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The Alpha

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.

Betad by Beans, Malcolm Tent, Priapus, Old man of the mountain, Marethyu, Mike God of Lore


The Guild of Gamers: The Warlord

Chapter 12: The Alpha

I have to admit, I wasn't entirely sure how going to meet with the Hayabusa clan would go. I couldn't have predicted whatever that being was or the revelation about the Yokai, but I have to say… coming here was worth it.

"Go on, my Lord, breed her. Plant your fertile seed in her waiting womb," Asami says encouragingly, pressing her naked body against my back as she watches me thrust into her daughter.

Kureha, Momiji's stern older sister, grips the sheets of the large bed as she moans, breasts bouncing with each thrust. Momiji herself, one of my first crushes in this world, is almost just as naked as she kneels next to her sister and watches my cock sink into Kureha, wearing just a small red thong.

"P-please, breed me, my lord, bless me with your fat cock," Kureha moans lewdly, legs locked around my waist as I thrust into her again and again. "Knock me up, pump your sticky seed into my slutty pussy."

Momiji blushes at the crude words her sister is using, but she doesn't move away as my hand moves to her ass. She just blushes deeper, giving me a smile. She won't be bred, not since she is supposed to be rejoining the ninja force, but that doesn't mean she's left out.

"Go on, Master Hei, make me a grandmother," Asami whispers into my ear, her breasts pressed against my back as she kisses my neck. 

I have to admit I'm not exactly in a rush to be a father, but it's basically unavoidable the way I'm going. Plus, I can't risk dying off and not spreading my seed. It's why teen parents are all so common in this world; you don't know if you're gonna live to see your thirties. Still, this is my duty as the new Dragon Ninja to keep Asami and Kureha pregnant often.

With a grunt, I give them the blessing they want as I unleash my seed into Kureha's teenage womb, making her cum as her stomach bloats ever-so-slightly.

"That's it, fill her with your seed," Asami says encouragingly, stroking my muscles as she watches her daughter get bred. "A good start, my lord."

Pulling back, we all watched as Kureha's stretched, formerly virgin slit leaks my seed slowly. Asami guides me to sit against the headboard, Kureha moving aside as she kneels, touching her freshly creamed cunt.

"Momiji, clean our lord," Asami orders, making Momiji blush but move to obey. Without hesitating, she moves her head between my legs and takes my cum-stained cock into her mouth. She doesn't seem to mind the taste of her sister's juices, obediently licking my cock clean as she gives me a surprisingly skillful blowjob. "You can't breed her, not if you want her on your team, but Momiji is yours, as we are. I've seen you looking at her, don't worry. Once the Chunin exams are finished, you can breed her to your heart's content. She's been waiting for this," Asami whispers teasingly, making Momiji blush and pull back.

"Mother," Momiji says, embarrassed, as Asami giggles playfully.

"Don't be shy, Momo. It's a little late for that," Asami giggles as she moves into place, mounting me as she grasps my still-hard cock and lines herself up, slamming her hips down onto it. "O-oh, it's been a while for this old lady," Asami admits, making me grin as I grab her curvy hips. Old lady, my ass.

Kureha interrupts, grabbing my head and turning me towards her for a searing kiss as Asami starts to ride me, strong internal muscles squeezing down on my shaft. Momiji doesn't wait either, taking one of my hands and moving it to her breast as the sisters lay on opposite sides of me.

"Go on, Hei, give me a new sibling," Momiji encourages, placing kisses on my neck as she presses her breasts against my chest. "It'll be my turn soon enough; I've been waiting for you to take your position and breed me since we were in the academy together," Momiji admits, giving me a hungry look. "Fuck that slutty milf; reshape her holes for your pleasure. We're all yours to use however you want."

"She's right. You're our master now; our bodies are yours," Kureha agrees, peppering me with kisses as she moves my other hand to her ass. "It's our honour to be used for your pleasure."

I know full well that Kuro put me in this situation so I'd be distracted from my revenge, but I can't deny it's working. Two hot sisters and their sexy mother, all for my pleasure? Happy to serve me however I want? I can't be blamed for taking advantage of the horny life I've been dropped into.

Both sisters continue to whisper encouragement as I watch Asami's breasts bounce; she's riding me like her life depends on it, bouncing on my cock with fervour. 

I have my pride as a man to consider, so I don't make it easy for her to get the cum she so desperately wants, and she cums first, which only strokes my ego more than the worship I'm getting from these three, watching her moan lewdly as she squeezes down on my cock harder than ever before. 

But with the attention from both sisters and their mother speeding up, I can't hold on for much longer as I move suddenly, making Asami squeak in surprise as she's suddenly underneath me.

Slamming my hips forward, the entire bed shakes from the force behind my blows, her legs up by her head as she squeals from the primal pounding, the sound of our flesh clapping together filling the room.

"That's it, breed her!" Kureha cheers, watching the brutal fucking with interest. "Leave her walking with a limp for the next month so everyone knows she's your bitch."

Kureha went from unsure about me to diving deep into this immediately. The moment I passed my trial, she's been so damn thirsty for me. 

