"Finally you've come to your senses and realized it is futile to argue with me." Wren filled the tub, then waved his hands over the surface to heat the water with his magic. When he was satisfied with the temperature, he turned his attention back to Rowan. "I've decided that whenever you hurt yourself, you will make amends to me by allowing me to take care of you like this. Don't waste your breath trying to say it's not necessary. You will lose."
"Will I have to make amends for long?" Rowan was glad they'd fallen into their normal routine of goading each other.
"Yes." Wren nodded somberly. "I said I forgive you for hurting my feelings. I never said you shouldn't pay for your actions."
Wren helped Rowan into the tub, narrowing his eyes as if he expected resistance. When Rowan didn't give it, Wren lapsed into happily doting over him in the bath.
That's all I can give you today. I need a glass of wine now. Sorry...you may have realized by now I alternate between extreme romanticism and the depths of the gutter.