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Chapter 11: Conomi Islands

For some weeks now, Freya, Haru and Kenya have been sailing the sea, and during that time, they not only destroyed and plundered many pirates, but also met and fought marines.

''Hey, our wanted posters have finally arrived!'' Freya exclaims excitedly with posters in her hand.

Having defeated some pirates of ten to fifteen million bellys, even though they were only a crew of three, they have already started to make their name in East Blue. And today their wanted posters were finally issued.

''How do you know that? And Kenya, can you give me seconds?'' Haru says still with his mouth full with food.

''Sure!'' Kenya responds with a smile.

Freya sits at the table next to Haru and slams the posters on the table, ''The seagulls told me a while ago, and I asked them to bring it to us. And it finally arrived!''

Haru almost chokes and looks dumbfounded at Freya, ''Wait, can you talk to seagulls? Since when you can do that?!''

Kenya picks up the posters Freya has placed on the table and glares at Freya, ''We can talk about that later. Sit down Freya, the lunch I made for you will get cold!''

Freya sat and waited for Kenya to bring her lunch. A well-known thing between her and Haru, is that the time to eat is sacred to Kenya, if you don't want to stay without eating for a week, then you need to respect her rules.

When Kenya brought the plate full of food, Freya was excited, but then immediately she was disappointed.

'' I really need to eat these vegetals? I hate them.'' Freya looks at the vegetables in disgust, spears them with a fork and sets them aside on her plate.

Kenya laughs menacingly, ''Freya, are you saying that my food is bad by any chance?''

''N-No! I will eat them! I will eat all of them!'' Freya started devouring the vegetables on her plate and pretended to be happy with the taste.

It's not that she doesn't like Kenya's food, it's that she can't stand the taste of vegetables. If she could, she would eat only meat, fruit, beans and rice.

Kenya approached Freya and started patting her on the head.

''Such a good girl!''

Haru turns away with his hand over his mouth, trying not to laugh at seeing Freya being treated like a child, and Freya blushes in embarrassment.

''Don't treat me like a kid!'' Freya withdrew kenya's hand and pouted.

After lunch, the three went to the deck of the ship where the seagulls were waiting.

''These are the seagulls that brought the posters! The one on the left is Blast, the one in the middle is Deez, and the one on the left is Nuts!''

Being introduced, the seagulls squawk happily.

Kenya, who had the posters in her hand, gives it back to Freya, who takes them excitedly.

''Now, let's see our bounties and nicknames!''

Haru sighs at Freya's childish behavior, ''Calm down, you don't need to be so excited.''

Freya clicks her tongue in annoyance, ''Tch, shut up Haru! You can't understand that the higher your bounty, the more others will respect you? Now let's see!''


Dirty Mouth Angel: Freya

$15,000,000 Bellys

Dead or Alive.


Blue Knight: Haru Portman

$ 12,000,000 Bellys

Dead or Alive.


Maiden in Love: Kenya

$ 10,000,000 Bellys

Dead or Alive.


Freya looks at her nickname and internally screams in embarrassment, 'What the fuck is this lame nickname! And why is the reward so low?!'

''Blue knight huh? Not bad, I liked it.'' Haru says, happy with the cool nickname he has.

Kenya gave an embarrassed laugh as she looked at Freya, ''Maiden in love. Well, they're not wrong, hehehe!''

Freya clenches her fist in outrage, ''These marine bastards! I have an Akuma no Mi, and we defeated several pirates with rewards of ten thousand and fifteen million berrys! Why did they place such low bounties?!''

''Probably because we are only three, this sea does not have many strong people, so for marines from here I think what counts is numbers.'' Haru responds.

''Tsk, screw it, all my excitement is gone. Haru, what is the closest island? We need to buy supplies!''

Freya rips off her poster in half and turns towards the captain's cabin. Haru and Kenya shrug their shoulders and follow her behind.

The three arriving at the cabin, Haru opens a map of the nearby islands on the table.

''The next island is a few miles from here, it is an island called Conomi and it has a village there called Cocoyashi. It is a tropical island, we can buy supplies there, but there is something that worries me about that island.'' Haru says apprehensively.

