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83.33% Haikyuu: The Undying Will / Chapter 5: Nekoma High - Volleyball Club (3)

Chapter 5: Nekoma High - Volleyball Club (3)

Ushijima Wakatoshi of Shiratorizawa Academy. A genius with the blessing of talent. Though incomparable to the likes of Ayato Yuki, I have to acknowledge, you were once not a monster that I can defeat.

No matter how many times I had you at your wits end, you still manage to demolish the unbreakable wall I had dedicated my life in perfecting with that talent of yours.

Therefore, I shame not to say I had found a great amount of pleasure in witnessing that bewildered, defeating glare of yours. Fist clenched, gritted teeth, and those eyes, yes, those bloodshot eyes full of dreadful hunger and its desire to devour my life and soul.

I have always wonder how I could feel such insatiable excitement and hunger as the chill, that felt like a cold, sharp blade of a knife, ran down my spine.

Thus, I am also aware. That will not be our final battle. There is only the next. Our scores have not been settled yet, genius.

Heed my words of confidence when I say that, this time, I show you what it means to go beyond the unknown limit. The place far away. A place you can not comprehend. A place where only the worthy behemoths such as Ayato Yuki reside. Then, I will trample on that pride you have always held on dearly, and I will crush you once and for all.


"Huu… that could've been quite embarrassing for us," I said as I landed back on the ground.

"Nice cover, Aki-senpai!" Yamamoto shouted in relief.

"Don't mind, just be cautious next time, Yamamoto, don't underestimate them," I reminded.


"UWAH THAT WAS SO COOL, SENPAI!" Inouka shouted excitedly. "You were like Bam! And you went Zoom then just Pow! So this is Nekoma!"


"Ah… thanks…" I said, unable to find the right words as I was still comprehending what he was saying. "Alright, let's continue, shall we?" I grabed the ball and walked towards the service line.

"Serve!" I shouted as I took one step forward and softly threw the ball up.

"A float!" Shibayama warned.

Step, step. I lunged forward lightly and bounce up. I open my hand wide and hardened the fingers to fix it in place before hitting the middle of ball with the palm of my hand I made sure to hit it not too strong and not too soft, and stopped the movement as soon as I made contact with the ball, not bothering to follow through.

The ball left my hand in a nonchalant manner. Of course, I could've done a jump serve, and often, if we were looking at it statistically, it would've prove to be the more effective serve. However, ever since I was little, I was fascinated by the float serve after I saw a player from Japan utilizing it in a game against Brazil. Something about its unpredictability just excited me. Just like that feeling of exhilaration from possessing an unreadable fate despite being bestowed with that damnable curse.

This was a jump float serve that I have been honing and perfecting for the last 10 years. It was one of my most deadliest weapon. Thus, I couldn't help but cracked a smile when I heard all the first-years shouting "out!" Oh how it always amuses me greatly when I see the colors slowly draining from their faces as they watched the ball landed on the white service line, killing its own speed, and quietly roll away from the court.

"Ah! Sorry! I miscalculated." Shibayama held his head apologized in embarrassment.

"It's alright! We got unlucky! We got this!" Teshiro encouraged, trying to bring up the spirit of the first-years.

I held the ball in my hand once again and stood behind the service line. The gaze at the other team before calmly throwing the ball up with 1 hand. Step, step. I did my approach before bouncing up lightly. Then, I hit the ball over flatly with the palm of my hand, this time, managing my power accordingly, and I also made sure to stop the movement of my hand immediately, killing any rotation it has once possessed.

"Fall back!" Inouka shouted as he analyzed the trajectory of the ball.

"Oh, you've improve again, Aki…"

The ball, that looked as if it would be levitating towards the service line again, suddenly lost a extraordinary amount of speed as it got got closer to the net and began its unexpected descend.

"What a nasty deadball float…" Kuro said as he revealed a wry smile.

"Ah!" Inouka gazed at the ball in shock, watching make a slight contact with the tip of the net before it colliding with the court as it fell in front of him.

"I couldn't even predict the drop in speed before it happened." Yaku said in astonishment.

"Ugh… why are we doing this on the first session.." Kenma complained. "Spread out, if you don't want something like that to happen again.." he said to his team as he grabbed the ball and passed it to me.

I walked back to the service line and observed the players' position. 'No place for such tricks again…' I threw the ball up and did my signature jump float again.

The ball, possessing zero spin, head directly towards Teshiro at a moderate pace. He got stepped back a little and raised up his platform, readying to receive the ball. However as it approach his platform, the ball suddenly changed it trajectory and moved towards the right.

