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18.46% The Emperor of Darkness (DxD) / Chapter 12: Chapter 12 Stressed...

Chapter 12: Chapter 12 Stressed...

"WHAT!!!?????" Shouted the whole class except Issei and Ingvild.

Issei just slammed his head on the table in frustration and the table split in half much to everyone's shock...

After the table replacement, Valerica was seated in front of Katase.

She saw that she will be sitting close to Issei which made her smile greatly. Valerica saw issei's reaction and it looked really funny in her eyes.

The lunch break started and Issei and the four girls went up to the roof.

"So I guess this is your surprise?" Asked Issei.

"Yup! are you happy that I'm here?" Asked Valerica with a smirk.

"Yes I'm happy, but did you really have to say that you are my second girlfriend?" Said Issei with a sigh.

"Of course, they have to know that I'm off limits" Valerica simply replied.

"You could've just said that you don't want any relationship or already are in one" Deadpanned Issei.

Valerica just giggled.

"Plus now that Sona is in college and Xenovia is the president of the student council all of the guys here became more daring and more perverted as they do not fear Xenovia at all, so from now on I'll have to watch out not only for Ingvild, Mura, Kate, but after you too" Said Issei with a tired sigh.

"Don't worry, you can show them who's superior here and everyone will not only fear you but listen to every one of your orders" Said Valerica with a confident smirk.

"Actually that might work" Said Issei as he started to think about it while the girls started to talk with each other.

"Hello I'm Murayama"

"And I'm Katase"

"We are issei's friends" Introduced both girls.

"Hello I'm Valerica but you can call me Val. Hope that you aren't trying to get these girls into your harem Issei" Said Valerica.

Both girls blushed.

"N-no I'm not trying to get any girls! it just happens somehow" Said Issei as Valerica's statement got Issei's attention.

"By the way girls, I didn't expect your reactions to be so calm hearing that issei has a second girlfriend" Said Valerica.

"Well we know that Issei has three girlfriends, Ingvild told us" Replied Katase.

Issei and Valerica looked amused at Ingvild.

"S-sorry I didn't mean to" Said Ingvild.

"It's alright hime" Said Issei as he gave her a reassuring smile. Ingvild immediately calmed down.

"Will you be living with us Val?" Asked Issei already knowing the answer.

"Of course, I will be living with you" Answered Valerica happily.

"Alright, where will you sleep?" Asked Issei.

"That's a stupid question Issei. Of course, I'll be sleeping with you as well" Replied Valerica.

"What made you fall in love with him anyway?" Asked curious Murayama out of the blue.

"Well he's really caring, brave, gentle, strong, and handsome" Said Valerica with a smile.

"How did you meet?" Asked Katase.

"One night I was walking home but suddenly two big guys grabbed me into the alleyway.

I think they wanted to use me. But I let out one single scream and Issei came and beat the crap out of those guys.

He saved me from near death or at least a deep trauma" Replied Valierica.

Of course, that was a lie and the funny thing was that Valerics saved Issei from near death when he activated the juggernaut drive.

The two girls were shocked that Issei could be so brave and strong. The pervert changed so much thought Katase and Murayama.

The bell rang and all five of them went back to class.

After class was over they all walked together until Issei suggested something.

"You girls can go and hang out I have some business to attend to" Said Issei.

"With who?" Asked Valerica.

"Tannin" Issei simply replied.

"Alright, when will you return?" Asked Ingvild.

"I'll come back for dinner" Said Issei.

"Alright have fun" Said Issei as he went in the opposite direction from the girls.

"Who's Tannin?" Asked Murayama.

"He's one of the friends that Issei has, he's really a nice and fun guy" Said Valerica.

The girls then went to have fun while Issei teleported to the dragon mountains.

Issei teleported to the dragon mountains into Tannin's cave. There he met Tannin and Bova.

"Well? do you have it? Asked Issei.

"Yes, here it is" Replied Tannin as he gave Issei a purple orb much darker than Tannin's almost black-like shadows.

Issei placed the orb on his chest like with others and absorbed the soul of Vritra.

Issei sat down and went into his mindscape.

There he saw Ddraig, Al, Tiamat, Tannin, and another dragon that was sleeping. He was the same colour as the orb he just absorbed.

"How do I wake him up?" Asked Issei.

"Just roar and he'll wake up" Said Ddraig.

Issei then roared with power and authority, and that woke the said dragon king.

Issei's roar was so dominating that Tiamat and Tannin started to shake a little.

"Who are you? and what do you want?" Hissed Vritra.

"My name is Issei Hyoudou and I'm the Red Dragon Emperor. I need to borrow your strength " Replied Issei with seriousness.