''It must be something bad if the Blue Knight is worried, huh?'' Freya comments sarcastically.

''I'm serious, Freya. Something on that island is wrong, there are rumors of pirates having a base there, the rumors even say that if you pay a good amount, they let you do whatever you want there. But the marines on that island denies all rumors.''

''I see,'' Freya put her hand on her chin and started to think, ''The villagers and residents would not lie about having pirates there, so there are only two options, or the marines are not strong enough to drive out the pirates and want to deny the facts so as not to hurt their pride, or .....''

''Or the marines are working together with the pirates.'' Kenya says, completing Freya's deduction with a concerned expression.

''Both options are bad, but if the second is indeed true, the residents are likely to be held hostage on both sides.'' Haru finishes.

''That would be really bad. Hmmm, wait, did he say Cocoyashi village? Corrupt marines? If I'm not mistaken there was something like that in the anime.....'' Freya says whispering to herself.

After a few moments, she finally remembers what this whole situation was about, and a smile grew on her face.

She takes a knife and pierces the map where it says 'Conomi Islands'.

''Haru! Change course to Conomi Islands! There is going to be our next stop!''

Haru looks at her strangely, 'Didn't she hear what I just said? Why does she want to go there?' He thought.

He looked Freya in the eye and saw the determination within them, he realized that she won't change her mind, no matter what he says. As for Kenya, there's no use in him asking her. If Freya asked, Kenya would do anything.

He sighs and turns to leave the cabin, ''You're the boss, captain. I will change course to Conomi Islands.''


After a few days of sailing, they finally arrive at Conomi Islands. As they can't dock at the port because they don't have more members to watch the ship, they decide to dock in an isolated part of the island.

''Okay, let's go straight to the village, I want to try their food!'' Freya says excitedly.

Freya was wearing her pirate captain outfit, Haru was wearing his armor on his legs and arms while wearing a blue shirt, and Kenya was wearing a white one-piece dress and a flowered hat.

Kenya holds her by the collar of her uniform and stops her, ''Wait, Freya. let's go hand in hand, we haven't done that in a long time, right?''

Kenya wanted to hold Freya's hand for sure, but the main reason is so that Freya doesn't get lost. After years together, Kenya no longer trusts Freya's sense of direction, or rather, Freya just doesn't mind memorizing directions, she will always walk in the direction she thinks is best.

''Oh, you're such a kid, Kenya! Okay, let's go!'' Freya took Kenya's hands and hurriedly headed towards the village.

''I'll go check it out and see if there's a weapon shop.'' Haru says, but no one heard, as Freya and Kenya were already far away.

He puts his hands in his pockets, sighs, and starts walking quietly towards the village.

After a few minutes of running around, Kenya and Freya arrive at Cocoyashi village, and they got amazed at how simple it is, even simpler than the villages in the island they're born. It was very rural, with no roads or complex buildings, just a few houses and shops.

Freya sharpens her eyes and looks around, ''This village is very simple, and I don't see anything very suspicious.''

Kenya laughs at Freya's antics, but unlike Freya, she feels something is wrong as there aren't many villagers on the streets, and most of them look dehydrated or bruised. But the most suspicious is the look of anger and hatred they were giving the two of them.

Walking through the village with Kenya, Freya spotted a average-sized young woman with light blue hair and tanned skin strolling. Her right arm and chest are heavily tattooed; she was wearing a beige sleeveless shirt, blue trousers and purple sandals. Recognizing the girl, Freya's eyes shone.

''Hehe, found you!'' She mumbles.

''Did you say something, Freya?''

''Oh, it's nothing, Kenya. I just wanted to say that in two or three hours I'll be back on the ship, so you don't have to worry!'' Freya says with a bright smile.

Kenya looks at her in confusion, ''Eh? What do you mean?''

Freya let go of Kenya's hand, and used her light control to fold the light around herself, leaving her invisible for a while.

'I'll be back soon!' Freya thought as she leaves Kenya behind.

''Freya?! Where are you!?'' Kenya exclaims, looking for Freya.

She heard what Freya said and didn't know what she was up to, but she couldn't help but worry and want to go along.

