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24.61% The Emperor of Darkness (DxD) / Chapter 16: Chapter 16 Forgotten...

Chapter 16: Chapter 16 Forgotten...

"Are you alright partner?" Asked Ddraig.

"I'm fine Ddraig..." Replied Issei.

"Don't worry darling, everything will be fine, you'll get your parents back" Reassured Tiamat's soul fragment.

"Hopefully.... but I have this bad feeling" Replied Issei.

"Everything will be fine like Tiamat just said.... just go and get some rest" Said Vritra.

"Alright, thank you guys" Said Issei as he unlocked the door and went to sleep.

After an hour girls came to his room to find him already asleep. They joined him of course.

The next morning Issei woke up feeling quite well.

He woke up an hour early but he decided to get up anyway.

He somehow managed to get out of his morning prison without waking the girls up.

He dressed up and teleported to the dragon mountains. There he just wanted to relax so he unfolded his wings and started flying at calm speeds.

Suddenly someone joined him.

"Hello Issei, how are ya?" Greeted Tannin.

"I'm fine" Replied Issei. Tannin instantly noticed that something happened to him.

"So what happened?" Asked Tannin.

"Hah, nothing goes past you huh... it's just yesterday I went to visit my parents after all this time...but they don't remember me..... they replaced their memories..." Said Issei.

"It will be fine as long as they didn't erase you and just replaced you" Said Tannin.

"Yeah..." Said Issei.

"Is there something more?" Asked Tannin.

"Rizevim is the leader of the Chaos Brigade" Said Issei.

"I heard he was killed?" Asked shocked Tannin.

"When I was in Kyoto I killed a few Chaos brigade members, but before that, I wanted to find out who is leading them....and they said that it was Rizevim...he's alive" Said Issei.

"Well that just guarantees that they will release the beast as I heard he was pretty crazy in the past... so what are you going to do now?" Asked Tannin.

"Right now I have about an hour left so I need to let off some steam somehow" Said Issei as he looked at Tannin with a smirk.

Tannin understood what he meant and they flew to their usual spot to spar.

This time it was way harder for Tannin as he had a hard time even getting a single blow.

After Tannin's beat down Issei teleported back home and found the girls at the door waiting for him.

They all went together to school.

After school was over they went to the ORC Katase and Murayama tagged along.

Valerica knocked on the door and they heard a faint come in. As they entered the room they saw Asia and Koneko with terrified faces.

Akeno stood by Rias with her head low and Rias had a look of surprise, hope and jealousy.

"Hello there, did you come here to finally talk things out?" Asked Rias with hope in her voice.

Before Issei could say anything he was interrupted by Kiba.

"Why are Katase and Murayama here?" Asked Kiba nervously.

"They are here with me, after all, they are my mates" Answered Issei.

The club members had looks of surprise.

"Anyway, we are here with serious business" Said Irina angrily.

"And what might that be?" Asked Rias.

"Why did you replace issei's parent's memories?" Asked Ingvild.

"W-well, when Issei disappeared we assumed he died because he activated the juggernaut drive for the second time.... well that's at least what my brother told me so we changed his parent's memories" Answered Rias nervously.

"But that doesn't explain why you are now the daughters of his parents" Said Murayama.

"We lived there with Issei and didn't want to leave" Said Rias.

"Alright, that doesn't matter anymore just remove the spell" Said Issei.

"I-I can't" Said Rias.

"Why?" Asked Katase.

"B-because we didn't just replace, we..... erased him from their memories" Answered Rias shaking in fear.

Issei just stood there with no movement no emotion, nothing.

"How dare you?!" Screamed Irina with tears.

"No ..... it's fine.... they always wanted daughters and always been disappointed in me anyways" Said Issei.

"Issei?" Asked Murayama.

"To them, I was just a useless perverted son" Said Issei.

"But that doesn't mean I didn't love them" Said Issei as he clenched his fists tightly, his eyes started to glow bright green and blue.

"You're just one messed up person.....You truly are a devil....but at least take care of them properly....." Said Issei as he walked out of the room with the girls following him.

They got back home and Issei left to fly some more but this time in the familiar forest.

