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Chapter 2: God, why don't I have a stable food source?!

Hideki slowly opened his eyes, revealing a green forest. He opened his stats window to find his stats completely average, in fact, his stamina was only 2.

'Damn it, guess this is what I get for doing it every night. It would have been alot more worth it if I had a partner, sad that I had to do it by myself" Hideki bit his lip in sadness and grief.

'No matter, let's test out my power' Hideki calmed himself down and headed to a tree, he put his hand on it and thought, 'Wooden spear'.

The tree instantly changed form and turned into a wooden spear, leaves decorates it's handel.

Hideki smirked at his powerful ability.

Manipulating matter is no joke, he took the spear in his hand and lengthened it by 10 fold, the spear went so far into the forest Hideki couldn't see it anymore.

He shortened it to an average spear. It was comfortable in the hand due to the leaves, but it wasn't particularly sharp, it served as a dull weapon for now, used for smacking.

And so, Hideki began exploring the forest.


Near a river, Hideki admired his base, it had taken him an entire day to create it and form it to his liking.

Suddenly, Hideki's stomach grumbled.

Clenching his stomach, Hideki formed his dinner in his mind.

'Rabbit and boar meat sounds delicious' He drooled, standing up, he went hunting with his spear.


A disappointed, skinny, and hungry Hideki was leaning on a tree, frowning.

"Dammit, all that's in this hellhole of a forest are mushrooms, and I can't even find out if they are edible" He smashed his hand into the tough trunk.

There was no animals in the forest, and due to the appraisal skill being taken away, it was impossible to determine wether something was edible.

"Damn it" Hungry, Hideki blacked out.


Slowly opening his eyes, Hideki grunted from hunger, his back was also aching sine he slept against a tree. Dust and sunlight illuminated a certain mushroom in front of Hideki, he swallowed his drool as he stood up.

'It must be a sign from that man' He looked up and cried, "I will never forget you, old man!" He shouted.

Somewhere above the sky, An old man cursed under his breath, 'I can't control the sun, and now it has helped him. Damn it, I wish you just die!!'

Hideki headed to the mushroom and memorized its look before eating it raw, he was too hungry to grill it, he also didn't have a fire.

He suddenly thought of something while making up a plan to eat raw mushrooms, 'Matter manipulation, meaning any matter, right?' A smirk cracked on his face.

Taking a deep breath, Hideki took his spear and with all his speed and strength, slashed his belly. The shirt tore and revealed a heavy wound on His stomach.

'Now' Hideki gulped before placing his hand on his wound, 'If this works, I'm omnipotent!'. His wound slowly stitched back together, after a few seconds, it was nowhere to be seen.

"LET'S GO!!!" Hideki exclaimed as loudly as possible, it seemed more like shouting than exclaiming.

He calmed himself down and started searching the entire forest for the mushroom.


Hideki sat on a wooden chair, several mushrooms on a table in front of him, in his house, it was now another morning, he worked on his interior as soon as he woke up. After cutting down several trees, furniture was made.

'All that's left is a fire source, and another food source' He succumbed into nervousness, 'I'm back to no food source!'.

Calming himself down, Hideki took the mushrooms and ate them, all in a few bites. A crackling sound was heard from outside, Hideki heard it and was immediately alert, 'Danger!'.

He took his wooden spear and quickly crafted short wooden knives using spare trunks that were laying around, and stepped out of his house.

A goblin was present, it had the normal look of a goblin, holding a wooden club. Hideki held his spear tightly and threw it at the goblin, however, it only made a slight scratch.

"Giyuuuu!" The goblin frowned and ran towards Hideki.



'Eh!?' He slowly accepted reality and held one of his knives, however, he was late, and the goblin waved its club at him. Hideki was sent several meters crashing.

Slowly rising from the rubble, Hideki straightened his posture and focused his strength on his arms, they began shaking since he had a weak build.

Hideki charged at the goblin, it swinged its club, only to be blocked by Hideki.

He got hold of the club and immediately widened it, it smacked the goblin's face. Hideki then erased the club completely and punched the goblin, following that was a rough beating that completely killed the poor goblin


With no food, no food source, and alone in the night, Hideki cursed.

'God, Why don't I have a stable food source?!'

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