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Chapter 26: ×Chapter 25×Punched in the Face by a brother.

Realm Asgard

-Asgardain City-

Haile is currently walking through the city with his cloak, for which he was actually blending in quite nicely as almost everyone had on some kind of cloak of there own, some just wore warrior armor and some others just dress in medieval looking clothes.

Infact the city in itself looks a bit medieval on its own, as people exist like the days of old, Asgardain, he wondered how they would survive in the complex modern world.

Walking through the city and observing everything Haile had surprise in his eyes at the average strength of these people as a whole, even the old people and especially there ages....(A.N. Not a particular person just average)



TITLE:Citizen of asgard, Warrior of Asgard.

RACE:Asgardain(Slight Divinity)

DIVINITY:Not Awakened(Unworthy)


CLASS:Low, Mid Class





He indeed was surprised by this, even though they are weaker citizens and they are probably other city's outside this barrier and further from the palace that is not as strong in average but at least 20 people he passed was between Peak Low Class and peak Mid Class, a few People that move differently or more like highly were even high class and were only just warriors.

As he walk through the sea of people he noticed a bar-room in a small corner that looked to be there one moment yet not there the next, allot of people walked by like it wasn't there, this drew in his curiosity.

He walked towards it and entered the bar-room, he raised an eyebrow, it looked much bigger on the inside than outside, he walk in and only saw a few people.

He frown under his cloak as he viewed the people on the inside it was five people drinking alcohol in different places, four old men and one relatively young man, this person was what made him frown, he knew him, if he knew he is trespassing he is well and tenderly fucked.



TITLE:Odin's second son, God of thunder, lightning and justice.




CLASS:High, Major God


SACRED GEARS/WEAPONS:Mjolnir(Divine Artifact)

ABILITIES: Divine Electrokinesis:Forbidden Move:Lightning Beast, Flight,

MAGIC SPELLS: Concentration magic, Magic Summoning, Magic Teleportation, Strengthening Magic.

Haile instantly put himself on guard, but he still remain calm and walked in with confidence and head up to the bartender ignoring everything else, the bartender was a old man looking his his 50s gray hair and slightly closed eyes like a very famous butler.

The bartender didn't even look up at him."Below High Class pay, High Class and above free."He said without a change in expression as he continued cleaning the glasses behind the bar.

Haile smirked a bit and raised his hand and brought it down gently as if he wasn't even trying at all and stopped suddenly just short of the bar counter.


From his hand a shockwave echoed and travel through the bar-room shaking a couple glasses and blowing some hair, but what is the same between all in the bar-room is that no one flinched, almost as if this was a normal occurrence.

Thor though did glance at him for a moment then looked away going back to his drink with a tinge of red on his face.(Alcohol😶)

The bartender nodded his head and turn around to grab a glass."Drink of choice sir."He said preparing the glass and possible mixes his customer might want.

Haile look around at the different drink but he didn't recognize any of them at all."Uh just give me your strongest stuff, maybe something with the hardest kick."He said not sure what to ask for, so he'll let the bartender decide something for him instead.

As soon as he said that everyone in the room look up at him in unity even Thor who looked to be drunk, he didn't know what happened but he secretly gathered some power to retaliate.

The bartender look at him seriously and open his mouth."...Sir are you sure, that is not just any ordinary drink, even the highest God's of all wouldn't dare to drink it carelessly."As he said highest God's his eyes took a quick glance to Thor who was watching Haile with advid interest.

Haile secretly breathed a sigh of relief that he didn't have to fight for his life.'so it's just that, but is the drink really that strong that would make even the mighty God of thunder react like that.'He thought to himself, but he wasn't planning to back down now, he knows that the asgardains respect bravery above all else.

."Yes, would I back down from a challenge."Haile said with a strong voice like he was ready to take on everything even the world and he would if he wants to.

Thor who was in the back nodded his head in agreement."My friend, if you can survive this without passing out, I would call you a brother for life as even I cannot do such a thing."He suddenly spoke with a majestic voice with authority as he looked at Haile with respect for even attempting that, possibly embarrassing himself for life, of course he wasn't serious of the brother thing as he knows the guy will fail.