"W-wait, s-slow down, my lord," Asami pleads, but I ignore her as I give her the Hitomi treatment, utterly dominating her beneath me as her daughters hold her legs up and wide open for me.

Gripping her hips, I only speed up as she squeaks and cums again; this time, I join her in climax as she milks my cock for the seed she so desperately wants. With a roar, I sheathe myself inside her, sending my second load directly to her waiting womb. 

Her eyes roll back as she's creampied, lewdly moaning from the rough abuse I gave her. She literally asked for this, so I'm not stopping until she's good and pregnant.

Pulling back, Kureha doesn't even get to speak up before she's tossed atop her insensate mother, face to face, as their breasts press together. Slamming back into Kureha's still wet cunt, she just squeaks as she realises what they've woken up.

Grabbing Momiji, I pull her close and kiss her roughly, my hand groping and squeezing her ass as she pushes her body against mine. These girls want breeding? So be it; I survived Hitomi; I can leave these two with a child growing inside them.

Honestly, after Hitomi, this restored some of my manly pride as I easily dominated the three. That woman is a demon, a succubus in the form of a housewife; compared to that, this is easy.

– Later –

With Kureha and Asami unconscious, I watch Momiji bounce her chest with my cock trapped between her substantial tits, her lips locked around the crown of my cock as it peeks out from its pillowy prison.

All three are marked as my mates now, I'll have to explain to them what that means later, but I don't think either of the well-fucked girls is mentally ready for the explanation. 

Cumming again, I watch Momiji as she swallows the load with ease, she's suspiciously good at sucking cock, but I'm not crude enough to accuse her of anything. 

"You really do have impressive stamina, Master Hei," Momiji says, stroking the still-hard cock. 

"It's one of my many powers, and one that's gotten a lot of use," I admit with a laugh. "Unfortunately, I have other places to be today. That will be enough for now," I say, making her smile as she wipes some of the cum from her breasts and licks it clean.

"Well, if that didn't knock them up, then nothing will," Momiji finally says, looking at her mother and sister. I probably came inside each of them five times at least. What's the point in near-limitless stamina if I don't truly test it every now and then.

"I am nothing if not thorough in my duties," I joke, spanking her ass. "The moment the Chunin exams are done, you're next."

She goes red at my blunt words, but I can tell she's pleased by the promise.

"It will be my honour, Master Hei," Momiji says, smiling at me.

"You know you don't have to call me Master; we were teammates before everything went to shit," I point out, and she pauses.

"What if I want to call you Master?" Momiji asks, making me blink. "You are the Dragon Ninja, chosen by Master Ryu himself. You passed the trial with great success, given the strength of the blessing you were given. You deserve the respect."

There's a certain fervour to her words, and I can't bring myself to argue as I simply smile.

"Then go ahead, I can't say I don't like it," I admit, making her smile. 

"Thank you, Master Hei," Momiji says, bowing, which makes her breasts bounce enticingly. 

Yeah, my second life is going pretty well. Glancing at Momiji's breasts, I take a moment to consider if I really need to leave just yet and decide that no, no, I do not.

– Later –

I stretch with a satisfied smile after leaving the Hayabusa compound, my compound now. Ryu-sensei left me quite the prize, all the more reason for me to live up to the expectations he had for me.

A part of me feels guilty playing around when my mother, Bai, not Yoshino, is trapped with that man, but I shake my head. Fighting Kuro is never going to be a short-term goal; he's so laughably out of my league that it's not even funny. Even the strongest people in this world don't compare to him, so obsessing over him won't help.

Besides, with [The Conqueror's Harem], my territory perks and abilities grow stronger by having a large harem. Technically, fucking around is increasing my strength.

With those three, I now have the five pack members I need to advance my Alpha Beast quest; I just need to feed on five foes, which is an awkward thing.

Still, I do have other things to do today. The Inuzuka clan allying with mine means their success is my success, so I've decided to finally put Monster Crafting to use as I head into the forests near the Nara compound. I've even talked to the Hokage and Lord Danzo about my plans, because keeping them on my side is only going to benefit me in the long run.

I have work to do.

– Tsume Inuzuka –

She heard the commotion long before she saw it, and her nose twitched at the scent of Hei. She scowled at how quickly her panties dampened at his mere presence. That brat really got her going, but it was annoying how easily he dominated her.

Heading towards the crowd, she rolled her eyes at her clan, gossipping like a bunch of schoolgirls, but as she spotted Hei, she froze.

Hei looked the same as always, walking towards her with a slight smile on his face. It was the two massive wolves behind him that drew her attention, both damn near the size of horses as they crept behind him.

Each had a large horn growing out of its skull, pitch-black, except for the tip where they were glowing red slightly. The wolves seemed to be on fire, their manes and tails emitting flames as Hei gave her a casual wave.

"Hei, what the fuck?" Tsume asked, with all the diplomatic prowess the Inuzuka were famous for. "Where the fuck did you get those monsters?"

She couldn't deny they were very impressive, making even her Kuromaru seem puny as the pair sniffed the air and looked around, uncaring of the crowds. 