"Shit!" He cursed as he quickly swung his platform, following the ball's movement.

The ball made contact with his arms and before sloppily flying up into the air towards the back of the court.

"G-Got it!" Shibayama quickly reacted and ran for the ball. He dived as soon as he saw the opportunity, and with struggle, he returned it to our court.

"Well, that's unfortunate…" Kuro sighed as he got under the ball, volley it up and leaned forward. "A triple ace would've been nice."

Understanding his intention, I quickly move. I dashed forward before kicking off the ground to soar up into the air. I raised my hands up as I got under the ball mid-air. There, I locked eyes with Kuro who also burst forward and did a quick approach.

Confirming my suspicion of his intention, I absorbed the ball in my hand and set it towards his direction at a relatively high speed. A first-tempo attack.

"Having an all-rounder is such a convenient." Kuro said with a smile as he swung his arm and spiked the ball with all his might, slamming it onto the ground.

"You make it sound as if I'm a corporate slave that you just extorted," I said in a deadpanned voice, staring at the place where the ball had made contact with the court.


"Hah.. hah… hah I thought this was just a test, why did they have no mercy on us… hah…" Shibayama said as he gasped for air and Teshiro nodded in agreement.

"Uwahh! I doubt that it was their full strength, they were so cool! I really did make the right choice to come to Nekoma!" Inouka excited exclaimed.

"Well, we certainly did see what you're capable of," Kuro said as he approach the group of First-years. "Thus, you're now qualified to join us."

"Qualified?" Teshiro asked in confusion.

"That was also a test of qualification, we forgot to tell you." Kuro said with sadistic smile.

"Hah… thank goodness…" Teshiro slumped down in relief.

"Well, that should be it for the session today," I informed them while looking at the time. "You guys can head home now, just put away the equipment and leave the rest of the cleaning to us."

"Who is us? You scamming piece o- AGH!" Kuro tried to voice his complaints but I elbowed his side before he could finish.

"Eh? But aren't we supposed to be in charge of the cleaning since we're first-years, Izaya-senpai?" Inouka asked.

"No, I'm staying to train a little bit more," I answered. "So I'll do all the cleaning."

"I… see…"

"Just leave him, this is part of the normal routine," Kuro reassured them with a smile.



"Ah man! Just another tiring day…" Kuro yawned. "And we have to hit chest today as well? Damn give me a break."

"What do you mean? You were the only one standing around, dumbass," I shot him a confused look. "By the way, where's Akane?"

"Apparently she's taking care of some paperwork for her team right now," Kuro answered.

"Paperwork? This late?"

"Yeah, she forgot about it so she had to stop in the middle of her extra training session and get on with it." Kuro held out his phone to show the texts.

"What a hopeless girl," I sighed. "She should be in the teacher faculty office, right?"

"Yeah, with the team's supervisor probably," Kuro nodded. "wanna head there?"

"Yeah, let's go."


"Sorry for the intrusion," Kuro said as he slowly opened the door. "Is Akane here?"

"Oh, Tetsurou and Aki, didn't I tell you guys to go first?" Akane said as she noticed us entering

"Then we'll hear you complain about being a shitty friends or whatever the next day, yeah, no thanks, princess…" I unconsciously rolled my eyes

"Kuroo-kun and Izaya-kun, it has been a while, hasn't it?" The woman, the track team supervisor, who was accompanying Akane also acknowledged our presence.

"Hamaoka-san, how has the spring break been treating you?" Kuro greeted her with a smile. "You seem full of energy despite it being the first day back."

"He's right, you seem to have gotten younger, now anyone would think you're in your late thirt-"

It was then, before I could complete my sentence, a pencil was sent flying at high speed, it grazed a part of my hair before embedded itself into the wall behind us.

"I am in my late thirties… and it's Hamaoka-sensei for you…" Hamaoka-san said firmly.

"R-Right…" we both nervously uttered as we gaze at the pencil that deeply stuck itself into the wall.

"You done yet, Akane?" Kuro asked as we approached where she was sitting.

"Yeah, hold on, I need to finalize the scheduling part."

"Want some?" I suddenly said as I held a box of chocolate milk, that we got from the vending machine on the way here, with the straw attached to it in front of her face.

"Ooh, Aki, gimme gimme!" She immediately snatched the box and started drinking it violently.

"Aki-kun, can I have some as well?" A voice suddenly called out behind me.

