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95.08% Gamer in RWBY / Chapter 58: Here's the Proto-type of the Rewrite

Chapter 58: Here's the Proto-type of the Rewrite

Hello folks I decided to rewrite the fanfic as you know but I was wondering of getting rid of the Gamer powers for this time as I read other RWBY fics.

But I realized there are hardly few RWBY fics with actual isekaied situation with nothing but the MC wits so... I'm doing the rewrite without the gamer powers but instead with the MC having his own knowledge as power.

True isekaied with no help but his wits.

As for the votes I'm leaning towards Lucky Seven as his semblance or Soulmates depending on which one I go with in the end since they both fit to what I have the MC unlock magic just not by RWBy standards you'll know why.

So I want to know if the proto-type here of Chapter 1 is good along with the MC ideas or not?

Some options are appreciated.

Thanks for your time.


Chapter 1: Isekaied in RWBY

~Albus POV~

Everything has been normal and I see myself in the middle of a town of sorts.

And there I was in the middle of observing the area, it looks like I'm no longer back at home or to be frank the good old fashion of New York city it seems.

No like seriously I don't see those areas with trash bins or some skyscrapers anywhere in this place.

Looking around I find myself in some place… rather bizarre. No seriously like really bizarre place and not Brazil thank god for that.

Although the hologram lights are a dead giveaway to something apparently?

Futuristic perhaps?

I began to walk around as I see that everything in this world is better for a lack of terms different to what I expected.

Being isekaied does that to a guy and I seem to be better than most in that regard which in itself is strange?

Still though everything here is just off… like I recognize this place but I couldn't help but think from where though?

Is it perhaps from a show or social media I recognize perhaps?

The more I look at it I think I recognize the place of where I landed to be.

And the animal ears and parts from them is a dead giveaway… wait a second…

That emblem on the flag doesn't that belong to… mother fucking hell I'm in the World of Remnant, am I?

Motherfucker damn it!


Taking in a deep breath I knew worrying is going to do nothing about my mental health as I began to berate myself on what to do and where exactly do I stand in this world.

The only thing I would really curse is I'm somehow in a post-apocalyptic world web series.


Glancing around I see that if I'm in some kind of street looks to be something of old London in anime or games stuff from the looks of things.

And from the way, it seems almost some advanced technology stuff.



I'm fucked.

For what purpose I have no idea but I know just the item that can…

The Relic of Wisdom.

Maybe using the relic would help me out get a better understanding of how I got to RWBY in reality…

Shifting myself around I place myself to the nearest object that has a reflection of everything I recall even the store that is going to be stolen by Roman in the future…

Damn it!

Ok, think here for a second Albus…

Calmly think things first now that I have a better understanding of my situation now that I have been isekaied without reason in RWBY.

That is a very concerning issue…

I can panic about this later and figure out what to do next as well as figure out what do I have on me.

On my person I have my old money that is useless here, card again useless, phone might be worth something, my backpack which has value only as something to carry my stuff, and… my body.

Lack of understanding how the world works here I think I should try my luck observing what the hell is going here and investigate the area.


Still, what I need now is a place to stay for the night is what I need most.

Even though I'm in Remnant I have to be prepared for anything coming after me with me being my weakest.

Best to use anything I can get my hands on for the time being.

What's important first though is gathering intel about this world.

Even though I know the plot of the story that doesn't mean everything will be the same as I perceived them to be in the show.

After all it's not every day that someone gets isekaied unless they were killed by Truck-kun cliché of course.

Plus, even if it was a web-made series it was still good… till volume 4 or 5 killed it of course.

Moment of silence for Monty Oum.

Luckily for me though I was a fan of the series and learned a lot about it including the novel series would be ideal for me to learn.

That and the fanservice and fan arts certainly help with RWBY 'popularity' that is.

I'm not ashamed to admit that everyone is a pervert and Rule 34.

Now then how about some investigating maybe with some key info I can at least begin of which timeline I'm in canon or in an AU.

I'm really hoping it's canon with some changes.


Got to admit though this place certainly feels different than I'm usually to back on Earth.

And certainly, more diverse in the process as well as checking my Scroll out on some stuff about Remnant.

The city of Vale is divided into multiple sectors, having an upper-class district, a commercial district, an industrial district, an agricultural district, and a residential district.

Currently, I'm walking down from the sidewalk as I'm minding my own business in what was it called again…?

Oh, right the Commercial District.

The commercial district of Vale includes numerous shops for the public catering to a variety of lifestyles and interests befitting its vibrant and diverse culture.

The architecture of the commercial district appears to vary widely, possibly according to socioeconomic factors.

While some areas appear to be surrounded by buildings with well-kept brick façades, holographic street lamps, pedestrian crossing, and clear streets, other areas appear to be more low-income, such as those surrounding Junior's Club, which are characterized by metal, bare concrete and power-lines.