"I didn't find them; I made them. They're technically Chakra beasts," Hei admitted casually, uncaring of the chaos his words caused. "I was going to get you some flowers but decided I'd get you a gift that suited you better."

Her mind blanked at his words before she blinked several times. Glaring at the giggling schoolgirls that made up her clan, she turned back to Hei.

"They're for me?" Tsume asked, making him nod with a smile.

"Technically, they're for your clan, a gift from the Nara to our new allies, but as the head of the Clan, yeah. They're for you," Hei explained, giving her a grin. "They're a breeding pair."

Looking between the smug, sexy brat and the pair of massive flaming wolves, her mind raced at the potential he'd just dropped in her lap. What the fuck was Hei, because she couldn't think of any bloodline that would explain this shit.

A moment later, she mentally shrugged and decided she didn't care as long as he was on their side. Making a decision, she turned back to the smug bastard.

"Follow me, now," Tsume said, grabbing his shirt and dragging him towards one of the many buildings as he raised an eyebrow.

"I take it that you like them," Hei asked, making her roll her eyes.

"I fucking love them, but this ain't about a quickie as thanks," Tsume said, not mentioning that she planned to ride him into the fucking ground the moment she got him alone. Her clan caught on as they followed behind her, and Hei clearly understood that something fairly serious was going on.

"Then what is this about?" Hei asked, seeing the arena in the middle of the large circular building.

"You can go into your wolf form whenever you want, right?" Tsume asked, making him nod easily.

"I can," Hei agreed, making her grin savagely.

"What this is about is simple. We're gonna fight, one on one," Tsume explained, making him blink.

"Tsume, you do remember that I'm a genin, right?" Hei asked, making her snort.

"Yeah, on paper. What genin has one of the seven swordsmen on his kill count? I won't use Kuromaru; this is just me and you," Tsume said, entering the ring. "No more talking, change already."

As she spoke, she changed into her own beast form, having practised the transformation repeatedly as she watched Hei hesitate for a moment before his eyes narrowed, and he changed himself.

He was bigger than her; his beast form was stronger and tougher than hers. He was the source of this gift, not her. He hadn't awakened some bloodline in the Inuzuka like some of the Inuzuka thought; he'd awakened it in himself and then had given it to her. Maybe the fact that he'd spent time with her influenced what he awakened, but he was the origin.

Giving him a savage grin, she didn't bother with any declarations as she rushed him, her clan watching as the two beasts clashed.

– Hei Nara –

Tsume is no joke; she deserves her Jounin status, and while I am definitely at least mid-to-upper Chunin, in terms of sheer skill, I'm at a disadvantage here.

Our brief clash shows me that while I have the advantage in terms of strength and speed, she has more skill and better reflexes. Still, this isn't unwinnable as I slash at her stomach with my claws.

With us both being able to regenerate, neither of us is hesitating to deal serious wounds to each other. My skin is tougher, and my claws are sharper. She also knows it; keeping her distance, she tosses me away.

My best bet is full-on aggression; if I let this drag out, she'll win. I heal faster, so I come out on top from us both going wild. I won't let her back away, and any time she tries to throw me away, I just close the distance again. She is swift and hard to hit, but Tsume is an aggressive fighter by nature and being on the defensive just doesn't suit her.

Still, I underestimated her as she manages to kick me away, sending me rolling across the arena. As I go to rise, I see her pounce towards me on all fours, starting to spin until she becomes a tornado of claws.

I've seen her do this before; it's one of the Inuzukas' signature techniques though it usually has their wolf doing the same, and while I dive aside, I still get clipped by her as she tears into my side. She must have practised using it in this form a lot; she really is a worthy leader for the Inuzuka.

It hurts like hell, blood pouring from my ruined side as she licks her blood-coated claws, but I just grin savagely. She's just changed the game because I can do jutsu in this form, too.

– Hana Inuzuka –

Watching Hei grin despite his ruined side, she gasped at how bloody this was getting. Hei didn't hesitate as he charged her mother, Tsume, using Fang Rotating Fang again as she went to clash with him.

But Hei sunk into the ground, making her pass over him harmlessly, coming to a stop as she looked around in confusion. Hei stepped out of the shadows at the edge of the arena, his side already healing as the shadows shifted around him.

He was one terrifying Genin, she decided as he lowered himself down onto all fours as he snarled at Tsume. Tsume would never back down, lowering herself as they charged again. 

But Tsume was too focused on Hei himself, and failed to notice her own shadows rising up and binding around her legs, halting her charge and holding her in place as Hei lunged forward and collided with her. The shadows wouldn't have held her long, but they didn't need to as Hei knocked her onto her ass.

Immediately, the shadows started to move again, wrapping around Tsume and binding her to the floor. She'd be able to break free in any other situation, but with Hei on top of her, claws slashing at her, Tsume was left almost entirely defenceless.

 Hei bit down on her shoulder, his large fangs biting into her flesh as she let out a howl of pain, but this wouldn't end until one of them couldn't fight anymore or surrendered, and Tsume was still trying to fight Hei off.

