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22.4% Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse) / Chapter 52: ×Chapter 45× Parting Pieces Of Broken-heartes

Chapter 52: ×Chapter 45× Parting Pieces Of Broken-heartes

*Monday 5:00am*

*Haile's House*

Haile was at the living room table enjoying some finely made herbal tea, it was very delicious if he do says so himself.

He honestly don't understand how some people could hate it, but anyway he smiled as he thought of what will happen today, he will gain a new ability, one that he will definitely appreciate.

."Ah brother Phoenix do not disappoint me, if you try anything shady I'll have to kill you forget about behind good brothers."Haile had a glint in his eyes then he smiled again, he's going to have some fun.

Rias has been getting more desperate as her situation finally crept up on her she finally seems to realize how deeply fucked she is.

She knew she was fucked before but she didn't understand the depth of how deeply she was indeed fucked, her brother the so call "great" Satan is a bastard and a pussy.

."I wonder when Rias will choose to tell me about riser and the fact that she has a fiance, if she doesn't tell me before he arrives I feel I have the right to prank her don't I?."Haile said to himself as he smirk at the possible heartattack he will give to the spoiled devil princess.

With Sona and Tsubaki they just hung out in a forest someplace even he doesn't know but he could feel it was quite far as he was the one that teleport them but he didn't choose the location or coordinates.

He got to try there special cooking they did just for him, it was not good, like at all, like if he was still human he couldn't guarantee if he would have survived that biological attack, but of course he didn't tell that to them, he ate it all of it, with a smile on his face, hiding his suffering all for the sake of there feelings.

."*Sigh* body I've really made you suffer, I'm sorry man, I've hurt you badly."He said as he sighed sadly to himself, the things he do, he could be considered one of them adrenaline junkies.

With Akeno he actually got another date but they didn't set a specific time, she always try to act seductive when he is around, she and Rias are always having staring contest with lightning and everything trying to see who can get most of his attention.

She is submitting more to him buy she still seems to have have slight resistance to him not willingly but subconsciously, he can guess why, she probably as some insecurity from being partly human, devil and fallen angel, she probably feels like a monster that isn't supposed to exist.

In a way she is but so what, he doesn't care one bit, she is indeed a monster and he hopes she can use that to her advantage and become even more of a monster, with all those heritages her power should grow immensely fast.

The time that kokabiel comes she will be in her weakest state of fear as memories of the past spring forth, he will use that moment to strengthen her mind against things of that nature.

He taking a sip of his tea also thought about Aika who will not be coming to school today and for a good reason, she was kinda hurt by him yesterday but it was her fault.

She wanted to get kinky during there love making sessions and he gave in as his sagely wisdom was contorted by beastly desires, he did everything from spanking to whiping don't ask him where she got a whip, in this roughness he might have accidentally severed her spine as a disk slipped out.

He kinda forgot that not only was she still a weak human but also her waist was relatively small even more so than Asia and he went to rough and broke her back and the bad thing was when it happened and her body fell a puppet with it strings cut he thought it was part of the play and continued fucking her cumming in her almost dead body.

He only realized after he was finished and regained his sagely wisdom, he remembered a popping sound and she falling, he looked at her face and she was unconscious with silava dripping from her mouth and a pleasure filled face, he quickly healed her up, he wasted ungodly amounts of power to heal her as he didn't want to call Asia.

It would be pretty stressful trying to explain to her why especially after she watching him and Ophis going at it, it was a bit awkward for her at least as she felt guilty for peeking.

."...oh yeah, Asia..I forgot to wake her up."Haile said as he suddenly realized and looked towards the bedroom that was open but he couldn't see the bed from here.

He got up still with his tea in his hand and walk towards the bedroom, on the bed he could see both Ophis and Asia hugging each other with Asia feet rapped around her waist.

He smile as he saw the cute scene, it's things like these that really make him question if he wants to destroy it with his like for chaos, but then he remembered that the war will take place no matter if he interfered or not, after he has his fun and filled of chaos he can relax and create his happy space.

He walk up to the bed and looked at the two for a bit, he know they are both up as soon as he entered the bedroom, just pretending to be asleep now like sleeping beauty's, he knows what they want.

He sat on the bed and leaned over to them and first kissed Ophis on the lips for a bit then he slide over to Asia as they faces were close together and kissed hers.

They both turn red and as smiles appeared on there face, they open there eyes as it shun in happiness and satisfaction even Ophis, since she was manhandled by Haile during sex she became a lot more submissive and showed alot more emotions in her speaking, it wasn't alot but it was a great start.