The bartender nodded his head at Thor and started making the drink with serious focus on his face.

The drink took 5 minutes to make, the bartender put it on the counter and gently slid it to Haile and watch on to see what happened next.

."Customer, one shot of God Heart Extract, the strongest drink ever, rumored to kill anything but a God, enjoy."

Haile caught the cup of alcohol and looked at it with a frown on his face, the reason being it was red and bubbling like lava as it radiated actual divine power so the rumors might not be so baseless after all.

He glanced around at everyone and down it in one gulp, instantly he felt a burning sensation in his chest and stomach, his head started to get fuzzy and wave of dizziness hit him.

He stiffen up his body and clenched his fist so he didn't fall over and embarrass himself, he can't believe that a little alcohol is enough to almost put him down.


He decided to use his Absorb ability to absorb the energy within it turning it to ordinary alcohol, as he did so he instantly felt relief wash over him.

Everyone who was watching was completely in shock, they all collectively looked at Thor who also was in shock at what he is seeing.

."Ho-how, even I-I-I...this isn't possible, bartender is there possible a mistake in the mixture."Thor ask with a startled voice, he has the right to be startled, he had drunk that before so he knew the effects very well his father the all father was the creator and drunk some of it but even he passed out after only a few minutes.

The bartender shook his head with wide eyes even though they still almost couldn't be seen."No, I made it the same as the great all father, 100,000 year old wine placed at the bottom of the sea to set, some hearts blood from a God, one of the artificial Immortality peaches that his majesty created that only had the effect of increased lifespan by 10 years, a drop of dragons blood extracted from the hybrids along with a drop of wolf's blood, a grain of dirt from true north location, one sun bathe energy crystal that houses the power of the sun we got from Sun God Hugh, a hair of a mortal asgardain, a drop of purified water taken directly from a cloud and half an inch hair taken from a 52 mouth old black horse."He listed out all the ingredients of the God hearts extract.

While Thor and the other four men nodded at the mixture and saw that it was right and it was indeed not a failure, Haile on the other hand his eyes widened at every new ingredients in that bulshit they called a drink, for some moments he thought it was over then the man called out some more and more.

.'Did I really drink all that, aren't I dead already then."

Thor looked across at Haile with admiration in his eyes."You are definitely worthy of being my brother, but why have I never heard of you."He asked, he was confused about that one, to even drink that he would need to be a God, he knows every norse God, he had never heard of this person.

."I'm from a remote village outside the royal city, I was given permission by the valkyries to enter the city on account of my power."He said thinking quickly and on the spot, he said the first thing that came to mind that is a possible good answer.

Thor nod his head slowly at that it did seem possible, to drink that drink alone he would at least have to be a Lower God as the minimum.


1 hour later

."HAHAHAH BROTHER AHAHAHA DID THAT REALLY HAPPEN!."Thor bellowed out in a fit of laughter as he drunk from his cup for the 1000th time, his cheeks were red as his eyes glazed over.

Haile who was cracking some jokes was slightly drunk as well but he still was in his right mind, he used the chance that Thor was drunk to form a brotherhood with him.

They both shared some personal details of there life's, he didn't bother to lie much about it but he made it in a way that it sounded like he was born in asgard without saying he was born in asgard, so he wasn't lying technically.

As men are the greatest at bonding with each other, they bonded quite quickly, they talked about many things even asking each other advice about things they are dealing with in life, even about fighting.

There was even this big reveal of Thor being The Thor son of Odin and God of thunder, lightning and justice.

."Yeah that happened would I lie to you, never,."Haile said that with a straight face not even a blush of shame as he lied through his teeth to his now sworn brother.(A.N. he only lied about the part that he would never lie)

Thor laughed even more."He must have felt embarrassed, he deserved it though, spiting in the face of justice, glad you showed him the thunder."He said with a big smile on his face feeling better and better about this new brother of his, he must bring him to meet his father.

They both continue to drink till Thor almost passes out then he decided to stop before he does as he still has to go home.