Tearing at the shadows, she stabbed her claws into Hei's wounded side, making him growl in anger, one clawed hand wrapping around her throat. Hei was stronger; that much was clear as Tsume's struggles started to fade. She couldn't dislodge him. Slowly, she turned back to her 'human' form, wounded and bloodied under the massive bulk of Hei's beast form.

She didn't speak, but her posture was submissive enough that Hei slowly let go of her throat, leaving her panting under him as he stared down at her. She was naked, of course, her clothes torn when she changed forms, chest heaving as her wounds slowly closed. Hei finally rose to his feet, his shadows retracting as Tsume lay there for a moment.

Rising to her knees, she looked up at the towering behemoth, her face inches from the massive phallus. Hei had grown everywhere, the canine cock hanging just in front of Tsume's face as she slowly grasped it and, with what felt like the entire clan watching, leaned forwards and began to pleasure the victor.

Hei's clawed hand rested on her head, guiding her to take it deeper as she struggled to take his entire length. She knew there were rumours about Inuzuka bedding their animals, and while she couldn't say they were completely untrue, she knew it was only a small fraction of the clan girls who would do such a thing.

Tsume certainly didn't, which meant she was rather unused to dealing with a very clearly canine manhood, her hands playing with his balls as she bobbed her head. She was submitting to him, publicly and with the entire clan watching.

The Inuzuka clan was odd; she knew that. Her father couldn't beat Tsume, so he was her bitch as far as Tsume was concerned. It was why he had eventually ran away, leaving the ninja life and marrying a civilian girl instead. Hei had beat Tsume, so he was basically her step-dad now. Just a stepdad that her mom expected her to fuck as well.

Tsume was Hei's now in every way that mattered. It wasn't quite like marriage, but it was about as close to it as the Inuzuka cared for. Gripping her head with both hands, Hei started to fuck Tsume's face; they could all see Tsume's throat bulge as Hei pounded her face.

Kiba wasn't far from her, looking extremely awkward as he watched their mother get used like this, and as Hei slammed his hips forward and let out a bestial groan, pumping his seed into her stomach, she couldn't look away.

She tried not to think about how wet she was or how many of the other clan girls looked like they were moments away from climbing into the arena and offering themselves up.

Hei didn't shift back as he pulled her off his cock, but just stared down at her, his seed mixed with the messed-up remnants of the small amount of makeup Tsume actually wore. Tsume didn't need any words, turning around and getting on her hands and knees, shaking her rump towards him.

She shouldn't be watching this, she knew she was basically prudish by Inuzuka standards, but it felt so wrong to watch Hei grip her mother's hips, the fat cock slamming into the hole she was birthed from in a single thrust, making Tsume howl with pleasure.

While the fight was tradition for Inuzuka, the very public sex was not. Normally, even their clan would go behind closed doors, even if the enhanced hearing and sense of smell made the concept of secrecy a joke.

Everyone knew who was fucking who.

Nobody spoke up against it; Tsume was very strong, and Hei had just beaten her. She didn't think he was actually stronger than her mother; if both had gone all out, Tsume would almost certainly win. Tsume was at a disadvantage with them both using their bestial forms when Hei's form was obviously stronger.

His claws dug into Tsume's hips, causing small cuts as he pounded her, utterly dominating Tsume with the entire clan watching. That massive feral cock was tearing up Tsume's tight pussy and giving the clan a show as their leader was taken by her new mate.

A part of her wondered how the babies would come out if Hei managed to knock her up in this form before she shook her head. That wasn't how biology worked. She could feel her own arousal running down her leg and smell the arousal of so many others. Hei was an alpha, and from a biological standpoint, she wanted him. She wanted to feel that fat cock stir up her insides and plant its seed into her fertile womb, but she had more self-control than most of her clan.

Even Kiba couldn't hide his erection, looking like he had some very mixed emotions as he watched his mother get fucked. He could look away, but she couldn't blame him when she was still watching herself.

Between the bestial form, the new creations and Hei's rising star, she could understand from a logical and political standpoint why Tsume was going so far to tie him to their clan. He was a clear power multiplier for them.

That said…

"F-fuck, harder, you fat-dicked bastard," Tsume howled, breasts swinging wildly as Hei demolished her pussy from behind. She wasn't convinced her mother actually remembered those reasons herself. "Breed me! Make me your fucking bitch!"

Yeah, she was definitely just doing this for the clan's benefit, right?

– Tsume Inuzuka –

She genuinely hadn't planned to give the clan a show like this, but when she looked up and saw that beast towering over her, she just knew what she had to do. Before she could think about anything else, her lips were already wrapped around that fat red cock, and it was too late to go back.

Desperately clenching her fists, she couldn't even imagine what she looked like as he took her, coated in sweat and blood, as Hei destroyed her cunt with the biggest cock she'd ever seen. He was big in his normal form, not massive, but good enough to really stir her insides up.

In this form, he was reshaping her; her old husband felt like a cocktail sausage in comparison to the massive slab of meat that was tearing up her insides. She was briefly glad he wasn't entirely canine down there, with no knot in sight as he rutted into her with primal fury.

