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Chapter 2: Chapter 1 - A New Discovery

It took a minute to notice him standing in the doorway. I was listening to a "mood mix" I made over the course of many months. Adding and removing tons of songs that either didn't resonate with me anymore or sounded awesome. I love chill tunes, punk sounds, and the occasional metal band. The current song was of the magical sort. Its ambience transporting you into a lush forest filled with blues and greens. Dim light poking through gaps in the leaves. Birds chirping, bells chiming, and the faintest sound of a river in the distance. Soft enough to know its there, but not so strong to overpower the other sounds. Snapping out of focus from typing, I look up and remove my headphones resting them around the back of my neck.

Hey dad what's up?

Hey kiddo, do you have a minute?

Sure let save real quick.

I turned back towards my screen and pressed the quick save button located towards the top right corner of the monitor. Setting the sticker-studded laptop beside me on the left I removed my over ear headphones placing them on the bedside table. Glancing around my room, I realized it was rather messy. I kept myself bundled up under many different colored blankets as the forecast said the temperature was set to drop and expect rain into this next week. I looked at dad while thinking this room needed to be cleaned. I scooted to the edge of the bed and looked at dad again.

My father shifted his weight onto his left leg and leans against the door frame taking a deep breath.

I wanted to let you know a job came in from Phil. He wants me to go with him to this new cavern that just opened up.

Phil is my father's long time friend at their place of work. They both started at the same time, got along really well, and have hung out ever since. He's come over a few times, but it was only to pick up my dad. He was a heavier set man that always tucked in his striped collared shirts. He never stayed long and I don't think he can stand to stay inside or he gets antsy. He's tapped his foot many times on the floor waiting for my dad to hurry up while constantly looking at his watch. Their similar love for being out in the field always has them going on some road trip no matter the time of day.

I continue, "Oh? Where is it this time?

There was a long pause as he was gauging my expression before he continued.

Now don't worry this new site is nowhere near the place I got sick. In fact, it's within the states. It's located in the southern part of New Mexico. Las Cruces is where it was reported to have been found and the higher ups want to send some of their best. I figured with my health doing my better and the doctor clearing me it would be ok.

Feeling relieved, "you give him an answer already?

Yes, Told him I'd go. He's actually going to pick me up first thing in the morning to catch an 8 am flight. By what Phil told me it's sounds like its a completely new cavern. I am actually super excited to see what treasures are lying in wait. Now I know it hasn't been too long since I fell into a coma, but the doctor checked me out and I am good to go as long as I take breaks.

Okay good. I won't lie that I am a bit worried, but that is very reassuring to hear. How long will you be gone for this time?

I Should only be away for a week and a half at most.

He shifts his weight onto the other leg and goes on. "Don't worry I'll be back in time for your birthday. I wouldn't miss it for anything."

My eyes sparkle. Since we've began living together again he hasn't missed a birthday. He makes a huge breakfast spread. It's enough to fill the bellies of 20 hungry warriors. My favorite is the french toast with walnuts baked into it. I drench them in so much syrup, which is bad, but it's soooo good. Standing up I walk over to give him a hug.

He gives me a bear hug in return nearly crushing my rib cage. I somehow can't shake this lingering feeling of worry, but because he reassures me I trust him to be safe. He continues to tighten his grip.

I yield!! I yield!!" Tapping his shoulder. My father is of medium build and manages to stay in decent shape. It is funny though because his legs look kind of scrawny in comparison.

He laughs and releases. "You're no match for me!" He cackles flexing his arms in the air triumphantly.

I laugh and bow in agreement that he has won. We were always like this. Playing pretend and joking around. He made sure our home was a happy one. Not to say it was completely perfect as we had the occasional fight over small things, but he would immediately come and apologize to make it better. He didn't like to let things linger for too long or ruin the mood. You could always tell when something was wrong in our home. It was in the air and hung over us like a cloud. It dissipated within hours and we would go on about our day. It wasn't forgotten, but it was forgiven.

It's getting late, I'm gona go finish packing and head to bed soon." He checks his watch, "Don't stay up too late ok?

I won't I'm taking a break from writing and reading book reviews currently.

Planning on adding more to this little library of yours huh?" he says looking towards my already flooding shelves.

Shrugging my shoulders, "yeeeeaaaaa. I know I've been planning meaning to clean these and will sometime soon.

He gives me a doubtful look and sets his hands on his hips. "Rigghhtt, you've been saying that every month now.

Hehehe yeeeaaaa. I honestly thought you'd forget about that and I've been a bit tired.

No you've been a bit lazy eve." He rolls his eyes and shifts his weight on both legs turning to leave.

I quickly look away as he calls me out. "Ughh fine I promise to do it tomorrow and I'll donate them.

Turning back towards me, "Did you donate that last batch you put in your trunk?


Eve..." He says with a stern tone in his voice looking back at me.

Ahhh, alright you got me. I'll do it tomorrow since it's my day off! I'll even send you a pic of me dropping them off. Deal?

Deal," He says with a smile and heads toward his room.

Once out of frame, I face my book littered floor and shelves and sigh. Then I jump onto the bed and crawl towards my pillows situating myself under the blankets and grab my laptop. Before putting my headphones back on, my cellphone chimes. There are a few text messages I missed from Becca and Jacob.

Grabbing the phone and unlocking the screen I open Jacobs message first. "How you doing baby doll😉?" he says. A smile forms in the corner of my mouth and I respond, "Doing good, my dad called me out for not organizing my shelves or donating those books I left in my trunk 😫.." I quickly switch over to Becca's message as I wait for Jacob to respond. Becca asked if I wanted to get lattes and hit up the downtown shops tomorrow with Angie. I agree to meet up so long as I can take care of a chore before we get lost in shopping. Setting the phone down, I continue browsing through endless scroll of books in the fantasy section on a second hand site.

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