Thor looked at Haile seriously."Brother Haile, how about you come to the palace with me and get to meet his majesty Odin my father."He said after thinking about it for awhile, even though he could barely think in the first place as his face had a red hue.

Haile looked at him with his eyes widening in surprise."Really, you'll let me go to the palace."He was really surprised, he never thought that his luck would be so good that he would be directly invited to the palace by None other than the prince of asgard himself.

."Yes let's go now, my father would really like you."Thor said excitedly as he got up ready to go with his new brother.

Haile nodded and stood up as well, why should he waste time that was his ultimate goal in the first place.

."On to the palace then"


Both Haile and Thor were both directly below the biggest floating island which was where Odin's palace was located, to get here they had to go through many many different barriers that the entrances were guarded by powerful Asgardain warriors.

."Wait Haile can you fly, I know that magic is not something alot of warriors focus on so most would not be able to fly without wings."Thor suddenly said the Haile as if he just realized that fact.

Haile nodded his head to that question."Yes I can fly, I was taught magic by a very powerful being."He said in return, the very powerful being is his little Ophis, though she didn't really teach him that as he created that on his own.

Thor nodded his head then a serious expression appeared on his face."Listened to me carefully, when you are going up you will face a heavy pressure like gravity that will try pulling you down, all you have to do is fly directly in a straight line with full speed no hesitation."He said then he smile.

."Last one to the top gets a punch!!!."


Thor said that quickly and jumped into the air creating a sonic boom a he flew to the island in the sky.

."Hey that's cheating, how are you a God of justice!!!."


Haile also instantly reacted and flew up he created his energy wings but instead of the usual golden it was silver-white as he was using Disguise between seals.

He blast off with enough speed to instantly catch up to Thor who took off before him, he appeared next to him and wave at him leisurely.


Thor looked across and his eyes bulged in shock at the speed Haile has it really caught him off guard, the speed he is currently flying at is about Peak Ultimate Class.

Thor grinned at the challenge and increase his speed disappearing from sight as he kicked the air blasting off even more.


Haile seeing this increase his own as he disappeared as well appearing by Thor in an instant almost like Teleportation.

."Now this is freaking crazy, how the hell have I never heard of you before!!!."Thor shouted out in fright, he was moving at peak leader class speed, outside of the God's only the strongest valkyries had such power, amongst warriors even the strongest only had Ultimate Class power.

Thor use his full speed and disappeared appearing on the island, with Haile following closely behind and land on the island as well.

."Brother you continue to amaze me, truly, that was terrific, are you sure you're not a God."Thor said wiping his forehead from invisible sweat as he looked at Haile.

Haile smile and shrugged his shoulders."Who knows, maybe, maybe not."He said in riddles to Thor who looked confused but shook his head.

."Anyway let's go, there isn't any guards here we can just walk straight in, I also can't feel any valkyries nearby."Thor said walk along to the palace straightening his back and walking the walk of royalty and majesty.

Haile followed behind him into the palace, he looked around everything looked beautiful and radiated power, even the rocks on the island has a slight amount of divine energy.


Outside Odin Throne Room

Thor and Haile can be seen by the door standing looking at it, well Thor was looking at it Haile was looking at Thor with a smile on his face.

."What are you scared to see your father or something."Haile said jokingly as he looked at the nervous Thor, the almighty God of thunder frighten to see his father.

Thor shook his head."No it's not that it's just that I was away for awhile, so I'm a little nervous is all, but let's go."He said taking a deep breath and pushing open the door slowly creating a dramatic atmosphere for his own self.

They both walked in and before they can take four steps they froze up and looked at each other and saw the disgust in each other eyes.

Thor's face turn red in embarrassment."FATHER WHAT ARE YOU DOING."He shouted in fury at his perverted father.

Odin was sitting on his Throne and infront of him was a hologram looking screen that looked like fluctuating water a on it was a bathroom, a women's bathroom showing the girls changing there clothes.

Odin heard the shout and his face turn green as he been seen he instantly made it disappear, it felt kinda weird letting someone watch him watch that.