Both of her kids were watching her; she could see them out of the corner of her eyes, Hana's aroused embarrassment and Kiba's confused arousal. It must be one hell of a sight, but her mind couldn't consider what this would do to her relationships or reputation as Hei took her from behind.

Her eyes rolled back as she came, tongue hanging freely from her open mouth. Normal sex just wouldn't do it for her anymore; her sex life forever changed as Hei made her his bitch.

A small voice in her mind reminded her that she was a dumbass and should be doing this in her home, not with the whole clan watching, but she was hardly the first Inuzuka to go from fighting to fucking. Her clan were a physical bunch, not big on words or propriety.

Hei continued to use her, that mammoth cock reaching her womb as he used her like a cheap slut, several climaxes passing through her body before he finally finished. With a howl, he slammed forwards and sheathed the entire cock inside her, her stomach bulging from the fullness, and unleashed his entire load into her waiting womb.

She barely held onto her consciousness as she was filled like never before, hot, sticky semen pumped into her as her eyes rolled back. She wasn't going to pass out; she'd already lost to him in a fight, and she wouldn't lose entirely with her clan watching. She was oddly proud that she had remained conscious as he pulled back, leaving her feeling empty as his cum poured out of her gaping cunt like a fucking river.

Hei finally changed back, shrinking down as he sighed at his nudity. She didn't miss the envious looks from the men in the crowd, realising that Hei's massive cock wasn't entirely thanks to his beast form.

"I don't suppose you're gonna tell me what this was all about?" Hei asked, making her laugh.

"Nah, it just means you're stuck with me now," Tsume laughed, slapping his shoulder. He just raised an eyebrow, a small smile on his lips.

He better be ready to be a father, because she wasn't letting that super-bloodline get away. If she wasn't pregnant by the end of the week, she'd have failed.

– Hei Nara –

After beating Tsume, the entire Inuzuka compound became my territory. 

[To the victor go the spoils - Rank 1]

As a Warlord, it is your right to take the spoils of your battle. Nobody will question your right to claim the belongings of those you defeat. Also reduces the resistance of defeated enemies and their lovers, should you decide to claim them as well.

I think this perk did a bit, but this was more than just my perks at work. Maybe it's just the way of the Inuzuka clan, but I can feel my dominion over the Inuzuka clan as Hana passes me a drink.

After our show, Tsume took me back to her house to talk, and I can smell Hana's arousal as clear as day. I'm only wearing a pair of trousers, and Tsume hasn't even bothered getting dressed again.

"Thanks, Hana," I say, making Tsume's daughter smile at me. She watched that entire thing, and she's clearly somewhat uncomfortable.

"You're welcome, Hei," Hana says, her entire posture just screaming submissive. I could probably spread my legs and tell her to start sucking, and she'd do it, but between her natural instincts and the thing with her mother, she's both clearly aroused and uncomfortable about this whole situation.

"So, how the fuck did you manage to make those two monsters?" Tsume asks as I take a sip of the tea Hana made for me.

"It's one of my new abilities, the power to craft monsters out of pure chakra. It's tiring, to be honest, and I'm still new to it, but I thought it'd make a nice 'welcome to the family' gift for the Inuzuka. It'll be interesting to see if your techniques work with them," I say, making her grin.

"You know, most guys give gifts when they're still trying to get into the girl's panties. Not after they've had her bent over a dozen times already," Tsume laughs, making me shrug.

"I'm not most guys, and I like to keep my girls happy," I say, the possessiveness in my voice making her grin.

"Your girl, huh? This morning I'd have kicked your ass for implying you own me, but yeah. I'm your girl now, hope you're prepared for what that means," Tsume says with a feral grin. "Of course, after that show, you'll probably have to fight Inuzuka girls off with a stick, but then, you've got a nice thick stick to use."

I did notice the sheer thirst in the girls, and I think this was partially to blame.

[Alpha Pheromones - Rank 1]

You are the pinnacle of beasts, and your scent ensures other beasts know it. You also leave your scent on your lovers, marking them as yours and preventing other men from trying to take them.

It seems extremely effective on the more animalistic girls, but as I was saying earlier. A large harem is just more power for me, I can feel how adding the Inuzuka compound to my territory has empowered me.

It's not all good, I can feel with [I See You] that some of the male Inuzuka want to challenge me. They aren't really traitors, but it is close enough to trigger my power. Still, my performance has put them off; they know Tsume could beat them and just watched me publicly dominate Tsume.

"Somehow, I think I'll manage," I reply, making her laugh. She wants me to fuck as many of the female clan members as possible so my gift gets spread through her clan more. We can all smell Hana's arousal, but she doesn't bring it up.

"Heh, damn right you can. You might have to take it easier on them. They aren't all as tough as me; you'd break some of the poor whelps," Tsume says with a grin. "I'm gonna be walking with a limp, and I heal."

"Something tells me you don't mind, or do you want me to go easier on you next time?" I ask, making her growl.

