Tan Jing stood at the side, feeling embarrassed. She dared not look Cheng Gu in the face directly. What this man had done for her had already exceeded what normal friends did for each other. Deep down inside her heart, she also knew that Cheng Gu did not just treat her like an elder sister.
"It's better that you don't come here in the future. People will gossip about us," Tan Jing said.
Even though she had only just arrived, she knew the speed at which gossip spread around in a village. In the few days since she moved here, these neighbors had already been making up all sorts of stories about her life. Some people even said that she was here to hide from her creditors, while others said that she looked like a child trafficker. There were even people who guessed that she was a mistress of some big boss out there. There were all kinds of stories, but none made her out to be a good person.
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