stop shooting so that their gazes are filled with horror at the realization.

Richard: "You're coming here and attacking this company and the workers are something that makes me furious."- I said it to move quickly I restrain myself to just leave them with every bone in their body broken and a brain concussion.

I see the leader to a conscious I just lift him up with one hand.

Richard: "tell me who sent you and you won't be a fucking vegetable."- I said this in annoyance.

Leader: "his name is lex he told us to make preparations we never expected him to send us to fight a monster like you."- He said it scared.

Richard: "Thank you for answering so I'll just knock you unconscious."- I said it calmly to hit his head knocking him unconscious.

Richard: "Peter, take care of Gwen, I'm going to Metropolis."- I said it to begin to rise with gravity.

He didn't pay attention to me, he was focused on her.

I started to fly towards the city of tomorrow as I fly I see that something is following me.

I ignore it because I feel its strength and they can't harm me.

I arrive at the entrance of the city to enter the people who know me begin to take pictures of me and whisper things about me.

I get to the building that is left for Lex.

Richard: "Lex Luthor, you better come out right now and look at me like the little thing you are."- I said it seriously.

I just watched as the building was demolished for him to come out with a suit of armor and next to him two guys that look like his white hair and red eyes with horns that look like a bull and they are ten feet tall.

Lex: "I see you got my message, didn't you Richard."- He said it with an arrogant smile while he throws me a grenade that I jump avoiding it to see that it releases a blue gas for them to enter it so that when they come out of the gas their look is more aggressive and they get in the form of four limbs as to envelop me.

I just watch as they move quickly I use witch time to see them in front of me I stretch out my hands catching their fists my feet dig into the ground I feel one of my arms go numb.

Richard: 'How can they be so strong they should be able to kill Superman by now.': I thought seriously.

[Sir, the Superman of your dimension is the fusion of all the Kryptonian genomes, he is the pinnacle of his own race, and you're one step below him.]

Richard: 'great what I was missing I'm still weaker than him.'- I thought seriously.

Richard: 'And when I fought him in apotheosis he held back unconsciously right.'- I thought it annoyed.

[Yes sir that is very bad news I had to give you and you should understand that your world is a combination of two universes that have a high level of threat that can be categorized at a SSS++ level.]

Richard: 'wait there are danger levels of dimensions like this the danger level of the returning dimension.'- I thought about it while dodging their attacks.

[the world you're returning from is categorized at a level s+++]

Richard: 'That's amazing why this world is classified in that category.'- I asked seriously.

[level F are dimensions whose only danger is the nuclear equipment].

[level E where there are beings that can wipe out villages]

[level D where there are beings that can wipe out whole cities]

[level C where beings that can destroy countries the size of Japan inhabit] [level C where beings that can destroy countries the size of Japan inhabit]

[level B where beings that can destroy countries the size of Russia inhabit] [level B where beings that can destroy countries the size of Russia inhabit]

[level A where beings that can destroy entire continents inhabit] [level A where beings that can destroy entire continents inhabit]

[level S where inhabit beings that can destroy planets] [level S where inhabit beings that can destroy planets] [level S where inhabit beings that can destroy planets]

[SS level inhabited by beings that can destroy entire galaxies] [SSS level inhabited by beings that can destroy entire galaxies]]

[SSS level where beings that can destroy entire dimensions dwell].

Richard: "and the plus signs you showed."- I asked.

[they are the danger marks with each plus sign being an increase to their lethality]

Richard: 'well this information if valuable I don't know if I end up in another dimension that is in the caliber of the scope.'- I thought seriously as I kicked the stomach of one of them so that he crawled on the ground and then hit the other one in the face to send him crashing into a building.

The first one recovered quickly, and the one I hit in the face started to heal using his mana and demonic energy.

Richard: 'one of them is focused on physical strength and endurance the other, although he has the same appearance and the other has greater amounts of demonic energy and some mana.'- I thought seriously.

I just watch as they growl like animals I see them go into a state of transformation.

Lex: "I didn't expect that anuk and lupus can't do that."- He said it seriously.