"Try it, and I'll rip your balls off," Tsume warns, making me chuckle. "Thanks for the new wolves, Hei. Didn't say it earlier, but I appreciate you thinking of us. Hokage's probably gonna go mad with you popping out monsters."

"Nope, already discussed my plans with him. He encouraged me to try," I say, making her blink. "I do consider the repercussions of my actions, and the Inuzuka are one of the oldest and most loyal clans in the village. A stronger Inuzuka is a stronger Konoha."

"Damn right," Tsume agrees, giving me a grin. "Almost forgot you're that lazy fuckers son; you two act so differently. Guess he taught you a thing or two about long-term planning and shit. Ain't for me; it's why I leave that stuff to other people." 

"I was raised to become the next head of the Nara clan," I agree, taking another sip of my tea. "Empowering our trustworthy allies is just the logical decision."

"Can't argue there," Tsume agrees, downing her drink. "Hana, fuck off or get stripping. Hei, lose the trousers, I ain't done with you yet."

Taking a long sip of my tea, I simply smile around the cup as I give her a look. 

"I'm enjoying my tea. Tsume, get over here and suck my cock while I finish," I demand, making her shudder before she rises. Hana hesitates as she watches Tsume drop to her knees, fishing my cock out. I raise an eyebrow at her, seeing her indecision, but she just blushes and leaves as Tsume starts to worship my cock.

I give my thanks to whatever god is listening for my nigh-endless stamina; I'm going to need it the way my sex life is going.

– Later –

Escaping Tsume's clutches, I sigh at how late it is already. I planned to approach Might Guy and ask him about the figure I summoned against Kushimaru today, but I haven't a clue where to start looking for him, and it's already getting late. 

"Lord Hokage wishes to speak with you," a voice says, making me jump and spin around, hand on my blade, before I calm down. Yugao just gives me an amused look. Fuck, she's quiet.

"Do you just follow me around all day?" I ask, making her nod.

"Yes. And yes, I've watched every liaison you've had today. I wasn't there for the meeting with Asami; I do keep my distance when it comes to classified matters," Yugao explains, making me nod.

"So, see anything you like?" I ask teasingly, but she just raises an eyebrow.

"Your size and stamina are very impressive, but your technique could use some work. Size alone isn't everything, you need to learn how to use it beyond just pounding away," Yugao says clinically. "I'd give you a B minus, a good start but you have room to improve."

"Ouch, maybe you can give me some tips," I say, making her simply stare again. "Did the Hokage mention what he wanted to discuss?"

"I believe he's set up another test of your new powers. Beyond that, I don't know. A member of ANBU informed me, I simply know where to take you," Yugao says bluntly. "Any tips will have to wait."

"I see, lead the way," I say, wondering how long I've kept him waiting already. Has she been just waiting for me to finish with Tsume? I need to improve my perception, the fact that I didn't notice her watching is both mildly aggravating and also dangerous. 

If she can watch me, completely unseen, then so could someone with less benevolent purposes.

– Hiruzen Sarutobi –

As Hei arrived, he smiled gently at the sight of Konoha's new not-so-secret weapon. Word was already spreading, but he was never going to be able to keep Hei and his newfound powers entirely secret. The better option was to embrace his growing powers and get the most benefit out of them in preparation for the inevitable attempts to kill or kidnap him.

"You called for me, Lord Hokage?" Hei asked, making Hiruzen smile.

"I did. I wish to put one of your powers to the test, specifically the ability to call the dead back to this land," Hiruzen explained. Danzo and Kakashi were both nearby, having been informed. 

Danzo didn't approve of informing Kakashi, but despite his apparent laziness, Kakashi could be trusted to know when to remain quiet. Jiraiya was standing not far from them, having been called back.

"So this is the brat?" Jiraiya asked, making Hei look at him with a raised eyebrow. "You've caused quite the shitshow, kid."

"I'm just playing the hand fate dealt me," Hei shrugged, making Jiraiya smirk. Jiraiya seemed to be taking no small amount of amusement over the fact that Hei had turned down Tsunade; the two had already come to blows over it.

"Fair enough. Still changed the game entirely," Jiraiya said with an amused smile.

"Quite. I have a list of souls I would like you to try and recall; some are loyal ninjas who we have lost that I wish to see if they are willing to be bound to certain places like Biwako was; others are enemies that have information we desire," Hiruzen explained, making Hei nod easily. "It goes without saying that whatever you hear here is classified."

"Of course, I'll do what I can," Hei agreed. It was rare for a ninja to have Danzo's approval, especially one with as many vices as Hei clearly had, but Danzo simply nodded in approval at Hei's prompt response.

Starting small, they summoned the soul of a Sand shinobi who had died recently. The shinobi, an older man who had served the Kazekage for many years, attempted to resist their questions, but Hei enforced his will upon the man and eventually, he broke and they got their answers.

Hei definitely noticed that they were asking questions targeted at finding out just how loyal Suna was to their alliance, but the man knew nothing of any future betrayal beyond admitting that many were bitter over Konoha's success. Instead, they discovered something else. The name of the One-Tails Jinchuriki, Gaara. The Kazekage's own son, a psychopathic monster by the spirit's own admittance. 