."Ophis you can sleep in, this is only for school, Asia do you want to go to school today, you can stay home if you want to Aika won't be coming either."Haile said and ask her soft as he caressed Asia's head.

Asia snuggled against his hand as she almost purred like a cat as she squeezed her eyes shut in pleasure."Nai nai nai, I'm going with Ophis to train, I'm going to be strong, I don't like school anymore, I want to be useful to you."She said softly as she enjoyed his masculine but gentle hands.

."Oh, how long will you two be gone for, where are you going also, dimensional gap?."Haile raised an eyebrow as he asked her also eyeing Ophis who was looking at him dazingly.

Ophis came back to her senses as he focused on her."Mm, I will take her with the khaos brigade, I will make them train her with me and return her to you.....stronger than ever."She said as her eyes glowed purple, she will make her worth of Haile and standing beside her, she will make sure of it.

."But when will you be coming back though, a specific time."Haile asked as he looked between them both.

Asia looked away guiltily from his gaze."...Tw-....two.....years."She said softly with her voice breaking as tears well up in her eyes and ran down her face, she looked choked up as she looked away from him.

."Two years huh, well....I guess you are determined to get strong.....are you sure you are willing to go through with this though."Haile was silent for a moment as it was unexpected to him in a way as he never thought she would want to leave, he could also make her strong, alright maybe not as fast as Ophis and her little brigade but still reasonably.

Ophis suddenly realized a misunderstanding."Haile in the separate space, I will make time run faster by supplying my full power, it will only be five months to you."She said quickly.

."You can do that, oh right the Sacred gear what was it again, dream something, but ok I understand, but are you sure you want to go through with this."Haile said as he nodded and looked to Asia who was looking back at him.

Asia gained some courage from somewhere and got up kneeling on the bed as she looked at him, she held his face and look into his eyes gently.

."...Haile, I...I want you to be proud of me, proud of who I could and will become without your wasted efforts, I don't want to rely on you and cause you trouble with my stupidity, I also want to be the one protecting you, I want to shield you with my body and spirit and make sure you will always remain alive, I want to be powerful so I can die before you as I make sure you get to live another day, you may not understand how deep my feeling for you are but just know that even I don't know and never will as I grow to love you even more everyday, I just want you to me just a little as I show you.....I can do it....I...will do it."Asia said as she spoke all if this in a loving tone as she gaze deeply into his eyes as if staring into his soul, tears flowed more from her eyes as she finished her words more choked up.

Haile hearing her speeh didn't even know what to say, this was the first speech from a woman he ever had, if he wasn't trying to retain his image even he would shed a tear or two, he was honestly speechless, he didn't even know what to do, what should he say to that, nothing he say now could ever compliment it.

."I know, you don't have to say anything Haile, just love me is all I ask, I already love you, loving me back is all I want."She said as she kissed his lips gently as if trying to convey all her feelings that way and through they body contact.

Ophis was laying down watching this display of affection but she didn't say anything, infact she was probably feeling more touched for Haile then even Haile himself, she looked at Asia in a different light, she will definitely take good care of the girl.

."Well ain't that one hell of a confession, I have no idea what to say right now but thank you Asia, I will try my best to grant your wish."Haile said joking first then seriously on the last bit as he looked up at her as she was still kneeling on the bed.

She smile with happiness as she held his hand and brought it to her chest."Five month will also be the day that we do it, I will eat lots of cake and train hard to gain the best body for you and me as well."She said confidently as she rest his hand on her own meager breast that was starting to grow more.

."Well it seems you two will be having fun, when will you two be leaving."Haile asked them as he now caressed Asia breast as she held his hand on it.

Ophis thought about it."Today, the longer less we want to leave, so today after you leave, we leave till two year, or maybe even sooner."She said reluctantly as she looked at him, she was even feeling a bit anxious for leave him for so long.

."I see....I see, alright, it seems I have to get serious as well, Ophis I hope you can take good care of her, I know you will be alright but take care of yourself also, Asia look out for her to help her to break out of her shell maybe she can evolve and become stronger also mentally as I'm not sure her physical has anywhere to go."Haile said to them, he will not let himself be sad, he is accustom to goodbyes and see you later in many shapes and forms.

After he said that there was a moment of silence, Asia felt bad as she felt she let him down and made him feel sad, Ophis as well doesn't even know what she is feeling but it's not a good feeling.

."Come on, let's not mope around, this is the last time we will see each other for a long time let's not let negative emotions be the last time we see of each other."Haile smile and said as he patted there heads, through his experiences in the past he is now kinda desensitized and deadening but somehow, this felt different.