He just watched as they ignored him.

Anuk was the first to transform his hair changed color his eyes turned completely red his arms became monstrous and his height increased by 50 centimeters while his body was filled with tattoos.

Richard: "You've become ugly."- I said it dodging his fist to catch it and kick him in the face hard as I feel his fist hit my abdomen sending me crashing into a building.

I spit out some golden blood as I touch my abdomen which starts to bruise.

Richard: 'It's very strong, I had to unconsciously use mana reinforcement to withstand the blow.'- I thought about it while I see how the other one finishes transforming.

He has an imposing look his formerly white hair took on an onyx tone his body became stylized his body is filled with runes that glow in a strong orange tone his eyes are completely red his height decreased to two meters 30 centimeters while he extends his four arms and a black steel alloy forms on his back.

'His energy quadrupled.'- I thought about it while I stop Anuk's blow with my two hands when he shoots his fist against my face I stop it with one of my feet that this one suffers that all the bones crack.

He points his four arms at me to shoot bullets of dark energy that I manage to dodge so I can see how it devours everything around it upon impact.

Richard: 'That was a black gun but it is more powerful.'- I thought about it while I grabbed Anuk's neck to use him as a shield so he would receive the shot, but he only grunts a little to hit me in the face.

Richard: 'Great resistance to demonic energy, I hope it's not like that with sacral energy.'- I thought about it as I form a light sword to run at him to try to slice him just so he can see how he holds the light sword and break it.

Richard: 'great he's a fucking tank and the other one a mage.'- I thought about it as I start to move faster and use witch time to start hitting him in the chest where I centered myself with the desire to break his ribs and then hit his shoulders.

[Sir, you are consuming a lot of magic, you only have 50% of your mana left.]

Richard: "how long have I been attacking him." I asked.

[more than two minutes]

Richard: 'shit he's really tough.'- I thought about it as I walk away.

I look at my hands my knuckles are shattered and dripping golden blood while he barely shows bruises that aren't serious.

Richard: 'they have the advantage.'- I thought seriously as I coated my hands with demonic energy to disintegrate the black guns.

Richard: 'I don't see Clark coming to do anything.'- I thought about it while I see in the distance a blue and red blur arriving.

Lex: "Superman I have to give you the bad news that this is not for you and I have something special prepared for you why don't you greet him metallo."- He said it in an arrogant tone.

So that lex's building starts to collapse and a monstrous machine starts to come out and a burst of thunderous laughter is heard its eyes glow in a sickly green tone marking that it is activated by kryptonite.

Metallo: "Superman I'm ready to continue our slaughter,"- he said as he crushes a building.

Richard: "You son of a bitch don't mess with the innocent."- I said it in fury to shoot myself at him only to be turned back by Anuk who buries me in the ground as Lupus fires energy blasts in my direction.

I watch as Clark reaches up to lift him into the sky or so I plan since when I touch him he is weakened.

Richard: "Superman attack him from afar his body expels the kryptonite energy."- I shouted.

He understood to attack with his heat rays.

Richard: 'I need a way to weaken them.'- I thought as I rolled away from his fist that was going against my face.

[I could open a dimensional door to take him to a level D world that you have in possession at the moment.]

Richard: 'that would do the trick, but it will affect them too."- I asked curiously.

[if every being that does not fit into the categories of the world you enters is expelled or adapted].

Richard: 'that didn't answer my question, but let's look at it as Russian roulette.'- I thought about it to get my keys.

[it is recommended that you first open the door to the blank world to make it an access point so that you spend less energy to enter other worlds].

Richard: 'thanks for the info.'- I thought about it as I pull out the blank key to push anuk towards the portal, I run towards lupus, to start hitting him just so he catches my arms and with his extra limbs he charges them with demonic energy to hit me with them on my chest I feel how it burns my skin.

Richard: 'He learned my ability fast.'- I thought to myself in surprise.

Richard: "I, like every living being, have the grace of life."- I said it transform me.

Richard: "You know New York has more space than this city, there are too many buildings nearby and I don't have my insurance to destroy things comfortably."- I said it to grab him by the face to throw him into the portal.