"Why do you need me when you already have two heavenly dragons and two strongest dragon kings?" Asked Vritra.

"I need all the strength of dragons to kill Trihexa" Replied Issei.

"Interesting goal...alright, but you'll get my powers only when you'll defeat me in battle" Said Vritra.

"Alright, Ddraig and the rest you can go and watch some TV" Said Issei.

Vritra was confused.

"You have a TV here?" Asked Vritra.

"Of course, it's my mindscape so I give the best comfort for them, soon you'll join them" Said Issei confidently.

Vritra smirked and got ready for the battle.

Issei only activated his boosted gear.

They got ready and charged at each other while Issei boosted.

Issei got the first punch into Vritra's head and sent him flying Issei didn't waste any time and shot a powerful dragon shot.

Vritra somehow managed to escape his dragon shot and Issei realised that he was using shadows to get out of the way.

Vritra suddenly appeared from behind and sent Issei flying, he then proceeded with a fire breath which hit Issei.

But to his surprise, Issei got barely scratched.

"Not bad" Said Issei.

"But how about this" Said Issei as he launched a weak 'blazing inferno scorching flames' in Vritra's direction.

Vritra felt those flames before and knew they were no joke and knew immediately that those flames were Ddraig's.

He immediately dodged not wanting to get hit by the most powerful flames in the world.

When Vritra dodged, he didn't expect Issei to be right there. Issei uppercut Vritra and launched him into the air.

Issei then kicked Vritra from above and sent him to the ground. The ground shattered and created a small crater where Vritra was exhausted and damaged badly.

"Issei Hyoudou, you proved yourself worthy of my help I shall help you with everything you need partner" Said Vritra as he stood up.

"Alright, now go join the others and rest for a bit" Said Issei as he returned to the real world.

As he opened his eyes he was met with Valerica's blue shining eyes staring at him. But Issei looked unfazed by the sudden scare.

But from the inside, he died a bit from the scare.

'I think I just lost some more of my life force' Thought Issei.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Asked Issei.

"I was waiting for you to finish your training" Answered Valerica.

"I said that I'll come back for dinner" Said Issei.

"You've been here for a whole night Issei" Deadpanned Valerica.

"What!?" Shouted Issei as he stood up.

"Yea, you've been here for the whole night and didn't come back I and Ingvild got worried and I decided to check up on you then I met Tannin he said that you are training" Said Valerica as she hugged Issei.

"It's alright Val, let's just go home" Said Issei.

Suddenly they heard Tannin's voice from behind.

"Did it work?" Asked Tannin about Vritra.

"Yea it did" Said Issei.

"What worked?" Asked Valiana.

"I uhhhh... um... I learned how to use Ddraig's flames.. yea that's it." Said Issei. Issei didn't want Valerica to know about his plan about getting dragon souls and killing Trihexa just yet, because she will worry way too much.

"Well old man, we are leaving then" Said Issei as he created a magic circle and teleported himself and Valerica back home.

It was morning already and one hour before school.

He wasn't that tired because when he is in his mindscape it's like sleeping for him on the outside.

Issei Ingvild and Valerica went to school. Issei in the middle, Vali and Ingvild on his side hugged him.

When they reached the school they got uncomfortable stares of lust and jealousy from the boys, but when Issei glared back they immediately got scared and turned away while the girls blushed a bit as issie showed his dominance.

Issei now has two nicknames one is the broken dragon that was given by the girls knowing his heartbroken state and the boys called him the dragon of death as they can't forget the time they saw a dragon behind issei, they were scared of issei way too much.

Issei has repaired his reputation in school but Issei didn't care about that, he was more focused on getting stronger.

He plans tomorrow to go and ask Azazel for Fafnir's soul and go to Kyoto to get Yu long's soul fragment.

While Issei was lost in his thoughts he didn't even notice he was already in class sitting in his seat while the four girls looked at him worried.

"Issei are you ok?" Asked Ingvild.

"Yeah you've been spaced out and didn't even talk since you came here" The next one said Murayama.

"Hm? oh, s-sorry I was just lost in thought" Replied Issei.

"Is something wrong that made you space out so much?" Asked Katase.

"N-no everything is fine really" Replied Issei trying to get out of this situation somehow.

"Okay if you say so...." Said Valerica still not fully convinced.

The class started and Issei as always didn't pay any attention as he was thinking of a plan on how to defeat not only the beast but the Chaos brigade too and any possible threats to his loved ones or dragon faction now that he will be a leader he has to make sure that they will only grow stronger.

But Issei started to overthink and started to stress over the days.

Ddraig didn't want to wait any longer.