"Uh yeah sure, I did buy a f- UWAAHH!!" I jumped as I finally notice the existence of the white-haired girl who seemingly appeared out of nowhere. "I-Ishizaki… Miyu."

"Thanks for the drink," Ishizaki said slyly as she took the drink from my hand.

"Ishizaki-san, right? What are you still doing here? It's nearly six, you know?" Akane asked.

"Yup, and I was just writing and submitting some proposals for future events," Ishizaki answered with a smile. "It's our last year, you know? I want everyone to make some good memories."

"Really? Damn, that's actually a pretty good idea," Kuro nodded.

"Right? So just vote for me to become the class president, and if you can, vote for Aki to become the vice-president, we'll make sure you'll have the most memorable year of your life!" She declared cheerfully.

"Why are you including me in this!?" I protested. "And, Kuro, Akane, don't listen to h-"

"Great, you and Aki have my vote." Kuro succumb to her persuasion.

"You fucking traitor!"

"Ahem! Language, Izaya-kun…" Hamaoka-san said strictly.

"Why does it have to be Aki?" Akane asked.

"Hm? Well, why not, Aki-kun? He has the perfect quality to become one after all," She answered, her smile unwavering. "I mean, I don't really see any other suitable candidates in our class for the position."

"What kind of qualities do you look for in a slave? Tell me, I'll help you find another candidate with the same qualities, free of charge."

"But… he's got volleyball training, he's a real addict, you know?" Akane pointed out.

"I am quite efficient in my work, and with Aki, the efficiency would definitely increase. i'm confident that he'll have time for all his trainings and including the extras," Ishizaki countered again. Wow, how desperate is this girl, do you need a friend that badly?

"Speaking of volleyball, I heard you guys are having a practice match with Fukurodani Academy." She smoothly changes the topic. Yeah, real fucking smooth, Ishizaki.

"That's right, it's on Friday." I said.

"I see…"

"Why the sudden curiosity?"

"I was contemplating whether or not I can make schedule to go and cheer you guys on."

"Please don't. Stay at home. Do something else that's interesting with your life."

"How mean…" She chuckled as she brushed away my words. "Anyways, I wish you guys the best of luck. And also, I'll be looking forward to working with you, vice-prez, Aki." She put her proposal papers on another existing pile before disappearing from the teacher faculty office, but not without gazing at me with a excited smile that was clearly masking a demonic one underneath.

"What a weird girl," Kuro commented.

"What's with her? Do you know something, Aki?" Akane nudged my side.

"I don't have a good feeling about this… " I muttered, sensing a feeling or dread radiating from her last words.

"Alright then… anyways let's get going, I'm done, Hamaoka-sensei." Akane handed in the papers.

"Alrighht, I'll handle the rest, Akane-chan. You three be careful when walking home now." She waved us goodbye in which we returned the gesture before exiting the office.


"So, you're going be our class' vice-president, Aki?" Akane asked.

"Hell no!" I shouted.

"Then why was she saying something like that?"

"That's just how that de- I mean, that's just how Ishizaki Miyu is." I sighed. "But don't worry, not many is going to vote for me anyways, it's probably is going to turn into a popularity vote for the vice-president position anyways, and I can see a lot kids who would garner a lot of attention in those type of thing within our class."

"You're probably right, but… she sounded awfully confident and capable."

"She's definitely capable of a lot of things, she's an extremely rare genius after all. But, I think I'll be fine, so we don't have to worry," I reassured. "Now, our main focus should be Fukurodani."

"Right, Bokuto… we'll kick that stupid owl's ass again right." Kuro held up his clenched fist with a dangerous smile.

"Damn right we are," I also revealed a bloodthirsty smile of my own before colliding my fist with his own. And

"Oh, actually, I can definitely come to cheer you guys on." Akane cheerfully said.


"Yup, I'm not having extra training on Friday, so I can head over there after club activities."

"I see…" Kuro nodded before his smile grew wider. "Then that just mean we have more of a reason to give that damned owl a humiliating defeat. For Akane to witness this glory."

"Took the words right out of my mouth." My aura flared.

"Hehehe…KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKE!" The bone-chilling pressure and passion of our laughter of madness expanded indefinitely, slowly devouring the world.


[In another place, somewhere in Tokyo]


"Bokuto-san, are you alright?"

"Don't worry, Akaashi, the weather won't defeat me!"

"I see…"

"Hmm… But… it did feel like someone was talking behind my back… welp, whatever. Give me another set, Akaashi!"

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