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10.25% X-men: Soundwave / Chapter 2: ISSUE #2

Chapter 2: ISSUE #2

" Ugh!"

Nathan groaned as he began to stir.

" Oh, he's waking up."

Scott said as he looked over at the boy.

" Take it easy son."

Beast said as he helped the teen sit up in bed.

" Ugh! Where am I? What happened?"

Nathan asked as he sat up from his sleep. Nathan looked up to see the hand that was holding him and the creature it belonged to and did something that shocked the man.

" Thanks for the help."

Nathan simply said to the man.

Beast looked at the boy a little surprised before laughing to himself.

" Does my appearance not startle you?"

Beast asked

" Oh, it does. But you were kind enough to help me out. And I figure if you wanted to hurt me, you could have while I was out."

Nathan explained to the laughing man.

" I see. Well thank you for the vote of confidence young man. "

Beast said as he helped the boy to his feet.

" Is he good to go Hank?"

Scott asked.

" Yes, he is."

Hank replied back.

" Alright! If you would young man, please follow me."

Scott said as he gestured for the boy to follow him. Nathan looked at him in confusion before deciding to just go along with the situation.


" Yo heads up we got a newbie."

The rock mutant said to the others as they sat in the cafeteria.

" What, no way man really? You're joking. After everything that just happened."

The redheaded woman with metal skin said to the rock mutant.

" Come on, Cess. Santo's just being an idiot."

A young boy with black hair said to the woman.

" Nah, Julian. I just saw Summers leading him to Ms. Frosts office. I'm telling ya."

Santo replied to the young boy.

" For real man? I wonder who he's gonna replace then?"

Julian asked

" I don't know man. It's crazy. I didn't think the teachers would bring in more people after what's happened."

Santo said to the boy.

" Hey, let's give him a chance before we jump to conclusions about him"

Cessily said to the two boys.

Over at another table.

" Hey, did you guys here that?"

The gold skinned boy asked the others at his table.

" We got a new guy. With all this shit going on they thought it was a good idea to bring someone else in all of a sudden?"

The girl with blue hair asked in annoyance.

" Noriko, don't be like that. I get you're upset with what happened to David, but don't take it out on someone we haven't even met yet."

The boy with wings said to the girl as they ate.

" Don't you get it? They're bringing him in to replace someone. I'm not mad at him. I'm just mad about it period."

Noriko said back.

The group instantly turned silent as they begin to think about all of their friends that lost their powers only a short while ago.

Back with Nathan.

" All right Nathan, we've explained everything we can to you. It's time for you to decide. Do you want to stay with us or do you wish to return home?"

Scott asked.

" Is there really any choice to make here? You're asking me to choose between a roof over my head or living on the streets. And it doesn't help that with a single outburst I could level any building around me. I need to control these powers, and who better to help me do that than you guys. I'm staying."

Nathan responded to the man, his choice of words making the man smile.

" Then welcome Nathan to Xaviers school for the gifted and talented."

Scott said to the boy as he held out his for him to shake.

Nathan smiled back and shook the man's hand.

" All right. We need to get a grasp of what your powers can do. So, Nathan, how about taking a trip to the danger room?"

Scott asked with a smirk on his face.

" Danger what now?"

Nathan asked in slight discomfort.

In the danger room.

" Okay, so let me explain this again. This a simple battle simulation, though it will try to hurt you, it cannot, and I repeat cannot! Hurt you."

Scott explained to the boy from the observation deck of the danger room.

" Okay, I don't know if I'm ready for this though. I still don't know what triggers my powers, or how to control them. You saw what I did. I destroyed an entire street."

Nathan replied to the man.

" Don't worry. This room was built to withstand a nuclear holocaust. I'm pretty sure it can withstand whatever it is you throw at it. Just give it your best shot."

Scott explained to the boy.

" Okay, just give it your best shot. Got it!"

Nathan said to himself as he stared down the holographic enemy in front of him.

The robot attacked Nathan.

" Ugh!"

Nathan grunted as the robot punched him in the face.

" I told you it would hurt you, not kill you."

Scott said to the boy.

" That's not what you said at all!"

Nathan shouted back at the man as he recomposed himself.

The robot continued its attack, hitting the boy in his face with its fist, before kicking him in his stomach and knocking the boy off of his feet. Nathan skidded across the floor before coming to a stop.

" This is pissing me off! I can't hit it."

Nathan said in frustration." Come on Nathan is that all you got? This is pointless if you can't even hit a basic training dummy. All most all new students are able to at least beat this thing when they first arrived. Are you telling me you're the worst student to ever come here?"

Scott said in an attempt to anger the boy.

This seemed to have worked as Nathan got to his livid.

" You want me to hit the damn thing? Fine!"

Nathan yelled as he ran at the robot. Nathan dodged a punch from the robot and brought his hand down over the robot's head. Suddenly a shockwave drove the robot into the ground, destroying it.

" Whoa! what was that?"

Nathan asked as he looked down at his hands in surprise.

" Our abilities aren't always what they seem at first."

Scott stated to the boy.

Scott cut the mic to the danger room and started speaking with Hank.

" So, hank wanna tell me what that was?"

Scott asked in confusion.

" I said the boy's power was to manipulate sound scott. That was just a way for me to make things simple. The ability to manipulate sound is so much more than just screaming loud. For example, if he can control Vibrations, he could theoretically create earthquakes.

Hank explained to the man.

" You mean like avalanche?"

Scott asked.

" Yes, and more. He could say choose where the earthquake occurred, for example he could use his hand as the epicenter of the earthquake."

Hank explained to the man.

" Are you telling me he can punch with the force of an earthquake? That is very dangerous Hank."

Scott said to the man.

" Oh, scott, depending on how much control of sound he truly has/ he could do so, much more. That attack for example was a shockwave. His palm was moving so fast in that instance that it Sharply changed the pressure around the hologram."

Hank explained to the man.

" you're saying in the moment he swung his palm and the moment his attack launched, his hand was moving faster than sound!"

Scott said in surprise.

" Yes, scott, I am. The boy is powerful. He could use echolocation like a bat. Nullify sound in an area entirely, cutting off any way for an enemy to detect his location, he could kill you without you even knowing he was there. And that's not all. Sono kinetic flight, High-speed flight, acceleration by riding soundwaves. We've already seen his ballistic scream. He could create sound waves which are even more devastating than shockwaves. He could manipulate thunder. He could use his voice like a siren and capture us with song. He could be a human lie detector. Until we see his full power, we can only guess how truly powerful he his. Even with what he's shown so far, he outclasses just about every other student here in raw power."

Hank explained.

" But raw power without the technique to hold it is useless."

Scott responded.

" Correct again scott."

Hank said to the man.

" Hank, can you make something to withstand the full might of his powers?"

Scott asked

" I could make adjustments to the danger rooms walls to ensure he doesn't destroy them with his abilities that we know of. Though like I said before there is no telling what else he could do. Should I make adjustments for those as well?"

Hank asked the man.

" Yeah, just to be safe."

Scott said to the man.

Hank nodded and stepped out of the room.

Scott then turned to the mic and turned it back on.

" Alright, Nathan go get cleaned up and rest. Tomorrow you'll be attending class with the others."

Scott said to the boy who was currently trying to recreate his earlier attack.

" All right."

Nathan replied as he gave up working on the attack for now.

" Man, that was actually dope. I wonder what else I can do. I guess I got time to figure it out."

Nathan said as he left the danger room the excitement of his powers written all over his face. Though with every next and exciting adventure comes new and very dangerous threats. Will Nathan be able to stand up to these foes, or will he fall to the darkness of the mutant world. Find out in coming days

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