While the girls discussed what to do.

"We have to tell Sirzechs about this" Said Irina.

"I can call Grayfia" Said Ingvild.

"Alright, do that and I'll talk with him" Said Valerica.

Ingvild called Grayfia and asked for a talk with Sirzechs.

Grayfia accepted their request and she and Sirzechs teleported to their house.

"So what happened?" Asked Grayfia.

"Rias and her club erased Issei from his parent's memories" Said Irina.

Grayfia's and Sirzechs's eyes widened.

"What do you mean by erased? I asked her to replace him for now because we didn't know if Issei truly died, we waited for confirmation from Valerica" Said Sirzechs.

"What do we do now, I don't even know what to give him any more, I gave him some of the underworld's lands already..." Said Sirzechs.

"We don't know, you'll have to ask Issei for that yourself" Said Valerica.

"Alright, I understand" Said Sirzechs as he lowered his head in shame.

Meanwhile, Issei in the familiar forest was flying and rethinking what to do.

"I think that I'm really cursed with bad luck" Said Issei.

"Bad luck? why's that?" Suddenly a sweet voice asked from behind.

Issei looked behind and saw Tiamat flying after him.

"It's just bad things after bad things happen to me recently... I just don't know what to do anymore" Said Issei.

"How about we go to my cave and rest for the day?" Suggested Tiamat.

"Sure" Answered Issei.

After ten minutes of flying, they reached the said cave.

As they entered Issei saw just how beautiful the cave was. It was shining pale blue. There were crystals and ice all over the place that made it look majestic.

"Wow! Tia, this cave looks amazing" Said Issei.

"Right? That's the reason I live here It's just so beautiful..." Said Tiamat.

"Yeah just like you..." Said Issei without even realising what he said.

Tiamat blushed at his statement.

Tiamat stayed in her dragon form and laid down on the floor. Issei came up to her and sat down against her neck.

"Well that's comfy" Said Issei.

Tiamat just giggled.

"So what happened?" Asked Tiamat in her sweet tone.

"I was killed by my first girlfriend.... betrayed by my previous mates after I protected and loved them.....I was ready to die for them..... but not because of them..... Then the chaos Brigade started to ring warning cells by tons of rumours, found out some crazy old stan-class devil is the leader of the brigade and wants to release the beast... I need to get stronger as fast as I can to protect everyone..... I have to lead a faction... My parents forgot who I am ... I was erased from their memories and replaced by my ex-mates...So many things are happening way too fast... it's like Fate itself is trying to completely destroy me...." Said Issei.

Tiamat lowered her wing and covered Issei like In a blanket. It was so warm and comfortable for Issei. He could just fall asleep immediately.

"Everything will be fine... you have your faction as your support... you have your new family as your support that includes me have Ddraig and other souls as your support... We will help and support you with everything we got because we love you and care for you because we need you" Said Tiamat in the sweetest voice she could muster.

"Thank you, Tia... I love you too" Said Issei as he fell asleep.

Tiamat looked at him for a couple of minutes before asking Ddraig something.

" it really that bad?" Asked Tiamat.

"Unfortunately yes... He's trying to get stronger so hard.... he wants to protect everyone and that includes you... He's overlooking and overthinking and I fear that he's too stressed and he hides it from the others really well, no one noticed how he's stressed and tired... Actually, he's training with Vritra right now..." Replied Ddraig.

"I see.... what do you suggest we do?" Asked Tiamat wanting to help Issei.

"He needs to relax some more.... three days isn't enough to relax.... actually when he was in Kyoto he relaxed just a tiny bit because he was looking after his daughter" Said Ddraig.

"Wait, daughter?" Asked shocked Tiamat.

"Well he's like a father figure to one.... no six Youkai girls... they didn't have a father and Issei fit that role perfectly and they started to call him dad... and it made him so happy... Issei and the mothers looked so happy hearing the girls call him dad.... on the last day he even spoiled them... he's now overprotective of them...It looks like he wanted a family.... a child" Explained Ddraig.

Tiamat was stunned. And at the same time happy that her mate wanted to have children.