"Partner, don't overdo it, you need to take a break if you keep working like this all your plans and efforts will fail" Said Ddraig as he was concerned for his partner.

"Alright Ddraig, if you say so, but I'll still train when I'm asleep" Said Issei.

"That's good enough for me" Answered Ddraig.

So Issei decided to stop thinking about the problems. During the lunch break, they ate at their usual spot.

They just talked about normal stuff and the girls saw Issei more relaxed and he talked more than usual. This sight made the four girls happy.

After the class, Valeeica Murayama and Katase went home as Issei and Ingvild went on a date.

They had a lot of fun together. They returned home almost the same time as he returned from the date with Valerica.

Issei spent the whole night in his mindscape training with Vritra's powers.

He can manipulate shadows using shadow chains and use Vritra's shadow flames.

He mastered all of Tannin's powers already. He made a lot of progress with Tiamat's powers. He can use ice magic and ice breath.

So right now he has both fire, ice, and shadow affinities.

He decided that he won't go to school tomorrow as he wanted to relax. So what's a better place than Kyoto.

He wanted to visit Kunou and Yasaka. He hadn't seen them in a while. Plus he might get another soul fragment if he is lucky enough.

When the morning came he told his girls that he won't go to school today as he wanted to relax a bit so he decided to go to Kyoto for a few days.

The girls had no problems with it and left him alone.

Issei formed a magic circle near his ear and called Azazel. He wanted to get Fafnir first.

"Yo" greeted Azazel.

"Hey Azazel, can we meet up for a couple of minutes?" Asked Issei.

"Sure kiddo where you at?" Asked Azazel.

"I'm in my house in Kouh and by the way take Fafnir with yourself," Said Issei.

"Alright, but why do you need Fafnir?" Asked curious Azazel.

"I'll explain everything to you, but I don't have much time so I'll give you the short version when you come" Said Issei.

"Alright, I'll be there in a moment" Said Azazel as the magic circle disappeared.

After five minutes Azazel teleported into issei's living room.

"Here's Fafnir. Now explain" Said Azazel.

"I'm collecting dragon king souls right now I have Tannin's Tiamat's and Albion's soul fragments Fafnir Ddraig and Vritra. I'll go to Kyoto to get Yu long's soul fragment. I need all these dragons to get all the power to kill Trihexa because we both know that Chaos brigade will release it" Explained Issei.

Azazel was shocked but understood his plans and reasoning. Besides he couldn't change his mind at this point anyways.

"Plus I'm building a faction I trust you a lot, you're like a second father to me, so I believe that I can tell you about my plans. Not a lot of people know, so I hope you keep it a secret" Said Issei.

This piqued Azazel's curiosity.

"What kind of faction are you talking about?" Asked Azazel.

"Dragon Faction" Replied Issei.

"And I'll be the leader of the faction, we already got a decent amount of lands" Said Issei.

"Dragon Faction? Wow, that's great, I'll support you with anything you need. You can consider us your allies" Said Azazel proudly.

"I only needed to borrow Fafnir, but got the whole alliance with the fallen angels as well their support. I call this day a success" said Issei as he and Azazel chuckled.

"Yeah... how are you holding up? you really scared me that night" Asked Azazel.

"I'm... doing better..." Replied Issei.

"If yiu need any more help don't hesitate to ask" Said Azazel.

"Sure Azazel" Replied Issei.

"Alright kiddo I have to get back to Grigori I have a lot of work to do so I'll see you later" Said Azazel as he left via magic circle.

Issei then called another person.

"Hello?" Answered the said person.

"Hey Yasaka I just wanted to let you know that I'm coming to Kyoto today" Said Issei.

"Oh, Issei did Rias send you on some kind of mission?" Asked Yasaka.

Issei flinched at the mention of Rias.

"N-no I just want to relax a bit and maybe talk with Sun Wukong about something if that's possible" Said Issei.

Yasaka immediately noticed issei's change of mood at the mention of the redhead.

"Okay, we will be waiting at the train station" Said Yasaka.

"And Kunou really missed you a lot" Said Yasaka.

"Yeah, I miss her too" Replied Issei.

"Well, I'll be going then cya" Said Issei as he disconnected from the call and went to his room to pack some clothes for the weekend.

Later he made his way to the train station and got a ticket to Kyoto.

After a couple of minutes, the train started to move and Issei just closed his eyes and entered his mindscape to train a bit while travelling to Kyoto.

As the train reached the station in Kyoto Issei got out of the train and saw Yasaka smiling and Kunou running towards him while shouting his name.

"ISSEI!" Shouted Kunou as she hugged Issei.

Issei hugged her back.

And with that, his short vacation started...

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