Gaara, one of the names Suna had put forth for the Chunin exams. Now why would Suna want their highly unstable Jinchuriki inside Konoha? He and Danzo shared a look, grim and knowing. It wasn't a good look.

Moving on, a Stone Kunoichi found herself drained of secrets. She attempted to lie, but Hei sensed her deceit and enforced his will upon her. It wasn't anything as incriminating as what they had learned from the Sand Shinobi, but it was a good look into their main enemy.

Stone had never forgiven Konoha for the defeat Minato had dealt them, and hating them was a way of life for the Stone ninjas. If war was to break out, Stone would be their main enemy. Stronger than the Sand, and dedicated to returning the defeat tenfold upon the Leaf.

Several missing-nin were questioned, each revealing useful information, from the last known location of stolen scrolls or artefacts to the movements of their enemies. Jiraiya was paying rapt attention, his mind racing from the sheer possibilities.

Death was no longer an escape for their enemies. The mere rumour of this technique would be enough to start a war, everyone fearing that their secrets were no longer safe and buried.

Several loyal Leaf-nin were summoned, and bound to locations of utmost importance in secret. They would be one of the Leaf's secret weapons during the upcoming exam, the hidden eyes watching the living and reporting on any attempts at sabotage or espionage.

Some chose to remain in the land of the dead, not wanting to be bound to the world once more, but if there was one thing he had in excess it was dead ninjas. 

"Next, Kushina Uzumaki," Hiruzen said, seeing Hei pause. He'd heard that Hei had both met and begun training Naruko, and it wasn't a common name. A mind that was as smart as Hei's would be able to put two and two together. He wished he could allow Naruko to meet with her mother, but Naruko was very much not a paragon of subtlety and simply couldn't be trusted with this secret.

It would come out eventually, and then he would allow such a meeting, but not before.

Watching the figure of Kushina take form, she blinked in confusion as she looked around.

"Where- Jiraiya? Hiruzen? I- I died, didn't I?" Kushina asked. "You two look even older than usual. Wait, Kakashi? You look older than me."

"I'm not that old, Kushina," Kakashi said simply, sighing fondly.

"Yes, I'm afraid you did indeed die. This is a new technique to allow us to summon and communicate with the dead," Hiruzen explained. "I need more information about the man who caused the Nine-Tails attack."

"Wait, before that. Naruko, is she okay?" Kushina asked, making him smile slightly. 

"She is doing well, she is a Genin now, training under Kakashi," Hiruzen explained. 

"She's a ninja, my little girl is all grown up. Who raised her?" Kushina asked, and he paused. Kushina didn't miss the way Jiraiya, Kakashi and Hiruzen all looked away awkwardly.

"Hm, how to best explain this-"

– Shortly After –

As it turned out, moments of intense emotion in the spirits could allow them to act like poltergeists, controlling items nearby much like Biwako could. Or even attempting to possess people in the attempts to beat their targets to death.

"Thank you, Hei," Hiruzen said simply, looking at the kunai stuck in the wall and then back at the seething Kushina, now bound in spectral chains.

"I want to see her," Kushina growled, making him go to speak. "You owe us that much."

"You are a spirit, long dead. You'll find the living owe you nothing," Danzo said simply, making Kushina glare at him, her hair flaring behind her.

"Danzo," Hiruzen warned, making Danzo go quiet even as he rolled his eyes. "It is not that simple. Knowing this technique could have vast repercussions, and young Naruko takes after you when it comes to subtlety."

"And she doesn't even know who her parents are," Kushina growled, briefly struggling against the chains. "I want to see her, even if I can't meet her. That's something the magic man over there can do, right?"

He did not trust Kushina to keep her distance, even as a bound spirit. The Uzumaki were notoriously stubborn.

"Oi, answer me. You, magic-man, you could let me stick around right? The bastard said you train with her, just let me follow along," Kushina demanded, as Hei glanced at him.

Hei's voice spoke into his mind, and he paused as he listened to Hei. There was no visible reaction, his surprise at Hei's technique was well hidden by years of training, but after a moment he nodded.

"I believe I can do better than that, Lady Kushina," Hei finally answered, making Kushina pause. "Another of my abilities allows me to make creatures out of Chakra, and while the only one I've made so far is a type of Chakra Wolf, I could make a more humanoid form, mindless for you to possess."

"...what the fuck are you?" Kushina asked, making Hei smile slightly.

"Unique," Hei answered as he loosened the chains around her. She briefly looked at him, once more considering inflicting violence upon him before she relaxed. "You realise that as both a bound spirit and one of my monsters, you'd be twice bound to obey my will?"

"You think I give a fuck? I want to see my daughter; if that means I have to borrow some weird monster's body, then so be it," Kushina said bluntly.

"I believe that can wait; we still have more questions and other souls to summon," Hiruzen said, Kushina glaring at him once more.

At least now she was willing to answer his questions, and once more, they got the same story. A one-eyed Uchiha, one able to fight Minato on equal ground and command the Kyuubi. Minato had believed it was Madara himself, but Hiruzen wasn't convinced. 