Freya was already a few steps away from Kenya heading towards the girl with light blue hair.

'This ability to bend the light is incredible! It's a shame that I need to focus constantly to keep the light folded, using it in fights would be exhausting too much!' She thought as she approached the woman to follow her.

Observing the woman, Freya saw her entering a building that had a sign labeled 'Sheriff'.

Immediately she came in next right behind the woman. Inside the building Freya saw that from the inside it looked like an office, and there sitting on a chair, was a man.

The man wore a brown officer blouse and hat, as well as brown shorts and black sandals, and in his hat, he had a pinwheel. His body is full of scars and his face looked irritated, making him look scary.

Realizing who it was, Freya remained silent on the spot and waited.

''Gen-san, how are you? I brought some oranges for you.'' The girl with the light blue hair says.

With a smile on her face, she places a bag full of oranges on the table.

''Nojiko, you know you don't have to come here every day to see me. And thanks for the oranges.'' The men took an orange from the bag and started to peel it with his hands.

'' Oh come on Gen-san, I consider you as a father to me... and to Nami too.'' she responds sadly.

He looks at her with pity, ''Nami huh? Any news from her?''

''No, after she started working for Arlong, sometimes she disappears for a while.'' Nojiko responds with a forced smile.

Genzo puts the orange he was eating on the table, ''Damn fishmen. They treat us like animals, and the marines who were supposed to help us, are with them, when will this facade be over? When all of us die?!''

Thinking of all the tragedies that Arlong and his crew have already committed, he got up and hit the table hard to alleviate his frustration.

Seeing that his hand started to bleed, Nojiko runs to him, takes a handkerchief and begins to wipe the dripping blood.

''Calm down Gen-san! I'm sure that one day it will end, it certainly will!'' She says with tears.

She tried to encourage herself by saying these words, but she hardly believed it, because no one has helped them so far.

Amidst the heavy and sad atmosphere, Genzo and Nojiko hear chewing sounds beside them.

''Heh, it looks like you guys are having some problems with some ugly little fishes!''

''Who's there?!''

Nojiko and Genzo look to the side and see a little girl dressed with a strangely fancy pirate outfit, leaning against the wall. And in her hands she had a half-eaten orange.

Genzo looked at the half-eaten orange peeled orange in the hand of the little girl who was eating it and at the table where he left the orange he had peeled, to his surprise, the orange was no longer there.

'When did she took the orange?!' Genzothought incredulously.

Nojiko approaches Freya with an affectionate smile on her face, ''Who are you, little girl? Did you happen to get lost? You shouldn't be here, it's dangerous.''

When Nojiko was going to get too close to Freya, Genzo pulled her back. Nojiko looked at him startled, and saw that he was sweating a lot.

''Nojiko, don't approach her, she is dangerous.'' He says ominously.

Nojiko looks at him doubtfully, ''Eh? what do you mean? She's just a cute little girl, right?''

Freya laughs,''You have good instincts, Sheriff, unlike her.''

''And you, Nojiko right? Don't call me little girl, for your information I am already fifteen years old!'' She proudly proclaims.

''Nojiko, she may look like a harmless girl dressed as a pirate, but believe me when I say she is dangerous. I've been in this job for a long time, I can identify dangerous people. ''

''If you dont believe me, so look at her hand. She took and ate the orange I peeled that I left it on the table, without us noticing.''

''Eeh?! She did?!'' Nojiko says dumbfolded.

Genzo positions himself in front of Nojiko, ''Who are you?''

''Isn't it impolite to ask someone's name without introducing yourself first?'' Freya responds. She lazily sat on a sofa that was close and waited their answer.

Nojiko pushes Genzo aside, much to his disbelief, and says,, 'My name is Nojiko, as you probably already guessed. And this is Genzo, the village sheriff.'' She pointed at Genzo.

''My name is Freya, the strongest future pirate captain!'' Freya says it proudly, as if it were already a fact set in stone.

Genzo is sure he's heard that name somewhere, but now wasn't the time for that.

''So, what do you want from us?'' He asks with suspicion.

Freya shrugs her shoulders at the sight of Genzo's suspicion, ''It's quite simple actually. I want information.''

