"That's good to hear." Lady Su Yan said. "If the both of you are happy with each other, who has the right to criticise you?"
Of course, those words were meant for a particular woman to hear. Everyone in the room internally winced at the blow.
"I'll escort you outside," Lady Su Yan said, and together they walked out to where a limo was waiting. Xue Ning internally face-palmed. Did Jingwei not realise this would attract undue attention! Why couldn't he simply call a cab like a normal person?
Ah, she answered her own question. Sun Jingwei wasn't a normal person, but he was still very important to her. As such, she swallowed her own unease and got into the limo, but not before speaking one last time to Lady Su Yan.
"Will you get into trouble for standing up for me?" Xue Ning asked frankly. "That Zhou Yu woman doesn't seem like someone who will let go of a grudge."
Pray for Sun Jingwei to succeed!