"Plus, before Kyoto, he always played and spent time with hatchlings in the dragon mountains.... he trained them, played with them, ate with them..." Said Ddraig.

"I believe he will be the best father....No he already is one" Said happy Tiamat.

"That he is" Said Ddraig.

Later Tiamat went to sleep as well. They slept very comfortably and had happy faces the whole time...

Morning came and Issei woke up from his slumber.

He looked around and saw that Tiamat was not there.

He stood up and fixed his clothes.

"Wow, that was the best sleep I got in a while" Said Issei as he stretched.

"Good morning Darling" Said Tiamat.

"Oh, morning Tia" Greeted Issei as he looked at the entrance and saw Tiamat in her human form.

Suddenly Tiamat came up to Issei and kissed him passionately.

"Someone can't wait any longer?" Chuckled Issei as they parted.

Tiamat just smiled.

"Well, I better go now I need to go to school...Plus the others don't know where I went yesterday" Said Issei.

"Alright darling, but don't forget to visit me" Said Tiamat.

"Sure.... you know you can move in with us?", Asked Issei.

"Of course, I will live here for some days and there for some days" Said Tiamat.

"Alright then cya" Said Issei as he left of course not before he kissed her.

As he teleported back into his house in his room, he accidentally saw what he wasn't supposed to... he saw Valerica, Ingvild, Irina, Murayama and Katase changing their clothes while still completely naked...

"Sorry I didn't mean to intrude like this I'll get out.." Said Issei as he started to walk towards the door with his eyes covered by his hand.

This action surprised Katase and Murayama a bit. If it was the old him, he would've kept looking with a goofy smile.

But something unexpected happened to Issei.

Katase grabbed him by his wrist and stopped him from leaving.

"Y-you know you can look at us..... we're yours so you don't need to be this worried, we won't yell nor beat you....we enjoy when you pay attention to us" Said Murayama.

"So don't be this scared around us.... we don't mind you looking at us, you make us happy when you do" Said Katase.

"A-alright" Said Issei as he turned around and saw the girls smiling and blushing a bit.

They all kissed him one by one and got dressed.

Later they had breakfast and went to school.

Issei was more relaxed than usual. Probably because of what Tiamat said last night.

It made him happy that he has such support, and a newfound determination lit into his soul...

When he sat at his seat he asked Ddraig if any other dragons could help him or if there was any other way to get stronger fast.

"Ddraig, are there any other dragons that would give me their soul fragment if I asked them?" Asked Issei.

"I think there is one that would. His name is Crom Cruach. The last time I fought him he told me that he just wants to fight strong opponents and not destroy or dominate the world" Explained Ddraig.

"Okay, but how do I find him?" Asked Issei.

"I can try to communicate with him by mental link" Said Ddraig.

"Alright, do that after school" Said Issei as he looked out the window.

"But ill warn you issei, he is an evil dragon so you shouldn't drop your guard around him" Warned Ddraig.

"Sure partner" Replied Issei.

He stared through the window the whole lesson with a smile remembering Kunou and the other girls. He already missed them and he wished to see them.

After school, he decided to visit Kunou.

He teleported into his previous room and saw Kunou on the bed doing nothing. She didn't notice Issei.

"I missed dad already" Said Kunou.

"I missed you too pumpkin" Said Issei with a smile.

Kunou immediately looked toward the voice she heard and saw Issei smiling.

"Dad!" Shouted Kunou as she rushed towards Issei and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you dad" Said Kunou.

"Me too pumpkin" Said Issei as he hugged her back.

"How are you?" Asked Issei.

"Fine I guess, but it's boring right now because my friends had to go somewhere with their mothers" Said Kunou.

"Well it's fine I'm here and I can spend about four hours with you before leaving" Said Issei.

Kunou's smile widened from happiness.

"Yay!" Shouted Kunou.

Suddenly the door opened and Yasaka came in.

"What are you so happy about Kun-" Said Yasaka until she saw Issei.

"Hello Yasaka, I came to spend some time with Kunou" Said Issei.

"Alright, just don't get into trouble" Said Yasaka.

With that Issei and Kunou left the temple to spend some time together and Issei spoiled her until he had to go back home...

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