Confused, Genzo and Nojiko look at each other for a moment and then look back at Freya.

'' '' Information?'' '' Genzo and Nojiko says in sync.

''Information of what, exactly?'' Nojiko asks.

''You know, I have some little spies collecting information about this island, but accurate information is hard to come by, so I came to you to ask for information about, well, Arlong and his mermaids.''

''ARLONG?'' Genzo exclaims in terror.

Nojiko and Genzo looked very scared when she mentioned the name Arlong, as if she had mentioned the name of the devil.

Nojiko looks at Freya anxiously, ''What do you want with that monster?!''

''Briefly speaking, I want to end him and his Finding Nemo gang.'' Freya responds bluntly.

''I didn't quite understand what you meant .... but basically, are you here to fight him?'' Nojiko asked with a little hope that this nightmare would end.

Freya smiles, ''Yes, thats right!''

Genzo sighs, ''I'm sorry to say this young lady, but that is impossible. I wish you had the power to go against him, but he is a fishman, but also not a regular fishman. A normal fish man is already ten times stronger than a human, and Arlong is even stronger, don't throw your life away like that.''

Genzo clearly remembers how he got his scars, and he doesn't want to see a pretty little girl like Freya suffer the same fate as him, or even a worse fate.

''You don't have to worry about me, old man. I'm stronger than you think, and my crew is not behind, why don't you look at today's newspaper? Maybe you find something interesting there!'' Freya responds with a cheeky smile.

Intrigued by what Freya said, Genzo picked up the day's newspaper from his desk and started reading. He didn't seem to find anything interesting, until he got to the bounties part.

'' Dirty Mouth Angel, Freya. A bounty of fifteen million bellys....'' He mutters in disbelief.

''Eeeeh?! F-Fifteen million bellys?!''

Nojiko had her chin on the floor, thinking about how the hell a cute little girl this size has a bounty of fifteen million.

She felt dissatisfied upon hearing his nickname, but decided to ignore it, ''Yeah, thats me.''

''It's impressive for someone your age. But still, I don't see how you can defeat Arlong with just three people.'' Genzo says, shaking his head.

Freya raises her eyebrow in irritation, ''Are you an idiot by chance? How do you think a crew of three gets a bounty equal to that of crews with hundreds of pirates?''

''Did you....bribe the Marines?'' Nojiko answers. She could only think of that possibility.

Freya massages her forehead and sighs, ''I see, you two are idiots. Why the fuck would I pay someone to increase my bounty?! I may be a pirate, but I'm not that shameless!''

'' I'll answer for you, it's because the three of us are strong enough to wipe out an entire pirate crew of hundreds, do you get it now?''

Genzo and Nojiko still looked skeptical, Freya wanted to hit them both for doubting her, but she soon calmed down.

''Look, I know that Arlong has been terrifying you for a long time, so it's normal for you both to have your doubts, in your mind he looks like the devil, and that nobody can beat him. But unfortunately for you, I am your only hope for ending his reign of terror. So, what will it be, Nojiko, Genzo? Will you help me dethrone Arlong, or do you prefer to remain as slaves in his hands?''

The two, upon hearing Freya's words, began to think deeply. After what seemed like an eternity, the two looked at each other, and then looked at Freya.

The two look at each other and nod their heads in agreement. If they have a chance to change everything, the answer is obvious.


| A few hours later at Sensõ no Tenshi |

Kenya and Haru were in the kitchen, and while Haru was having a snack, Kenya was pacing back and forth, concerned for Freya's safety.

''Kenya, can you stop pacing? This is getting annoying already , didn't she say she would be back in a while? She knows how to take care of herself.'' Haru says annoyed seeing Kanya pacing around in concern.

''But what if she gets lost? Or if someone tries to deceive her? Or worse, what if some bastard gets his hands on her? Unforgiven!! Only I can get my hands on Freya!'' Kenya exclaims fervently.

Hearing a noise on the deck of the ship, Kenya ran, and Haru followed behind walking.

Going up, Kenya simply jumped on the first person she saw.


Kenya and the person she is holding fall to the ground with a thud, and Kenya started rubbing against the person.