Asia nodded as she enjoyed his patting but she still couldn't help but feel dejected and depressed at not being able to see his beautiful face for two entire years.

."Come out to eat, I'll prepare a feast for us to enjoy, we will leave on happy terms and with full bellies."Haile chuckled as he got up saying and left the bedroom headed to the kitchen to cook up something good.

Ophis and Asia looked at each other, Asia looked sad as Ophis tried to keep a neutral face.

."Do you think he will miss us Ophis, I hope he doesn't forget about us and go with some other women."Asia said as she chuckled but was feeling dreadful on the inside as fear over took her mind and tears came from her eyes.

Ophis shook her head."No, he is a great God, but we can never be replaced, you have to become stronger quickly so you can stay by his side forever with me."She said as she smiled slightly thinking about the future she instinctively touched her ring and rubbed it gently.

Asia clenched her fist as great determination stirred up in her eyes as a fire burned, she was ready, ready for anything, she will give it her all to become one of those powerhouses.


*Two Hours Later*

Right now in the kitchen Haile was finished with the the feast as piles of food was all around releasing a intoxicating aromatic scent as it waft throughout the house with a compelling flavor one could taste just from smelling it.

This time he had to make five trips to the table, he got drinks and even some Snacks as he was planning to make them so full that possibly they won't be able to walk.

."Ophis, Asia, come its ready, all the food you could eat!."Haile yell to the bedroom for them, it looks like they fell back to sleep in the two hour wait for the food to finish cooking.

In a couple of seconds he could see Asia coming out of the room rubbing her eyes, it seems she did indeed fell back to sleep.

He looked at her with a smile then glance back to the table and his smile froze as he saw Ophis there sitting, he looked back to the bedroom in a daze, he didn't even see her moving, not even a wind pressure from the speed at which she will have to move at to complete move around unnoticed by him at all.

."Ophis, casually surpassing my own speed, aren't I ashamed ahahah, come eat up, eat up."Haile chuckled as he sat at the table and ate a piece of bacon, he must really praise himself some more, his cooking is truly divine on its own, if he had gone to that one world he would've been a star.

Ophis looked at the food with sadness, she just can't seem to enjoy her meal, she could shell the aroma and have a warm feeling but then in her heart she has an awful feeling she can't identify.

."Come Ophis remember what Haile said, we should not let the last image of us be us mopeing around, we can't that be a reason he gets more women you know."Asia said as she sat across from Ophis and started eating as well, she will not be able to eat his cooking for a while so she wants her fill now.

Haile smile awkwardly as he ate."Why do you have me sounding like some villain from a badly made movie, being filmed in one room and another me sleeping with different women while my wife is away, then she coming back and finding out and start a killing spree to take out all the women I slept with."Haile said casually as he continued eating.

."....ah...that was oddly specific but ok.."Asia raised an eyebrow as she said, Ophis was looking at him strangely but had a thoughtful look in her eyes as she rubbed her chin contemplatively.


As usual when someone says something so random the awkward silence afterwards is necessary to fully take in all the bulshit the person said and make them feel awkward for saying it as everyone's judging eyes glanced at him almost at the same time, but this is Haile so none of that happened he enjoyed the awkward silence and so did Asis and especially Ophis.

."Haile I hope you are not hurt by what we have said."Asia said sadly as she looked over to him who was quietly eating.

Haile stop eating and looked at her."I will definitely miss you two, but don't worry all that other nonsense, I have some things to do as well, I also have to improve my strength."Haile said as his eyes glint he realized just now that he had been really holding himself back from getting stronger, because he thought in his mind that he is strong enough, he can't have that, he must not be satisfied till he could rip apart universes with his bare hands no magic.


20 minutes later

They are all finished eating already, Asia is feeling even more down and bad as she know what will be coming next, Ophis is taking it easier, she can always come see him anytime she wants this is mostly for Asia to help her grow both physically, mentally and magically.

."Alright this is it, the next time we see each other, you will have to show me a great version of you."Haile said as he stood up and walk towards them, to Ophis first and held her face and kissed her gently making out for over 30 seconds.

He then walked over to Asia who was looking in anticipation and took her lips as well and she kissed back trying to suck him into herself, he pull away and came by ear and whispered seductively.

."You have something to look forward to when you come back."

Asia instantly felt a pleasurable chill in her back as her panties got wet.

."Alright I'm gone you to see you "later"."Haile smile as he looked at them both and turn to the door and walking towards it, he looked back once more and left the house.

As soon as he left Asia broke down crying and ran into Ophis arms who looked at her sadly.

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