Richard: 'I can't destroy the whole city I already have too much with the idiots that are constantly suing me for saving them.'- I thought about it as I remembered something and hit my face.

Richard: 'how can I be such an idiot.'- I thought about it stretching out my hand to just say one word.

"Repair"- I said it so that all the destruction I cause will be recovered.

Richard: "I leave the rest to you Superman I have things to do."- I said it closing the portal.

To better head to see Peter.

I see Clark still holding back.

Richard: 'I'm not going to help him that son of a bitch has the ability to reach the earth's core and tear it apart, but he's just holding back.'- I thought about it to return to my normal form to walk to new york.

While I run calmly I see how the others of the league go towards the direction of metropolis.

I arrive in new york to run towards the general hospital, I see Peter who looks very worried and I also notice officer Stacy looking worriedly at the door.

Peter quickly came over to tell me the situation as he didn't understand why she was in the hospital if I had cured her.

Richard: "But I don't understand why she is here if I cured her."

Peter: "She had a cardiac arrest from the shock of being shot and is in recovery."- He said it scared.

Richard: "Calm down Peter you know that Gwen is too stubborn to give up."- I said it calmly.

I see Officer Stacy approaching me.

George: "I see you've arrived I didn't expect my daughter's partner's brother to be you."- He said it seriously.

George: "I'm George Stacy and you know everything that happened."

Richard: "it's nice to meet you and I was only notified when I came back from a trip to go stop the shooting."- I said it seriously.


[everything has an end]

(destroy two brothers and finish what you started]

Anuk 0/1

Lupus 0/1


Creation of medium planet in dimensional space.

Connected dimensional gates.

Dimensional protection.


Destruction of own dimension.

Being expelled from your home dimension permanently.

Losing all your loved ones.

Richard: 'great what I was missing.'- I thought annoyed.

I feel someone tap me on the shoulder to see cherry with Jeanne who have Winston as a tour guide.

Winston: "and this is the end of our journey here you will find the weaker beings to be healed."- He said it calmly.

Cherry: "I didn't think you were here Mr. Demon."- She said amused.

Richard: "I didn't expect Winston to give them a tour."- I said it quietly.

Peter: "who is she."

Richard: "yes let me introduce you she's...."

Cherry: "I'm bayonetta." She said it quietly.

Richard: "Well don't you have the little horns with you I remember I gave them to her"

George: "you were the one who gave my little girl a dinosaur."- He said it in annoyance.

Richard: "Yes I thought it would be good for her to have something to protect her."- I said it calmly sitting down.


[mission is active start the mission or the system will be forced to start it]

Richard: 'helpi you know I trust you but I won't fight that pair of idiots on steroids.'- I thought annoyed.

[you understood sir but this is something that has to be done]

Without further ado on the ground, a portal began to open.

Richard: "no wait Peter tell aunt may not to get mad I promised to cook, but apparently I'm having dimensional problems again."- I said it while half of my torso is inside the portal.

Peter: "Brother, what is happening to you."

Richard: "Remember this Pete never, ever deal with dimensional gods they are bastards."- I said this so that the portal drags me in completely.

Without anyone expecting it, a portal appeared behind Jeanne and Cherry, taking them and Winston with it.

George: "is that normal."

Peter: "Unfortunately for me if this is becoming normal..."

He didn't finish the sentence as time froze.

Up to here.


NOTE : I've discovered an telegram channel and it's name is Millionaire's Secret and it have more than 30k subscribers and I hope you don't follow that guy..well he's scamming everyone...ok he's pretending to be an programmer from UAE but in reality he's American and the website he's hacking.. actually he's not hacking that's his own website and he's making you'll fools...

His name on telegram is David so don't follow him or you can lost more than $200

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Xuefang1 Xuefang1

hey guys I'm back... actually I was not in th mind to work more as I haven't scored well in my minor examinations ..well i have to this seriously as my future is dependent on it...

Well and note do not get scam by anyone...any website or any telegram channel...

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