''Freya, I missed you so much! Why did you leave me alone? What if someone tried to kidnap you! Your big breasts are so soft and warm...wait, your breasts have grown?!''

Realizing that something was very wrong, Kenya lifted her head and saw that she was on top of a unknown woman with light blue hair.

''H-Hello, can you please get off me?'' Nojiko asks embarrassed.

Kenya looks confused at the unknown woman, ''Eh? Who?''

''Nice to know you're getting along well with Nojiko, Kenya!''

Standing up, Kenya saw Freya beside a man with scars all over his body.

''I-It's not what you're thinking Freya, I thought she was you!''

''Heeh, I see, it looks like you can easily mistake me for someone else huh?'' Freya responds sarcastically.

''What's happening? Who are these two, Freya?'' Haru, who was behind Kenya, asks.

''Oh, right. Let's go inside. I have some news, and you two come together.'' Freya signals everyone to get on the ship.

Nojiko, Genzo and Haru nod their heads and enter the ship right behind Freya.

''W-Wait Freya! Let me explain!'' Kenya got up and went along them.

Freya introduced Genzo and Nojiko to Haru and Kenya and wasting no time, Freya shares what she discovered with Haru and Kenya.

Haru and Kenya also share the information they got, but nothing as good as the information Freya got.

Haru had an ugly expression on his face, ''I see, so this island is run by fishmen and is completely corrupted.''

''Yes, and there are several fishmen, but the most problematic of all is Arlong and his commanders.'' Genzo saiys looking at Haru.

''Honestly, normal fish men are no match for the three of us, we don't know about the commanders, but with a good strategy I think we can whipe them out. But the main problem is Arlong, from what you two said, he can easily defeat all of his commanders, right?'' Haru asked looking at the two guests.

''Yes, he is a monster among monsters.'' Nojiko replies.

''I have an idea in mind.'' Freya says, and everyone looks at her.

''We don't have the exact numbers of how many fish men there are, I dont know even with my seagulls on patrol. So I suggest that we somehow separate Arlong and the commanders from the rest. First we take out their small army and diminish their power, and then we can concentrate on the commanders and on Arlong.'' She explains.

Kenya nods in agreement, ''Freya is right, we must think about how to separate them from the rest. Fighting Arlong and his commanders alongside hundred other fishmen is suicide.''

''We can also help.'' Genzo says with a fierce look on his face.

''And how do you intend to help?'' Freya asks.

''All residents hate Arlong and his gang, we can't take it anymore, if we have a chance to fight for a better life, all of the villagers will help!'' Nojiko responds with determination in her eyes.

Freya smiles at Nojiko's determination. Even in the anime she was someone who would willingly sacrifice not only for her sister but for anyone else, she's that stupid but heroic type.

Freya claps her hands, signaling the end of the quick reunion, ''Okay, so let's start the plan. First, Nojiko and Genzo, you two go to the village to gather the people who want to be part of this. But be careful that the fishmen don't find out. In the meantime, we are going to formulate a plan to separate them. I will leave a seagull of mine with you, after you are ready, write a message and give it to the seagull, understood?''

'' ''Understood.'' '' Genzo and Nojiko respond in sync.

Haru listens in silence, and can't help but be worried, ''Say captain, do you really want to do this?''

Freya looks strangely at Haru, who seems to be scared, ''Of course, Haru. Do you think the Grand Line is easy? If we lose to some small fish in East Blue, we will never be able to be strong enough to enter the New World and much less find out what happened to Master.''

Haru stops when he hears about his father, and then sighs, ''Yeah, you're right. We can't afford to run away whenever it's dangerous, not now, not ever, until we reach our goals.''

Freya smiles, ''Heh, that's what I'm talking about, our Blue Knight!'' Freya responds sarcastically.

Kenya laughs and joins in the fun, ''Yea! How are you going to face women who are going to hit on you if you're afraid of some little fish?''

Haru hits Freya and Kenya on their heads as the two of them was getting too cheeky, but on his face he has a big smile, grateful to have these idiots as companions.

Genzo and Nijoko just stood aside, smiling at the friendly atmosphere of the three.

The_Sheep The_Sheep

This is a rewrite!

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