At least according to the wiki about Vale that is. Not sure if it was wise to place some trust about this on the internet but that's more the Kingdom problem.



That was when I accidentally managed to bump into someone as I managed to pick myself up as I got myself cleaned up as I quickly apologized to the guy, "Whoa man sorry about that. My fault for not seeing you."

Glancing at the common guy I knocked into by accident as the other guy I saw him look surprised at me as he spoke, "Oww… Sorry about that man. That was completely my bad. I'm new to Vale my bad."

Well, I guess I'm certainly lucky today.

Glancing around when he had his back turned to me. I noticed no one was around and seeing that no persons are around.


Guess I have no choice since I'm in need of cash.

Drastic times call for drastic measures.

Maybe I should write a how to guide to make friends with step 1 being knocking the target out.

Clenching my fist hard enough and sighing out my break with his back turned to me…

I swung my fist to the back of his head.


Before he fell to the ground, I caught him as I dragged him away from any prying eyes as I began to lay him down as I began to loot.

Stealing his Lien for money of course since I'm poor.

What can I say?

I'm an opportunist and leave no free money behind.

Using the stolen Lien that was owned by a random stranger I made my way to a nearby hotel just to register inside and pay for the night here.


I still need to get over the process of me being isekaied here without any fore knowledge or the reason how I came to this world in the first place.

For now, though I should at least digest this situation I'm in before actually attempting to do anything else for the time being.

God I need time to know what I need to do next.

Entering inside the hotel I began to make what little progress of what I can do and for how long I can sleep here.



Finally the feeling on being on a bed is truly relaxing experience for me.

Now then I have given enough time to analyze the situation I was given as I was now in the beginning plots of RWBY which could mean lots of ways of this playing out.

Or I'm in the past without any info truly to rely on.

But as of right now there are no news of the stolen store incident happening yet so I can rule that out for now as I'm currently safe for the time being but that alone isn't enough to satisfy me in the slightest.

For what little time I have left anyway.


I think its about time for me to realize the situation I'm in is very bad.

And what's worse I don't what happens after volume 8 afterward with the heroes suddenly getting lost doesn't make the whole situation better.


Guess got no choice but to act.

Guess I should start by releasing my magic somehow.

And I can think of few ways here that I can unlock it but I won't be doing that.

No way.

Too dangerous to kill a Maiden or get into some dangerous mischief.


I'll actually take the inspiration and idea from another anime series that should work in the sense here to a degree.

Even if the rules are different hardly no one utilizes this energy in the atmosphere except for those that know magic.

Yup since I'm now in a fantacy like world I think its time to apply other anime, manga, or web series logic here to what is possible.

Otherworldly knowledge that applies to me.

Yes, I'm very much talking about Re: Zero logic to use magic and applying it here in RWBY.

While the rules of the world are different it's not impossible for me to do because the rules here won't apply much to myself since I'm in another world not gifted by the gods if I introduce it with other methods.

If it worked for Subaru a normal guy if some inferiority problems why can't it work for me?

I mean we never have magic in Earth but here its different.

Let's start by going over the basics how Re: Zero magic works.

Mana is a type of supernatural energy that exists in the atmosphere which can be found basically everywhere. When magic is being processed, a person's innate attitude will charge the mana particles to their specific "element", which briefly manifests as formless spell-form before taking shape of the spell chosen.

When a person casts magic, they will experience brief physical and mental fatigue which results in sudden weakness if they are not used to expelling magic or if they overcast beyond their capacity.

Mana is also used in martial techniques and special abilities such as beastification, making superhuman feats possible, although beastification is often used by individuals who are not very proficient in using magic directly.

However, since Mana is practically scarce here I would assume safely that the mana would be the left over dust of the Grimm here to satisfy my needs to conduct one.

Thankfully the people here have been killing them from all over so there is bound to be plenty of thanks to the wars fought against them.

At least my magic issue is done next comes Gate.

Gate are an invisible portal-like apparatus that exists in every living thing. It allows mana to pass through the body and be stored in the Od according to Re: Zero world logic. Whether one can use magic or not entirely depends on its condition; be it either fully or partly open.

Most people only have partly functioning gates so magic is out of reach to them. In addition, there are some with a defective gate that keeps them from releasing mana at all.

Overcasting magic can also lead to damaging the gate, and then the permanent loss of magic if the user continues to do so without treatment. However, that is difficult to obtain and if the gate breaks before that then nothing can be done.

From what I remember every living being should have something called a Gate to put it simply its portal through which mana passes from the inside of your body and out into my surroundings.

But in more basic terms a tap of MP or magic in this case.


Is Od the same as Aura here in RWBY perhaps?