He ignored the way random things were flying through the air, hitting Jiraiya in the head and other more sensitive areas.

"Thank you, Kushina," Hiruzen finally said, satisfied.

"Eat shit and die, you old goat," Kushina replied, making him stroke his beard awkwardly. 

"Hei, can you summon Obito Uchiha next. This belonged to him," he said as he handed over a pair of goggles, moving on from the extremely angry mother. Kushina paused, wondering why they were trying to summon Obito but her eyes widened in realisation.

"On it," Hei said, repeating the process again. Kakashi watched, unblinking, as Hei attempted the process and failed. "I'm sorry, Lord Hokage, I can't find any soul connected to this or anyone by that name. Could they have had another name?"

"No, he didn't. He doesn't," Kakashi growled, practically vibrating with rage. He hadn't wanted to believe Obito was the figure, not believing Obito could command the Kyuubi or fight Minato. 

And yet… why wasn't his soul able to be summoned? 

"Obito, you think the man was Obito?" Kushina asked; her rage subsided from sheer shock for just a moment before she too was damn-near glowing with anger. She'd just heard that her husband's student, one they all mourned, was likely responsible for their deaths. He didn't blame her.

"Unfortunately, yes, I do," Hiruzen sighed. "Finally, there is one last soul I would like you to try and summon. Minato Namikaze, the former Hokage," Hiruzen said, pulling a long white cloak with red designs on it out.

Kushina perked up, waiting to see her husband, but as the process started, something went wrong immediately. Everyone could tell that something was different, the temperature of the room dropping considerably as Hei froze, his eyes turning black as he started to shake.

After a moment, it ended and Hei was tossed away from the circle he was trying to summon Minato into, hitting the wall with a gasp.

"Hei, what happened? Are you alright?" Hiruzen asked quickly, watching Hei rise, gasping for air.

"Permission to speak freely, Lord Hokage?" Hei asked, his voice shaky.

"Granted," Hiruzen said immediately.

"I think the Shinigami just told me to fuck off," Hei gasped, his breath visible.

"The Reaper Death Seal," Kushina realised, as his own eyes widened. He knew Minato had used it, but he didn't realise the Shinigami would actually fully claim the soul like this.

"Whatever it was, I just played tug-of-war with it for Lord Fourth's soul and I lost badly. Had I not ended the technique I think it would have taken my soul as well," Hei answered. "I felt the difference immediately, I should have ended it faster. I'll know if we try to summon anyone else whose soul has been claimed like that."

Giving Hei time to rest, they did test with other souls that the Shinigami wasn't going to start interfering now that Hei had drawn its attention,, but it seemed to only care for Minato's sealed soul. Minato was out of their reach, and it went without saying that he wouldn't have Hei try again,

Very few people were frankly crazy enough to use that technique, so it wasn't likely to be a regular issue, but it was still worrying to know that his misunderstanding of a technique he knew had almost caused the Shinigami itself to claim Hei's soul.

Still, today had been a wonderful success beyond that one admittedly rather major hiccup, and he smiled at where Hei was clearly gathering himself, calming down quickly. Few would come away from an encounter with Death itself so unshaken.

Hei would change everything.

— Bonus Scene — Hiashi Hyuuga

Hitomi's return had changed much, and in his opinion for the better. The Elder Council had not quite survived their encounter with her at her prime, given their suggestion (or demand) that one of his daughters be bound with the Caged Bird seal.

Hitomi was a force to be reckoned with, and learning that they planned to have the pair fight and essentially sell the loser to Hei Nara to get an in with the new wonderchild had driven her into what could best be described as a protective rage.

Of course, after she was done crippling old people, she considered that an arranged marriage with Hei might not be a bad idea as long as whichever girl ended up chosen was willing. It didn't unbreak the elder's kneecaps. He had just smiled and nodded along with his terrifying wife, something his brother had happily mocked him for.

The elders losing more of their power was not something he would mourn, as they had taken advantage of his depression over his dying wife to hoard more power for themselves, they deserved at least this much of a beating.

Still, he had an issue.

"Severe dehydration, a broken pelvis, exhaustion," Tsunade said, utterly deadpan as she looked him over. "Really?"

"I'll pay extra if you keep your mouth shut," Hiashi said tiredly, making her snort as she continued her treatment. 

Hitomi was at her prime, exuding youthful vigour, and he was very much not. He hadn't been able to keep up with her libido when they were both young and now he was an old man and she was only getting younger.

Her libido had well and truly been awakened, and he could not tame that beast. She'd been so calm after she was healed that he'd foolishly assumed her sex drive had not truly awoken. She was calm because Hei had fucked her into a pleasure coma, but it wasn't even a week before she was once more raring to go and he just couldn't handle it.

Hopefully, Hei would be up for the strangest regular mission because he would not survive this alone and he truly feared for his life. He needed his wife calm and there was only a single method he could think of.

DarkWolfShiro DarkWolfShiro

Author’s Note: Hei fucks and he fucks hard.


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