After saying good night to her parents, Fang Su Jin went into her room and closed the door. She leaned on the door behind her and pressed her hand to her chest.
She could actually feel her heart thumping loud and hard.
A faint smile curled on her face as a face of a young man appeared in her thought. Fang Su Jin raised the phone in her hand again and sent back a reply to Zhang Yi Hai.
Then, Fang Su Jin ran towards the bathroom to look at her face. Once she was satisfied with how she looked, she then ran back to the door.
Because she was worried that her parents were going to see her, Fang Su Jin had to check on the peephole first. She stared at the quiet corridor for a couple of minutes. Once she was sure that there was no one else around and that her parents were not going to come out again, Fang Su Jin took a deep breath and opened her door stealthily.
She closed her door slowly before running over to the elevator.
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