Od is the life energy that dwells inside of a living being from birth which is synonymous with the soul, making it the opposite of mana, which is magical energy that exists in the environment. It varies from person to person in terms of quantity and size which represents the lifespan of an individual.

It also acts as a vessel for storing mana that flows through the gate from the environment, so having a large capacity is especially beneficial to those who can use magic.

Od can be used in place of mana to cast magic, however unlike mana, using Od is like using your own lifespan, and so it isn't recommended outside of emergencies. In case the user runs out of their Od, they won't die but they also won't be themselves anymore and crippled.

In a sense maybe I would get from this explanation with my own logic.

Aura are sometimes used to fuel the abilities of Semblances and acts like a forcefield which is in some ways similar to how Mana is used to channel throughout the body.

By subconsciously using mana and letting it flow through their body, they imbue themselves with magic-like properties, such as enhanced speed, agility, reflexes, strength, and healing.

Naturally, these boosts aren't as strong as Yang Magic or Spirit-given boosts but are none the less capable of allowing people to react to incoming blows with inhuman speed, delivering sword slashes with inhuman precision from awkward angles, jumping very high in the air, and dashing at almost lightning-fast reflexes.

Which in some cases that is similar to how Aura is used here in RWBY can be here as it is with people in Re: Zero can be.

At least its not impossible for me to attempt these at least.

Luckily, I also happen to know the incantations needed for it to work.

Magic is made up of six elements; Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Yin, and Yang.

Further classified into four categories; Fire element that covers temperature, Water element that covers life and healing, Wind element that functions outside of the bodies of living things, and Earth element that functions inside of the bodies of living things.

Yin spells cover debuffs while Yang spells cover buffs.

Some incantations for each element are Goa for fire, Huma for water, Fura for wind, Dona for earth, Shamak for Yin, and Jiwald for Yang.

The strength of spells starts from the original incantation and increases by adding El, Ul, or Al.

Ordinary person is considered to be well off if they are compatible with either fire, water, wind, or earth. Although incantations are generally used to cast spells if the user is experienced enough they can cast them without saying anything.

Most of the mages are capable of using one element, some people are able to use multiple elements, and if the user is talented enough, they can combine elements. Although those are really rare cases.

Ok if I start to learn magic based on Re: Zero logic I should focus on the consequences of over doing it.

Mana Poisoning is a state in which an individual continues to absorb an excessive amount of mana beyond their Od's capacity, but is incapable of releasing it, which will eventually destroy their Od and kill them.

Improperly configured or defective gates are the common cause of this. Individuals in this status who don't receive constant treatment are often very sick.

Magic Release Period a phenomenon that occurs to individuals and beings who possess potent magical power, powerful gates, and Od that allow them to draw in and store more mana than they let out.

It happens when a magic user doesn't maintain a proper release cycle to let off excess mana from their Od which causes it to overflow from beyond their bodies.

It can have drastic effects on the person such as mana poisoning, and it can even affect the environment. The mana will eventually burst out of and damage their gate if it's not forcibly released and released from within them.

Nodding with my thoughts of explaining how magic works.

I would like to try it out here but main issue with that being I don't want to accidently destroy some stuff in the hotel room.

Guess I'll settle with channeling my Mana then through my body.

Time to at least focus on my Gate to see if I could or meditate since I'm doing this by scratch with no knowledge except for other ways to do it from other anime series.

At least this is something for me to do and if it works then I might be able to open pathways for me to unlock other forms of energy that anyone could achieve so long as it's within the realm of possibility.

Haki from One Piece.

Ki from Black Clover.

Breathing from Demon Slayer.

Hamon from Jojo Bizarre Adventure.

Alchemy from Fullmetal Alchemist.

Cursed Energy from Jujutsu Kaisen.

Six Powers from One Piece.

And many more….

So long as it's possible then I can use those techniques to train myself but where exactly I am in and what timeline as well to get certain what events are happening.

Let's see…

Now time to focus on my Gate to see if I have it or not…

Getting to sit down cross ways I began to focus the flow of my mana.


Albus try visualizing the flow of mana within me acting accord to my will…


I… sense a burning sensation through…

Keep focus…

Now… channel the mana…

The gate imagine a gate within the center of my body….

Then the burning hot sensation of my mana circulating my body…

Appropriate the max amount I can take like Deku One for All full Cowl…

Have to remember not to be too lax with my Gate like Subaru have or else I go Boom.

Focus is key.


That's what it feels going through my whole body.

Burning sensation traveling through my very core…


Just have to maintain this for the time being despite the pain.

Doing this will give me an edge even if I can cast one incantation spell I'll do more in the future but for now this is my only path with nothing on me to go on.

I will not die here that easily not without a way to defend or fight back.

Now just focus and do it.

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