."My son you haven't been home in a long time."Odin said with a smile as his barnacle glowed and reflected the light.

Thor shook his head at his father."Father, I'm back and ready to serve once again."He said putting his right arm on his chest as he tried to ignore the disgusting thing he just saw his father doing.

The two of them talk for a bit before Odin change his gaze to Haile, he raised an eyebrow and asked Thor about him

."And who is this fellow that you allowed into the palace I've never seen him."

Thor at this grew existed."Oh this is my sworn brother Haile, I've met not to long ago, I don't know how I never met him before, I've brought him to meet you, he is a leader class or possibly even at Lower God Class."Thor told his father with a smile on as he puffed up his chest in pride.

Odin looked at Thor then at Haile with a frown on his face then he smiled slightly."So it's you huh, the one that trespassed into my barrier and it seems my realm as well, who are you and what are you here for outsider."Odin said with a majestic voice different than his perverted self from before he now had the bearing of a great and powerful Godking of old.

Thor was frozen stiff he slowly turned to Haile."..What, what do you it true, tell me it isn't true."Thor asked with disappointment in his eyes as he looked at Haile who was silent and didn't speak up for himself.

Haile to was surprised, how did he find out he was sure his Disguise is still working what went wrong.

Thor seeing his silence took that as agreement and shook his head."I thought I gained a good brother, was all you said to me lies."He was feeling a bit betrayed right now, he had never connected with anyone as much as he did Haile not even his actual own brothers.

."....No everything I told you was the truth, you never really asked so I just didn't tell you the rest."Haile said to Thor shaking his head as well, he never thought it would come down to this.

Odin looked at Thor then back at Haile."I must say you almost had me fooled but unfortunately for you, all Asgardains have a special presence they release from them that only I can feel, I couldn't feel anything at all from you not even your magic which in itself is weird to me, now what should I do with you."Odin said holding out his hand Summoning his weapon gungnir and pointing it at Haile.

Haile put his hands infront of his chest as he went on the defensive."...How about I give a gift to you in return for my freedom."Haile said with a smile on his face he had prepared one trump card just incase he ended up in this situation.

Odin raised an eyebrow as a heavy pressure appeared in the room he stood up and began walking to Haile, with slowly steady steps he walked and stopped right in front of him.

."And what can you offer me, the all father, God of the Norse, once one of the strongest beings to ever grace this universe."Odin said increasing the pressure with every word he said, he started him down with confidence and majesty.

Haile didn't say anything he just reached into his cloak slowly, he took a deep breath and pulled out a very powerful item something that could possibly captivate even a Godking.

."Wh-what, no way, Impossible, how can that be, how do you have that, I've been looking for that for years, the second half."Odin's eyes widened as he took a few steps back in shock as he gazed at the magic artifact in Hailes hand that was calling his name.

Haile smile to himself."Oh you would love to know wouldn't you, what if I give you this treasure would you be will to let me go free and take something from the treasury?."He asked him hypnotizing as he waved the treasure in the air with grace.

."YES, Uh ahem, yes of course, just take the whole treasury I need that- wait don't bother with what I said, you can take any one thing."Odin said salivating at the thought of the magic artifact.

Haile smile and threw it to Odin who went pale and disappeared catching it in mid air before signing in relief as caressed it.

Odin looked at it with love in his eyes."Finally, it's in my hand part two to BBB Big Booty Beauty's."He said with relief in his voice and a perverted grin on his face, he turned to looked at Haile.

."Haile my boy, No no my son you are welcomed to stay for as long as you want, uh Mm Thor I'll be going to my chamber to read up on some things, you know research."

After saying that Odin ran out the doors closing them behind himself leaving Haile and Thor speechlessly looking at him then looked at each other.

Thor looked at him."I hope this will be the last lie I here from you, though you did not really tell me a lie I still feel cheated, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt dear brother."He said with a smile on his face walking to Haile.


."That is from the bet we had."

."Aggh Uh huh, is it now."

Haile was punched in the face by Thor and hit onto the palace wall before falling to the ground.

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